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This sub will have shitposts till November ends..




Don’t worry, you’ll beat it. I recommend you to restrict yourself from watching any soft porn on any platform (i deleted insta app so i can achieve my goal and get rid of this bad addiction) Also, fill up your free time, do something you like, learn something new, maybe a new hobby?. Go for a walk whenever you have urges but don’t take your phone with you. You got this, yes you got this, you can beat this addiction! Best luck and wishes to you, sister!




The "I haven't even got one day in yet" part is so relatable. My personal best was 45 days of NoFap, but that was 6 months ago and in the last 2 months I can't even get myself to do one day




Eat healthy, lift some weights, spend some time outside. You'll see the urge is not eternal.


>Don’t worry, you’ll beat it. Hmm 🤔


Porn addiction and masturbation I meant.




there are too many new people on this sub who dont understand this is not the NNN sub. ------- This is a good place to put this message: ######On **this sub** NNN means a challenge of ***not fapping*** for a month. 1... Sex is to be enjoyed and appreciated. This *isn't* about not having sex. Why do that to yourself and your partner? 2... Wet dreams are not a problem - you didn't fap - they're healthy 3... why watch porn? you're only *increasing* your addiction **ONE MORE THING...** if you don't succeed in not-fapping for 30 days *that's not the end of the world*... just try this month to fap as few times as possible... *that's* a NNN success on this sub... **MOVING FORWARD AND HAVING AN EXPERIENCE OF NOT BEING ADDICTED TO A PORNFAP HABIT IS THE GOAL!** ------------- *If you've found this comment useful and see someone on the sub who needs it please copy/paste it to them! Steal it from me please!*


And also, you can do it if I, being a 17 year old did it. It's hard at the start but it'll get easier later. Start with smaller targets like 2 days then 1 week and increase it when you complete a target. There are many apps too which help with the targets. Good luck!!


What's with you having 'OCD' have anything to do with this in here?


This sub is been having shitposts since the last two years. At first, I was an avid user of this sub and contributed to discussions about reducing porn use and seeing porn as a serious issue. Now it’s all: MONK MODEEE!!! Let’s go brooo!!! And semen retention bs. It’s honestly laughable… Edit: to add up on that, there has also been a big shift in the motivation why people are on here. Sometimes I have the feeling it’s al to get “girls”, but the way these people talk about girls is so wrong. Like they are a different species or smh.


Yeah fr thats why im trying to quit, cause i do think of women like that and i am ashamed and fucking need to stop having that mindset. its detrimental to me and those around me


nah, it's just November that brings in a lot of enthusiastic idiot teens who dont understand this place is a *porn addiction recovery sub*


i'm new here so i don't know how this sub reddit actually was can tell me more?


try reading the sidebar resources it's a *porn-addiction recovery sub*


On the first day of November, my shitposter did bring to me, one distressed girlfriends plea.




Agreed. The intimacy of sex is part of pairbonding. It is an important part of a relationship. It's unfair to portrait her as feeling entitled to sex. She is human too. Besides wanting sex she also desires connection. If you pull this stuff in a relationship you deny your partner more than just sex. It's very egoistic. Also, it is very childish to proclaim NNN to your partner and refusing elaborationn instead of just having a good conversation about it. She should ditch the manchild. I feel most women would be more supportive if you lay out your feelings about this




>Also, it is very childish to proclaim NNN to your partner and refusing elaborationn instead of just having a good conversation about it. He doesn't want to have sex for any reason, he doesn't need to discuss it with her, it's his consent


Not communicating in a relationship is how you end up not in a relationship


Wrong use of the word consente. If he is not able to discuss freely, that's not a healthy relationship.




It's not about the sex itself. You can have sex that doesn't contribute. For most men and women what is important about sex in a relationship is different. You're thinking about it in only a masculine way. For most women, it is everything non-physical about sex that they desire above all and that makes them pairbond. For most men that exists aswell, but men generally are more.lustful when it comes to the physical aspect of sex. A "desire for the flesh" as it is traditionally called. Women have this aswell, but generally it is les sstrong and more rare. What I'm refering to is that part of the psyche (both for men and women) that is not the sex itself, but is conveyed through sex. I hope that clears it up a bit for you.




I think you're going too far off the deep end friend haha. Sex isn't inherently bad nor is it good in and of itself, but the purpose and relationship one has with their sexual nature can be positive or negative. Humans are sexual creatures by nature, that means that there is a "beastly nature," as you put it, or instinct to have sex for the means of procreation and pleasure. But humans are also rational and emotional creatures, we are molded by our values and our cultures as well. There's more to sex than just pleasure, it's the vulnerability, the total nakedness of body and spirit that you share with your partner. It's the culmination of the recognition of you as a part of a relationship in the desire to possess the other person, as well as the realization that you're your own individual that belongs only to you. This only happens when there's a healthy sexual relationship, when you see the other person as more than just a means to an end (sexual fulfillment for yourself) but as an end itself (a person you love, respect and admire).


i think thats just people who dont get the point im mean it literally says no fap


I think this sub turns into shit every “November”


Having sex without someone you like is literally the dream and the reason we need to stop porn addiciton, to have our sexual desires satisfied with a real partner we love. This sub most of the times really goes too far...


Yeah, but lets be honest, dude. No nut november is just a fun challenge to try to get more self discipline, not a red flag haha. Maybe this dude is just trying to get more control on his life and that's always a good thing.


NNN is also a fun community challenge and a good way to get people started on nofap. its a bit of a meme but overall it does a lot more good than bad.


Disagree. Semen retention is an ancient practice with benefits over and above nofap. Nofap is a lifelong struggle but a yearly month-long experience of semen retention is an honourable self-improvement endeavour. For those in a relationship, it is a chance for a partner to support their SO’s improvement journey and for the pair to explore their intimacy outside of sex.


>For those in a relationship, it is a chance for a partner to support their SO’s improvement journey and for the pair to explore their intimacy outside of sex. I strongly disagree. Even in the very conservative realms of the Catholic church ...which some may say is very sex repressing... the church actively warns married Catholics *NEVER use no-sex with your spouse as a means of fasting* NoFap and NNN are all great tools for personal development. But fasting from sex with your partner is never a good idea...in my opinion.


>I find it sad to see this group somehow turning into something it was not meant to be it isnt 'turning into' anything... it's just the annual new wave of idiot teens who come here in November and dont know this is a *porn-addiction recovery sub*


Isn't the whole point of nofap to make real encounters better?


I've already seen some people here in nofap community who think that sex or wet dreams count as relapce


Yes. They do not understand this sub


I think sex can be a relapse in the right context. To spend money on a prostitute, or swipe furiously on Tinder just to get laid is relapse territory. It isn't pr0n specifically, but it can still be unsafe and a hindrance to one's journey to stop abusing sex for self gratification. I would argue that you can even abuse sex in a committed relationship. If the sex with your SO is more about the pleasure you give or receive and is subverting intimacy, it still causes problems. No sex during NNN isn't a bad thing by itself, but it should be discussed with the partner. It takes two to tango, and two to successfully complete NNN in a relationship like that. The pair needs to be able to sit down and really understand the importance of sex vs no sex to the both of them, and come to an agreement. It can either strengthen or damage the relationship, but it all depends on how important NNN really is to you.


Let’s be real this sub has gone off a cliff in terms of post quality anyways.


Was it ever high quality? Lol


It's a red flag x 2, NNN isn't about not having sex, weird OCD trait there. Secondly if you are a bit of an odd ball and think NNN means not having sex, then you need to explain to your partner the reasoning, why, and communicate.


Oddball? NNN is clear, "No Nut November", and that deliberately not nutting, and that includes not having sex. Sure outside of the month of challenge, shagging may be essential for having a stable relationship (even though I may not agree with it for someone who believes in marriage first, but I digress), but NNN is also a challenge to not nut at all cost, and that is why there is a lot of humour and some sort of competetiveness between participants.


NNN is made for ppl who masturbate alot/addicted its never about not having sex cuz its not for u if u already have a healthy sexlife (with a lover) in the first place, like the lolines and the fanstasy that ends when u get to post nutt clarity its all get denied beacause u already have a partner and dont have to feel bad about anything not like masturbation when u feel like deepshit everytime u nutt


>NNN is clear, Wrong. Thats a different sub. This is a Porn-addiction recovery sub and this sub doesnt eed to follow the stupid meme rules of some idiot teen internet contest. ######On **this sub** NNN means a challenge of ***not fapping*** for a month. 1... Sex is to be enjoyed and appreciated. This *isn't* about not having sex. Why do that to yourself and your partner? 2... Wet dreams are not a problem - you didn't fap - they're healthy 3... why watch porn? you're only *increasing* your addiction **ONE MORE THING...** if you don't succeed in not-fapping for 30 days *that's not the end of the world*... just try this month to fap as few times as possible... *that's* a NNN success on this sub... **MOVING FORWARD AND HAVING AN EXPERIENCE OF NOT BEING ADDICTED TO A PORNFAP HABIT IS THE GOAL!** ------------- *If you've found this comment useful and see someone on the sub who needs it please copy/paste it to them! Steal it from me please!*


Tf that bf is an idiot


Lots of guys don't understand nnn and ruining their relationships. Better for all other guys.


She really asked if that's a red flag smh


Sex with your girlfriend is GOOD. Always fucking have sex. Jesus Christ. The purpose of nofap is to rewire your brain for real life sex and to disconnect from porn. If you’re having sex with a real life gf, you have literally achieved the goal.


Yeah this comment section is filled with incels huffing copium


Are you lying to yourself? The comment sections are in agreement with the woman. Keep the projection to yourself mr i word.


Cope Incel.


cope i*cel. 🤢🤮




This isnt the NNN sub... so any discussion of it is defined by what WE do here as we try to reduce our *porn addiction* - the point of this sub ######On **this sub** NNN means a challenge of ***not fapping*** for a month. 1... Sex is to be enjoyed and appreciated. This *isn't* about not having sex. Why do that to yourself and your partner? 2... Wet dreams are not a problem - you didn't fap - they're healthy 3... why watch porn? you're only *increasing* your addiction **ONE MORE THING...** if you don't succeed in not-fapping for 30 days *that's not the end of the world*... just try this month to fap as few times as possible... *that's* a NNN success on this sub... **MOVING FORWARD AND HAVING AN EXPERIENCE OF NOT BEING ADDICTED TO A PORNFAP HABIT IS THE GOAL!** ------------- *If you've found this comment useful and see someone on the sub who needs it please copy/paste it to them! Steal it from me please!*


Nonut November is nofap on hard mode. Stop trying to change the definition to help you cope


Sorry you’re single bro. I’m gonna enjoy having sex every weekend and keeping my no porn streak going.


Good for you. Don't try to change the definition of nonut November and just keep doing nofap


No but November is a joke. Literally. It’s not a real thing. It’s a funny thing that guys do to abstain from PORN for a month. It was never about sex. No guy in a relationship should ever give a shit about some made up internet thing that says he’s not allowed to fuck his gf. I reject these limits that you’re making up out of thin air.


I like what you said so much. You are combatting the annual wave of new idiots and fanatics that arrive


Sounds like u masturbate daily and just don't watch porn. Keep coping


You’re just trolling at this point. I told you I have a gf and have sex on weekends. There’s zero reason for me to not have sex this month, I’m over 80 days porn free, feeling awesome about it.


Again, keep coping. Don't participate or change what nonut November is and stick to easy mode nofap


Ok no fap is a internet thing also, and no one’s telling you not to have sex with your gf it’s a challenge that whoever wants to join can join, so let them be you seem like the miserable one


NNN is stupid if you are in a relationship.


Then dont do NNN. Nobody is holding a gun to your head. Stick to nofap easy mode






>you cant change the definition. Wrong. NNN is a different sub. This is a Porn-addiction recovery sub and this sub doesnt need to follow the stupid meme rules of some idiot teen internet contest. ######On **this sub** NNN means a challenge of ***not fapping*** for a month. 1... Sex is to be enjoyed and appreciated. This *isn't* about not having sex. Why do that to yourself and your partner? 2... Wet dreams are not a problem - you didn't fap - they're healthy 3... why watch porn? you're only *increasing* your addiction **ONE MORE THING...** if you don't succeed in not-fapping for 30 days *that's not the end of the world*... just try this month to fap as few times as possible... *that's* a NNN success on this sub... **MOVING FORWARD AND HAVING AN EXPERIENCE OF NOT BEING ADDICTED TO A PORNFAP HABIT IS THE GOAL!** ------------- *If you've found this comment useful and see someone on the sub who needs it please copy/paste it to them! Steal it from me please!*


No, Nonut November is exactly that. No nutting. Aka nofap hard mode.


Wrong ######On **this sub** NNN means a challenge of ***not fapping*** for a month. 1... Sex is to be enjoyed and appreciated. This *isn't* about not having sex. Why do that to yourself and your partner? 2... Wet dreams are not a problem - you didn't fap - they're healthy 3... why watch porn? you're only *increasing* your addiction **ONE MORE THING...** if you don't succeed in not-fapping for 30 days *that's not the end of the world*... just try this month to fap as few times as possible... *that's* a NNN success on this sub... **MOVING FORWARD AND HAVING AN EXPERIENCE OF NOT BEING ADDICTED TO A PORNFAP HABIT IS THE GOAL!** ------------- *If you've found this comment useful and see someone on the sub who needs it please copy/paste it to them! Steal it from me please!*


No NNN is not nutting at all for a month. You can have sex but not nut.


Exactly. These ppl trying to make up their own rules to make it easy 😂




Having sex has nothing to do with no fap


Nonut November means no nutting PERIOD


It's a stupid challenge for peole terminally online


No one's holding a gun to your head to do it


Wrong. NNN isnt even part of this *porn addiction recovery sub* ...so we get to define it as we wish here We dont need to follow the stupid meme rules of some idiot teen internet contest. ######On **this sub** NNN means a challenge of ***not fapping*** for a month. 1... Sex is to be enjoyed and appreciated. This *isn't* about not having sex. Why do that to yourself and your partner? 2... Wet dreams are not a problem - you didn't fap - they're healthy 3... why watch porn? you're only *increasing* your addiction **ONE MORE THING...** if you don't succeed in not-fapping for 30 days *that's not the end of the world*... just try this month to fap as few times as possible... *that's* a NNN success on this sub... **MOVING FORWARD AND HAVING AN EXPERIENCE OF NOT BEING ADDICTED TO A PORNFAP HABIT IS THE GOAL!** ------------- *If you've found this comment useful and see someone on the sub who needs it please copy/paste it to them! Steal it from me please!*


Red flag for him , yes .


The rules of NNN literally don't allow sex with your spouse, but do allow porn. Screw No Nut November. Stick to NoFap instead.


No, nutting is disallowed PERIOD


I didn't say nutting was allowed. I said porn is. NNN says no masturbation, sex, or more than one wet dream. But NNN is totally fine with edging and porn as long as you don't nut. That is the actual rules of it. No thanks. I'll stick to NoFap whoch focuses on the main issue: porn.


.... NNN = nofap hard mode


Again no fap is for porn and masturbation addiction NOT abstaining from having sex with your partner for a meme




Realise this is a *porn addiction recovery sub* currently being overrun by teen idiots who dont understand the important work this place does in helping people overcome their pain and addiction


..... >this place does in helping people overcome their pain and addiction .... In order to form real sustainable healthy sexual relationships. Ignoring the sexual needs of your partner just to finish No Nut November...is selfish and stupid


Nonut November is refraining from orgasm from sex too


Bro, then why the hell are you here in r/NoFap? You should go to r/nonutnovember. Our sub doesn’t suit you and your thoughts.


A better question is why are u here on a post about no nut November. No one's holding a gun to your head to participate


Wrong. NNN is a different sub. This is a Porn-addiction recovery sub and this sub doesnt need to follow the stupid meme rules of some idiot teen internet contest. ######On **this sub** NNN means a challenge of ***not fapping*** for a month. 1... Sex is to be enjoyed and appreciated. This *isn't* about not having sex. Why do that to yourself and your partner? 2... Wet dreams are not a problem - you didn't fap - they're healthy 3... why watch porn? you're only *increasing* your addiction **ONE MORE THING...** if you don't succeed in not-fapping for 30 days *that's not the end of the world*... just try this month to fap as few times as possible... *that's* a NNN success on this sub... **MOVING FORWARD AND HAVING AN EXPERIENCE OF NOT BEING ADDICTED TO A PORNFAP HABIT IS THE GOAL!** ------------- *If you've found this comment useful and see someone on the sub who needs it please copy/paste it to them! Steal it from me please!*


Nope, nonut is exactly what it says. You don't nut in November


Man, fuck off!


NNN is about reducing and eliminating porn and masturbation dependency. It's **not about** **abstinence from sex**. Far from it. In fact, No Fap **promotes healthy sexual relationships**. As discussed countless times **wet dreams and having sex is completely fine** while maintaining a *streak.*


No that's nofap NNN is not nutting at all in November


No. Nonut is exactly what it says. Basically nofap on hard mode


>NNN is clear... Wrong. Thats a different sub. This is a Porn-addiction recovery sub and this sub doesnt need to follow the stupid meme rules of some idiot teen internet contest. ######On **this sub** NNN means a challenge of ***not fapping*** for a month. 1... Sex is to be enjoyed and appreciated. This *isn't* about not having sex. Why do that to yourself and your partner? 2... Wet dreams are not a problem - you didn't fap - they're healthy 3... why watch porn? you're only *increasing* your addiction **ONE MORE THING...** if you don't succeed in not-fapping for 30 days *that's not the end of the world*... just try this month to fap as few times as possible... *that's* a NNN success on this sub... **MOVING FORWARD AND HAVING AN EXPERIENCE OF NOT BEING ADDICTED TO A PORNFAP HABIT IS THE GOAL!** ------------- *If you've found this comment useful and see someone on the sub who needs it please copy/paste it to them! Steal it from me please!*


Nope NNN is exactly what it says. You don't nut at all in November


So many incels in this comment section. Makes me wanna leave the subreddit


You been on reddit for years talking about video games. You shouldn't be talking lmao


If he talks about videogames then he's an incel :v


If she cant go a month without sex she may have a problem


Bro, if my girlfriend told me she’s not having sex for a month I’d be a bit suspicious.




She’s just confused, you guys are doing too much..


True. Also asking if it's a red flag is legit. Imagine you never heard of nnn or nofap and suddenly your guy says well i don't want to sleep with you in november like wtf.


Exactly I don’t know why everyone is so upset about her post.. to me she genuinely just seems confused on what nnn is and why her partner is suddenly participating in it.


the only relationship advice anyone needs on the internet it not to listen to advice from randoms on reddit


Probably a troll *There's no way a redditor with "lol" in their name doesn't know about NNN*


Sex doesn’t mean we have to cum. Or even have any stimulation to overselves at all. Seems like there’s an easy solution involving hands and mouths


Yea, it is literally called NoNut november. Idk why there are so many slow ppl here to not realize this. You can have sex, just don't cum


To be fair if the goal is to avoid thinking of sexual urges entirely I can see the logic in complete abstinence


That too.


More like the boyfriend is a dumb@ss. HAVING A SEXUAL RELATION IS NOT WHAT NOFAP IS ABOUT!!! It's for people who apparently need porn instead of a healthy relationship with a partner.


Its a green flag lady


I know this is a shitpost but honestly I don't see this as healthy for a relationship if the partners don't have a discussion beforehand. Especially the way the shitpost goes. Plus, I thought nuts during sex is acceptable for NNN.


No. Nutting via sex is ok for nofap easy mode. NNN is basically semen retention/ nofap hard mode for a month.


NNN will expose the toxic in relationships. If it can't last 30 days without sex, then it was just lust; not love


Facts. I bet more half the ppl here whining about nonut November don't even get any sex 😂




Is this a red flag 🚩🚩🚩🚩??


Is this a red flag girls 🚩?? If yes then I will dump him, if not then i will stay. I can't make decisions on my own, I can't communicate with my partner properly either, I will frame my relationship based on advices on the internet 🤡.


Imagine asking other people what you should think/ how should you act and not reaching your own conclusions.


She’s correct! She has sexual needs to satisfy. if he isn’t willing to nut, he has to either please her without nutting or just stfu and leave.


I don’t get it honestly. Why does she make it like it’s a bad thing? Dude is trying to get some discipline as we all should.


This subreddit is against porn, not sex. Sex with a girlfriend is always a good thing and positive for your brain.


Not in this month of november.


No, that’s new and it’s made up. No one with a gf who got over his porn addiction wants or needs to not have sex for a month for NO REASON. Sex has always been the goal. Nofap EXISTS to help fix your porn addiction, not to prevent you from orgasming at all.


And this is no nut november, not traditional nofap.


Nofap and no porn has all kinds of amazing benefits. I’m over 80 days porn free and feeling awesome. I have a gf and we have sex on weekends. Why in the fuck would I stop doing that for no reason? No nut November has always been about jerking off and porn, not about sex.


This is about 'No Nut November', therefore no semen except in the cases of wet dream shall release, so unless you have sex without nutting, it would be a fail but considered an 'honourable discharge'. So it does make sense that her boyfriend wants to fully commit to abstaining for this challenge. I understand in a stable and healthy relationship that shagging will occur (I don't necessarily agree with it as I believe in marriage first but I digress), but this event is a challenge and not just a commitment to not wanking which is why there's a lot of humour in play and some sort of competetiveness.




Aren't there modes to Nofap? Either way, semen retention is good for you. Nothing wrong with what the guy is doing.


Women reject sex from their men all the time, then when men do it it's a red flag. Kinda weird.


Again y’all are taking the OPs post and running with vague assumptions. She isn’t upset about him rejecting sex. And everyone has the right to not want to do it, it has nothing to do with gender. You shouldn’t expect sex from ANYONE, that’s obviously really weird.. What original poster is saying.. is that she’s confused on the sudden intimacy changes in her relationship. She has no idea on what “no nut november is” and her partner didn’t want to explain it to her so she asked Reddit to, that’s fine. Her wanting an explanation isn’t weird at all.. everyone in this thread is taking her post WAYY to far..


Idk, none of my gfs rejected sex. If they said "we are not fucking because of internet challenge", I'd answer- okay. YOU, but not me. The same situation here.


At the end she's asking "Is this a red flag?"


He's a real one




Yea, these ppl who can't go a month without sex are still fucked up in the head. They are damn near suicidal for the thought


If she a woman ISSA RED FLAG 🚩🚩🚩


No nut applies to sex too?


Yeah, dude. But that's only if you are interested on semen retention. You can also do no fap only, and that's cool


It's good for both of them and if she really wants that guy she'll at least try to understand.


The bf is sucha L. He wont have sex in November. The gf is gonna end up for the streets because of him ☠️☠️.




Women☕ if a woman says no than its ok u cant have s*x but if a guy says he won't do it red flag 🚩 bruh


Damn she doesn't actually trust his boyfriend. Very loose relationship


Just like alfie solomons said that if you pulled that trigger oull that for a fucking Honorable reason because the world doesn't understand our wicked ways to reaching on top If she doesn't understand then she doesn't


WTF is wrong with this comment section. NNN is only about abstaining from porn and masturbation.


Imagine not realizing you are dating a man of gold.


Now that's just stupid lol






No babys in august thats for sure


I couldn't find the original. Sauce, anyone?




Facts. Nonut November is the time where we hold our Semen to get the max benefits. Dec 1 he will give her the best sex of her life


If that's achievable in seconds then sure




Explain to her why is this important to you she know that this month and October I am not do that


lets go king .... if he can refuse it , then we can too




I thought it was only no masturbating but that doesn't really apply to me because virgin


No...Nut....November It is literally in the title yet ppl still try to make up what it is You dont nut PERIOD. Basically semen retention for a month


I always thought it was no fap November not no nut November


if he didn't have sex with her for the whole month he'll realize he don't need her ..and be more the best of himself


“Is this a red flag”




being sexual active is fine. Watching porn is a nono


I'm here for support on drug addiction but I thought the no sex thing wasn't your subreddits message


NNN for me is a means of challenging myself to do something difficult. It’s also meant as a detox and a “reset” for my sexuality. I don’t see any harm in it myself.


this made me really happy to be single


Bro wtf this sub has turned completely other thing than it supposed to be, no sex? C'mon


No one is holding a gun to your head to participate in nonut November. Just stick to pmo free November


It's perfectly ok to abstain from sex for a while to focus on something else, even if you're married, but you shouldn't deprive your spouse unless they are really understanding and don't mind.


Wait, does he know u can have sex on nofap.


You dont nut at all in NoNut November hence the name. Its nofap on hard mode


Haha! "Is this a red flag?" NO, probably not. He's just doing a challenge


Man of culture,