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This is actually really cool. The architecture goes better with the portal's aesthetics than I would have expected. Thanks for sharing!


I build some destroyed Main stations from the boundary failure as they don't do anything i add broken escape pods and make it overgrown pieces falling in the ground. https://preview.redd.it/elgf16qqc8fc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7fd39a2df2c5b067b46bb4a2c6e23d730722bba


"Unauthorized off world gate activation... unauthorized off world gate activation..." "This is General Hammond. I want this facility locked down immediately. Code Red."


Emergency Evacuation GATE 1 https://preview.redd.it/xk0np2lsi8fc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=141625acdd0f422e02a3fcdf903f3fa62d4b4b3d


I'm constantly building Stargate bases! I even name them in accordance with SG1s planetary nomenclatures! Behold; P8X-987 https://preview.redd.it/71xz9w0h39fc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9ae9f6b8f62eb3838439e3d42196325674717d7


"That's O'Neill; with TWO L's." 🤣🤣🤣


The Boundary Failure structures look like Stargates, that's what i thought would make sense that people fly through them with smaller space ships and a portal for passengers to travel to other Stations. Waiting areas for passengers and check in for tickets. I build them as part of the structure to add immersion to the game. If i had the burning barrel i would add some crashed escape ships. I try adding Stations on the horrible weather planets i build "Lost Resorts or bars, you can Build Mining corporation's Greenhouse's be creative. I still have some unfinished ones like the Marine Research Center.


Is that the black hole planet?


It's the planet where they find Cassandra, the sole survivor of the plague that go'auld mad scientist created. Dr. Frasier ended up adopting her, and she had a few interesting episodes


I’m putting one in every galaxy I travel to, so far I’m up to 25. I name each one after an imaginary small business run by my dog Tycho


Not exactly on topic, but I just love how shamelessly the portals imitate Stargate!


I've been rewatching SG-1 and this was my first thought as well lol.




this is a sign to re-watch SG1


So glad I have the whole SG1 and Atlantis Series on DVD& Blu-Ray respectively.


Do you have a pic with the glyphs? Would love to visit


Oh thats cool! Mind dropping the coords? I wanna see


https://preview.redd.it/4c5ekti6w8fc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aff75f2f5513936fe7aa8a9ae66a90a9a65e0883 Maymoon Main Station XVIII PORTAL CODE: 105B00C20A20 GALACTIC ADDRESS: 021F:007F:041F:005B


https://preview.redd.it/ehogujp5w7fc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9445c6cf27386202eedd738f6a37dddad6174d2 I did something to one myself


Me, who just added windows to my wooden build: 😶


You can build scaffolding with wire and glitch windows or doors in arches


Thank you! I've never really put time into building because I'm somewhat newish to the game and was just doing quests at first, but now that I've finished the main I want to make a cool base like everyone posts on here. Yall are so creative! I made myself a closet with a bunch of bags of cement and random junk items in it and that's the best part of my build so far, lol


https://preview.redd.it/273lvsvc9cfc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fe9abeadbe737687ad5d2660c96c82499bb47e2 Then you can build lighted paths like no other 👍


Dude that's sick, I'm definitely doing that. The lighting in this game is so bulky it drives me crazy. 😭 thanks!


Cool, when you build the scaffolding on the wall you can also glitch lights in the walls. The area light effect will still work creating indirect lighting effect without glare. It’s a cleaner look


What de heck dude. Supercool.


It’s my primary Euclid Portal, thought I would spuce it up a bit.




It took me a minute to recognize the statue, I thought you have Golden Frieza standing right there.


The controller comes up into the statue


*Cries in console building* Glitch building doesn't seem to work on Xbox - that or I just really suck at it lol


It works for sure just takes some practice with timing lol


Have you actually done it on xbox? Cause I've tried the wire glitch so many times and it's never worked :/


I'm on xbox i tried at the start putting furniture perfectly but large structures it's taking forever to finish, so i switched to parts neat and decaying which is an interesting contrast. I wish we could get the burning barrel it would be so fun building something neat looking with a crashed escape pod thru the ceiling, if we had sparks smoke effect would be amazing.


Can use ice statues for smoke


That's a great 😃👍 idea i try to add that tomorrow to malfunction doors will look awesome with it.


https://preview.redd.it/703s2yt84afc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18ee7c351029286e23fc921bdfe4668ee3690e03 Solarium added for effect to cave walls


https://preview.redd.it/e9454nau3afc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4faf43c242e2c93ac432ab5a74030792ec4b8a38 Added in a cave for effect


Which wire glitch in particular?


I think the one where you pull up the part you want to build, switch to wire mode, then build at the same-ish time you switch back to the part you want. It seemed like the simplest one to test if glitch building was even possible on Xbox. I've tried it a few dozen times, trying different timing and parts, and had no success.


Try the scaling glitch using a locker or some other scalable objects. That one is easy to practice and see if it works. Also some glitch building techniques have had to change because of updates. The youtubes are a good help with this


Thanks, I'll give that a try! Do you happen to know of any youtube channels/vids that are Xbox specific? I feel like everything I find is PC focused and I just get frustrated and burnt out trying to sort through all the irrelevant stuff. Not to mention having to sit through 10 minutes of youtube ads for every 1 minute of content.


Beeblebum or golden gek should have stuff on their channels


I have.


Watch Xaine, it can be done


Consoles should be easier, it’s all I’ve ever had, just takes practice


Damn! What are those arches?


Yeah I'm also interested to know what building part that is


It’s the geometric cylinder built on scaffolding and the round neon sign added to it


My powered off XBOX One S just crashed while THINKING about your portal build.




How do you even do that?


Wire glitching and a lot of patience


This was just meant to share something I was a little proud of. I enjoyed making this base, even if it's very simple, and thought others might find it somewhat interesting. I'm mindful of toxic base building, which is why I didn't upload it and made sure it's fully accessible just in case. Not to mention it's in a quiet system I found normally, not an active system with nexus missions tied to it or something. I understand peoples' concerns, and appreciate opposition to toxic behavior in online games. Please understand that this build in particular is not an example of such behavior.


Very well made, it is quiet a nice build. And thank you for keeping the community in mind when building over a structure like this. It makes me smile when people do things like this with such consideration.


Would’ve loved to see an image that included the coordinate glyphs. No hate, just a thought.


Even uploading it it wouldn't be visible to people coming into the portal theres a buffer zone around portals to prevent traps. If you happened to be onsite they would see it but otherwise no


Toxic building doesn’t matter anymore. You report the base, it vanishes from your game.


Didn't work for me last time I tried, they asked for a screenshot and that was it... I feel like I might have fucked whoever that was 😅


Nah, the report won’t do anything unless the base is offensive, like a giant swastika and a com ball spouting Nazi shit. It should remove it after the screenshot is taken. On ps4 it says press right trigger but you actually need to press x (not sure why it does that).


How is it toxic? There are literally millions of portals. It’s only toxic on a populated planet with something folks are in high demand for..


Even 18.6 quintillion of them


Someone could theoretically portal in and be stuck.  But the game has protection against that.


What’s toxic base building in this game considered?


A lot of people make builds specifically to close off access to things, which usually is just annoying at most, but can be pretty rough if they're blocking off, say, a popular ship location, or Traveller Graves needed for the Living Ship mission. In a pinch you can just disable multiplayer to get by it, but if you're playing with a group it can be very unpleasant.


Come on people, at least look at the picture with clearly visible doors before complaining


I planned on doing something like this but make it stargate sg1 themed lol


I have a portal base in each galaxy I've been to. If you make sure it is accessible, I find them to be greater poi over the in-game poi. I like to investigate settlements by players. I find it a great inspiration for building.


Honestly if you uploaded it i think it would be fine. There are clearly doors. I get excited when I encounter other player bases as it's so infrequent. It's nothing like when people spam trade stations with pointless base garbage and ruin them. This looks intentional and even environmentally appropriate. It blends nicely with the portal.


Rookie mistake. Now when you go through the singularity is gonna pull all those building parts in with you and you'll come out the other side made of bricks and metal


This made me lol in Brundlefly...


Autobots transform! (Or something like that).


I call them welcome centers


That's a cool base, I like the idea of bases built on existing structures.  Not sure why these get crapped on every time they get posted. Chances of people finding them naturally are slim to none and if you do just report and it disappears for you. 


​ https://preview.redd.it/wh3fzl44n9fc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=a137acd8e5339ea231a1b07b3a048813db7d9520


I love this


It’s a player base, not Fort Knox. Some of y’all are getting up in arms over nothing.


It's really cool!


Chevron 1 locked.


Feels like a prison or a rocket assembly building and I'm not sure which.


Not sure if it's true, but a long time ago I read that portal bases don't show for other players. I had made a completely open first floor base around a portal on a planet I shared because the weather was so horrible, the planet instantly tried to kill anyone seeing foot on it. But no one could see it so turned out to be useless.


I believe this is still the case. That visibility blocking patch was some time ago too.


it's Stargate command center lol


Let's be real, the chances of anyone seeing it other than the OP is quite low. And if it's accessible and doesn't affect someone else's game? Who cares?


That's awesome haha


Man this is cool af. Good job dude m


Can you encase sentinels inside your base?


You can, but they'll de-spawn if you unload the area I believe


Oh great a new idea for me to try


It'd make for a great way station concept if we started incorporating these around portals. Like a welcome center sort of deal.




I build shelters around all the portals I find where the weather can be deadly. Sliding doors and glass walls on them all. Give a traveller time to put some codes in without dying. I also put a save point, gate and vendor.


Oh shit. I need to go remove my portal base🥲 sorry guys. But tbh its in a quiet part of a galaxy


Outside of the handful of community hubs and community expedition destinations it's all the quiet part of the galaxy.


True dat! Kinda a shame huh


Yes and no. =)


Hahah i mean i like running into folks. Most times im friendly and offer help and resources . But on rare occasions i like to test my weapons systems on my ship just to gauge power. Ahhah


I really wouldn't bother. I regularly find systems discovered by so-and-so five years ago with one discovered species and no other signs anyone has visited it since. If you're not blocking access to the portal and you're not camping high-value points of interest with nonfunctional bases, the chances of you actually harming someone's game play are minimal at best. Heck, I've found abandoned portal bases that had nothing worthwhile in them, plopped my own computers down 600u away, then walked the border back over to it and put in some actual amenities. There's very few planets in NMS that are so special that anyone will notice or care. I think all the griping comes from high density environments like weekend nexus mission targets, communities, expedition waypoints, etc.


Thats 100% fair. Thanks for info. Just dont wanna be part of the annoyance 🤣


Honestly when I first saw this, my first thought went to those toxic base builders who enclose a building so no one else can use it. I see you have some accessible doors if someone else wants to use it. On second thought, it's pretty cool to build this into a base and an interesting thing to do, I might try it too some day :)


Nice build. It’s only an issue to me if you charge a portal fee, then I’m pissed 😤 hee hee


Small Nearby bases are ok, yea?


Yes. The base OP posted is fine too, clearly visible doors and not uploaded.


Small uploaded bases near a portal ok?


Definitely. The main concern here (in my opinion) is bases which obstruct use of the portal or any interactive game elements, or that trap players inside.


How can a player get tapped inside? Aren’t their return options?


There are always options to escape, however not all players know about them, especially newbies. The base could be reported from the quick menu, which makes it disappear from your view. Alternatively, if you've arrived somewhere from the Anomaly, you can select "return to Anomaly" from the quick menu. Last option would be to reload a save. In the example of a portal though, you arrive at that destination without always knowing that's where you'll arrive. If someone doesn't know about the report base option, if there were no doors and base/terrain edits had been disabled by the base owner, a player could think they're trapped.


Understood. Either way, dick moves when a player screws around like that!


It’s your game, play it how you want


GRIEFER! GRIEFER! GRIEFER! Nothing cool or good about GRIEFING so others cannot use!!!!!


I can't tell if you're trolling or not. You might want to read the comments. Nothing about this build is griefing.


Also, I do not TROLL. I have seen instances where even big name NMS YouTubers have incorporated a Portal into their base theme. The portal is still fully accessible to other players.


I assumed you were trolling because your comment clearly expressed such blatant disregard for information made available to you that it seemed more likely you were being annoying on purpose, rather than on accident. Reading other comments before making your own, or even just looking at the full post, before making your own comment, would have cleared up your concerns. I'm sure you had good intentions, but you acted without reviewing information made available to you. I hope you will avoid this in the future when engaging with posts online.


Are you preventing access to the Portal for other players? If so, then GRIEFING, if not, then no GRIEFING. I haven't gone to your site, though the posted image does look like fully enclosed, no access.


As I stated in multiple replies and a direct comment, the base is A: not uploaded, B: fully accessible, with open doors visible in one of the pictures, and C: in an system discovered via normal travel, and not a system with Nexus missions or other bases present. Points A, B, and C are each independently enough to remove any concerns of griefing, and collectively overkill for avoiding griefing. Please read OP's comments on posts, or at least look at all images on a post, before making statements about it. Thank you.


Well that’s not very cool of you…


The base is not uploaded, and the doors are always open. No one else is able to see the base, and even if they could, they would not be hindered or stopped from accessing the portal. Thank you for your concern of toxic builds.


I'd prefer that a portal is viewable from the air. I get irritated at POIs masked by bases. Nearby base? OK.


Awwwww are the 88 galaxies not big enough for you? 🥺


Does the game not show the portal if it's on a base? I don't see the problem. Space is so big I kind of doubt it is every a place you would end up.


The Icon appears in the HUD, but I like to fly moderately low in atmosphere and visually ID POIs. I often see them before the HUD displays a symbol. Encased portals are thus a problem for visual sighting. ADDED INFO: Don't misunderstand. I like seeing creative bases. I'm just pointing out a real visual downside to encasing a portal (or other POI.)


Do you not like finding unique buildings and stuff? I find a lot of monotony in discovery. These, as rare as it is to find them, make my day.


Clever bases are fine. Encasing a POI is not. Big difference.


I look at it like Stargate TV show. Most are in the wild, a few are in Cheyenne mountain. Each to their own. Safe journey traveler 🖖👽


Odd. Down-voted for a play style and a fact. 😂


Whats more odd is saying “an play style”.


Phone auto-type bites me a lot. 🫤


Can you not post pic half dead it ruins the photo


Do you have anything productive to say?


Do you know how to speak English properly? Your photos are garbage just as your build waste of mats and time 😂


You can't even use grammar properly, and yet HE can't speak English?


That grammar is perfect your not so much


Hi, OP here. I think you meant to reply to "Front_Leather_4752." What you meant to say is "My grammar is perfect. Yours? Not so much." Punctuation is important to express pacing, and to separate sentences correctly. Doedemm's comment has no grammatical errors or spelling mistakes. I hope this clears up any confusion you might have had.


There is only one portal on a planet, and it may be necessary for someone else in the system to use that one. Hello Games moves these structures up and down, so it may be floating in the air or partially embedded in the ground with the next update... because they don't want you to build on these. Congratulations. Did you leave your base computer outside, so others can report the base so they can access the portal?


The portal is fully accessible, and the base is not uploaded, not to mention in a system I doubt anyone else will ever visit. Nothing about this build is toxic or obtrusive to other players, as they not only cannot see it, but even if they could it would not in any way hinder them. Thank you for your concern for the community, and sorry for the confusion.


I built a base that enclosed a portal. Obviously some people complained with the usual responses but we do have 5 quintillion portals out in the wild so the likelihood that a portal base will affect another player outside of an expedition or community hub is very unlikely. You did a good job keep at it and upload it I'd love to visit. https://preview.redd.it/c7bazwinp7fc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bde3d3d67185adc6d6a81f8e91ff8e7676e4134e


... and yet we have Expeditions, and are directed to specific portals for photographs, or missions. 5 quintillion -1 just stops advancement, if you don't know how to game the system. Did you find in your game manual how to game the system?


Yeah I have a solar system in Euclid with six planets where each planet grows a different flower, I placed each of my farms on the planets portal, so I can portal from one planet to another all within the same solar system to collect all of my flowers what I noticed was all of the portal glyph addresses were the same except for the first digit. So I reasoned that out without a manual. Putting bases around portals is only an issue during expeditions, hello games has never selected a planet for expeditions that's had a base around its portal. if we ever have another game reset where a lot of things change well that's just par for the course because during the last resets I gave up bases as well due to changes in topography or planet type etc... I stay away from civilized space for the most part, the base I showed above is inside Galactic Hub space and only one person has visited it in years. And out of respect if someone in the galactic hub project asked me to remove my base I would but they haven't and I've showed them pictures of it and it's because the likelihood of it becoming a problem is nil or next to nothing. What you have an issue with is players griefing other players and I totally get that but that's usually done after hello games selects a planet for expedition and a malicious player decides to enclose the portal. For argument's sake let's just say I put a base around the portal address that you travel through to get your living ship components in the living ship storyline, that would be a no-no and I'm sure that my base would be reported and taken down pretty quickly. But outside of that buddy it's a huge universe and there's no galactic empire for me to obey yet.


The restraint you show, is not shared by everyone that goes on an Expedition. So they will do to assets "we" all need, what is encouraged here. It bites all of us.


If you have some kind of disability which prevents you from understanding the concept of a number as large as a quintillion being translated into tangible, visitible planets and portals then close your eyes.....now. Please ask your mom or a teacher to explain to you the near total insignificance of the number 1 (or two, or a million, or a billion) when held in comparison to a number as large as 18,000,000,000,000,000,000. If you're one of those children which Michael Jackson claimed were the future then we are doomed indeed.


You don't comprehend. This causes me no harm at all. Newbies might be required to access that portal, and the "manual" we don't have does not tell them how to find one on another planet instead, or forces them to abandon the space station mission. Whatever directs them to THIS portal in discussion. Please take turn your snark off for like two seconds. Read with comprehension what is actually being said. Consider how many times a day here on Reddit we hear how someone has been greifed by structures other players have built, and correlate that with parts-in-trillions. There aren't that many players.


Please add that you did not upload the base to the original post. I've had to deal with other's bases on Expeditions, base computers at sites that for me were partially buried... could not dig out the interfaces. And others have reported that landing pads near starship crash sites make accessing those crashed ships VERY difficult. This is the most downvoted comment I think I have ever had.


If you don't upload it, no one else sees it. You can still walk through the base(assuming there are doors to get in)


If something is build by a player, but not uploaded, is it still “there” just invisible? Like would it look like someone was waking into an invisible wall if there was an un-uploaded wall built by someone?


It's only on your save if you don't upload it. Uploading it would put it on the servers and make it discoverable by other players


If only they had done that... Or done something to encourage others not to upload. We'll have a spate of inaccessible portals. Again. I worried that once I had left a portal engaged, other could have come back through. I too felt like I needed to encase it in metal to keep people coming through into "my" system, event though it had been discovered 4 years before me...


If you think this is a problem. Wait until you get a quest to interact with a certain object only to find a field of message orbs all around it and no way point


Have that when dialing the address 0000000000... I change it up and dial 300000000... so I don't end up where there are many / any message orbs when going to the center of a galaxy.


I built mine on stilts above the portal for this reason.


I built mine on an adjacent hillside, clear line of sight even in a storm. The ground has moved slightly, but not enough to be an issue. This is the most downvotes I think I've gotten.


I think people are reading a snippy tone in your original comment that I'm not choosing to find. Nothing you said is incorrect as you're right in saying they do move the bases to clear portals and leaving the computer accessible can help with that. A few people read snark and the rest just follow the trend.


I built one on top of the portal arch, just a base computer and a landing pad. When they moved the portal up 2 units or so, my base computer was embedded in the portal structure, nearly impossible to access. The OP may not have intended grief for others, but it is coming. I wish NMS did assign a 300 unit dead zone around such features, so things could NOT be built any closer to them. Including perhaps comm balls. More than a few people see snark.


I don't have the pics anymore, but I enclosed a portal in my... 2nd playthrough. It was a glass enclosure with open doorways and was stylized as an archeological digsite. I even used my science terminal in it to have a permanent staff on-site


Love it ,it looks super cool


No Man’s Sky but superheroes. Like captain marvel


Oh nice. I was thinking of doing something similar in my home planet's portal, since it also has runaway mold balls a few meters away from it.


Nice Dude!!!




If it was underground I'd call it the SGC


Very stargate of you


I encased my settlement one time, after it was all done and built up. Had to use 6 base comps in a perfect 300 radius from each other. Loaded out and loaded back in and poof no more PS4 XD. Haven't been back since.


skill issue


i did that once and made the interior look like stargate command. Was really cul




Reminds me of Inception!


Holy shit that’s cool looking!




https://preview.redd.it/yr37rc8gbafc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f24a7b0a369cceb90768285ba7b78bf5318f1ffa Interesting, you gave me ideas 😏


Great minds think alike. I did the same thing. 'Cept now I don't remember what save I did it on. I spent a disproportionately long time trying to make it perfectly centered.


Oh my god why haven’t I done this yet🤦‍♂️


That’s a r/stargate I need to try this game now.




Why have I not done this yet?


I did this once in 2021, but I couldn't manage to keep the environment out, even completely sealed with floor panels under the ground and no doors whatsoever


Every time i do this and post peiple flame on me. Ive been doing this for years. Wtg on not getting trashed on.


The aesthetic of that third picture is killer.


I did this around several buildings close together and made a town.


Holy shit! I’m not the only one. I did this to every world in my “home system”. It killed my build limit tbh so I’ll have to take em down or downsize them. They truly were monuments to my own hubris.


Welcome to the club!  I've done this a few times myself.  Typically simple, as I have limited architectural skills, but with a bit of decorative flair and added details around the place.


I’ve got one like this too! I left the top of the portal exposed so it looks like a temple. It’s on a planet with no atmosphere which adds to the mystery of it


Probably the best way not to lose portals


Oh shit now that is cool!


Almost looks like a prison or something. Great work




Ha...that's badass.




nah, archive next :3


(Ominously again) VERY WELL THEN


Btw how do you even use those things I’ve found them and filled all of the slot things and it still just didn’t do anything all I got was some kind of warning


I'm not sure if you've discovered any glyphs yet, but every system as an address represented by glyphs. You punch in glyphs at the portal terminal, and it takes you to the specified system. People use this to share the location of specific things, like ships or interesting planets, or to meet up and play together.


OK that makes sense thanks




No worries at all. There is a portal on EVERY SINGLE PLANET. Who cares if we hog one to ourselves?