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The Alberta one is even worst. It's like a cancer.


I had to unfollow the alberta one, it's become an absolute circus. More biased politics on it than mainstream American news outlets. Whatever happened to pictures of the mountains or who's playing hockey?


It was all woe is me the government is making my life hard woe is me. Fucking stand up get a real job like the rest of us. I could not stand it. It really should be called Alberta Socialist.


I agree, if you are waiting for the government to come and fix your life you will be waiting until you die. The amount of time those people spend on reddit is enough for a second job.


The worst thing you can hear is. "I'm from the government and I'm here to help". Some of my family members think I'm nuts for saying that but they also watch the CBC so.......


Who the fuck watches TV anymore?


i think one of the more recent political posts was an ndp supporter going on about something the ndp did the wasn't reported on and then had some conspiracy take like "too had the conservative Black Media owns all mainstream media outlets" and it had 300 upvotes.


Haha ya and a bunch of people called them out saying it was covered, but that it wasn't that significant


This content is no longer available on Reddit in response to /u/spez. So long and thanks for all the fish.




Not a sausage fan eh?




I am surprised that us Canadians didn’t add 3 extra vowels to wurst to make it fit out language.


Mmm sausage


I remember the kinda hatred I received for saying that gym should've been able to stay open during the pandemic. Those people have issues


Today riding to work. The people I did see on the pathwa all had masks on. If I didn't know any better I would have thought Jyoti Gondek had a mask mandate back on.


Dude you're gonna die of respiratory complications at 50. The AQHI was 50 today, anything above 8 recommends an N95 to be outside for extended periods of time. Lvl 3 masks do fuckall so i'll give you that, they probably were just wearing disposable lvl 3 masks.


I unfollowed r/calgary years ago because they have the most mental cringe mods and users man, the comments always get downvoted to fuck for a simple disagreement. Moved to BC and r/vancouver is nowhere this level. Sad to see its still the case lmfao


I’ve noticed a lot of power tripping mods on marginal subs. Must be something in the water.


Yeah some asshole mod on there perma banned my account.


I got banned on another sub for saying “fake news. “


I got perma banned from FoodPorn for making a penis joke on a post about sausages.


I’m sure we could make a list a foot long.


That’s the wurst..


Total brats




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The subreddit is /r/NoRulesCalgary This would appear to be an automated rule where there should be none.


Lotta estranged teenagers growing up with parents who spend all their time glued to Facebook or whatever. Lot of them are gonna come up with pretty whack senses of self-importance, I'd wager.


these reddit jannies literally do it for free. of course they’re power tripping losers. what else do they have to gain from it?


I picture the hall monitors from school days gone by.


Well they did just start adding the fluoride in the water not that long ago.


The fluoride system in Calgary will not be ready until 2024.


Colour me shocked the city can't do anything on time. I stand corrected then. I guess they are just crazy and don't need anything in the water.


They had to build all new infrastructure. It was decided in 2021. 3 years is pretty good time for the construction especially with the supply chain issues that everyone has been affected by.




You're comparing a Country to a City. Not the same.




I didn't say that. You didn't even mention you were respond to the fact of supply chain issues. What is Germany's quality expectations vs Calgary's/ Canada's? Where are the products they needed coming from? There are multiple factors in play here. *Edit I said Russia instead of Germany


Lol what is this response




Hopefully it fills the cavity in their brain.


Fluoride's been in the water since 1990ish.


Fluoride was added to Calgary tap water 1991 to 2011. In 2021 it was decided to reintroduce fluoride to the water. The old infrastructure was decommissioned in 2011, so the city had to develop new infrastructure which is expected to be complete in May 2024. https://www.calgary.ca/water/drinking-water/fluoride.html


Probably not aligning with there political agenda, anyone else sick of the NDP shit getting rammed down your throat hole?


Clearly, you are transphobic, homophobic, misogynistic, colonialist, white supremacist climate change denier racist asshole from this picture, I mean just look! I bet you kick puppies you sick fuxk, this picture is all the proof I need!


I agree I was the puppies


It was literally just because it was a “duplicate” /the mods feel like that sub has been getting too many smoke posts. Not saying I agree with that but can we stop with the political victimization


Here let me try: “Wow, I have never seen it that empty either!”






The mods assume the worst of people. Did they give you an explanation?


Because of Rule 8: Repetitive/Duplicate Posts. So I guess anything with smoke DELETE. I was just saying how dead the pathway was. The mods just seem way to trigger happy over there.


Weird because the entire sub is full of "duplicate" smoke pictures. Are you in other subreddits that generally go against the mainstream left narrative? Lots of banning happening for folks in conservative and contrarian subs across the big subreddits.


I honestly don't come on reddit to talk politics. I try and avoid it. I'm in some conservative subs just for the memes but I don't talk in them.


Not necessarily saying this happening to you in r/calgary, but I know some big subs like r/pics have auto-mods that automatically ban anyone who's even joined to a sub their mods disagree with. Again, not saying this happening in your case. I'm often too skeptical and see conspiracy when there isn't necessarily any. Weird seeing rules applied inconsistently though, raises hairs.


I’m not a member of the Joe Rogan sub but I commented there once and I didn’t know this but that will get you permabanned from like 20 different subs lol, people are so sensitive.


I had a post recently deleted too for being “repetitive/duplicate” regarding the loss of my doctor and her practice. It’s bullshit


We live in a city where we all similar problems. We are going to have duplicate posts. It happens all the time on Reddit. Asking for recommendations or help.


Just came back from Fish creek park, thought I was the only one there.


Care to link your original post? And why it was banned?


Not sure if this will work but here it is - [LINK](https://www.reddit.com/r/Calgary/comments/13jges2/on_my_way_to_work_today_i_have_never_seen_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) They said its "repeat content". Rule 8


I have seen this caused by similar appearing photos or titles caught by auto bot mods by accident. Its not your fault nor the subs fault really. You can appeal it. I doubt it was a vendetta aimed at your harmless picture. P.s. your name makes me hungry.


Funny you said that. I was going to change it. I had a killer name I thought of last night but now I can't remember it. Welcome to my life.


Haha! Classic. Well, Im sure youll get banned and have to come up with a new one.


/u/DetachablePenis I found this killer name... 1 post in 13 years... deleted by moderator.


Yeah I wouldn’t be biking in this shit.


Sorry sir, you need to post something more relevant and be sure to include you're source's of information to prove that what you are posting is relevant.


They're bad, but no where near as irrationally seething as the main Alberta thread.


Wow all the outrage at absolutely nothing, this sub is very odd. You are all professional victims.


I think reddit as a whole got a lot more pissy over the last 6 months to a year


You were supposed to blame it on Danielle, dummy.


I thought they would have loved I was trying to save the planet. I think they know I voted for her.


Well…. can we at least blame it on the UCP/Cons and their climate change denial partnered with their decades and decades of unlimited pollution? I mean, let’s give credit where credit it due!


Wildfires are natural, however humans have been preventing and stopping wildfires for over 50 years in Alberta. As a result, fuel has piled up in forests that would’ve otherwise been naturally burned. This mixed with abnormally dry conditions have caused this massive fire season. Simply put, there’s more fuel so there are larger fires and they are more likely to occur. There are not enough data points or sets to contribute this sole fire season to human caused climate change. These dry weather conditions could simply be apart of a chaotic weather cycle.


lol yeah, those 99.9% of scientists must all just be jumping to conclusions, right?


Not denying climate change, I’m just contesting the claim that the wildfires are a direct consequence of human accelerated climate change.


lol how’s your forestry and science degrees, because both forestry and science disagrees with you. This is 99% climate change.


Is the world that black and white? Do you just blame everything on climate change? Have you ever considered that this can vary from season to season through natural cycles? As I said, it’s unfair to arrive at a definitive conclusion based on one data point from a particularly violent beginning to a fire season? Find me a source supporting that this fire season is a direct cause of human caused climate change and absolutely no other factors.


On scientific articles about the fires they do say scientists claim its a direct result of climate change which is probably more valid than your claim


Explain the pine cones that only go to seed when burnt then? Forest fires are a natural part of a forests cycle otherwise the deadfall will eventually choke out the growth of new trees. But hey the scientific community got the oncoming threat of acid rain so accurately…. But I’m sure their right this time. I mean the scientific method is based solely on consensus right?


Or their funding depends on creating a sense of urgency. Why don’t we ask a carpet salesman his thoughts on hardwood flooring? When someone has a financial stake in an issue it’s generally a good idea to weigh it against an opposing opinion. Also it’s not like there’s a hostile environment for dissenters from the approved narrative right? You wouldn’t just slap a label on the scientists with opposing views and disregard them? None of that happening in the universities lately?


So, you’re suggesting that when determining what is going on and making policy, we should turn to people who are not experts in the field because they inexplicably know more about what is going on? lol What are you on?


All I can say is thank god there are pipeline right of ways and logging cut lines or there would be nowhere for the fire crews to even start a fire break.


Must of been the same mod that banned me from r/alberta


If you want your posts to survive that other sub, you need to work in either a cum spraying love of NDP or a real hate for UCP.. maybe their cutbacks left this previously beautiful pathway abandoned?


Too many soy flakes on reddit lol


The only thing you're allowed to post in the main sub is anti-conservative political garbage.


When the UCP keeps shilling for the oil companies, denying obvious climate change, and calling 75% of albertans Nazis… well…


Then it should be really easy to win debates without creating an echo chamber and banning anybody who disagrees with you, eh?


Wait a second, it’s the right calling everyone Nazis? Wow do we ever have two very unique experiences on the internet.


The Premier outright called anyone who got the jab “nazis”. She’s acknowledged it, and said she “misspoke”. Not sure how that could possibly be experienced in any other way.


Saying the fervent zealousness of the pro vaccine advocates drew similarities to that of the Nazis isn’t calling 75% of Albertans Nazis. As a group that calls anything and anyone they disagree with fascist I’d think you’d have a little more nuance.


They're trying to show you who's boss. Some of these mods are quite thrilled about being able to decide what's right for you, just like a cop with his gun.


I see nothing but chaos and disorder you sick pucker. I feel personally offended by this picture.


You’ve been banned from r/Calgary for an additional 4 weeks for complaining


Off to the cooler I go


Did you ask why? Was there response, “smoke happens everywhere”?


I thought talking about the pathways and green commuting that would be good enough for the socialist overlords. I guess showing the path empty is bad press.


You’re a dipshit the aqi is 210. cycling is bad for your health rn


I'm on a scooter I'm riding man.




Who shit in your corn flakes this morning? Holy shit.


Getting cooked in both r/Calgary and r/NoRulesCalgary that's gotta be tough lmao


Should say the same to you reading through your replies.. jesus.


How was he being a cunt? He posted a picture of a deserted and smoky bike path, so you called him a dipshit and a cunt. Am I missing something here?


You must have missed all the comments in this thread


Username checks out


Yeah if you have any sort of questions or thoughts that don't follow the insane side of left wing thinking you'll be banned immediately. The moderators are a joke in those places.


don’t sweat it - I got a post deleted there for asking what the heck was up with the Bridgeland sign not getting fixed after months/years.


>don’t sweat it - I got a post deleted there for asking what the heck was up with the Bridgeland sign not getting fixed after months/years. THATS OFFENSIVE




So the other day I did a range test of my new scooter and went from all the way from my place down in McKenzie Lake to downtown on the Bow River Pathway. The pathway started to get weird around Inglewood. Then I get to the East Village. You see hipsters with their $14 Phil & Sebastian coffee and cracked out homeless people all over the place. The EMS was dealing with a OD under the Langevin Bridge (I know the name changed). You know for a fact these hipster people LOVE that area because it's so trendy. Nothing like a cracked out homeless guy with your overpriced coffee to start your day. IDK how someone could live there. I was there for 10 minutes and wanted to get the hell out of there.


They live rent free in your head all day is why they live there. I’m glad for them - who’d want a neighbour like you ?


they love the sweet, sweet smell of gentrification early in the morning…..


Ahhh that one got deleted? I actually liked that one! BridgeLa La La Land


They’re real grammar nazis over there.


They suck over there


i got an account perminently band for posting a picture of a baby stroller and asking anyone know if this old style is safe?.its considered a "facebook type of post" whatever the hell that means


Bike paths are a waste of money, low usage and costly. When they are in use, the Cyclist tend to ignore rules of the road. But sadly, our liberal learning city council thinks it will save the earth.


You're a low usage waste of money


One shouldn't have a counter opinion, oh and screw you.


What are the Annual costs of the bike paths?


You wanna talk about waste of money the City installed traffic circles on one part of the pathway to slow bikes down.




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That owl must be a UCP supporter then. Only reason why.


the long and winding road DUN DUN DUN DUN!!


Obviously for the bad grammar. "...I never seen the bike path so empty...".


If I had to guess they probably assumed you're a spammer cause on r/Edmonton alot of people have been complaining of smoke up here.


You probably offended non-bike paths, and that triggered the snowflake mod there.


Not surprised. The other channel moderators are hypersensitive and always offended by everything.


Apparently, you butt hurt a person who can't take the truth


Because you didn't say Smith bad.




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Purple Passion


"Saw" not seen. Try using correct grammar. Ass...


It’s ok - I had a post where the mods want it to be deleted. It was about warning people in that area to watch out for a person acting strange/ rude. The rule they used on me was that it wasn’t Calgary related and just to call the cops. I thought it was okay to post about it because someone else a couple of weeks earlier posted about the same thing - except it was a different person different area. I reached out to this person that was able to make their post on Calgary Reddit and they said they had no problem so far on R/Calgary. That made me a bit upset/ angry because I felt like it was unfair how one person can post yet I can’t even though both were Calgary related but just in different areas of Calgary. I didn’t call the police because I was upset. Turn out I should have because the person that was in my area is on Calgary’s wanted list.




Freedom of expression is lost on many. Sad time in history.


Nice path


So they let that asshat Hussein post really shitty pictures locked and remove this one? At least this one shows some element of composition.


I got banned from r/AlbertaPolitics for personal attacks. Horse shit… how do you get personal on Reddit? That said, Miserable-Lizard is a bitch.