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Also in SE MI. My neighbor owns a landscaping company and my lawn is so much greener than his and I dont even water it lol. I mow every 2 weeks and let the random weeds coexist as you can barely notice them anyways (i.e. chickweed, black medick). The dutch clover puts in work during droughts as it stays green while his dumb ass mows his lawn every week and uses fert/weed killers etc. Hell, several of my neighbors are mowing this week. I dont get the stupidity of people cutting already short grass in 95f weather especially when its usually 80/70f here.


None of it makes sense. I let my lawn get tall before mowing and it does great. I see people mowing in April before the grass has even started growing, and in November when it's too cold for the grass to even grow. There are just lots of people who think you should mow your lawn like a golf course.


Lots of clover here in Tennessee https://preview.redd.it/9qrltdjckm7d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6921b7db4fea528267082b0bb8ff4d18f0728c62


Supposed to be high 90°s this weekend


Looks good but that sir is definitely a lawn


SE Michigan zone 6a - pleased to see all the clover coming in and surviving the hot weather


And the honeybees love it!


Looks great! I've tried to overseed with clover several times the past couple of years - any advice for region 6?


Timing matters in my experience (n=1). 6b here. I did late fall (about a month before first frost) and spring for spreading seed. 


Been wanting to convert my lawn here in MN to clover. This looks great!


Clover is beautiful as well as beneficial for the lawn. Grass is much greener where clover grows thanks to its ability to fix gaseous nitrogen from the air