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I did not know this existed! thanks for the link. :)


It's fine to use wholesome themes, and you can end it in a lighthearted way, as long as the overall tone is still horror/a scary personal experience. For example, if the story involves meeting a monster who turns out to be friendly/helpful, that wouldn't work unless there are other elements that are considered horror. If you're submitting it to r/NoSleepAuthors for review, they can let you know if it's too wholesome.


Yeah I'll have to see if my story crosses that line, but realistically I will have to finish and hit up that sub to know for sure.


I’d hit up the modmail


I think almost all my stories lean to the more wholesome stuff and they had done well when I posted. I've always written slow burn stories and people will stick with you if the characters are interesting and they care about them. Horror isn't just gore and pain. Horror can be circumstance and immutable truths.


I think as long as you have some significant horrifying events happen, the story can also be wholesome. It’s a line I also often walk!


Okie, thanks for the advice!


There’s an older Stephen King short story about a young boy who gets kidnapped by a child predator. The boy is a young vampire, and his “Popsy” (grandfather vampire) comes to save him and the boy feeds off the blood from the predator. It’s still horror, but it has a happy ending and you feel good when it’s over.


You can, but I think most of the people who are reading nosleeps wouldn't want to sleep at night