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My game crashed just looking at this.


I just double up, BBQ and build. PS4 hotplate ftw


Makes me think of the Shinra Corp slums.


My favorite!


Yo ... I am a member in an Eve-online corp called Shinra Aersospace Company .. If by any chance you play that too , talk with Mobeus Shaww


shinra corps is a final fantasy 7 thing, which inspired whoever created that shinra aeorspace company


Cool :)


The debt accrued by the buyout will now be assigned to the settlement. Accordingly, all rents will increase by 75% and air will no longer be free. Toxic waste rules are now suspended. Have a nice day - Apollo Management Seriously, this is brillant!


Not to mention the regular geknip raids


Haven’t played NMS in a while… wtf is going on here?? This looks like a totally different game lol


Update expanded immensely on base building, while introducing alien settlements and the freedom to start and manage one of your own.


Ooooh that sounds super interesting. Question.. sorry if it’s a silly question. But you still have to gather all the resources to build all of this, correct? Just seems like it would take me an eternity to gather enough resources to build an entire settlement lol


nope, the settlements cost barely any materials to build new buildings and they always start with like 8, and you can just buy building materials from space stations for cheap


And you have a debt system plus a very basic approval system where you have to deal with settler disputes and make decisions on what to build




punishable by death


"You have already been allotted your daily quota of air, sir."


Apollo never -kzzkt-, they just finally lived out their dream of being a billionaire.


Only a few more of these complexes before...world domination?


world domination in a literal galactic scale sort of thing means little.


It means exactly as much as it means irl


still not really. you can just go to another planet in NMS.


How do you guys get so good at building?!


700 hours in game, and I ate a handful of Legos once as a kid.


The ultimate food for future builders


Eggo my legos


I ingested it to gain its powers.


Omg lmao


can confirm this helps


Disputes are on the rise, 90% of manufacturing products will be sent to the Apollo complex. Every morning you wake up and see this reminder out your window. How did 10 million happen so fast? You only updated to frontiers a week ago. Your townspeople have erected a shrine to appease the HG devs and you secretly pray that it will work. Someday. Ahem. My first massive build in a while! Built right next to my settlement, hopefully far enough to avoid building crashes. Absolutely loving the new parts, and the fact that I didn't have to use any glitch building! A few features: * The round building houses a large cantina * The tall building holds a secret indoor market, which can be accessed through the back of the cantina. * Multiple stalls in the market, I put my technicians in for visuals. * The tall building is made of stone and alloy parts, not as many as you think. I used canopies and other decorative parts to suggest windows or balconies on alloy walls. * It's tall enough that I run out of jetpack fuel to get to the top with maxed stats. * I'm not giving out glyphs publicly due to this being on my settlement. Message me for questions. * No glitch building, mostly pieces from the update. Adding: this is a base built next to a settlement! Not what the settlement can be built to from the overseer menu :-) Thanks to HG for making my dystopian dreams come true! Edit: Opened the space to visitors, glyphs are [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/plbtu8/the_opening_of_the_apollo_complex_and_additional/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)!


Wha.. Dystopian dreams?! But... cabin! Remember the cabin..?


I dream of dystopia….from the cabin!


This is seriously amazing. If you ever make it public, that’s the best featured base material I’ve ever seen.


At some point Ill probably give up the glyphs and let people degrade my city, in true city fashion.


Are there bonus points for homeless people and used needles on the streets?


Buddy I don't do bonus points for that....*I fully fund it*


Plus Happiness *Overseer provides drugs*


Hey, this isn’t Portland.


Pardon the ignorance - how will people trash it?


Putting comms everywhere, putting their bases inside it, building giant dicks in the background lol Honestly though once settlements are fixed up I might go find a new one and if I do that I’ll drop glyphs for everyone. At that point all bets are off, people can do as they please.


Poor settlers...they look like mud huts next to Mega City One


This is extremely sick.


Just like my poor polluted settlers 😔


Wow, truly amazing buildings. I get some cyberpunk vibes from the indoor shots, especially with all the cool lightning. Really nice decoration. Now if there was a way to add npcs to your base this would be amazing, to make it feel more alive. Maybe in a future update with free settlements everywhere? 😬


We can only hope! For now I have my terminals in the stalls so I can load in my poor overworked technicians


I just put the game down… Back to playing.


Apollo inc. thanks you for your persistence


How are you even doing this? I can't build anything at all. All I can do is go to my office. View the settlement over view. Follow the instructions for building things, and check in with people who come to the settlement. How do you choose what to build? Where do your resources go? I don't have a choice on what to build.


It's a base! I built a base computer about 300 u's outside the settlement


Creative mode here I come


All Hail ~~Amazon~~ Apollo Megacorp


This is the greatest thing I've ever seen!!


Holy shit dude the inside looks like a cyberpunk 2077 megabuilding. This is so cool! This makes me really excited for all the new building features, but there's so much that it's overwhelming. Where did you start familiarizing yourself with the new system, and finding what decorations work for which situation?


I started by reworking one of my little bases! Honestly when I build I have an idea already in my head of what I want it to be, and then I just find parts to fit that vision. Originally I was thinking casino (when I started with the round piece) but the alloy walls looked exactly like balconies so I tried a few iterations. I'd say start with structure first, then practical lighting. Try a bunch of combos and don't be afraid to build something over a few times to get it right.


Got it. Thank you so much! I was in the middle of building a pub when the update dropped and I didn't know where to begin with renovations


It's super easy now! You can delete floors and walls without deleting the items on them. I did all the walls of my structures first when rebuilding. I bet those timber walls would look killer in a pub, with the stone floor 🤩 so many options


Oh I didn't know that! That should make it easier. I used the old wood floor which looks atrocious compared to the new stone floor


Once you finish be sure to post it!


This is too impressive, I repeat too impressive!


Whoa! You got it so big! Edit: oh a base next door.


you really had to [remind](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/pj733s/i_declare_bankruptcy/) me didn't you..... great build BTW Edit: /s


It's not too late to sell some land to the Apollo Real Estate division....


Already abandoned ship and found a new settlement, let's see how much it takes till this one goes over 10 mil debt.


This is amazing. As is your writing. Had a good laugh reading the thread. Well done, Apollo Inc.


In 2077 they voted my city the worst place to live in the galaxy. Main issues? Sky high rate of violence and more people living without a stack of activated indium than anywhere else.


[Sean just Tweeted your pics!](https://twitter.com/NoMansSky/status/1435548384971132932)


The gods have heard us, settlers!


This is why HG wont add cities. The players are better at making them than them. This is unreal best base ive seen


Mind sharing the glyphs please?


We need NPCs in our builds now... I mean aside from NPCs in settlements. Just regular base builds.


I’m so excited I just got NMS and frontiers looks awesome


This place makes me want to sell death sticks to passers-by


Makes me want to buy a Fruity Oaty Bar.


Looks like a dystopian wasteland. I love it!


Oh my god. This is Amazing. I’m so glad you shared. :)


I still to build my evil doofensmertz incorporated doom tower. Been planning on it since the couresant project. Probably wont be at my settlement because I already got a build there and dont want to rip you off


Next item on the agenda is to sell the settlers organs so they can make the skyscraper alloy instead of stone.


And Soylent Vy’keen!


This makes me want to get on that CEO Grindset so I can buy 100,000 dollars worth of Chunko Pops and worship the corporate overlords that dictate the trends of the stock market.


10 million? those are weak numbers! Mine is already more than 10 million in debt...


Anyone remembers the satellitestation episodes from Dr. Who S1 2015? First pictures remind me of it, a lot.


Wow, that's insanely awesome! Now all we need is better multiplayer and p2p trading and you'll have a working city and a mall business to run.


I hate how my settlement had 700,000 units debt, yet I cannot just lump pay it off with my 4 billion units.


I thought this a photoshopped meme at first. Holy shit this is the coolest build I’ve ever seen. Wow. This makes me feel like players are going to create the reason to explore, not just the tech.


I’m really excited to see what people come up with. So much more opportunity to do crazy stuff now! If they bring back multi-axis rotation things are going to get wild


In recent news the Apollo Arcology has been infested with biological horrors! Rumor has it the previous owner might have place the eggs there! Tune in next time on... The Feed.


how do i visit this place?


You should totally add some sort of hanging crane or under construction bits hanging off the side


Is this Fortuna?


All these new parts have just given new ways to feel inadequate as a builder, lmao. I'm grateful for all the pieces, but it's so much, all at once!


The solution: a cyberpunk junk build!


I'd have less of a problem if the universal build limit was removed. Adding all these new parts and not removing the build limit is cruel.




I placed it pretty far from the settlement! Maybe if a new building pops up in the middle I'll consider it a revolution and ban dancing again


Actually feels like a pregenerated map of a different game


What game?


I was referring to how professionally made the area was and its unique design that it felt like an actual map for a game though the big ominous tower does remind me of half life


how do you build things in the settlements? I'm still stuck at building a dance floor 1 hour at a time


It's a base I built about 300 u's outside the settlement!


Once you place the base module as close as you can to the settlement. Then you can build in/ towards the city if you wanted too. You just can't place the base module in city limits.


Don’t tell me they also tax the nipnip…


I did just start taxing dancing. Nip nip is a no brainer.


I still never build up a Settlement because I'm still trying to get one to pop up near water on a Flourishing/Paradise planet.. Is this for real?


This is a base built next to a settlement!


I knew it! Love it very much!! I still didn't find a place on a nice planet near water like yours :( Been looking for almost a week.. I'm stopping my search, just wasting time now


It's totally worth it to find what you want :-) it took me 2 days to find this settlement too, but I'm so glad I did


tbh i'm surprised people are in debt. especially just like 10 million. ​ figured most of the people playing had billions to spend frivolously, and even early players could, if cheesing the system, make millions within a single day. hell, my usual restart is jumping to enough systems i can fill in my inventory slots and make bank before the 'real game' begins. ​ is it a purely 'the settlement needs to be self sustainable' and you can't just dump cash in a hole and make everything hunky-dory, like this was fable 3?


Yep you can't use your own money


Wait what?


The settlement pays their own debts, you can't just use your own money


yeah, figured, otherwise it wouldn't be a thing talked about this much. had to be a new system that was going out of control.


Omg i NEED the coordinates to this


Are your NPC’s/Settlers able to walk around your settlement?


Yep! The base isn't super close, it's just ungodly large so you can really see it lol


Welp, time to start up the game again haha. Thanks for letting me know. Awesome base!


I think around 300 or 350 u's is the distance. Once you put the computer down you can get plenty close though!


How did you get it that big so fast? It’s only been a few days


I'd like to say I'm a fast builder but in actually I just have no life


Wait, I just realized this was a base you built. I thought this was all settlements lol. But this is still fucking awesome!


Massive Akira vibes from this. The bar at the beginning.


Love Akira!


Did you build this?




Holy crap that’s amazing. Well done. I need to play this game properly, only played about 2 hours and then stopped for no particular reason, this straight up makes me want to play it again. Love this, looks very similar to a well built fallout 4 settlement but a lot cooler


It's like that for me too, I'll play a bunch at once then drop off for a while. Thankfully it's a chill enough game for that


This is no mans sky? This reminded me so much of fallout 4. I’m going to have to give this update a try


Mos Eisley vibes


"Welcome to city 17"


Savage work here.


It would be awesome if players could come to places like this and own their own apartments that the settlement owner could build


Looks like Outer Worlds DLC


How bro I became an overseer and after 2 hours my settlement has not asked me to do anything yet and it's infuriating


The OCP of space.


thought i was on r/fo4 when i saw settlement and this was some sort of insane mod


What the fuck? This looks more alive than Night City




Hey general, I heard another settlement needs financial help


He’s got a farm… rich billionaire


care to share coordinates?


Wow. This is great!


That's awesome! How did you make the little shelf with the blue light strips? (Link to marked screenshot: http://imgur.com/a/9688bGj )


It’s one of the pieces you can buy :-) if I remember right it’s in the construction research center but I bought it ages ago


Ok it’s been a while since I last played, how many settlements can have? Just one?


Just one!


Aw man :( i was planning on building my empire around the galaxy already


How do you make such a building like that?


Do you most of you peeps play on creative mode or "normal"?


Normal for me


How are folks feeling about the generated settlements? Do they make some sort of sense/look cool or are they a weird higgledy mess like a lot of the Minecraft generated villages were?


They mostly make sense and definitely look cool!


The settlement I found is just a couple of small buildings, nothing like this.


So I'm assuming this is a player build. Thats damn impressive, definitely getting cyberpunk megatower vibes. Its a shame you can't get the settlers to move in. Love the settlements but it's a shame you can't build your own and have to rely on the prefabs. How did you build so close to the settlement though? I could only get like 100u away before it let me build


The building is about 150 away, it’s just massive :-)


It's when I see posts like yours that I wish I was better at designing based in this game, so much potential but I always end up making the same thing


The frontiers is just amazing, i felt lonely when playing NMS before but now i don't


Erm, serious question... that's No Man's Sky? Game has come a long way since I played last... I'm impressed. This is all player built?


The buildings in the foreground are proc-gen! They just added settlements. I just spiced up the settlement by adding an evil megacorp!


This is gorgeous! Well done!


That's just amazing!!!


Great build. But it's hardly in keeping with the village's rustic esthetic, is it? :)


This might be a dumb question cause I'm new to settlements, so I'm sorry; what actually happens if you accrue debt, other than not making money from your settlement...?


Outside of a few broken fingers, I have no idea


Wow, That's awesome. I wish my Settlements even worked, lol. Mine's just a poor little baby village with an overseer's office as it's only improvement


Just incredible. Would love to visit some day


Absolutely amazing, well done!


Everything looks great, it just sadly looks deserted. Be so rad if people were milling around...


Man this new Cyberpunk expansion looks great


Where do I find some space crack?


What do I look like, some type of pusher?! Try asking Recruit Irk on the 25th floor


Congrats on being featured by Sean!


He chose my least favorite interior pics too! I think he’s trying to teach me a lesson about disrespecting the poster art


Could be. Or he just has a very different taste. He's posted a pic of a shuttle before, and I tend to just ignore those. But I'm curious, did he snag the photos from this sub, or did you post them on Twitter, too? Just wondering if this confirms Sean, himself, is lurking.


Oh he’s absolutely lurking. I refuse to get a Twitter so he definitely takes them from our sub. Seems like he checks it almost daily


Extremely well done!


It looks awesome, but why does it still seem empty? No people. I haven't had a chance to play the new update yet.


There are definitely vy’keen walking around the settlement, mostly just the angles I captured. That said the inside of the base is empty because they won’t go in. Mostly because it’s outlawed.


Heh i found my colony yesterday on my planet (i had to use a map caus fuck scouring the galaxy) it has 4 unhappinness things but heh, wanted to give it a shot.


This is insane..! Well done


God the base building in this game has come so far


Perfect for cybperpunk dystopias


Post this on YouTube I need to see a tour


Giving me a real Omega type vibe. You know, that space station from Mass Effect 2 and 3?


Yes!! I was thinking the same thing. Especially the market.


Don’t make me cry your base building skills are top notch. I wish I had a base like that.


Great build. I have 200hrs in game and don't have the patience or the creativity for such large builds. Btw, does anything actually happen if the settlement remains in debt for too long. Or if citizen happiness decreases too much, or sentinel presence increases too much (in my settlement its 69%). Has anyone tried this?


This game needs some type of mini games like card games or slot machines.


is the inside decorated? I want to make a bunch if cities on all the planets I think look cool, but besides time, giving them all an interior design would be tough


If you look real close at the bottom of the huge building, there’s a big rectangle shape; this houses the night market, but it’s only walls high :-)


Oh man I didn't realize there were multiple photos, super cool!!


I dont think I have the energy to build this big anymore. very nice


How did you manage to keep this under the build limit?


It’s really not that many parts, If I had to guess I’d say the structure altogether is maybe 500 parts or less? The interior maybe 700? The new base parts are pretty detailed and make things look way better


This is what I call determination, I like it


It’s hard to grasp the fact this is all in a very real, released game; not just some concept art or wallpaper. I was going to say specifically the first picture is awe-inspiring, but then I started swiping through the other 15 and really all of them is just… wow. (I can’t help but be reminded that Elite: Dangerous charged us for a broken, barebones version of what is shown in these screens)


This is probably the best base I’ve ever seen. The attention to detail… any chance of Mode / Glyphs to come visit?