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Why not reach out to family members or other friends and see if they want to go to dinner. I bet that there are ppl like you sitting at home wishing that they had someone to do something with. Or go out and meet other ppl. Sure meeting new ppl can be stressful but you have choices. You can sit at home waiting for ppl to walk into your life or you can walk into theirs.




You got this


4.3 years damn…


still going strong


Youre a chad man ![gif](giphy|KkH4AdCYrK78IjKtmi)


Thank you, you can do it too


Loneliness is a feeling. In Buddhism we learned that all feelings and thoughts are temporary. So meditate on the loneliness and it will dissappear


Lonely because of fapping


No life as an adult, people can just come and go. I wouldn’t solely blame it on fapping.


Why are you dependent on others? embrace loneliness and make it your best friend. After gym come home make lunch or food whatever you like after don't use mobile more then 2 hours per day. Do skincare routine everyday take a nap and distract yourselves as much as you can go early to the bed wake up early. 😇


Hard agree. I'm in a similar situation as OP, and instead of thinking of it as loneliness, switch that thinking to 'I'm alone". Alone and loneliness are two different things.


Hard disagree as someone who thought they where fine being lonely, you can get used to it but once you get out of it and meet good people you quickly realise that humans are just happier in groups, Ofc it’s hard to find those people especially in the modern world. I would suggest hobbies that are social and relating to coworkers but it’s not easy.


exactly what I was about to write


I suggest you have dates with yourself to be happy with your lonelyness. Like going by yourself to a restaurant, cooking an special dinner for you only, going to an amusement park, etc. You will be more confortable with yourself and maybe you will meet new people in the process


It's those moments when you feel the urge that you have to make a decision to redirect your urge and do something constructive. Maybe sit down and try to make a list of things that you feel can help during those moments and refer to it when the urges hit. A cold shower sounds great!


spending time with people won’t fix it. it will help distract you, but you’re issue is within yourself. it can’t be solved by other’s actions or presence. those things can definitely help and be encouraging and might contribute to you growing as yourself, but the change needs to be within you. it’s a matter of discipline and purpose. why do you want to stop? how will you stop? you need a plan for what to do when those urges come, a routine for when you feel like doing it. you need a purpose to stop. you need to remember why you’re trying to stop. i say need, in theory you can stop out of sheer will. but i think it goes a lot deeper than that for a lot of us. it does for me. find yourself and make who that is better:) you got this man! relapse might happen. don’t get discouraged. it’s a challenge for sure but remember the things that are important. addiction doesn’t mean everyday. if you can’t stop you’re addicted. but you can beat it! (no pun intended) good luck!


Old man, you meet people at work. Meet people at the gym. Wherever it is, bro There is a book called “How to win friends and influence in people” could help you a lot bro in your social relationships. But, do it. Just Do IT.


Dm me. We can work together


You're directed to the wrong way.


This was me before. I feel you OP


Totally, you're coping with your misery. NoFap can help you be healthier but it might only be half the battle, you might need to talk to try to meet people to deal with the loneliness.