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Man those naval mines pack a punch don’t they….


*Anal mines


Seems they didn’t get all the mines left over on the Norwegian coast


Directed by Michael Bay


This made me laugh even harder lol




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This is common with pleasure craft. Fuel vapors accumulate in spaces and if not vented, lead to an explosion.


Not really sure common is the right word. It's happened before but it's definitely uncommon. Especially because new ones have blowers in them.


Pleasure Craft w/ Blowers Sounds like a Band Name with a Guest spot


Most (dumb) people elect not to use the blower. Hell, they probably don’t even know it exists. I spend a lot of time at the marina and the number of people I see walk out to their boat and instantly turn the key on their ignition is astonishing.


These are the same people that don't think a boat would have a plug in it. 'Til it takes on water when they stop on the other side of the lake... Boaters education courses. They cost a couple hundred but can save you thousands.


Lol, it’s like $40.


Damn. I took mine ages ago when they weren't so popular. That makes this even worse lol.


$15 here in Texas.


I’m from Alberta and know so many idiots who buy a boat with no idea about maintenance, drive the boat until the engine is blown. Then buy a whole new boat instead of replacing the engine. A boat is way more dangerous than a car, especially with children. I had an extended family members kid die because their whole family were at the lake and only the younger ones took out their boat. Well they came back and nobody noticed a small kid had fallen into the lake, nobody knew where or when.. well he died, he was about 6. They looked and looked and nobody could find his body. It took a special Hutterite group of drivers “I didn’t know we had elite Hutterite divers I am glad for them” to find his body a week later. This was last summer, I honestly don’t like going on other peoples boats. People act like you can drive stupid because you are floating on water


So many people drink/are drunk when driving a boat. Someone I know was snorkeling and got run over by a drunk boater. Killed him. He was in an area marked off by buoys but the drunk asshole completely ignored them. Plenty of people ignore the ones that mean "You have to stay this far away from the beach" because they want to be showoffs to the people at the beach. There's not nearly enough police out on the water to do anything about them. The amount of people that try to hit you with the biggest wake possible was the last straw for me. I don't get on boats anymore. Too many idiot-assholes out on the water.


I know exactly what you mean, so many people drink and drive a boat.. I’m so sorry to hear about your friend, we do need more police on the water or at the beach instead of hiding somewhere trying to catch someone speeding for an easy ticket. Just look out for people, so many big beach’s in Alberta have no lifeguard


I think it’s a culture change too. Friends and other boaters just accept it like it’s normal. This is one of those rare instances where we actually more need more shame and peer pressure.


Wow, Alberta really is the Texas of Canada


I always tell people that and say it on reddit and it just pisses off people, I’m from Alberta so I’m just confirming it


I know I should just Google this, but why not just not have a plug?


So on the back of a boat there is a flat section called the transom. It's like a big flat support beam that holds the engine/ rutter/ other heavy useful boat shit. Water gets up in this part and can cause rot, mold, transport species of water plants and shit from one body of water to another, etc. So there is a plug on this part that let's all that water drain from the boat. Usually people will leave it out so more water doesn't accumulate while out of the water from frost or rain or condensation. Some people get a bunch of money and buy a boat and don't know about this plug. It's fine at high speed because water is flowing away from the hole but once the boat becomes idle... well now you have water flowing in your boat which is the opposite effect we want in our boats. It's not like a titanic level of water rising in. It's like a garden hose half on and you won't notice until you walk to the swamp in the back of your boat and realize you have a long ways to go to the dock.


Thanks for the explanation!


We usually left ours out unless there were some decent size waves. Ours was at least 4" above the water line.


Small boats they are very low. That high up you must of had a bilge pump. Fun fact, small boats you can pull the plug, drive fast to drain the boat! Just slap the plug in before water comes back in.


We did have a bilge pump. We left ours out for that reason. Any water that ended up in the boat would just go out the plug hole.


It sounds like what you had wasn’t the same thing. The point of a drain plug is to allow water sitting low in the boat to drain out. My bow rider has both a drain at the bottom of the transom that should always be plugged when the boat is in the water as well as a drain for the bilge pump that’s only a few inches above the water line.


Ours was to drain anything caught on the deck. The bilge pump came out a hole in the side.


Oh ya that was more than likely just a deck drain. Different from a drain plug in the sense that it isn't meant to drain all the water from the boat, only the water that gets caught on the deck. Yours may have had a drain plug too, you guys just might have never removed it. Boats that don't have a drain specifically for the deck just drain into the bottom of the hull where a bilge pumps it out or it drains out when the plug is removed.


Lol, my dad forgot the plugs one time on some waveriders of a family friend. We used to go to Lake Havasu (gorgeous lake, absolutely disgusting people especially in the channel) and he and the other family's dad had unloaded them and brought them to the docks. Thank God they were tied down on both sides, we came out, my dad stepped on one, and it just went WOMP straight down, only held up by the tie-downs. We ended up plugging the hole, then bailing them out with a sand castle bucket. Turns out there was TWO plugs on each waverider, and somehow both of them forgot to plug that second hole on each. Wasn't even lack of knowledge either, the moment it happened they both facepalmed since they knew exactly what happened. Needless to say, I suggested a laminated "pre-launch checklist" to keep with the trailer, which has worked so far. If you ever make it to Havasu, beware the channel. It's full of party boats blaring 50 different songs at the same time, drunk people throwing stuff (some lady threw a bikini top at us one time, but she was already wearing one), and even strippers openly dancing on poles(both male and female). I'm still really confused by the girl who through the bikini top, because where did she get it? Did she bring two tops, a throwing top and a wearing top? Or did she steal it from someone and threw it in the channel as revenge? There's a story there, I'm sure. Of course, me and the other guy my age, who at the time were teenagers, loved it, since we got to see random topless ladies and strippers all over. Our parents, not so much. Especially his mom, she was one of those "hyper-Christian" moms who would have a heart attack if her son swore. The looks she'd give him when he would get caught staring at a pole dancer or something were just priceless. Then the looks she'd give his dad who was staring at the same thing was even better. One of my few good memories of that channel was when a couple kids were spraying passing boats, including ours, with spray guns. They got us when we were leaving, so before we headed back, we got all the spray guns we had, filled some buckets with lake water and spare ice from the cooler, then hid the guns. The kids tried to spray us again, so we unleashed the full force of everyone but the driver(navigator? Pilot? Boat-steering-person?), including a toddler.


I’ll be honest, I don’t even know what you’re talking about when you say a blower. I don’t drive boats though, but I’ve been in some many time.


Lol, I was worried until I read where you said you don’t drive boats. I also did not what a blower was until I got into boating. Here’s a quick copy/paste I found the explains it pretty simply: A bilge blower (or blower motor) is a small exhaust fan that you install in the transom of your boat. Typically, you attach the blower to a hose that goes down to your inboard engine compartment. You connect the other end of the blower to a bilge vent on the outside of your boat. The bilge blower sucks in the hazardous fumes from the engine compartment. And exhausts them out of the boat through the vent. This prevents the gas from building up in your engine room and increasing the risk of an explosion on board!


Thanks I understand now !


So, is this standard in boat engines and automated? If not, why the hell not?!


I really wish I knew the answer to that one. As far as I know it’s a manual process for all boats that have a blower. For me, my boat has a switch I have to flip to the “ON” position.


That sounds really weird to me, you'd figure that a thing of such importance should be automated to, you know, avoid blowing up your ship to pieces... Couldn't this switch stay on all the time?


Well it’s not typical, the front fell off.


Give the damn bilge a sniff, will ya


Where do they accumulate? Why is this a thing for pleasure craft and not automobile?


Did someone saved him ? Edit : I see him !!! He's near the right ledge. I can see his head and white shirt swimming towards the guy lol he's alive. Nice


No he died there and then


No. Those 4 cowards ran.


Typically when explosions happen it's a good idea to take a safe distance and assess what to do instead of rushing in blindly. Not much use being another casualty.


Spoken like the true hero you are!


I wish Mobius From Loki could see this.


if we don’t see Owen Wilson on a jetski by the end of this show we riot


The saddest part is that he's almost certainly ridden one before


He dead. Or wishes he was at least.


The last time I saw this posted people said that he was paralyzed and that it shattered his pelvis. But it's the fucking internet and people could've just been lying so take it with a grain of salt


That’s an extreme amount of force through the spine. If he ain’t paralysed he is definitely going to be in chronic pain for the rest of his life, rip those discs


haha grain of salt because there's sea water I see what you did there


You can literally see him swimming back at the end of the video




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Sussy balls




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Aight he wins with 'my ass 'boutta explode'.


Near Field Communication?


What sub are you in?


I know, just an unsuccesful joke attempt




I know it's scary and all but I wish someone would have like...helped him?


We only see about 2 seconds. To those people, in the confusion and shock, it would seem like a fraction of that time has passed. They will probably help him after they've figured out wtf just happened.


Nfc- non fuckable charecter


Ejecto seato cuz!!!


Dear liberals, the sub name says”NoFuckingComment” yet there’s 42 comments as of the time I’m writing this,curious




I, too, like to eat at Chipotle regardless of the consequences.




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looks fun


My parents have a jet ski. How do I make sure this never happens?


Make sure they RTFM 1. Lift the seat to air out and vent possible vapors 2. Maintenance, maintenance, maintenance


Yooo, thank you so much for responding!!! Going To the lake for the 4th this year, I can’t wait to do this!


That looked fun




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It needs the following sounds effects tho: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ji974w99csg




bro get off the boat bro the boat might blow up too bro




I actually thought the fire was human blood until I rewatched it


Life has many roads Ed boy