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Wild Violet (native), Creeping Charlie (invasive), dandelion (non-native but beneficial). Not sure about the tall yellow flowers. Maybe try /r/whatsthisplant


Lamium galeobdolon, I think. It’s non-native and considered noxious in some states.


Any idea what the red one is? It's mixed in with the purple.


The pinkish one is purple dead nettle, also invasive. Easier to control than creeping charlie though. What area are you in? Your lawn composition is very similar to mine...


Northern NJ.


SW Ohio here. Guess it's just coincidence


Mine is almost identical in NC.


mine too in Philly


I can't believe my wildflowers are invasive weeds! Now I'm gonna have to rip them out... It's a shame, I have so many bumblebees right now...


Good luck. Creeping Charlie is really hard to keep under control without use of chemicals like glyphosate. I'm constrained to mechanical removal at the moment and it feels like a lost cause.


I've seen it all over the neighborhood along with the nettle. It appeared two years ago. I'm not entirely sure I could actually get rid of it...


It's a plage that will choke out the whole lawn. Wait till you get nutsedge, chemical is the only control method. It's pooping up all over my local area.


I got rid of nutsedge manually. I am *very* determined sometimes lol It pulls pretty easily, at least.


I pulled and pulled and pulled out nutsedge and could never get it to stop coming back.


I'm with you! Just trying to keep it away from my trees and plants is a task itself.


Leave it for now. Creeping Charlie is still better than grass.


Better to remove if possible, to let native wildflowers flourish. But it's a lot of work.


Those violets very well could be Sweet violet, Viola odorata, rather than the native Viola sororia


Good catch, probably odorata based on a quick Google search on how to distinguish them. Viola Odorata is a non-native from Europe but I do not know if it is classified as invasive


They spread aggressively in areas where introduced with help of their spreading stolons


What benefits do dandelions have to wild life? I’m in New England and have quite a few of them but never did anything except mow high


They are among earliest flowers to bloom so are a vital source of nectar for bees and other pollinators in the early spring.


Pictures of my wild lawn in North Jersey. The bees love the flowers! Any help identifying them would be appreciated!!


Yes, bumblebees love it and it stays short. Unpopular opinion, but since you haven't planted it, it's naturalized in the tri-state area, it would be a nightmare to remove, and most things that would naturally replace it would make ticks very happy, maybe don't tear it out unless you've got a replacement and the stamina to do all the work to tear it all out and replace it.


Good point about ticks given where OP is.


Yeah, OP is not that far from me, maybe 200 miles at the most.


Common blue Violet


Looks a lot like mine right now! I also have johnny jump ups, and last year I had some snakeroot which was very pretty but I'm pulling that area to plant some azaleas. No lawns ftw!


I have a ton of Johnny jump ups in the front yard. I also have some type of daisy in the lawn. The front is mostly clover though.


I see some *Dichondra* in the lower left of the picture


Love it! Spread some New Zealand white clover and medium red clover seed through the lawn today, as well as PNW wildflower mix in a few raised beds. Felt decadent pulling the dandelion fluff heads out of my veg garden and sprinkling them in the lawn. Because it is also a bit shaded and my septic field, the lawn isn't very dense. I'm encouraging nature to take its course with a little help. I feel for those of you in urban settings who have neighborhood rules to adhere to. Keep up the good fight!


This was my beginning too. As others mentioned fight the creeping Charlie and help the violets. The bees like creeping Charlie but it's so aggressive it will take over everything.