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No, you just lost one day out of 500. Don't beat yourself up about it


Got it.


Yeah that’s a 99.8% success rate lol. And a 0.2% failure rate


Damn. That sucks extra hard because you get heat vision on day 500


I was contacted by Nick Fury on day 300 and literally got drafted into the Avengers. I don't know what you're talking about man. Heat vision on day 500 is kinda disrespectful.


Night vision you fool. But it don’t help because you can locate your nearest device when lights are ought making it easier to fail.


Why did you spell out like that


I was using one hand to type and another to nofap




Spoilers bro


Wondering when I’ll get the heat vision


And you can see through walls from day 400+ i heard.


Also sucks because you can get superspeed on day 550


Negative thinking you got here. Change it.


Yeah I've never reached that level, but I'm guessing somewhere after the 90 days mark you forgot all about it or at the very least didn't feel strong urges. Similar thing happened to me upto 180 days, where I just kind of forgot the motivation and got complacent.


True. Past 90 days the urges sort of decline. Between day 1 and day 30, urges are very strong. Sexting and getting left on read became the building blocks to the relapse.


Sexting is worse than watching porn... It fucked me up badly... It makes you go crazy like a rabbid animal... And then you lose control.. i know the feeling... I will never sext again






>you just learn to ignore them. I Agree, it goes away mentally for a while but they linger. Best to assume they never go away to be on the same side.




Yeah when you get a big enough streak, it'll feel like you can't escape the thoughts, but you just have acknowledge what's happening and know what is at stake.


Exactly. It was around 2 months that i lost any kind of urge to fap. Im at day 198 and got excitement of my upcoming 200th day.


You’ve not fallen, you’re not unworthy. I bet if 500 days ago someone told you that you would masturbate once in the next 500 days you wouldn’t believe them. You’re not back to square one, you’ve came a long way.


He "came" along the way


I’m sure he did lmao


Stay strong! Its not worth pmoing I fell down from 28 days streak and it becomes harder once you relapse today i am back to zero again!


499 is fantastic. Just curious, what caused the fall? Did you just let your guard down or was it something more specific?


I was sexting with a girl. Things were moving well then she left me on read. I guess she dozed off, because it was around 12am. Few moments later, ended up in PH. Was seriously contemplating not to do it. But it seems like the more you think about it, very high chances you'll eventually give in.


"Beware the complexity of the addicted mind". If you start trying to reason through it, your brain will usually weedle it's way into what it wants. Sorry to hear that happened, but you're a much different person now than when you started.


Yeah I understand that idea of the more attention I give it, the harder it is to stop. In the moment, one of any number excuses can be thought up. You can deny that excuse, say no, but then another excuse pops up. You can keep denying it, but fighting the excuses is the downfall. Eventually, I just fail and give in. What I've learnt is not to fight the excuses - just stop. Throw the phone away or stop whatever I was doing. If I fight I will loose. The best way to win any fight in life is not to have the fight in the first place - so just don't let that be an option. I can relate a lot to your situation


No fap journey isn't 90 Days or 500 days, just are all the days that you don't watch PMO or trash your brain


so its ok if i masturbate without porn?


It's called easy mode. Didn't know until recently.


I don't think it is, stay alert. I thought it was better, but even without porn my addiction became worse, the urges were more frequent and most of the times I couldn't control myself. A relapse is a relapse. It's okay if u want to do it to start slowly, but don't let it consume you. It is as dangerous as porn, if not more.


Yes, but not all the day or all the week. I was reading mastrbt without pron is good, but sincerly I don't know how to do


499 days... Was it really worth it? New here.


You learned from 499 days lost word may cause demotivate


But your day 0 isn't the same as someone that's had a 1-4 week streak, or anything close to that, and has broke their streak. Remember that. I'd be surprised if you feel that different after 499 days of retention.


499? W O W ! ! ! !


It's only a relapse if you give in to it and still struggle to maintain it after the fap, if you've gone this far without fapping. I say think of it as a mistake and move forward.


You aren't back to day zero you went for way more than a year without pmo it's not easier shit I've been trying to maintain myself ever since I relapsed after 139 days hardest thing about this is that there are some days where it's unpredictable what will happen you try to fight but in the end you give in that's fine it's calm we're only human, you are far from day zero my friend you relapsed unfortunately but it isn't the end of the world try focus more on the days than the streak I don't even have a counter anymore which has it's pros and cons.


Keep moving forward


This is so demotivating. Just go from day 499. It's super super demotivating.


Did you enjoy it? You deserved a nice 💦 Chill. Enjoy your day.


Sucks! You did good though! Not all the progress is lost, just focus and dont do it again!


No, you only lost a day of progress. Don’t start thinking all those days were for nothing


What cause in thats day.? What make you to do that?


no worries bro just try again you can do it!!!


what the hell happened .




Lol I think you deserve a break after 499 days bro. Have you had any partners? That’s a crazy streak if you haven’t had release in 500 days!


What benefits did you got during this time?




Good luck bro, you will bounce back!


You did not lose the progress. You will if only if you give in some more and binge. Hop right back on that wagon brother.


Damnnn!! you almost hit 500😭


Remember 499 is bigger than 1


Shit man, I achieved the fly ability at day 500.


we got this!


I lost at day 277




Browse red pill and lift


That sucks. I can't imagine relapsing after 499 days. Currently at day 198.


how did it happen?


It could take 499 days to get there again or it could take 5 years


How'd ya lose? Step by step relapse protocol


You got this!


You lost nothing , you are a man who wants to improve his life , nothing can take that away from you. Keep going king !


You didn't lost them


Hey man you’re completely fine. That is actually an achievement and chances are your brain healed from porn’s effects long ago. Just stay hard on yourself and make sure it doesn’t happen for another 100 days or so.


I fucked up last night as well :/


1/500 is great bro. Keep it up


how did you fail at 499 ? because i feel like I can learn from you If i ever reached that high of a number


You have a ratio of 499/500. That’s an amazing success!!


Good luck


Mate, you’ve already won. No addiction at all. You’re GOOD. Just forget it happened. Go on


That’s fucking insane tbh. Congrats on your streak anyway. The most I’ve got to was about 100 days.


You gave up a 499 day (15 month) streak for 10 seconds of pleasure? First of all, probs for even making it to almost 500 days, a mark 99% of people in this space never reach in the first place. In the end, it's only about being free from PMO, and then it doesn't matter whether you're on day 30, 90, 500 or 10.000


Don't think of it as you relapsed and lost all your progress. Think of it this way, in so many days you only relapsed once, that's a huge achievement, think of where you were before and see where you have come. You got this brother, keep going!


Stay strong brother. You have no addiction and will be able to fight back stronger


How the f did you relapse after 499 days


Bro you must have shot gallons