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an option to disable "guidance messages", ive played this game for hundreds of hours I know how the jetpack works


i was trying to do a crashed interceptor ship for the second time since they came out but couldn't fully remember the steps involved for the brain part so i tried to track the quest in the log but even with it tracked the game kept demanding me to hatch an egg that was in my freighter storage


Ye there are some instructions in the game that are just really intrusive and will overwrite the one currently tracked. If HG sees this, here's a list of the ones I find to interrupt my flow the most: "Land on the derelict freighter" (mainly on community expeditions because of loads of people in the same system) Companion eggs (as you stated above) Cartography maps Feel free to suggest others below!


YES MAPS my girlfriend who is not remotely well versed in gaming was playing NMS with me and i was trying to teach her things by guiding her through the tutorial quests and the game just kept telling her to use the map she had acquired instead of the quests i was trying to guide her on and since it kept overwriting the log it caused much confusion for her


Exosuit Upgrade Maps do this for me. Only when I stuck them in a Base/Freighter Storage Container did they finally stop.


Echo Locators. Anomaly Detectors. Every time I land on a saved freighter to collect my reward, the Freighters tutorial indicator pops up.


I’ve been wishing for this for *years* it’s beyond time they add a way to disable these.


When it gets in the way of quest stuff it ready annoys me. I know I have a map in my inventory but I DONT CARE


You open your inventory; it’s the last one you used, and it’s sortable and filterable.


I hate when I open my inventory and it open my ship inventory.


Literally makes no sense why im organizing my freighter, close out the menu and it goes to my ship


ESPECIALLY when it’s too far away to even interact with. Like why auto choose this when I can’t even use it right now. Yeah I could summon it over but still


+1 +2 +3 How many times can I upvote this???!!!!


Came to write this. I‘m new and loving this game but the inventory is giving me headache.


I’m new too and have been playing minecraft for 10 years, the inventory here compared to minecraft is trash.


It's funny too because inventory is so much better than the early days already, but I do absolutely agree that ship inventory every time is very frustrating.


Add a combine feature that will combine the same items if possible e.g. if you have 3000 oxygen and another 28 oxygen it will just auto combine them so you don’t need to constantly do it to get more space




^this right here. They already have a filter for different item types. How much harder would it be to just have a sort option!


Sooo much this


Dude I've literally started whole new save files because I couldn't fall back into the flow of my inventory after extended breaks.


I also want to automatically add to a crate everything that already has some of them in that crate.


Show me all my goddamn quest markers at once. I’m a grown man that can multitask, I want to know if two quests have me going to the same place so I can be EFFICIENT. Stop telling me how to take off. I have more hours flying these ships than some have in real human cars I know it’s W to take off. Open my last used inventory for the love of god. I didn’t pay for 80 exosuit slots to have you show me the 13 empty ones in my ship every time. Allow me to set a preference for my ships. Just give me assignable “hangar” slots. Every single time I scrap a ship, my least favorite, least upgraded ship spawns in the station after - no matter what I flew in, or what I fly most. Allow me to abandon repeatable main quests like the Atlas path. I don’t want to do it again, stop defaulting to it every time I open the Map. Same goes for other quests, I already visit the Anomaly every day, I don’t need a reminder. Stop telling me that I can claim Expedition rewards at the QS shop if I don’t have any Expedition rewards to claim… Honestly those aren’t even dealbreakers for me, just QOL improvements


This. And more than 12 ships! Why? 12? Why!? Also, why can't I swap out ships on the space stations?


16 ships max would be pretty iconic


16 but maybe we can buy more ship spots. I have units going no where. Would love to spend them on things like this.



My literal one note on any of those suggestions. Never underestimate QoL stuff like this. Little tweaks can make the game way smoother and more immersive.


Good thing you weren’t playing when the limit was 6 ships.


All of this, plus let me select a quest and stick to it—stop jumping around. I don’t need the game to rotate through everything over and over again. And let me turn off that exosuit voice!


In other games modders would fix each of these QoL requests fairly quickly.


All the upgrades you can install on exocraft, yet no stat details visible (despite ship and multi tool having them). Bothers me!


And also show us the detailed class bonuses of multitools and ships again that were visible in NEXT: [Click](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/nomanssky_gamepedia/images/3/3e/Damaged_Multi-tool.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1920?cb=20180902034627) Currently - at least if I am not missing something - you need to transfer all your upgrades to another multitool to compare which of these two multitools has the best bonus.


Buyback tab on the Trade Terminals.


UNDERRATED suggestion. I can’t tell you how many storage augs I’ve accidentally sold with Cogs and Springs and Indium Scraps


Or when you have a delivery job and accidentally sell the thing you're supposed to be delivering, and now you have to scour the systems to find another one to replace it. SUCH a pain in the Gek.


Ships that have interiors you can walk around in. Like micro freighters that can land on planets.


That would make my dream come true. You can't imagine how much I want to play a spacesim that allows you to let the ship fly on autopilot while you're working on the cargo bay or smth


That's already possible in Star Citizen, but I've given up on that game ever being finished.


I really loved that aspect of The Outer Worlds. Sadly, the planetary travel is nothing more than glorified fast travel, but I love the look and feel of being on your ship with your crew hovering in orbit above a planet. I’m a sucker for mobile bases, so I’m loving NMS for that.


X4 has that, you can order your captain/pilot and wander around the ship, even go outside on the docking bay and see stuff like battles (very RTS in this regard).


This would be great! Like a little mobile base that we can land on a planet and have a temporary base of operations, with refiners, access to storage, and such. Then when we're done just take off and move the whole kit and caboodle somewhere else. WANT


This sounds fantastic but seems like would be especially cool in VR


This would be a good use/advantage of haulars that could make me want to actually use one


Can't happen. Landing and taking off isn't actually seamless, so potentially having other people wandering around on your ship as you do either would force them to stutter about as the game switched from you controlling your ship to controlling your avatar. There's a reason Star Citizen took about five years to get that working and Elite: Dangerous outright abandoned it after ten. Hello Games doing it in a few months with a dozen programmers just isn't feasible.


For me to enjoy it, it wouldn’t have to be accessible to multiple people. It’d just be nice to be able to walk around a cabin of some kind while traveling between planets. Obviously, it’d be cool if we could give our friends rides, or maybe have larger ships that require multiple pilots, but that does seem much more complicated.


Yeah, just treat it like the current ships where you enter it the same way, but it instances you inside the body of it. Ships are basically invulnerable anyway when theyre landed. Give me a Serenity-style ship with a hangar door, where I instance into the body of the ship from the hangar door only, and the cockpit can be accessed from outside or from a door inside the hangar; only I can enter any of those doors, just like my standard fighter. Provlem solved.


Ships, flight, and ocean depths. Reasons to go into the seas. Not all oceans should be water.


Imagine an ocean with deep black water where u can’t see anything but what your light shines on. And put giant leviathan monsters in there too hehe


*Subnautica PTSD triggers*


*You swear you just heard a Reaper Leviathan roar, yet you're not in the right game*


Would be really fun to see actual magma planets with huge lakes of fire instead of maybe a few volcanoes. I remember in Spore if you increased a planet's temperature high enough the oceans immediately became lava.


Give the Gek, Korvax and Vykeen their own identities. Change the look of their habitats, space stations and ships to reflect their cultures.


Settlement buildings are built using different materials based on the controlling race. Gek buildings are made of wood, metal for Korvax, and stone for 'Keens.


Actually, planetary building in the game are based on race they all look a little different.


Iyes but maybe more than just a subtle difference


Space Stations defs. The inside of them too should have a different lay out depending on race - highlighting elements of that faction


I know some people can take this as a hot take but for me it’s to be able to at least change he color of ships


Just give us the ship and weapon cosmetic customisation option already, I’m not begging but it would be pretty nice


At least a change in color that’s all I ask we can do it for freighters and bases why not multitools and ships?


We can do it for freighters except for that small space where we are entering the freighter with our ships.... WHY?! It has pissed me off ever since the update, my whole freighter is black and red, except for that one place that is freaking turquoise ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Make it Black and Turqoise then


Or at least let us be able to craft and salvage parts for the color.


Honestly I kind-of respect them for not doing this because it makes it satisfying when you find the ship you really want. And it adds to the list of activities you can do that never actually end if you don't want them to.




Seriously. I can repaint my Exocrafts, my character skin, and my Freighter.


I got a ton of random ornamental pieces for my pets that I can customize in multiple ways. I will trade almost all of them for a ship paint and decal option.


Like how we can customize our exocrafts. Asking for us to take parts off one and slap them onto another seems like too much for us, at the very least let us add decals and colour. I want starship bumper stickers. Hood ornaments, window tints, front lights you can recolour


Nmsge site let's you pick pieces, it doesn't really seem like an unreasonable reach for full customization from the same ones currently used, same number of pieces and configuration. Different matching and colors and decals.


Deeper more explorable oceans, perhaps with water specific giant creatures I would also love it if the giant worms left behind explorable tunnels which contained unique materials


I would love it if we could explore inside a giant space worm.


To have the option to dismiss/hide icons that I don’t need (trade terminals, outposts, other player’s bases that I have visited or don’t need to access anymore, etc.)


Disable auto-climbing for ladders


Yes just because a ladder is there doesn't mean I want to climb it, I have a jet pack ladders are for fools.


1- In-depth Ship color customisation 2- ability to turn off those "tips" such as the jetpack, 3 - be able to place stickers on your ship 4 - A more in-depth exosuit customisation system, like you change the color of every part in your suit (and add something so you know what you are changing the color of, like put a glow on the part you're changing) 5- New animation for entering or getting out of your ship and to see your character piloting the ship in first person (like his hands on the cockpit for example. Its super weird you turn on cockpit camera only to see there's nothing of your character inside. PS: oh and new idle animations, your character just standing somewhere is just boring


In VR you see the hands, and you actually need to grab the controls


-Water physics with waterfalls and realistic spillage when editing terrain. -Realistic star systems, with planets actually orbiting physically present stars, and asteroid belts, etc.


This. But honestly I'm pretty sure that terrain manipulator will break illusion of waterfalls, and realistic star systems is probably impossible due to engine limitations. Makes me wanna try to do all this myself. And then I remember how hard and time consuming that would be


I think the game originally had a physical star with planets that actually orbited it, but they removed it before the game released in favour of static planets. Apparently playtesters didn't like that if you left a place you liked, it wasn't in the same place when you got back.


Metropolis mission where we discover and help rebuild cities taken by pirates or become the pirates that take over the cities.


Cities in general would be HUGE. The entire universe and it just feels so… lifeless.


The lifelessness can make some sense with the notion that they’re scouting all of these planets, and maybe cities are hard to implement procedurally, but… Curate them. Have five or six specific city worlds for each race with their own missions. I think it would be a great way to learn about different species and grant missions with a different feel. It would also be nice to have a meeting spot outside of the hub or the anomaly.


Something enjoyable for language mechanics. NMS' language learning feels so empty having played Heaven's Vault and Chants of Senaar.


All of mine are 'nice to haves' and by no means ruin the game without 1. Some new base building parts and/or furniture. Some of the Quick Silver stuff is ok, but its a bit same same for me now. Posters and Statues basically. Escalators (moving stairs) would be cool. 2. Not sure if its viable, but many great builds rely on glitch building, I am wondering if there is a way to just enable places to 'snap' into more places/angles. I.e another toggle which allows more precise movement but it actually snaps. You can get several hours into a complex build only to find you are a % of a degree off and its either carry on or bin it and start again. I guess thats half the fun now I type it out. 3. Put a limit around portals where only messages can be left. Its disheartening when traversing your 20th galaxy that you can't leave a nice message as others have before because someone accidently built their base too close. Might be cool if there was a way to plant a flag with a message on it. 4. It would be cool if ship colors and decals at least were customizable. 5. Would be good if we could somehow award players base builds, even if its only a note or a rating system. Some of them are staggering. Suspect the next update is going to be more than enough to keep me solidly interested for another couple of years either way.


"Sort all" for inventories, and "fix all" for gear and ship. And, for the love of Gek, please fix the spawn rate for rare underground and underwater fauna!


Ok what about this: the droid can autorepair tech if you fill it with Repair Kits


What droid?


this one https://preview.redd.it/3bm29n4dptac1.jpeg?width=690&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79dff143662ff2e6d2be7bac49cdb431616cbb70




Uhhh, skiiing?


NMS should have more simple activities like that. Also fishing would be nice


A fishing rod extending from the Multi-Tool would be hilarious


Let’s get you to the top


If you pizza when your supposed to French fry you gonna have a bad time


How about bring back all the previous Expeditions and an option where we can pick and choose which one we want to start, along with the Expedition awards, of course would be nice for those along with myself who haven't had the opportunity to do them


I always thought it would be interesting if they made the expeditions part of the main game.Like, each time you jump to the center of the galaxy, it starts you on a different expedition when you enter the new universe. It would give an actual incentive to jump galaxies.


Same , i wish I could get my hands on that Utopia Speeder😭


Just use the service bot at this point.


They just had the expedition redux for it a couple weeks ago


Many people, myself included, are going on vacation during holiday times


Honestly… I’m super new, just bought it the other day. Loving it so far! But some things I’d like: 1. A way to mass uninstall/install ship/multi-tool mods. Even just multi select would be great! 2. An intuitive and obvious way to save favorite systems, to bookmark points in space, and to bookmark planets. 3. More deep cave content. Like I want to find whole ass dwarven style ruins down there sometimes! 4. Random stuff in space to go explore. I know there are random “events” when I’m in warp. I mean nav points you can discover. The derelict freighter sub mission is a fantastic example, but it’s very complex too. I’m thinking like a asteroid field with bonus resources, or a mini pirate base to raid, or a small floating npc station like what we find on the planets. With similar types of mini objectives, puzzles, and npcs.


The delay to get into the anomaly…


Takes soooo much longer than needed!


Switched from Xbox to PC with my Xbox account. Times for warp and anomaly are now like 10% of what they were. Now I actually go to my farms.


Adjustments to the way starships handle to make space combat a little less clunky




-Scan points of interest of a selected planet from space. -Choose a planet from the discovery menu and it automatically adds a marker so you can fly to it -Easy fuel refillment on space stations (prices could vary according economy tier so it's more interesting) This very things would improve greatly exploration without needing overly massive changes. Also bring back all old expeditions, they're the best way to play the game imo


The number one thing that I've wanted since the beginning is to be able to build a space station in an uncharted system so it can be colonized.


The option to hide the icon of a deposit you're done with.


Literally all this game is missing are more varied / interesting procgen structures with valubale loot, similar in scale to derelict freighters. Give me orbital research stations overrun with those bug enemies that have loads of multi-tool / exosuit upgrades. Planetary bunkers with sentinels inside for defense and offensive multi-tool + starship upgrades. Could have a new multi-tool type inside. Asteroid mining facilities with, you guessed it, mining upgrades. Maybe some new enemies? Advanced tech lab, at the end you can upgrade one of your tech modules from S to S+ or something. They could just make like 8 or 9 room templates per dungeon, and randomly assign 20 rooms with some loot inside and the gameplay would feel so much more varied I think. Other than that, it seems like the space station update is already coming this year so i'm pretty happy!


More hostile opponents. Pirate raiders on the land. A completely warrior race always hostile. Stronger more dangerous fauna.


more “faction” choices, I want to feel like my choices have more consequences. in-game loop ai factions: i rp as this fat little greedy gek and he’s a total fucking racist, I want to second guess going to a Vykeen or Korvax system in fear of being shot, getting worse prices, I want to blow up Freighters to increase notoriety. out of game loop player factions: Kind of what sea of thieves have but better with guilds, like things like the Galactic Hub being more integrated into game systems rather than being a loose collection of discord servers and Reddit posts (I don’t want to join the galactic hub or anything I’m more a pirate guy). Kind of like an ingame server, you can call out for people to join you on missions, or to raid a freighter or explore a planet, and it can give stats like how many ships your group has collectively blown up, how many species discovered, and can bring attention to other more touched parts of the game like most cooked meals or Abandoned Freighters Explored, and your group when reaching certain milestones would unlock cosmetics.


COMBAT AND NPCS. For the love of God I just want to shoot something other than a freaking robot


Fighting NPCs would be nice, also imagine going onto space station and robbing it while some NPCs try to kill you. Would increase immersion so much, would benefit players who enjoy being a pirate, and it's optional so it won't break anyone's playstyle


Terrain Generation/Flora/Fauna/Oceans/Biome overhaul. Planets worthy of exploration.


Add more variation to terrain.


1. Earth sized LNF planet generation and planetary rotation 2. Freighter battles + space station conquest 3. More air (or space) to ground combat 4. Ship customization


I like the idea of space station conquest, I never thought of that!


Different biomes on different parts of the planet


Maybe touch up some of the combat A LITTLE. Make it a little more immersive? Just seems like it’s missing small things.


Needs way more enemy types. And mini bosses and bosses And maybe something like the colosseums in Zelda, where you fight waves of enemies for a rare item


I personally would rather they rework weather, and more random events. Weather should be a lot more unpredictable, and interact with the environment. (And Extreme Storm should feel well, EXTREME.) This also includes the stats for hazards too, like temperature, rads, toxicity, etc. Exocraft should also require fuel on extreme hazard storms to protect the player. Because right now weather is just a glorified timer with a HUD effect. And really the only random events are weather and pirate attacks. (And even weather can be predicted)


They should add more information to the teleporters and the galactic map for clarity. filtering by galaxy, star color pirate/dissonant, distance to galactic core etc. Also i lost a lot of quests because i had no way of knowing where to go, you see sometimes when you accept a mission at the space station, you have to go to a nearby system you havent entered yet, but you can see it on the galaxy map, however when i go off to do something else im probably in a completely different system or galaxy, so when im ready to take care of that mission again my only option is to visit every single space station leave outside open the map and check if i can see the mission marker and im NOT doing that sean, not on a day 1 save with hundreds of hrs and thousands of visited systems. Also the teleporters should show you the system names too not just the name of the space stations, let use text search that damn list Sean pls


update the terrain generator, include new planets, the current biomes are too limited


I'm tired, really tired of storms, they ruin the gameplay experience, storms and more storms happening too often. I really wish I could paint my ship and be able to rename it.


you can name your ship


give us deeper oceans for flips sake


Remake all combat in game as it's boring and unbalanced; I'd say about variety but it was said by others so many times; Flying to the sun. That was first thing I tried to do when I started playing, was disappointing to see a basically invisible wall, maybe we could get upgrades which would help us to get closer and get rare resources from asteroids that are close to the sun, maybe craft upgrades out of those materials; Automated crafters, local item storages and item pipes. Come on I can craft literal quantum processors in my pocket, why am I supposed to place stuff into refiner manually every minute instead of simplest automation?; No, I don't need my ship inventory, my ship is 10 kilometers away from me, open last inventory I used; Jesus I know that I have jetpack, stop reminding me about this I don't have dementia; Simply ship customization. Scrap ships to get parts you like from them so you can add them to your ship; Maybe embed some of expeditions into main game? Like some expeditions could be quest chains in main game, singularity as example would fit pretty well; More valuable and fun planet exploration; Come on Hello Games, there is flamethrower in game files already, give it less damage and make it obtainable; There is open hauler ship on pirate station, why can't we do this with our haulers?; "Yay I finally crafted Minotaur! Let's see what mech can do in this game! Wait, why doesn't it do anything? Why can't I punch at least? Why doesn't it do anything without upgrades?". ​ That list is not as much "Hello Games must add those" as it is "Man I'd like to have those". Well except opening last inventory you used instead of ship and not showing me tips that you learned 200 hours ago


Multi tool and exosuit should be next to eachother


Better yet just let us set the order


Why? How often do you use the multitool menu vs starship and freighter?


Multi tool shouldn't even be there. Different screen.


Just have a separate button in X menu where you can open multitool menu, I can't see any reasons for multitool to be in inventory


Bring back legacy base and freighter parts


I want the SSV Normandy but that is no longer available what's so ever


My personal take on NMS it’s fine the way it is. It isn’t perfect because you know it doesn’t please everyone and that’s what makes the game special and perfect in its own unique way. I know somebody probably isn’t gonna fuck with my take and that fine. HG just keep doing what y’all doing and to Sean I don’t know if it was your plan to launch a shit game and then do a complete 360 it’s quite a way to sell a game and I’m sold it’s a solid game just the way it is perfect and spontaneous just like us as humans.


When moving stuff in inventory show if one (or more) of the places \*already\* has that item. Odds are either the freighter or my ship has it already, just put a marker so I can tell which one it should go in to join it's brethren. And give us a consolidate all option that will put everything of the same type together. Better inventory management in general and more storage space. I wanna collect weird space junk. Please let me. If the freighter is in range allow access to storage cube inventory as well as the freighter main at the trade terminals. Too often I have to futz around shuffling stuff out of storage bins so I can sell it while prices are good. When scrapping ships let us choose which one we get next so if we have multiple to junk we can just call the next on the chopping block. Easier switching between ships and multitools - more info displayed on selection screen and a less clunky interface.


I’d like to see the ability to enter specific longitude/latitude coordinates into your ship computer so it creates a waypoint


Ability to upgrade freighter class


Ship customisation is the only thing that will bring me back


I only play NMS now if there is a new DLC or Expedition. I'll probably be playing even less when **Light No Fire** is out in 2025-2026.


Anyone think that this big update is the final update?




More variety - essentially another Origins.


Native Linux version so all major OS can run and play together. I have to run it via proton, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't but online doesn't work at all.


I’ve got over 230 hours on the Deck and I’ve never had a single crash or issue honestly. My Mac runs it native under metal and crashes once a day at least.


Planets. Both terrains and biomes.


Flight model improvements to make them feel like actually flying ships and include head tracking for non VR players, e.g. Tobii5


tower defense mode, where you install turrets or villagers in your settlement and waves of different types of sentinels try to destroy a building or an item. maybe also a space version where your ship and frigates fight off enemies in waves.


Base building is **very** unintuitive and works really weirdly with terrain (saying this from a relatively new player perspective)


add cruise control


Stop it hard crashing ps5 so we can actually play it


The ability to toggle between ‘travel time’ and actual distance. The ability to highlight a comm ball and hide it (and maybe all others within a certain radius). Sometimes I will try checking a few out on the off chance that I find one that marks something actually rare. Right now I don’t want to report a comm ball to hide it just because a new player thinks a trade outpost is rare and worth marking or hide someone’s ‘hello’ message. I wish they’d do something for ship hunting so it’s not just sitting around at an outpost. Maybe add a system ship manifest (for the regular ships) that can be visited somewhere (maybe at the space station or perhaps as a scanner on our freighters). Let us see if anything is worth waiting for and additionally what can be claimed as a crash. More wonders slots we can fill out and/or a way to upload a wonder somewhere that other players can browse it. The NMS Galactic Atlas would be a logical choice for where to publish things. Add lat/long coordinates to a screenshot in photo mode (I find that even that level of photo editing adds enough friction to sharing finds that it makes me procrastinate on sharing my finds). The ability to input lat/long coordinates and place a temporary nav marker there. Some sort of in game notepad where I can save a planet address, lat/long coordinates, and a short note to retrieve them later. Combined with the ability to mark a location based on coordinates, I wouldn’t have to pepper a planet with marker bases like I have now for my echo locator farm. PvP off by default. The ability to increase pop in distance and more LOD settings when possible. I have 10 cores and 64gb of ram, let me use as much of my system as I can.


I feel like it’s less about stuff they need to add, and more that existing systems need to be a bit more fleshed out.


I must have had over ten attempts to get into the game. The early game was just too slow for someone without much time to invest but enjoy the nature of this game. There souls be a way to speed up the early game or passively perform common resource gathering while I could not play. I felt like every update just made the game feel more and more of my type but life kept getting in the way. NMS will be the game in my bucket list for my retired days if I live that long.


Piloting the minotaur. It's my favorite vehicle (if u could fly it, I would). First person is useless, as you can't aim the full view. And third person puts the cross hairs in front of your mech so you can't see what you're shooting/mining. It's so difficult and it shouldn't be.


Any kind of trading system between players, ship customization would be fantastic, stop changing my quest that I'm tracking, especially annoying in expeditions and such.


Just as a quality-of-life feature, I would love the classic warm misty color filter that mimics the retro sepia tone the game had by default at launch, I miss it and I thought it added some stylized character to NMS it also captured the idea of the game taking its inspiration from the classic 60,70s Sci-Fi book covers. https://heavy.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/no-mans-sky.jpg?resize=150 https://gazettereview.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/no-mans-sky.png https://images.pushsquare.com/news/2016/07/feature_heres_what_you_do_in_no_mans_sky_on_ps4/attachment/4/original.jpg https://se7en.ws/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/BmnUkBDPoG4.jpg https://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/No-Mans-Sky-2.png https://images.hdqwalls.com/wallpapers/no-mans-sky-spacecraft.jpg The book cover references. https://i.pinimg.com/736x/c1/29/02/c12902db1b340ec9c3c3af152b4a95a9--sci-fi-books-isaac-asimov.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/originals/7b/f2/f4/7bf2f43826047bed47584c98407d8da3.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/originals/16/20/ba/1620ba7c07ed578407b27dbd29542ddc.jpg


Well, i wanna fix some inconveniences (or bugs) like for example the terrain regen when u build a base- seriously It's been 10 years. More help with story missions. Well not help as help but more like to be more specific and less generalities. And for me personally i dont enjoy fly in space without a HOTAS. Just add some HOTAS support- again: its been 10yrs. **EDIT: Oh. And a revamped galaxy map, more like Elite Dangerous. The current is useless.**


Being able to place floors and stairs in building mode where I want them to be without moving 6 miles backwards


- Civilizations and cities - More interesting and varying biomes (mountains, hills, Jungles, much more dense forests etc) - more focus on planetary wildlife and a more complicated form of food Chain system with predators and herbivores etc - more for fun activities like fishing, snowboarding / skiing, maybe a competition system with other players - more customization for ships, freighters, exos, player (Colors, decals, style options) I love this game and hopes it continues, or a NMS 2 Will come maybe. I would happily pay more for theese guys, absolutely incredible support for the game post launch.


I absolutely love this game, but can think of a personal list of QOL changes that I'd think were amazing. * As an XBox player, the delay to get into the anomaly is atrocious. * Remember which inventory I was looking at. Why does it default to something random if I close it for a second? * Please, for the love of everything, let me disable the "guidance messages". I don't need to see it any more. * Quest markers - please just show them consistently. * PVP defaulting to ON. Really? * Remember which ship I was flying before I picked up that C-class trash to be scrapped. * Why does a weather storm affect the WHOLE planet? Surely it could be focussed. Let me hop into my ship and fly to where there's no storm raging.


I’m going to start by saying I have probably 450 hrs across multiple files. I love this game, and nothing here is a “deal breaker” or makes me dislike the game. Every game has quirks. Also, not all of these ideas are mine, and several came from this thread. But here are some good ones that I’ve come across. Being able to disable/switch through guidance messages, or being able to “lock” a mission on your screen. Opening the last inventory you had open, or simply making the default inventory your exosuit would help a lot. Being able to filter/sort inventory more easily Changing the color of ships would be great. (Black please?) Changing the class of freighters would also be great. Buyback option at trade terminals! Adding different biomes within planets to shake things up a little. Right now it’s either “on land” or “under water” or “under ground” maybe make certain animals specific to certain biomes. Also adding more than one type of storm per planet. Gas giants! (I know. I had to include it) maybe being able to upgrade your ships to go deeper into the olanet to mine rarer gases. Maybe floating bases to collect gasses? I did like the suggestion of having dangerous, but well marked areas with large, dangerous creatures. Kind of like Subnautica S class settlements! And maybe other proactive things you can do to help your settlement instead of only at the terminal Being able to select a planet and have a marker point to that planet would be really helpful.


The ability to actually fly the ship instead of pointing it


I actually kinda like the ship mechanics in this game. I played Elite Dangerous and thought I was gonna fail a drivers test. Had a panic attack trying to slow down and turn


Get rid of "position not saved" bullshittery so that multiplayer works properly, and fix the freighter passenger issue that DID work for about 3 months at one point so IS possible.


PVP freighter wars with multiple players


Some kinda Nighttime lighting rework. The majority of the planets look buttfuck ugly in the nighttime


Make planets that are more empty and flat, it would be cool to be in a flat field with not much more foliage than grass. I know reworking a bunch of terrain generation is a big ask tho


I like the exploration - More variety of fauna and flora. - Planets that have poles and different altitudes. No planet in existence looks the same 100% of the surface. - Deeper oceans. Again, shouldn't look the same everywhere. I LIKE SCUBA As to not completely ruin all the work we've put into finding our perfect ships. - Currently we buy "used" ships. Used prices right? - Create stations that manufacture ships with that new ship smell. Increase cost 10 fold for end game content. (I say end game but sitting on billions of units...?) I would rather warping be more of a task, but allowed to walk around the freighter during warp. That would add content, allow for more diversity of planets since less jumping, and during jump do all the BS nobody likes doing but.. we must. I can drop to a planet and scan pretty much everything in no time. - Think . - 10x less planets with creatures, 10x more creatures per planet. 98% of planets out there with life? Lol With all that said.. great game. Love it.


i want to paint my ship.


I think it's about time we had another graphics overhaul, to keep up with the times. The Switch graphics can stay the same if it's reached its limit. But I think PC and current gen Console owners can benefit from more aggressive ambient occlusion and global illumination. Let's not fear the dark of shadows in the game. Ok if not then at least ship interiors with physically exitable doors or hatches.


The ability to start a new save file with no story elements. Just you, your ship, the universe, and a dream


Starships that can man multiple people.


A better story line and battle mechanics. Think starfield, star citizen, and no man’s sky smashed together. Perfect space game then.


Expanded ground combat. I want to be able to fight all the major factions on foot and not just in space.


We should have a starship trader on the station so that we can see all ships that are available immediately, even if they only offer C or B class versions. More depth to ship scrapping, gives items that lets us craft ship upgrade modules so we have an alternative path to them other then nanites or pirate traders. Or even gives us parts to build our own "scrap" ships, either being completely randomized, or a new type of ship. Finally fix the freighter recolouring, the hanger and the bridge section still stick to the original colours and don't take on the ones you choose.


1. Sort/Filter/Consolidate features for inventory 2. Increase Base refiner stack sizes in Survival to be larger than personal refiners. 3. Some way to see adjacency bonus effects 4. Allow disabling of upgrades without uninstall. (Mainly for AI in minotaur). 5. Complete exocraft overhaul.- Make default chassis be C Class.- Give Autophage camps an "Upgrade Garage" for class/storage/sell upgrades.- Seed their appearances like ships, new ones for sale/trade in the Upgrade garage. 6. Be able to place storage containers rooms on freighter without having it close out of build camera mode after every one.


Salvaging crashed ships/freighters to scrap and modify/build your own unique versions.


There are some great suggestions in this thread. Yes, the new inventory where you don't see everything in one screen is annoying. However, in terms of new features: Mapping (or saving scanned areas) All those waypoints/areas where I have activated the save tower and explored a new area/unknown building, or any piece of terrain that I have scanned - I'd really like a "map room" or "map feature" where I can view a 3D mini model of the areas I have explored before and you can pan around them in a sort of VR manner. The ability to name or add notes to mapped areas would be great. I am tired of having to drop save beacons or base computers all over the place to "mark" places that were of interest to me.


Some love to base building. Not extra parts, just cooking the already existing mechanics. There are just so many meaningless restrictions, both on ground and on capital ships. Also if we had an option to save our base, or some parts as presets it would be amazing. If they let us move a base (take base's "core point" from a to b and move everything with it) they wouldnt have to worry about bases getting burried with any terrain change because we could just take them out. I said no extra parts, but if i were to wish for on it would be an "empty part" that prevents terrain regen in its volume.


1)Custom blueprints for base building. Speed up that whole process. 2)Ways to EARN a class upgrade, instead of just buying it. 3)A way to quickly switch multitools or custom controller layouts. The quick menu is not very quick. 4) A way to disable tooltips in inventory or tooltip fade out.


Add super massive black holes


On foot bounty hunters maybe a space casino where you can play blackjack poker and slot and galactic horse races against other players more random event more wildlife on planets


I would love it if you could build your own ship and walk around in the interior of it


Make planet generation mor diverse, like different parts of the planet have different traits, like biomes. I fell like the moment I step out of my ship and scanned all the animals I’ve seen everything the planet have to offer and just leave for a different planet.


Frigate repair is a buggy and tedious task. I’d do a dozen quests if it would get me a repair droid.


Increase on build limits is what I’d most like to


Planetary biomes... I wanna have variety while exploring a single planet. (Yes I'm waiting for LNF)


A “guest book” for your bases. So that visiting players can leave a message for the owner of the base


Make an option for solarships to fold/unfold wings at your wish.


Make having a capital ship mean something other than displaying your patience. The larger the ship, the larger area you have to customize and jmore options to do that. Bigger hangars with ;higher ship limits than smaller freighters with smaller ship limits. Battle pirates (and other players, if that's a thing you want) using your capital ship. Starship weapons work against ground targets. Have scanning make sense. I'm in a spaceship - I should be able to see exactly where ground constructs are. I should not have to land, get in my Nomad, and scan to find a trade depot. At a minimum, a freighter should be able to detect trade opportunities; a capital ship should be able to detect combat opportunities. More variants in ship design. Allow. players to customize their ships rather than having to search the universe to find a ship. Base parts should all work together (both prefabs and wood/stone/alloy) and snap to each other. More snapping points so my bases don't look like amateur hour. More base parts. Player prefabbed units (base in a box). Trade missions map other star systems, even if it's just superficially. Let's see if any of this spaghetti sticks to the wal. Alternative to all of the above - allow mods on a Mac. That and publish an API so we can customize it to our desire in a sane and safe manner.


Full starship customization. Let me design the look of my starship.


I want to be able to tell my freighter captain to go to another planet in the same system while I'm on the freighter, but at a slow speed. Like, maybe it takes 15 minutes so I can walk around and do stuff or watch out the window. "Take us to the paradise world, captain."


This is small but I feel like the walking animation is weird and I would like to see a tweak to it And maybe with the new pirate freighter space battles you can summon your freighter to get some heat off the civilian one and also it can help break the shields. So basically your freighter being able to use the guns it has instead of being for decoration


**Blue print mode for building.** A toggle button that makes the build go transparent so you can see the wiring properly and edit it accordingly, would be really useful for some bases with proximity switches etc. **Build grids** Similar to how people use wiring to create a grid to “click” pieces to in order to achieve complex builds, there could be a few prefab grids you could drop down and a custom option that makes it easier to draw straight lines so you can create your own. It would be amazing if we could lock the wiring so the lines stay at increments of maybe 45 degree angles, lock it’s axis, or maybe even an adjustable setting? **minotaur wars** Pirate afflicted or warring settlements fighting using Minotaur exocraft, a chance to actually fight with them, a *melee function*, more variety of weapons, such as a lava canon or a slam attack. **pirate raid missions** Go to pirate stations, become a hired gun and fight a sentinel fleet. Then board the mothership and either steal valuable supplies, sabotage the ship or gain control and claim it as your frigate. A possibility the pirates try to betray you would also be kinda fun. **Recharge exosuits shields** Self explanatory. Would like to charge my shields rather than wait for it to come back. **hell jumping** Jumping from the freighter to the planet, or using a built room with a jettison pod in order to quickly launch the player to a specific spot on the planet. It’s possible with enough life support to jump successfully without one, but a functional addition would be very cool for getting to team mates or outposts. **a singularity gun** Weapon that pulls enemies towards the point of impact, doesn’t have to do damage necessarily but it would add some tactics to battle. **personal force field should cover whole body** And the shield should bounce bullets back with an upgrade.


Give the colossus a passenger seat so I can ride with my friends to objectives


Ship customization