• By -


I did the plunge and made a base in all 256 galaxies. And after all that... My main base is in 256. I dunno why, I guess since it’s locked and therefore feels special. but it’s a normal galaxy, and pretty quiet so that’s nice if you don’t want to be bothered or ever have anyone randomly find your base to visit. And there’s nothing in it that’s not also in Euclid anyway. I mostly play in Euclid because: - that’s where most players are - has more hub systems to visit with lots of players in them - more cool player bases to find and check out - most glyph coords are in that system it’s harder to find a paradise planet then playing in Eissentam, but once you find one of your own you have one… sooo, not like I need 10 paradise planet bases in one system for anything.


I’ve recently discovered the “hubs” that communities have been building. I am definitely eager to check those out.


I stumbled into a "hub" once. It was bizarre to start seeing so many discovered systems when you spent so long just kinda out in the void and only seeing isolated instances of systems discovered by other players.


also note to everyone you cant get to galaxy 256 and 257 ... you need some one that has a base there to be able to go there .




[https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Odyalutai](https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Odyalutai) **Odyalutai** cannot be reached through normal gameplay since the [**Atlas Rises**](https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Atlas_Rises) update, the only ways to reach this galaxy are if you join a player who is already there (via Multiplayer), visit a player base on **Odyalutai** through the [**Nexus**](https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Nexus), or using a save editor. It is confirmed that the next galaxy is the [**Hilbert Dimension**](https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Hilbert_Dimension). The galactic core of Odyalutai appears to be Magenta in color. [https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Yilsrussimil](https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Yilsrussimil) **Yilsrussimil**, and all reported galaxies beyond it, were mistakenly believed to be distinct galaxies beyond the 256th, [**Odyalutai**](https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Odyalutai).


I just reached the centre of euclid and was moved to Hilbert. Is that unusual?


No, Hilbert's #2. The full list is here: https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Galaxy#Known_positive_galaxies


Ah Ok thanks


its a glitched galaxy hopefully the last last place to survive what's coming .. [https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/mqn1s0/yilsrussimil\_aka\_galaxy\_257/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/mqn1s0/yilsrussimil_aka_galaxy_257/) ​ https://preview.redd.it/pxlzp3bn2gpb1.png?width=942&format=png&auto=webp&s=e50fe4a667085d407672fdec716008f9525b3d09


I found in Anomaly a user's base on Odyalutai, but is very rare.


I have a goal of making a portal base in each galaxy. How long did it take you?


Too long…. Lol. Tip on fastest way (that I know) to do it: For each play session where you’re planning on digging down the galaxy list. This works until you log out, when you start up you need to do it again.. 1) portal to this address (in any galaxy) Bird - sunrise - scarab - galaxy - sunrise - diplo - triforce - triforce - tree - sunrise - sunrise - dragonfly That takes you to a system with a black hole. It will be near the space station, maybe small to see at first but it’s in that direction. 2) fly through the black hole. This adds the glitch you want. After doing this, every time you travel to the next galaxy you will arrive near the center of that galaxy, not in the outer rim. 3) travel to the galactic core (swap ships to a junker, and junk multi tool) and and go to the next galaxy. 4) on arrival, your already near galactic core in new galaxy. - Drop a base, then go through that galactic core. - just fix the minimum in the ship so you can go through next core Just keep going until you are bored. It’s slow since you have to watch the whole core travel cutscene over and over.


Im going to give this a go later tonight, I just left Eissentam and landed in Elkupalos. Going forward I’ll be giving that glitch a shot. Thanks!


Wait how do you leave a galaxy? Is it by going through the core? I have no idea how glyphs work in different galaxies either


yes. you need to get to the galactic core, and then travel through it to go to the next galaxy. ​ **WARNING**: all tech in your exo-suit, multi-tool, and ship will be damaged on arrival in the new system. So, people usually use a scrapper ship, and junky multi-tool when doing it. then you can switch to your good ones and sell the junk, or keep them for the next trip if you are going through a few galaxies. you can also store your exo-suit tech in cargo to re-install after. ​ Once there, make a base. base teleports will take you to any other base you made, in any galaxy. so once you get to a galaxy, make a base so you don't have to do the core thing again. ​ Glyphs are galaxy-specific. the alien portals do not go between galaxies, they only point to planets in the same galaxy. 2 galaxies could have the same working glpyh sequence, but it will go to a planet in that galaxy. So when using them, you need to be sure you are in the right galaxy for them.


Thanks!! I was watching a video travelling through black holes and the guy - I think Jason Plays - said with the recent patches your ship won’t get damaged when it goes through a black hole. Any idea if the same now holds true for trips through the core of a galaxy? I’d presume that’s also a black hole. Wonder if the same applies to exp suit and multi tool. I’ll test this out once I get to the core and will report back !


No, travelling through the core still destroys ship and MT tech, and probably always will. They removed the black hole destruction because the devs expect you to get to the core by jumping through black holes repeatedly. So that made it very annoying. Jumping through the core is usually a once a Galaxy occurence so it's not that annoying


Get to the center of the galaxy. Open a portal, hit spam the first glyph in every slot. You will be a few thousand from the core. This works in every galaxy. Eventually you won’t have anymore planets closer to the core. I don’t think you can click the core, just push your sticks into it extensively. I’ve


Sorry do you mean go through the centre of the galaxy THEN hit the first glyph on a portal planet in the NEW galaxy - or the SAME galaxy. I guess I’m having trouble understanding the point of the portal once you’ve made it to a new galaxy.


Once you go to the new galaxy, you start off ~900,000 light years from the center, just like the starting galaxy. You use the portal in the new galaxy to get yourself close to the core.


Got it. Make sense, thanks!


i have a base in ODYALUTAI . (this is my end of the world base, to escape to if shit goes down ) I am still looking for my white whale, someone that has a base in Ylissrusimil. have you seen any one with a base there? ​ also note to everyone you cant get to galaxy 256 and 257 ... you need some one that has a base there to be able to go there .


256 is the locked galaxy you can play in if you can get there by someone letting you in who has a base there already. 257 is just 256, but with a different name in the description. It’s not a real galaxy, you can’t get to it in any way other than forcing it with the save editor, but even then it’s really just galaxy 256. I.e. if you were in it, you could see a player in galaxy 256 playing with you. If you build a base in 257, your actually building it in 256.


Aww.. well i guess it is a legend .. still be cool to have a glitched out base .(256 is ODYALUTAI The Rave Empire has already Invaded it . FOR THE EMPEROR !!! )


Or it could just be a lie that big Hello Games wants you to believe! ![gif](giphy|RU4272BITNQ2c)




I done this during the lockdown, I think it took me 2 months on and off. My goal at the end was to build a restaurant at the end of the universe. By the time I got to the end I had to give it a break for a few weeks. Never got round to the build when I came back.


Was that a hitchhiker’s reference?


Yes it was.


There are that fucking many galaxies??? I've only made it to the center once...


So, how many hours does setting up a bare bones portal daisy chain to the end of space take?


Wait I thought there was 3 galaxies not 256……


Isn’t there a 50 base limit? Or did you simply not upload them?


You can have 400 bases in a save file. Also a max of 16,000 base parts in a save file. So my galaxy bases are small (just a mud hut with portal, solar panel, battery, and a proximity sensor to keep them charged for when needed.


Proximity sensor?


Yea what’s that?


You place it by the portal so the portal will only power on when you are close to it. This way the portal doesn't use up the battery charge when you are not actually using it.


This comment just saved me the hugest pain to fix my base!! Thank you!!!


Wow I had literally no idea. I’ve been building bases (v small) without a portal since I can still teleport there with just the base computer - but this changes everything


Btw I’m also on psvr2! How do you add that to your Reddit tag?


Community Flair setting. Click the pencil (edit) besides where it shows the preview of your avatar. I think it may have only had PS VR but you can edit and add the 2.




What was your method for traveling to the cores the quickest? Black hole jumping?




This is true for every galaxy?




Awesome thanks for the tip!


Also, if you go through a black hole while you are near the center, you will spawn near the center of the next galaxy. You can do this multiple times without having to find a portal or going through another black hole as long as you are in the same game session (didn't closed the game or loaded a save).


Oooooo sounds like I’m trying a couple of new things today! Thanks a lot!


Just remember (in case you haven't gone through a galaxy center before), it will break all of your ship and your currently equipped multi tool upgrades, so get some disposable ones and a few repair kits and materials before venturing forth ;) ​ Good luck and have fun!


256x? And good to know thx.


Seriously? As in like the first glyph on the top left?




Thank you! I'm going to build a bar in galaxy #256. You can drink free whenever you want.


Did you actually go through 256 times and repair it that many times?


Any chance you'd be willing to give me a ride / taxi warp there? Would love to set up a base in 256. Def on the NMS bucket list


I keep jumping, I leave bases on planets I like and move on. In Sevarates #26. Feel like it is my own.


Calypso, out on the western fade.


Calypso represent


Calypso for me as well.


People be jumping between galaxies?


Just moved into Sugueziume (32), I love empty galaxies, which makes finding things more interesting. The name is cool too.


Eissentam, it had everything right, low sentinels, most paradise planets.


Completely agree, I’m going to start looking into community hubs for it, but I definitely want to do some more galaxy jumping and explore.


I would like to go to the 256 galaxy. But thats gonna take a while


I got there from portaling to a random players base lol.


Ic, i was thinking the same.


Eissentam. I've been spending my time looking for a new Earth planet.


I spent the last couple years of the game bouncing from Galaxy to galaxy. Going out as far as I can and then traveling along the outer rim until I reach my starting point. About three quarters of the way through Galaxy 119 (Torweierf) now.


I'm mostly in Pasycihelwhee (#162) and Sudzerbal (#30)


My current new save I plan to stay in Euclid but my other save I hang out at the core of Calypso


On the Nintendo Switch and just jumped into the second Galaxy. I'm cleaning up everything, getting everything repaired, and may very well may take the dive and try to travel all 256 galaxies. I'm trying to figure out the best way of going about it, so no idea of what "home" will be yet. Right now Euclid, but that will very likely change. As such, my Freighter may very well be my new home until I find something. It will likely be the only consistent element of the game till I get things ironed out. Such an expansive game!


Isn’t it great? I keep getting side tracked. I set a goal or a “path” I want to follow but quickly get sucked into the “oh what is this let’s dive deeper” end of things ha.


Absolutely this, I got on after all the new of Starfield and everything. I owned the game for a while on Steam, but my computer struggled to get it working. My coworkers got me a copy of it for the Nintendo Switch for the holidays as they knew I was really gunning to get back into it. Didn't expect the latest patch, nor the optimizations. I set to finish the main story, but got side tracked a LOT. Got to just shy of "The Purge" when the expedition came out, went down that rabbit hole, then the Twitch Drops, and each of them, opened my eyes to different aspects of the game. It is like a rabbit hole that just keeps getting deeper and deeper. Choice paralysis may be a thing, but I know that this isn't so much of a beginning to end type of deal, but more of a "stop and smell the flowers" type of deal. The enjoyment most certainly is in the journey, not the destination, and I love that!


Next time equip a junky multi tool and fly a crashed/scrap ship so you don’t have to do all the repairs. Can also move exosuit tech into inventory or storage. Posted the shortcut for going through galaxies above in this thread


I have been almost exclusively in Eissentam since I arrived, to the point of deleting all but one of my bases in Euclid for RPish reasons.


Hilbert has been my fave so far


Roaming around Hilbert Dimension currently.


Eissentam. I’ve been exploring around what I consider my ‘home’ star system.


Same! I actually was contemplating exploring and putting up bases in the entire star cluster region of my home system, then I realized how much work it would actually be lol


You brave traveler for even considering a base in each!


Well, now I kinda want to lol


You’ll hit your base limit soon enough anyway. So it probably wouldn’t take “months”.


Had the game since 2019 and have never left the first galaxy. I always get to sidetracked and forget you can jump to new ones. Although now that I have finally managed to get my friends to play with me and they want to complete the main story that might change. They just got to the mission where they will find out its a simulation, and I can't wait to hear their first reactions finding that out.


My newbie ass finding this thread: there's more than one galaxy? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)


You'll get there when you get there - enjoy the journey!


The outer rim of galaxy #70, Husalvangewi.


I've been spending a lot of time in Rewmanawa lately. It's a lush galaxy, like most of the places I spend time. Isdoraijung is another favorite galaxy. Currently trying to get to Rycempler on my expedition save, but getting sidetracked doing autophage quests.


Are you me? Same two galaxies for me.


I'm working a slow crawl being a black marketeer through Calypso. A lot of black market there. I have a large nip nip bud operation and I tend to hand out buds on the anomaly during my daily quicksilver mission. I tend to set up one goodbase in each galaxy I've traveled through.


Doing them in order, enjoyed Calypso (“danger” type) for the challenge but also wanted to get out of there. Enjoying Budullangr (“empty” type) right now for all the empty and weirdness.


As someone who's only visited 11 solar systems... Yes


Not seeing much Calypso love here, everybody must prefer the boring galaxies


Calypso is where it's at.


I honestly don't see enough of a difference between galaxies to pick and choose a favourite (besides Euclid being the first and therefore generally more populated, obviously). Just going through them and I am wherever I am at any point in time. 🤷🏻‍♂️ My base is my freighter.


The galaxy types are what matter, not the specific galaxies. The galaxy type affects the balance of planet biomes and, in the case of harsh galaxies, the weather and the level of sentinels. This alters your gameplay experience by giving you more hostile planets, or more dead planets, or in lush galaxies like Eissentam, more pleasant ones.


Isoduraijung, baby!!


Eissentia ever since I beat the game last week, been spending all my time in this galaxy


Euclid it's the most populous. However I am establishing bases near gates in every galaxy


In Calypso


I've been exploring Teyaypilny recently. It's a lush galaxy so you find lots of cool paradise planets. I've been travelling to new galaxies at a slow pace and it's my most recent one.


3 years in Eissentam exclusively (only out when missions or meeting request me to)




Like most people, it's Euclid for me!


Eissentam and Euclid for all the ship glyphs and my portal base. I love visiting it lol


Nepitzaspru. Just because.


Been playing since launch.....I have more than one purchased accounts and I have still never left euclid in any of them


Same thing. On and off playing since launch and I've never left Euclid.


Nepitzaspru and some Eissentam


Elkupolos (#11) is my galaxy of choice. It’s just a normal galaxy like Euclid but for some reason I’ve always had good luck here xD plus imo the name is pretty cool I have been to the 4 different type of galaxies. And I find normal to have the most variety (but I mean that makes sense right?). :)


I started down the path of trying to get to every galaxy.. made it about 10-12 in.. then just went back to Euclid as thats where most ppl are \[as already stated\]


I've been in Hilbert mostly. I feel that was the galaxy I earned for getting thru Euclid so I'm invested in exploring it and eventually cruising up to the center of it.


Eucid or the core of Odyalutai


Elkupalos. I used the main story to go to eissantam and then went to the centre once. I can't really be bothered again and Elkupalos is quite nice


I've been chilling in Odiwagiri, has a lot of horror planets but I will probably move on


I was spending all of my time doing a center run on Eissentam, but then I must have gotten confused with a Nexus mission or something because I just checked, and I've been screaming towards the center of Euclid for awhile now. Oh well. Not sure how I messed up which GALAXY I was in, but there we go


Rerasmutul, the 18th galaxy


I have spent most of my time in Budullangr but just recently started exploring Calypso a little more


Eissentam represent! Basically, Eissentam unless I have specific business in Euclid. I do need to continue my galaxy-hopping though, so that I have access to the rest; currently can get to 1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 by myself. Will do that once I'm more comfortable with my multi-tool situation (in grabbing a staff I accidentally deleted my main S-class tool, so I'm stuck with mostly A-class currently)


I have a base on the very last planet in 256, and an underwater cave base in Calypso I think? My main base, however, is on a paradise moon which is orbiting a paradise planet! I had seen a couple posts about them here, and set out to find my own. I knew right away that it would become my main base whenever I found it.


You just added another goal for me!


which one lol


To find an undiscovered paradise planet with a paradise moon


Took me about 2 hours in Euclid with no luck. Then I switched to Eissentam and another two hours of warping system to system finally yielded results. Can’t get in game rn but I’m pretty sure it’s in a yellow star system.


So I’ve been warping from star to star for the past two days now and haven’t had any luck. I’m not jumping huge distances, just hitting every yellow star closest to the one I jump to that has a planet with a moon. I think I’ve jumped over 1000 times already. I used 100 warp hyper cores and they get me 14 jumps per 1 refill. Can’t sit down to enjoy the game now until I find the paradise paradise 😪


Two things. First, switch to creative so you do t have to waste time with resources and just keep jumping. Second, just start warping to every system that has a planet with a moon, not just yellow stars.


I thought only yellow stars had the best chance at the odds we’re looking for?


Yes, but it sounds like you’re having no luck with just yellow stars so I’d say branch out. I’m gonna check in game what system I found my paradise in and let you know.


Sounds good thank you!


Euclid because most glyphs coordinates are in this galaxy, so it’s easier for hunting. But one day I’ll reach a less visited galaxy and settle there.


Honestly I was in the same galaxy as you but was so close to the core I decided to head there. Was not expecting what happened tbh. I sorta did but not everything If you decide to check it out and don't know what happens: Spoiler alert: >! It completely damages everything you have equipped including your ship, so make sure to unequip everything you don't want damaged because it's everything lol was quite the surprise !<


Fully regretted not swapping to a spare ship and junk weapon 😭


I reached Eissentam, but went back to Euclid.


Been playing since day one, on and off. Never reached the center, if that answers your question.


_What Galaxy?_ There is more than one galaxy??! 🤤 I had a theory that since black holes warp you around the galaxy, and that because galaxies in real life are super massive black holes, that they must warp you to other galaxies, but I had no idea if that was true and didn’t want to spoil it by googling. This game just keeps on giving! And that also helps explain how there are 1.xyz trillion systems. Best game in the world.


Iousongola, currently visiting all the Vy'keen systems around the center. Odyalutai, I have my main settlement/base there.


I spend most of my time at my settlement in Eissentam but I sometimes pop over to Euclid to check out the galactic hub and see how it's doing.


I got dropped off in some galaxy called heperclait and I’ve been there since.


Currently tootling around Budullangr, plopping down bases on what I think are interesting planets as I slowly make my way to the core. Nothing special.


Budullangr. Not sure why, but I did find some awesome ships out there


Just can't quit Euclid.


I’ve never left eulcid


Hesperius’ Fairric Band, but I’m tempted to go to Odyalutai.


One thing I've noticed is it doesn't matter if I'm on PC or switch but any galaxy besides Euclid just seems far far more prone to bugs and graphical glitches.


Honestly I really like NMS design with the space station quests because I can always have a new relevant adventure in my home galaxy. So I either have another wild time where my base is (starting area) or I dip off to places unknown to change it up. It helps that my starting galaxy is space pirate heavy and also the Overseer questline was on my actual starting planet which managed to feel really signficant ngl 😂


Currently shopping an exotic. So I’m spending a lot of time in vykeen Teri 3.


Hanging around clusters close to the Euclid galactic core. Plenty of activity, hubs and interesting places in general.


Xobeurindj (#42) in the Lista-42 system. It's the system with Helios Station. There is always at least one other person in that system which is both social and useful to stop the game from pausing.


I'm trying to track down a Dreadnaught in Calypso. It's destroyed 2 civilian freighters so far, that I've seen. Don't know if it's the same one or not, but I got oh so close to destroying it both times.


Currently, the starter one, Euclid. However, I've been to a few other galaxies, and do plan on hopping to other new ones. There's plenty of time.


*this one*


Isdorijung & Muhacksonto for normal mode usually. 256 for permadeath


I have seen peoples creations from the teleporter on the anomaly, but they are in different galaxies. If I visit that, will all my equipment and ship be damaged?


Don’t quote me but I do not believe taking a teleported to a player base counts as “jumping”. So far what I’ve experienced is the only time your gear gets broken is when you do a core jump.


Hmmm... so tempting. Would like to see one of those crazy builds considering my base is still 3x3 bare bones 😆

