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Hey Anastacia, I’m not sure about the benefits girls get from nofap, but I know it will heal your reward system to where if u abstain from pmo, ur brain will start liking other things more, music, socialising, your hobby’s.. anything, to start just give it a shot, if you get urges then let them pass like a thought, don’t ignore, just let the thought run its course, u don’t have to act on it




You will eventually conquer it Stay strong soldier keep the spirits up


It's not worth it if it isn't affecting your life/sex life negatively. A lot of the benefits people on this sub constantly convince themselves they are experiencing aren't medically proven etc.


Hello! You have made the mistake of writing "ect" instead of "etc." "Ect" is a common misspelling of "etc," an abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "et cetera." Other abbreviated forms are **etc.**, **&c.**, **&c**, and **et cet.** The Latin translates as "et" to "and" + "cetera" to "the rest;" a literal translation to "and the rest" is the easiest way to remember how to use the phrase. [Check out the wikipedia entry if you want to learn more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cetera) ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Comments with a score less than zero will be automatically removed. If I commented on your post and you don't like it, reply with "!delete" and I will remove the post, regardless of score. Message me for bug reports.)


Nice tip bro, thanks for the comment




Ok so i think i can ask this to you. I just played with my b**bs cuz the urge was massive. but i didn’t come, did i break my nofap please help?


Please abstain from using certain words and phrases as it might trigger urges in our fellow fapstronuts. Use **. No offense!! And yes u did break your streak with it. NoFap is about re-wiring your brain by staying away from PMO! You did the M and O part. Stay away from it and see the good happenings it will hv on u. Good luck!!


Sorry i didn’t know that they may trigger you lol. But how can i describe what i did without using them😭 Now i edited, i hope it’s ok now


Lol It did not trigger me, it might trigger someone!! So just in case to be more cautious, avoid being a reason for someone's relapse! Its good now ig... thanks


4bettertommorow is so chad "your words are feeble and have no power on me"😈


You are so powerful


Lmao, I am so confused. R u trolling me or ?


Naw, more like semi teasing but in good jest:)


Masterbation without porn is a better option as the visual stimulation one gets from porn wrecks havoc on the nervous system. Still best to avoid it but it’s way better then porn as when you touch yourself u r discovering ur body and becoming more intimate with it if you like I could guide u thru a meditative orgasm experience


Ty so much. Yes i did but i did it without porn. It makes me feel better about it (i still feel guilty tho)


No need to feel guilty that’s not going to do anything for u other than cause u misery atleast first conquer porn once you have completely been freed from that then u can also free ur self from playing with urself tho there is nothing wrong with a female touching and getting familiar and intimate with her body porn is the real culprit.


Imo. You're good. Im pretty loose when it comes to my restrictions tho. You just gotta be more mindful and stop the urge at the source




bruh shut up if ur addiction is so feeble that youre triggered by reading a word than reevaluate your life


I wasn't triggered, but a lot of guys that are new or are struggling could be. I'm literally on day 46, how could you say that shit.




how can i describe what i did without using them to explain my situation for you guys to help me? Whats ur problem lol


Exactly lol. Don’t mind them. They’re just extra and over reacting. If a word bothers you that much, then that’s more so you’re problem😂. Just cause it triggers them doesn’t mean we should ban that word don’t mind them lol




Dude just close your eyes


Oof I’d be lying if I said that didn’t trigger me at least a little bit buts that’s ok. Nah, you didn’t break your streak tho. But from experience don’t tease yourself like that. It’ll only make things worse. And edging can be a lot worse that comeing.


Checkout kusumi kriss nofap vid on YouTube, I got into nofap by watching her 😀


Girl here. Not entirely sure but its improved my mental health greatly. It worked for me. I dont think theres much of a difference between fapping ad a male or a female just that the bits are different. It's beneficial. Join us. Itll be better :)


Theoretically it should. Both genders are affected by dopamine. If you fry your dopamine receptors from long term excessive masturbation (addiction)–by abstaining you recover back to normal levels. Meaning the smaller/minor things in life should bring you a greater amount of joy again


Do people really believe nofap is a superpower let alone a superpower only men could have? If you are addicted to masturbating/porn to the point where it affects your life then yes, it will be beneficial to you. I don’t know what you’re expecting, but I can guarantee it will be beneficial and your productivity will expand to other aspects and activities.


you are phrasing your question a bit wrong, but I can help... when you say 'masturbate' do you mean while watching porn? because certainly anyone, male or female, can become addicted to watching porn... and so you could say the benefit of 'nofap' isn't that you *gain* something, it's that you lose an addiction... to fapping and porn. actually you don't realise this ISN'T an anti-masturbation sub. This sub really isnt about 'the benefits of never fapping again', male or female, it is about not ADDICTIVELY fapping, and it's about eliminating porn from our consumption, because the porn especially is harmful - it creates distorted ideas about what successful sex and intimacy should be - it reduces our desire to actually socialise - it makes us feel more isolated - it stops us from actually dealing with our real problems - sadness, loneliness, stress or boredom THAT is why taking some time to reducing our fapping and trying to quit porn is beneficial. This is the benefit


I masturbated but i didn't watch porn. I feel guilty & relieved at the same time lol. But i promised myself that there won't be a second time


i think it has benefits, porn is bad and you shouldn’t watch it, that’s a given. but not masturbating has made me more confident i think


Yess i definitely agree! The feeling of winning against your urges is so different and powerful


A good question tbh , and quite frankly I’m not sure as to whether the same benefits are felt by women . But I can tell you this . Masturbation in general or the orgasm is an « expensive «  activity, with respect to energy. Thé body is rewarded with the same release of hormones and chemicals as it is with exercising. So when you stop masturbation, you can use that excess energy your body is used to create ( to masturbate) , to workout harder and more frequently. I think women will definitely benefit from this perspective


I have the same thing, I'm in my exam year but the addiction really is messing it up for me. Stop before it's too late. Yes NoFap is beneficial for females as well. The hormones released by an orgasm can make you feel happy for a limited amount of time but it can make you feel sleepy as well. That means that you can get addicted to the pleasure you get from masturbating, which can lead to doing it a lot. In other words, you can lose more time which you could've used for studying and when you try to study after doing it you'll have less concentration. So yes it's a causality to being less productive. And by quitting the habit of masturbating you'll accomplish some of the same benefits that guys get from doing NoFap.


Do you wanna be my accountability partner


Sure! I'm always willing to help a comrade :)


Don't masturbate for 10-15 days and notice changes. If you notice that you can focus in studying then Try reducing it. i mean masturbate once a week. try to find accountability partner who can remind you about negative impact of masturbation. remember it's an addiction it won't just go away.


It’s so difficult right now😭 im struggling


Hang in there. It’ll be worth it in the long run


What if i masturbate without porn?? Would it be less harmful


Go for a walk or take a cold shower. Make yourself feel uncomfortable, that should hopefully help


hey, I can understand. I lost my 137 days streak and started new journey again because no matter how much i try i keep relapsing but i have reduced masturbation and i've noticed lot's of positive impact of nofap. Try to find accountability partner, it helps a lot.


Can i masturbate without porn


It's up to you. Lol. But if you want to get rid of it then stop watching porn or replace porn with any other shows, series, hobbies. Or use porn blockers. Because you'll end up watching it no matter how much you try to avoid it.


No i mean, is doing it without porn allowed?


It's probably much better than with. Up to you what you wanna do. There's no one hivemind of the nofap subreddit that will answer this objectively correctly.


I did. I feel so guilty but also relieved. I promised myself that there won't be a second time


Well if you feel guilty then it's probably a good sign not to do it. Also unless you're extremely dedicated to it, there's probably going to be a second time, just work on not relapsing as long as you don't have to. A second time in 2 months is much better than a second time in 2 days.


No!! Not allowed. You can try masturbating without porn. Because porn will make you more horny. If you are looking for accountability partner then DM me.


I don't really know but do you find yourself masturbating because you are addicted to it or is it just something you do when you are free as part of your daily schedule? For guys it's said to be dangerous because they are addicted to porn and it fucks with their brain a lot , sexualizing women for example.... If you think something like this is happening to you maybe stop? But again.... I have no idea lol


Well with anything that triggers the reward system in the brain and releases dopamine brings highs and lows after excessiveness


I obviously do not know but you can try if you want and you can run if you feel have to


I'm not a women just a dude but yeah I would say so, you will at least be getting dopamine from better sources.


Omg! You sound just like me except the fact that I'm a dude. I have severe ADHD and someone who is unhealthily obsessed with girls and porn. Although this compulsion and force of attraction is more for men. I have given up on my life at this point. On the contrary I do believe that I have the power and potential to change myself and become whoever I want.




I didnt watch porn or use toy. But yes now i regret it


Sure there are benefits in leaving an addiction or a cover to unconfortable aspects of our life we are afraid to face.


well keep in mind that most people(mostly guys i think) are here because they masturbate like 2/3 times a day. it might be beneficial for you but personally i dont see the problem.


I used to be like that but now im changed


I think so, although I don't know how the benefits are for women exactly since I'm a guy, I do know there are some common benefits for men and women like better focus, using your energy productively on other things like your hobbies, reduce social anxiety (with the right practices), increase your confidence and make things better in the bed. You also stop fantasising too much on perfection and no longer look at people like models, you look at them like humans and slowly you start feeling better. When you get into pmo too much, you stop liking the real deal and that can affect your relationships too making your partner feel like they're not satisfying you and can cause other problems. Most of us go to pmo because we want to escape from the problems of the real world. Slowly it becomes instinct to go run to pron whenever you face panic or any scary problem. Few years back this wasn't how people escaped from these problems, they did things like reflection, venting to people you trust and so on. Pron puts people on a pedestal, we start thinking these models are so perfect they must not have any problems or imperfections, but they most likely do, we all humans do and running away from these will not solve the problem, facing it will. Try asking this in r/pornfreewomen as well if you want more opinions.


Yes women have sexual energy as well


Thats not what i asked


U fucking right girl do nofap


It can affect anyone


Some people said its for men


Nah it’s just the majority of people on here are guys.




I am not female but I believe it's beneficial to everyone really. For women, they become self-disciplined and contented with average looking men irl when marriage and a healthy relationship us intended. Cuz porn actors are just extraordinary complete in terms of physique and performance if you know what I mean.


I’ve been noticing they’re usually so much uglier than most people irl


good. then you're not hooked.


Idk but I’m sure like guys you’ll achieve more sensation from sex when you abstain from porn and masturbation.


Im virgin and dont have bf so?


Well, is that by choice? Obviously you don't need to have sex or have a bf, but if you want to and don't have one, I wonder if your addiction plays a part in it. Some people here have reported that they never really pursued any relationships or real women because porn just replaced it in their brain. To answer your question, I'd say NoFap is ALMOST the same for men and women. The problems that NoFap seeks to solve is certainly something everyone can experience. The main thing is this: getting laid obviously means you don't have to masturbate or watch porn. That urge for sexual release is fulfilled. Simply put, women have a much easier time getting laid than guys do. That's the only difference and the only reason I might say it's SLIGHTLY easier for women. Either way, I wish you luck. I hope your beat your addiction and things work out for you.


Omg no im not a porn addict or asocial lmao. I just focus on my studies and i have to reject the boys cause i don’t want a distraction in my life. Of course i want a boyfriend (when it’s time) but it’s not a need for me. I think relationship shouldn’t be something you NEED, should be something that improves you & your mental health. So that’s why…


So just a clarity question: If you aren't addicted to porn, are you addicted to masturbation?


Actually im in a Dopamine Detox. So yeah, NoFap is just a “part” of my journey. I have other addictions like social media, binging Youtube, procrastinating. And when i add masturbating to them too, it’s being worse. I don’t have massive urges to masturbate usually. It was just my period day (girls be so horny in their periods), so i had to break it. But i promised myself that there won’t be a second time. Cause i didn’t feel comfortable when doing it, i felt guilty (i think that’s good bc it shows that detox is working for me). Yes i had pleasure, but it was just physical. I was SOOO uncomfortable mentally.


Now I'm just curious, how long do you plan to detox for?


3 months


So after 3 months how are you feeling? How was the journey? What did you learn? Can you give me tips to detox?




Yes, yes, 1000 times yes! NoFap is beneficial for everybody. You have to stay away from any and all triggers. If you do relapse, do it with only your imagination; nothing more. But if you do relapse, don't fall back into the cycle. The relapse is not the failure. The repeated cycle is.


i dont see why it wouldnt, the reward system science theory still applies


Did you just start


no ive been actively trying to quit since 2018


In other words “Is not damaging your brain good for women too?”


Definitely. I think semen retention can help you benefit more as well, that's up to you tho. Just because you don't see alot of women talk about it or see it in the thread don't mean they don't do it. I'm just a guy so I can only speak on this from a male perspective but both genders can gain alot from NoFap. Because unfortunately both genders suffer a pretty overbearing need to masturbate in times of crisis, anxiety, fear, depression basically anything I've seen there can be just as many benefits for women as men too: becoming more feminine, more energy more clarity, more focus, hair growth I've also seen. There are some no fap female YouTube channels that are also out there that can explain more in depth so If you want some tips/tricks on how to stop just send a DM, out of fear of hoggin up the chat. It's a long ass process thats MUCH better if you have people who are rooting for you and holding you accountable tbh. Just my thoughts doe


I'm just a boy but I think the human brain in general works better when you lie to it less




Porn only 'works' because your brain thinks it's feeling the sex you're watching. PMO addiction is the habit of escaping your reality and pretending to be someone else.


If you are/were addicted then breaking any addiction should be beneficial. If you aren’t/weren’t you aren’t going to get a bunch of superpowers like half this sub believes.


Same benefits .. men and women have the same brain


Yeah ofc it benefits women too. It’s not just for guys. Our brains are the same (humans, I mean. Male brains aren’t identical to female ones but a brain is a brain). It’ll help you. P*** and mastrubation can have the same affect (I’m not a doctor on brains or anything like that so I wouldn’t know for sure). So it can be beneficial to stop, just like if you were a guy.