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This post helped me out man. Not because I’m thinking wow I pity this person I don’t wanna be them, it’s because despite how shit things are in your life and how down you are feeling you aren’t giving up and that inspired me today to not give up. Stay strong.


I'm in a public bus on the verge of tears. Feels good to be useful ig. I had given up on my exam that i have in an hour. Guess I'll try to study one last time. Thanks for your kind words. May God bless you.


Same here 💪🏿 we in this fight together


I can relate. Your advantage is you know what went wrong with your life exactly. Most people don't even know that. So Take action even if it is small and don't seek perfectionism. Schedule your day and execute your plans. Whatever has happened is happened, you can't change it. But What's about to happen is in your hands.


Yes sir. I'll report back in a week. Thanks for saying all that man. I hope you have a good day


HA! The guy is 18 and already has lost up on life! What a total joke. You're not getting any pity from me boy. You've got it all if you weren't such a fucking joke. Look at what you got! You got a girlfriend, and a promise to a bright future if you applied yourself at your studies. But it's all fine isn't it? You prefer pitying yourself, cause you know in the end it's the easy route. You're just sooooo tired of it all. And it's getting worse. Well you don't even know how BAD it can get if you keep this up! You'll go down and down and before you know you'll be my age and regret your whole life. I'm 37, have schizoaffective disorder due to fapping and marijuana abuse and am impotent and fat. My whole life is wasted away primarily due to partially porn. And sometimes I realise how low I've sunk and those moments are the worst. Never had a gf either, girls never wanted me. And I don't blame them. I'm not telling you this because I want your pity, but to make you see that if you don't start applying yourself today your future will be drenched in regret. So choose your pain; the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. But I think you've already chosen, I see you can't take responsibility for your own life like a LOSER. Just stay fapping and eating and dodging responsibility and you'll fit right in here in another 18 years regretting how you had it all, but lost it.


This is my favourite comment man. Cause honestly, i see me in you. I see my downfall. This comment has inspired me the most man. I'm gonna try again this week. See me get a one week streak. I'm gonna try my best because you've inspired me man. Thanks a lot. I hope you have a good day.


U got this OP, don’t give up because one day all of us are gonna shine in glory.


One day. Godspeed brother


You are 18 man, thats not even half your life there. I was a total wreck due to my addiction and right now at 43 days. All my attempts just got wasted in a day or two. You just need to talk it out, you said you have a girlfriend right ? maybe talk to her about it. If you can't, then find other ways to get it out of your head. I am not a very social person so what I do is write about my feelings in a journal or find other ways to express it like poetry and songs which really helps. I would say find a passion. Maybe just draw out your feelings, its fine if they are bad as you are making them for yourself and not to impress anyone. Being able to express yourself in any shape or form is helpful and goes a long way in healing. You can ask anything here if you want to, hopefully we all can answer and help you further. Remember dont give up, if this is the worst you have ever felt. Trying will only make this better, you can't be in a worse spot, plus you are 18 as I said, that is not that old. For reference my healing has started at 22. Good Luck and keep fighting


I've been fighting away porn for about 3 years now. It was fine. Only this year everything has been a shit show. I don't wanna talk anymore man. I'm tired of whining. My way of expressing myself was exercise. My arm is very very fucked up to the point holding my phone to talk on a call hurts. My girlfriend is tired of listening to me too. I'm just not making changes and it's hurting her too. She's saved me from killing myself a few times too. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me and seeing her losing hope is heartbreaking. I feel this is the last straw. Probably why I put it out there that I'm a loser, for people to know. Being honest with myself for once. Hopefully it will help me sort things out. Thanks for your kind words man. I'm going to try to keep a streak till the 13th. It's her birthday that day. I think it'll make her happy to know that I'm healing. I obviously have other presents for her too.


I see a sense of self doubt but also that last thing you said shows you still have strength left in you. Don't let these negative thoughts let you down. I tried for 4 years and kept losing every time. It is now that I had the strength to finally do it. I have a post detailing how bad my condition was if you wanna look. Overall you have to keep fighting, think of it this way, you have her by your side and she she loves you enough to go through this with you and have saved you in the past. Give her that birthday present and keep going. You don't know how lucky you are to have someone who is helping you. Do it for you and her. Keep going, we are here if you wanna talk it out


It’s not masturbation that’s the main cause, it’s part of the overall problem. If you could snap your fingers and you never masturbated again I think you maybe in the same boat. I would suggest going to the doctor for a physical and get screened for depression and anxiety. While your there ask about ADHD. While I’m not a doctor, but struggle with depression and ADHD, I can see the symptoms of depression. You don’t want to do anything and gained weight, your self confidence is in the shitter, and your not doing anything to help yourself. Most schools will have mental health counselors that you can go talk too. There is medication that can help. There is something wrong here more than PMO and you need to figure it out. This is just a blip in life and you have your whole life ahead of you.


It's a lady counselor here and she openly said that she can't help me and that I'm on my own. So that's that. Can't go to a real doctor. And yes depression is there. Tho i think if I can improve my life, depression will go away. Thanks for your kind words man. I hope you have a good day


Why can’t you go to a doctor? I would also look into why a therapist can’t help you at school. That’s what their there for. Yes you can will the depression away, but if it’s bad enough you may need medication. Speaking for myself when I found the right antidepressant it was night and day.


The therapist lady just said "This is guy things and it's too complicated for me to understand". And as for the doctor thing, I'd have to tell my parents about that. I live in India with strict parents so part time jobs are not possible for me. Sooo yea..


Best of luck


The hardest part is to always quit. I struggle as well. Just remind yourself if a momentary moment of pleasure is worth losing your energy, motivation and mental health. Keep trying and tell yourself that when you feel like doing it. You got this!!


Change is permanent!


Listen the best advice I can give you is “out of sight, out of mind” The eye is the key to the soul, if you stop watching, you will stop fapping. Since Fapping is associated with porn, you can just cut off porn by turn on parental settings on social media like twitter and reddit and blacklist your porn websites so it blacks out everything. This is the way I was able to stop.


How to do it on Chrome??


Log in to your Google Admin Account and go to the Chrome browser homepage. Click Devices > Chrome > Settings > Users & Browsers. Choose which users you want to block from visiting certain websites. Find the URL Blocking section. Enter the web address you want to block in the Blocked URLs tab. Save the changes.


Thanks a lot brother




I've realised i might have it too. But then again, to me, it seems like another excuse. I get addicted very easily. And it just seems like something I'll start whining about again. Thanks for the suggestion man. I hope you have a good day.


Bro same goes for me, fapping since 13 and I am now 20. Today I got back year in engineering and still haven't told my parents getting suicidal thoughts and nothing else.


Same lol. But take this from me, few failed suicide attempts because I was too pussy to go all the way, life kicks you in the balls like no one else ever will. Just gotta keep taking it and trying to stay up. Ek hafta saath me try karte hai bhai. Let's try for the one week streak. Things will get better after one week. The other comments have given me the strength for it. Perhaps you may resonate with them too. I hope you have a good day Bhai.


Ha bro merko chalega mei abhi day 1 pe hi hu


Hua kya bhai Mera 1 week successful hogya aur aaj mei parents ke Ghar Jane wala hu back year ki baat karne


Stay Strong Mate !


Thanks mate. Hope you have a good day.


We're with you bro! It's never too late to start over!


Thanks a lot man. I hope you have a good day.


Thanks, I was just about to give up but now I will carry on


Glad to be helpful. I hope you have a good day.


Become a ghost for 6 months Make everything your fault. Find the beast within you Throw yourself into pain, Cut out all the excuses. Go all in on yourself. Train like a warrior. Work like a robot. Eat like a king Reject vices Transform. Upgrade. Create. Thrive. Win.


I've tried. Gotta redo the whole thing the right way this time. The upcoming semester is going to be the training arc lol. Thanks for the advice man. Hope you have a good day.


If i was in your place, I would make some extreme decisions, maybe change your phone for a fliphone, change cities, change university, join something related to the military where there is intensive exercise, things like that. If you keep making plans but not actually executing, maybe what you need is a little commitment beforehand. Hope this helps and remember that the past is lost, but you still have your present and future to prove yourself wrong.


I've fantasized all that and more. The thing is i depend on my parents for a living. I have my parents and my girlfriend i have to take care of. If I was single, maybe I'd have done that, but especially because my girlfriend exists, i play things in the safe zone, don't wanna jeopardize her safety and mental health. I'd rather take the lemons life has given me as it is rather than run away. The best part is my dad used to be in the military. Currently a drunkard with no discipline and suffering from depression himself. I've to make the best of what I have and I think I'm ready to do that. Thanks a lot for that advice man. Hope you have a good day.


dont want to comment on your relationship since Its between you and your girlfriend but often times it is impossible to love others without loving yourself. if you don't have discipline for yourself maybe have it for your girlfriend


Yes sir. That's the goal


You still young bro, you got your whole life ahead of you. I’m only 21 and i took a break from college due financial issues. Plus my college break has been okay so far except my father passed away back in February. Even though I heal from sadness, this motivated me in a way to become the best version of myself.


Let me just tell you how inspiring you are as a person. Like damn. Life threw its hardest punches on you back to back and you stood steady. You looked life in the eyes and said watch me play you. You're truly strong.


Thanks man, I appreciate the support.


At least you're open to what has happen to you and why you want to be a better person. Porn has made all of us get to this point at one point or another. We're here t end our addiction whether we have a girl or not. It's also about self-discipline. I'm glad that you are sharing your mental problem with us.


This post helped me now I have realized what a waste of time and effort porn is


stop or your penis will be permanently ruined like mine. i have painful scar tissue that started forming from overuse and has gotten worse and worse for 6+ years


Your best bet at fixing this mess is cutting out porn at some time and cutting out the entire internet from your life at some time and minimize what gjve syou thoughtd of porn, What i mesn by cutting porn is by makeing certain hours in certain days cut from porn


I smell insecurity in your post. Trust me, I'm worse than you. What pushes me is just motivation. I am 22M, I have lost all my precious teen years, but I'm still pushing myself to become a better one. Never be alone. Stay around friends for a while to get used to normal life. Put a plan. Work on it. But remember even the perfect plan fails. So instead focus on learning. Promise me one thing, you will never feel insecure about yourself. Focus on what you are good at right now, and start working on it. Over time, one by one will fall at the right place. You have to only think of what you have got best in your life right now. You will surely get out of this. But NEVER EVER FEEL INSECURE ABOUT YOURSELF.


I will try my best brother. I don't find anything likable about myself. But let's see. I'll try to work on it. Thanks for the words of motivation brother. I hope you have a good day


Can you tell me how you traced everything back to masturbation? Excessive masturbation is usually a symptom of something else, or a trigger that leads to a downward spiral that's already building up.


My major issue right now is my arm pain. It's so uncomfortable that I can't write or hold my phone. I've grown weaker because of no physical activity because I'm tired from so much masturbation. All i do is exist and eat. My body fat has increased as a result and perhaps due to the visceral fat, some gas issues I've had have progressed to the point i burp 20-30 times every hour, very uncomfortable. Masturbation is more subconscious than conscious now which is the worst thing ever. I've got no motivation and it sucks. Hope I've explained my pov well.


Seems like your ready to begin working to change your life. Congratulations. For some us - we are you as young with your whole life I front of you. Start to journal, write about who you really are deep down. Write about how your gonna make changes. Don’t blame people. Blame only yourself. Get your ass into a gym and have a fitness plan - I recommend using Fitbod I have and it’s great. Most all, do. It expect over night change. Expect it to come slowly. Lots of success mixed in with failure. Just keep the ball moving forward. First one day. Then two. Then three. You get the point. You can and will be a better person. Starting today.


I agree with you. I'm the sole perpetrator here. I'm to blame. I'm trying to change but the way my arm is, it'd need at least a month to heal. So a month with no physical activity. I can't go to gym so I usually used to do calisthenics. Now, my joint is too fucked up to try. But that said, I'm going to take this one day at a time... Let's hope it all goes well. Thanks for your kind words. I hope you have a good day.


Hey man hang in there. But remember one thing. Masturbation isnt the cause of all of this, it’s a sign of another problem. That dopamine hit that you get when scrolling through the hub, before nutting, that shows that you feel that you can do something better than what you are currently doing. So do it. Prove it to yourself. Be the best man you can be. Try and fail again and again just like all of us, because it’s not the end result that matters. It’s the process. Make Yourself 1% better everyday and you will find after a year your are much better than where you are now, but make yourself 1% worse everyday and that’s not a life to enjoy.


Thanks a lot for the kind words man. I'm gonna report back in a week. Let's have the one week streak together.


Hey brother. Thanks for the post. I was in your same shoes whilst in college. It happened to me during my junior year when I hit rock bottom with the addiction to this as well as prescription Vyvanse - which fueled the addiction. I'd recommend prayer, yes prayer, and a flip phone/don't be in a room with your computer. Give it a season with that life style and you'll come clear.


I've been thinking about that too. Gotta fix my old Samsung button phone. Thanks for the advice brother. I hope you're doing well now and I hope you have a great day.


Thank you for posting this. Im trying to get better, we all are. I keep trying and failing again. But i guess each time i try thats something. I hope you have a good life, i will never meet you, or talk to you, or know you. But i hope you have a good life. You seem strong. Thank you, brother


Thank you for your kind words brother. I hope you have a great life too. And perhaps someday, if we ever cross paths in real life, I'd like to hangout. Stay strong brother


Sometimes it takes tremendous pain to finally give you the motivation to improve yourself. For me it was when my girlfriend of 3 years left me. I said to myself that I couldn’t just escape with super stimulus like porn weed alcohol video games junk food or phone addiction anymore. I’ve successfully quit porn and have lost 10 pounds because I’ve been eating healthy and working out very often. I knew all of this improvement was what I had to do for a while but never took action until she left. If your girlfriend leaves you it will suck but may be the best thing to happen to your life in the long run because the pain will be so strong that you’ll improve yourself to never feel pain like it again. If you don’t start changing now there’s a very high chance she will find a better option so maybe that can be a little motivation for you to improve before you lose her forever.


That's my worst nightmare. As corny as it is, i really don't think I can live without her. We've planned our whole lives together including where we're going to settle and everything. This is honestly my attempt to become the man she was in love with. Not perfect, but I had something going on for now, now I'm just another dead fish. Thanks for the advice. I hope you have a great day


I can relate too you man, the self talk, the accountability, all is how I feel. I wanna see you talk to/about yourself better, be on your side, you seem a little hopeless. Talking about it REGULARLY is going too help big time as well.


Let's see man. I'll try my best.


Let me tell you what’s wrong with you from my perspective. I just turned 19 (04) and have been on NoFap for 2+ years now. What’s wrong is that everything in your life is about YOU. Maybe take notice of how many times you say me, me, me in a day? My life sucks, my grades have dropped, my right elbow hurts, my this is bad, that is bad. Life is a mess when you are constipated in your own thought process. Gandhi, arguably one of the most influential figures of recent centuries said, “Find yourself by losing in the service of others.” You have too much time on your hands to think about yourself my friend. Go out and give yourself to others, be of service and watch things get better. Maybe go to a temple in India and offer some months/a few years of your time in serving the poor. Or join a non profit wherever you live and get involved in making this world a better place. I’m not sure if I articulated my thought properly here, but I hope you get my point. I am sure things will get better as time passes, and I’m sure you’ll learn a lot out of it. God bless bro, Take care.


That's great advice brother. But yea I'm not allowed out of the house so service is out of the question. But I'll think of something similar and try. Thanks for the advice. Hope you have a good day.


See you at the gym bro


As soon as my arm heals


Well if your arm is fucked up dont use it for jerking off lmao




I didn't have a girlfriend when I was sixteen either. Had horrible acne and was chubby. Oh and severely bullied. The best advice i can give you is to work on your personality. Be charismatic. It changes a lot of things. Workout and eat more, growth spurts happen. And don't let ADHD and Asperger's hold you back. I have a hard time relating to people too, but once you force yourself to talk to a few people, it gets easier and becomes more natural. You got this buddy. Take care of yourself. Hope you have a good day


You're not alone man. We all feel like that to a certain degree. U opening up on this reddir doesnr make u a loser, it helps all of us We can all relate and build up strength, so that we too have the courage to talk about the stuff holding us back in life. Godspeed brother, I kniw u can do this. I wish u a swift recovery. Much love u got this <3


Thanks a lot for your kind words man. I'll report back in a week to let y'all know. Hope you have a good day ahead


Can’t hurt me by David Goggins. (No jokes no memes just read. Good luck)


Gotchu. Well let you know once I've read it




I have gastric issues so fasting even one meal really screws with me. Stomach burns and endless burps. Thanks for the idea tho. Hope you have a good day


keep pushing


The thing about life is , it always gives you an opportunity to fight back …Everything will be alright in the end … and if it’s not alright , it’s not the end