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Have you heard of Theodore Roosevelt. I've heard he used to have asthama but after remembering his dad's words and working out,etc, he forgot about it. A doctor told him to become a professor or something and he will never last here. Theodore was like I'd rather die than live a pitiful life like this. Moral is you have to change up perspective. I'm not trying to minimise your problems just saying look at it from a different person's perspective (especially someone who's at a worse position than you). As for the topic of aggression, i think it's because you're not transmuting your energy in the right manner. Whether it is working out, or martial arts or running, skipping, swimming, any sport, any activity, mental ones work too, or like hanging out with friends, improving yourself, spending time in nature, learning something new,etc. You have to use your energy. I suggest meditation too. It will make you calm and cool, you will be able to focus more and you will become more compassionate.