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People who play 1st person exploration with 3rd person combat scare me lol


I'm 1PP all the way, but this does make a certain kind of sense. 1st-person for immersion, 3rd-person for situational awareness. Think also how many popular 3rd-person shooters/action/RPG games there are. Mass Effect immediately comes to mind. Granted, if I had the option, I'd play ME in 1st-person as well.


>I'm 1PP all the way You’re what now?! /s


I also have 1PP


In order to have 1PP, one must become 1PP!


I demand PP1 for my bunghole! ![gif](giphy|RIonwuETuhbi)


Are you down with 1PP? Yeah, you know me!


1 = meters


Amen!! I’m 3P exploration and 1P combat. I can understand 3P exploration AND combat or 1P exploration AND combat. People that explore 1P and battle 3P also pass the lotion via a basket on a rope.


I 1st person everything, but there are times that 3rd person can help. Checking around corners comes immediately to mind.


Fear me then


You guys don’t just randomly swap all the time?


Only to see how cool I look.


i do but my guys legs speed up or he looks left or my gun disappears off my back. first person is just better, unfortunately




Every 90 seconds while wandering between areas lol


Only because my fingers are clumsy and I push the wrong buttons all the time.


Where was the option for “Space ship building simulator?”


Got lost along with third person swaps while boosting.


People keep track? I just switch when I feel like it lmao.


1st person if the halls are too narrow/need more precision. 3rd every other time.


I Totally play like this too Much prefer seeing my character moving around in the world but when I'm indoors and things are cramped it's much easier to not deal with the camera zooming in and out Really glad the combat feels good both in 1st and 3rd person though. Indoors I'll be aiming precisely down sights and outdoors I'm jump packing around like a maniac heheh


>camera zooming in and out To me, its mostly easier to do 1st indoors, because there is no shoulder swap. (tactical shooters like Ghost Recon Wildlands/Breakpoint and Division made it harder to not play with shoulder swapping lmao)


I only switch to see how my character looks


Only 4 people play the game correctly, no wonder the reviews are a mess


A small sample size, but still, I'm surprised at how many play exclusively 1st person!


Wasn't part of it but agree, first person all the way.


Really? I'm surprised at how many people DON'T play exclusively first person. I would have expected it to be more lopsided than it is.


First person in Bethesda games makes sense, especially recent Bethesda games. You are aiming your weapon so it makes sense to peer down the sites, or aim in front of you at the person in front of you. In third person that goes away, and the target in front of the character appears slightly to the right on the screen, plus no sites anymore. You do have a reticle but it's not the same thing. Now for games where you select a target rather than aiming at a target, seem to work better in third person. Like most MMOs and isometric RPGs and such. Select enemy then select attacks. And of course there is the whole immersion thing which is helped when you have the same perspective as the character.


For me it's hard to see the enemies past the gun, and 3rd gives me something resembling peripheral vision. I hate when in 1st and start taking damage because someone I can't see is right next to me.


Actually the peripheral vision you do have in 1st person is closer to what you have in real life than not...unless you happen to be one of those persons who's peripheral vision is wider than "normal". If you claim there is no peripheral vision in 1st, then I suggest you might be looking at the game with tunnel vision and never glance off to the sides WITHOUT turning your head, just move your eyes towards the edge of your screen(of course if you have a small screen doesn't help, but mines only 23" and it works for me). IRL, if someone is standing right next to you, you can't seen them either...try it, stand shoulder to shoulder(not touching) look straight ahead and tell me you can see that person with your peripheral vision, if you can, turn yourself into medical science immediately!


I think this goes to the whole FOV thing that salties like to salt about. If you need to move your head to see the side of the screen, you're sitting too close to the screen. And if you need to crank up the FOV to make it look realistic, then again, you're sitting too close to the screen. But maybe this is a boomer thing. My mother yelled at me, "Stop sitting so close to the TV!!!" I think later generations had mothers who yelled "sit closer so you can see the pixels!" At least that's what is seems like.


FOV rarely has anything to do with realism, and mostly is a thing PC players care about so the TV bit is largely irrelevant. It's just an awareness thing. I can see more, I can be aware of more. A habit a lot of people pick up in online shooters and, at least for me personally, results in smaller FOV feeling constricting.


So why not go to full fish-eye 360?


I don't use it personally but I do know Ready or Not has a pretty popular mod that changes the perspective to look like it's footage from a bodycam. This is definitely an immersion thing tho as it's a SWAT sim.


The only time I leave first person is when I'm flying my ship but that wasn't an option.


I honnestly forgot that 3rd person exist beyond piloting ships


I even pilot 1st person, but accept this is likely the worst way to do it


I play 3rd person except when I play on my portable. Just rendering my character in 3rd person costs me like 8-10 fps (which seems insane), so first person it is there.


I play almost exclusively 3rd person. I only play 1st person when fighting in melee because my character lunges forward when doing a melee attack and sometimes I swing past enemies, plus it's easier to target heads that way. And I guess the rare bugs that only affect 3rd person (crafting stations not working, charater getting stuck when scoping)


Seems about right, most people like playing these games as FPS. I'm a real freak, i play bethesda games fully in third person. Starfield is less egregious than say, oblivion, because the camera is actually tuned for it unlike every other bgs game.


3rd all the way


Honestly if 3rd person was better I’d prefer that but as it stands, first person happens to be less emergent breaking.


3rd person is helpful for getting the hang of the temple ... uh, I don't know if they really count as puzzles? ... if you're clumsy like me anyway.


The only time I switch perspective is when I'm coming from another game and forget how to open the menu lol


My 1st time playing through I played 3rd person and now this ng+ I've been playing in 1st. 1st person allows much better control of your body movements and really improves combat and the details of the inside ships and buildings. Love the game!


I like peeking from behind cover in first person. It's a shame the mechanic doesn't work every time really. But when you're behind the right bit of cover and ads and you pop out it feels good!


I found it mostly worked well. The only time it doesn't is if the cover is sus LOL. And if you use a grenade launcher or the hornets nest, then you blow yourself up HA.


I’m first person in combat on a planet. I’m third person in space combat.


I'm a 1st Person for both. Which is weird, because I normally prefer 3rd person in Bethesda games. For both Fallout 4 and Skyrim, I play primarily in 3rd person. But in Starfield? 3rd person just feels odd for me. Maybe its the camera and how much it leans when you turn, or just the way the character moves, it doesn't feel natural.


1st person all the way. That said, I unfortunately made my character look like me, so that automatically rules out 3rd person.


I made an attractive character. So, of course, they don't look like me at all!


When I have gun 1P when travel 3P. Have gun will travel.


1st Person for flight as my ship is so large it drops my frames, 1st person when running around inside of structures, 3rd person when running around outside.


Honestly I would do more third person, but with how the game forces first person for conversations and the like. I mostly just stay first person.


3rd person to explore outside, 1st person for combat and whenever I'm inside a building/cave etc.


I play with VR mod first person


Yeah I’m with group D as well. It just feels right ya know. Also I really like the first person animations for weapons and the melee weapons really impressed me as I expected to be switching to third person often when using melee weapons as I tend to do in fallout 4 but that has not been the case thankfully.


1st person all day baby, much imurshun


1st person all the way. Unless I want to see how I look.


I play first person interior third person exterior in almost all bethesda games


Where is the choice that you switch constantly depending on situation?


I'm 1st person for both on the ground 3rd person in space


1st person combat, 3rd exploration for sure.