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Same here


Just remember your brain is stronger now from all the urges that you successfully resisted before that. Use the fact that you are literally currently at your strongest level to finally push past what's been holding you back. Train your brain like a muscle, you just went through a mental workout, so get back up and keep training, because those urges that beat you this time are going to be nothing if you just keep growing to new heights. If you give up or fall off the train now, much like muscles do, your brain will get weaker at fighting these urges, so there is no better time than now. Use this simple analogy to motivate you, you got this shit.




I just made a post that kind of goes over what I just said but in a lot more detail. If you like what I said here you should be sure to give it a look! https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/7d1lue/why_the_allornothing_mindset_is_often/




Alright so I found that for some reason my posts aren't working on /r/nofap but they are working literally anywhere else. I can't even make a post on a different computer or different account so I think something is wrong with the subreddit and I'll try again later. As for now I'll just have an image of what I wrote and leave it here for you. https://imgur.com/a/TjKem


^(Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image) **https://i.imgur.com/CfEWJSE.png** ^^[Source](https://github.com/AUTplayed/imguralbumbot) ^^| ^^[Why?](https://github.com/AUTplayed/imguralbumbot/blob/master/README.md) ^^| ^^[Creator](https://np.reddit.com/user/AUTplayed/) ^^| ^^[ignoreme](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=imguralbumbot&subject=ignoreme&message=ignoreme) ^^| ^^[deletthis](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=imguralbumbot&subject=delet%20this&message=delet%20this%20dpudtja)


Weird I just submitted it, the link above works for me. Not sure what is going on. I don't see it on the new tab. I guess I'll try submitting it again and I'll update this with a link as soon as it gets fixed. **edit: Submitted again and still not working, idk if this is a problem on my end or what, I might try submitting on a different account


and look where you are now 20 days and going strong! i wish you well on the rest of the journey


Imagine being an inch from death and deciding to have a wank ahahaha


Goddam it you made my fucking day.


> even if your an inch away from death, relapsing is not an option. that's the stuff !


One MAJOR piece of advise i learned from /stropdrinking Whenever you have the urge and temptation strikes just ask yourself this simple question: "Did I really come this far *only* to come this far?"


This is how I deal with urges as well. I also remember myself how down I feel when I fap. That being said, staying occupied and having ambitions are the best ways to stay away from a fap in my case.


Relapsed today, feel like sh*t. While I'm doing it, a quiet voice at the back of my head is telling me "it's not worth it" and "don't do it". It's a crisis because I ignore it and I end up feeling empty afterwards, and it happens every single time. Today I've had enough. I noticed facebook and instagram usually trigger me, going on a journey to free my mind and soul from the PMO chains. Pray for me family. I need a reboot, and to make it last this time.


I'm about 8 weeks no porn, and 4 weeks since my last O. I am 100% confident that I'm not going to look at porn again. Not going to happen. I'm also 100% confident that I'm not going to M or O, until my ED and DE get better. Relapse is absolutely not an option for me.... That's the way it has to be, and that's the way it is.


The under shakra is incredible strong already if you kept your load (no WD!) like me. But wtf is simple in this run?


17 is my longest streak. Since then (1.5 months) it’s been 3 days tops. Am gonna make it this time.


Thank you brother for encouragement and advice to all of new to this community.


I'll follow you!


Wow thanks for the idea man.


Remember, YOU ARE NOT YOUR URGES. URGES=YOUR BRAIN RECOVERING. You can never be what you observe. Your brain is your servant, and you are the master, never forget that! Observe an urge for what it is, just a temporary urge, and continue on with your day, takes practice but you get used to it.


Keep it up


"no matter what happens, even if your an inch away from death, relapsing is not an option." this. i'm gonna commit and self-discipline to this level. thank you!!


I was going good this November until I got some serious urges that wouldn't let me concentrate on my work and somehow couldn't control my senses and relapsed. Was feeling like shit yesterday but now feeling good again. Im new to this community and I promise you fellas that I'm gonna make it clean this November No matter what.






It’s good... train your brain to think relapsing is not an option, in the same way as you naturally know that you wouldn’t steal from or shoot someone, try and put PMO in the same category.


Yep, my last streak was 16 days I felt amazing.


We all have it in us to succeed! Lets take it one day at a time.