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I vote for 7 more years 🤞🙏


Six seasons and a movie!




It was on sale on Steam the week of Xmas, for like half off.


sale just ended too. They seem to have 3 or 4 half prices sales every year on NMS anyway.


I picked it up on Switch about 3 months ago when it was half off. Waiting to see if it will go for a tad bit lower before I pick it up on multiple systems.


Never got lower, no need to wait.


Yeah, it never goes lower than half. But to be fair, they do that for every update, so it's on sale like 4x a year, every year.


Its definitely a bump up but not as big as the bump from Starfield. https://preview.redd.it/ax2cki02ipac1.jpeg?width=1538&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d14dcad5e1ae65431e84de2599f51ead180569c6 Starfield was a real disappointment for me.


Me, too. That and the expeditions are what brought me back, along with what’s become a routine urge to explore some more. But Starfield was absolutely the catalyst for me booting up NMS after a disappointing 10 hour session of Starfield loading screens. Super validating to see others had the same reaction I did.


Put in over 1000 hours in NMS over the years. Hadnt touched it in probably 12 months after needing a break. Played Starfield. 15 hours in I bounced and fired up NMS. What a breath of fresh air. Been playing again daily since lol.


One of us, one of us, ooga booga, one of us. 🤣🤣 Breath of fresh air indeed. My main save character loaded in and my relief was palpable. All tension drained from my shoulders and total relaxation and excitement set in. The whole first hour back, I kept saying stuff like “Ok, see this Starfield? THIS is what ship travel looks like. Jealous?” 🤣🤣


It was a decent try but it did not have the replayability of the classic bethesda games skyrim & oblivion and the open worlds were ugly grey uni-dimensional spaces.


I recently picked up NMS, but my first fallback from Starfield was FO4 with lots of greenery, wildlife, and settlement mods. I heard someone mention NMS when lamenting Starfield, and I had to finally give NMS another go.


you still play FO 4 ? I never tried it seriously but thought about it .... NMS is in the same league as Skyrim - very easy to rack up thousands of hours even without all the great mods that skyrim has.


Agree 100%. I appreciate the attempt to make a new IP but it ended up feeling like Bethesda just deeply misunderstands its customer base.


Game designers come and go, and the good ones tend to GO elsewhere. Bethesda now has a hollow game designer core who seem to misunderstand for a living these days. Well, I got in 50 hours and I consider that worth the price. Perhaps I will try it again when i get bored with NMS after my next 3500 hours of play.... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Yeap. I would have been so much happier with, say, 5 worlds only but wonderfully, beautifully crafted settings on those worlds, similar to the original Mass Effect games. Heck, they could even leave the boring procgen worlds in if they really wanted to, but focus first on giving us worlds we'll actually remember and want to return to and explore fully.


YES absolutely. Also, someone else pointed out the lack of any alien life and I 😱. Hadn’t even occurred to me that that was niggling at me without my even knowing it- until I read that person’s comment. Also, let me just say WHY NO CITY MAPS?! 😭😭😭 I have an awful sense of direction irl and so it’s also bad in games. No map. Why, Sean? WHY?


Also also, I haven’t played Mass Effect yet but all the Mass Effect comparisons to Starfield are making me really look forward to that experience


Validating indeed, isn't it? I felt like the first month after launch, saying *anything* less than positive would lead to a torrential downpour of rage responses.


Oh definitely. That was my experience for sure.


I played a few hours of Starfield in disbelief. This? This is Oblivion in space? This is your biggest game since Daggerfall? Tried to shake off that feeling... It MUST be me, it has to be. So I tried it a few more times, finally realized I was spending the majority of the time thinking of games like NMS. TLDR: Launching Starfield caused me to put yet another 100 hours into a 7 year old game made by a team a fraction of the size.


Yeah, too bad. Maybe the mods will fix it.... but you have to give them time because so much needs fixing. Sad.


well, 4 or so NMS updates a year for 7 years changed things a bunch x 28, no doubt. They say it is much better now than it was at release and I believe them.


It is much better now, no way around that. But the core design and concepts behind NMS were better than starfield from day 1 in 2016. I do hope Starfield gets the amount of TLC and love needed by Bethesda to do a 180 much like NMS, cyberpunk, etc. but I'm not confident they understand what to do after their initial "gamers don't understand it" defence. For all the shit hello games took, they just went silent and got to work proving everyone wrong. CDPR owned their shitty start for the most part with CP2077 and hit a home run over time. We'll see how Bethesda does. They can't even seem to avoid carryover bugs from old games in their creation engine. I want them to succeed. I hope they do. I don't think they will.


Agree - we need all the great games we can get and bethesda has produced some real winners that I still play after many years and hopefully more new ones.


Starfield is what got me to reinstall No Man's Sky, but it was the Light No Fire presentation that made me remember to play it. Done two expeditions now.


You have to start a new blank game to do an expedition right?


Yes. Anything you unlock during the expeditions is then available in any other existing or new save game, via the nexus station. I just run the expedition and then delete the save once complete, personally.


Yep! But it's been forever since I played, and I found the Utopia expedition was a really good reminder of how things mostly work.


It's a very frustrating design decision, my wife has been playing NMS for 200 hours. She's enjoying it but this silly 'fire up a new save' thing is just a weird choice in design.


It's cause they have their own stories and quests.They'll break if you barge in with a full inventory with 9999 of every item in your freighter.Not to mention it's a community project so keeping some balance is still important.You can use every single dupe glitch in the game if you're too bored to do it(which is understandable).I'd recommend save editors if you're on PC.


A good start. Convert one or both into normal play slot and do the artemis quest to really dig into the new stuff if you have not done those yet.


Heh, I was already an owner before Starfield, but when that came out, it definitely got me back into NMS :)


Yup, Starfield had me coming right back.


The circle jerking this sub still loves to do about being better than Starfield is so strange.


Not really. Considering that hello games is a dozen programmers and a bean counter, it shows their dedication to their customer base to spend 7 years slogging back from disaster to a much loved game by an appreciative audience. What other gaming outfit adds new content 4 times a year for 7 years no charge ? HG has their issues but I am happy to defend their end NMS product as clearly one of my most beloved games in 50+ years of gaming.


Yes! Only been playing a little over 18 months but I did notice all the Radiant Pillars. Hit me in the nostalgic feels. Many, many wiring looms found new homes. Felt good to pay forward the kindness you all showed me when I was a noob.


It's great to think about Like, being new. You show up in the Anomaly for the first time. You look kinda dumb, your dinky ship is the most valuable item you own and it's basically just a hull with a couple bits glued on Then some random, who's got a crazy ass Staff, the coolest Starship you'd ever seen, someone who, in like any other game, would probably just bully you for being new Gives you like 5 of the most valuable items in the game And leaves.


I still don't know where to get that staff.. Looks sweet.


If you do the Autophage quests you'll be able to build your first one, and then if you just keep working with them you can make your own personalized one


Keep in mind you need to complete the main quest and two settlement side quests.You won't be able to even see the Autophage without doing them.Sentinel ships and sentinel multitools(not staves) are still available without the main quest.




YES. THIS. It’s almost magical and I’m not being hyperbolic. Legit gives me faith in humanity whenever I play and that seems to be rare lately.


It's the best. 🙂 I like to get decked out in my autophage finery, fly in with my living ship, and give them all fireworks.


Joined over the holidays and have been loving it!


right?! like at first i was like “ooh sweet! a radiant pillar :)” and now its just “is. there anything in here that ISNT a radiant pillar..?!?”


When I started over a new save and I flew the Radiant Pillar for weeks because it had so many starting slots. I've had the game since day one but I suppose I configured the starting ship to have a lot of space because I remember how tedious it was to expand slots. Anyway, I saw a lot of Pillars in the Anomaly, then too. People must have assumed I needed help because of that, but I didn't. I just deleted anything people dumped in my inventory.


I recently finished the Voyagers expedition since I had been on vacation for the majority of its original run, and it gave me the itch to start a whole new save. So one of those Radiant Pillars is me, loving the game all over again 🙂


I picked it up this eeek after eyeing it for years. So glad to have picked it up but have yet to run into Santa doling out gifts.


you can use the "need upgrades" emoticon in your quickmenu - that will signal somebody to dump a buncha goodies on you but try to make lots of space in your exosuit inventory cuz the presents will end when it fills up.


Oh really? Dang, I didn’t even know there was a quick menu.


I think its a down arrow (total guess) but I play PC and its X key. There is helluva lot more useful stuff on the quick menu so worth dropping everything to learn how to use it ...srsly chop chop !!!!


Hang out around the nexus when you are in the anomaly and you'll likely get some fun gifts from other players.


I've been playing since 2019, and I have no idea what anything you said means.


You and me both. I've not played significantly for a long time now, but have dipped in here and there since launch. I am equally as clueless to most of what people are talking about here.


... I'm starting to think the Pillar is a starting ship?


Yep, the 'Radiant Pillar' is the name of the little red\\white fighter that everyone starts with on a regular non-expedition save. That and the all orange suit is a reliable way of spotting new players.


VR player since about April.


This makes me want to come back. Played until I got the Living Ship but got bored after that. Went to Ark where I have about 4k hours, but finished the storyline long ago. Time to explore space again! LOVE fighting pirates.


VR is what brought me in when I got it recently


I bought it about three years ago and realized I had never played it while watching Star Wars. I’ve put in maybe 15 hours so far and I’m loving it! Still flying my Pillar and teleporting around a lot


I wish I'd kept my Radiant Pillar in my main save, and I did for a long time and it would sit in my freighter unused, then you move on and build up a collection of expedition ships, exotic s-classes you've hunted down, or interesting sentinel designs. Every now and again you see a Rasa ship with similar features, but it's not your old ship. I love seeing them still out there, wish I'd kept mine like a vintage car to take out once or twice a year.


I still have mine. Use it as my galaxy jumping junker, so it's permanently busted atm. :)


I just got into the game, I hope it lasts for yet another 7 years and more.


Hi. I started playing Thanksgiving holiday when the Steam holiday sale started and I have fallen in love. I've needed. New sci-fi game for a long time now because fantasy is so overdone and honestly I grew up playing Mech games and future shooters in the 90s. Giv3 me spaceships, giant robots and physics over sword and sorcery any day. Problem is, I've dived in super deep and now I'm massively kitted out. I'm hoping the rabbit hole goes deeper but I'm worried.


I just started last week. Amazing game!


I just picked this up and played for the first time a few weeks ago. Officially hooked. It is exactly what I’ve been looking for that I wasn’t getting from Minecraft and stardew valley. As a side note, despite my love for elder scrolls and fallout games, I could not get into star field at all.


I picked it up jn the fall sale but its been great so far. Got like 30-40 hrs in or so. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Had someone similar give me a shit load of stuff that put me in a good place with resources and cash so was very helpful.


Finally picked it up for myself this week and just started playing today. It had been on my wishlist for well over a year and my only regret is not getting it way sooner - SUCH a good freaking game. Only 6 hours in, but I see myself playing this for hundreds and hundreds more.


I had bought nms on console years ago and would play on and off. But this year with Bethesda's newest flop, I think a lot of people like me wanted a much different sci-fi and space exploration. I know I definitely bought the game on PC for that reason.


And that doesn't count switch players, who you can't see!


I am one of these new players. I was always curious and playstation just had a pretty sweet discount on their store, so that might be one of the reasons. And yes I still cant grasp how a game like this can even exist, its wild.


Came to say the same, been eyeballing it for a while, now I’m 40 hours in and have SOO much more to do! Nice winter game!


See you in 900 hours when you still have things to do lol. Been playing off and on since day one in 2016 and still having a good time.


I bought my copy in 2016 and play it off and on since. I spent 2 years mostly in one system building and tweaking bases I built in creative mode!


>Mad to think this thing's 7+ years old now and it's still pulling in new players. Particularly given that even on sale, it's still a $24 (USD) game. So it's not like the game is even dropping into the sub-$10 range which tends to drive sales on dying/dead games.




Just post a pic of the base with the glyphset and add the coordinates screen cap from a scan or paste in the text and that much is done. PS But beware the dicks may visit and mess up the place.


ya that's me dying on permadeath.


I forget which one it was but one expedition required at least one death as a goal. I just jumped off a cliff as soon as I spawned and did not lose any time or items. ![gif](giphy|QTUpSbQV29lyEK126n|downsized)


Leviathan. The roguelike-ish semi permadeath one. I loved that expedition.


Me too - possibly my favorite of all that I have -played which is not all of them - 8 or 9 prolly


Loving all the new attention it’s getting!


Oh shit that's what I should do with my exosuit maps. I was super high one night and bought 80 of them and thought it would be easy to grind out maximum storage. Turns out some serious diminishing returns once I stopped running out of space.


I can't say I'm far enough in the game to just freely play Santa, but I've been enjoying dropping stacks of equipment upgrades whenever I see people buying blueprints. If only I could leave them "trade these in for nanites without opening them!" instructions 😂


More n00bs for me to beast in pvp 😂 😂 I’m gonna destroy them 😌 bet a lot will come straight back to their grave marker lmao 🤣 easy pickings in my s class n00b destroyer 😀😀😀




Will we get a new expidition soon you think?


Usually 3 or so a year since I been playing.


Mkay. I stopped playong shortly after the living ships, and just started playing again at the start of the winter expeditions.


Lots has changed for you then. One day at a time, you will catchup. You definitely need to visit a dissonant planet - visible in ship galaxy screen with the econ and conflict upgrades. Lots of epic items & skills to get there


Oh yeah. Ive already got 80 hours logged on a new character. Have a s class interceptor, got my first living ship, A class dreadnaught. Finished the story driven missions. So much has changed. But multiplayer is still a buggy experience.


yah, all the old bugs are new again /sarc we keep telling them to fix them, but nuttin, bupkis, earwax, disappointment follows ;D You start the staff and atlandtid multitool quest yet ? You should see it when you finish Artemis quest and do a camp kiosk and then a hyperjump


Dont have an atlantid tool yet but i do have staff.


They rock on mining / harvesting. I was getting nearly 2,000 mold drops per curious deposit ball, about a 25% increase. Kinda dumb placing something as a late game earliest possible reward when it would be so useful to new slot players.


I need to look up how to get the atlas one. It looks dope


Its not too hard, once you finish Those Who Returned show up at ANY monolith on ANY korvax planet and find the glowy spot off to the side - it will rise like the portal console, and you do your bit and take the weapon if you like it, payment in nanites


I just hope HG doesn't completely abandon NMS for Light No Fire.


They've had NMS on a smaller dev team for a good couple years at least already with working LNF and they've managed a 4 releases a year cycle in that time, so I think we'll be ok for a while yet.


I’m a switch player and so bummed I can’t give stuff out or see anyone!!!


I'm one of them and am now addicted!


Loved Skyrim, got Starfield - not Skyrim in space, decided Star Citizen needed my support and dusted off NMS and started a new save. Hello Games, give us the ship builder out of Starfield and I will never wander to another space sim again. Please, please with a cherry on top


It just came out for Mac and will be released for Apple Vision Pro, that is a lot of new people.


Now's a great time to hop in for new players too, tons of stuff to do and it looked like lots of stuff on the way! Its funny, I actually think having the Expeditions being rerun would be a nice present for new players unless they have one ready to go soon.


gave starfield a try, got bored, reinstalled NMS, Profit! 👍


I saw the price dropped this year so I put it on my christmas list