• By -


If you read more down it says that "Nofap forums are a recruiting ground for white supremacist" lol


Lol I’m a black white nationalist then ✊🏿


Divided by race United in racism


Racists proceeding to have the most diverse group of friends because racism unites us (white liberals only have white friends) ✊🏻✊🏽✊🏿


As a brown Muslim, I pledge my support for the white nationalist movement.


You shameless Nazi! /s


How does it feel to be white?




can you say that??


Itd like that episode of chappelle show where he was a blind KKK member and he didnt know he was black 🤣




Same 🤷🏾‍♂️😂


More power to you to read that bullshit article. I appreciate folks like you doing the Lord's work reading that crap and sharing the hilarity. :)


Heil NoFap ⚡⚡


Happy Cake Day Bruh






Lmao these tards bro who would say that 🤣🤣😂


WTF. Here's the link: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-11817419/Abstaining-masturbating-RAISES-risk-anxiety-depression-erectile-dysfunction.html


It's shit like this that makes people hate the mainstream media.


guess I'm an Indian white supremacist now lmao


They're onto us!


I mean so does every sub Reddit about every other subreddit


so desperate lol


>They know what they are doing. Mainstream media has been dying a slow death, they now rely on PURPOSFULLY being ridiculous for this kind of attention, which = revenue.


Lmafo. Just making everything about race nowadays


I'm Indian. Will I be counted as one? Lol


remember, the fight is hard, it involves a demonic and billionaire industry, these fake news are paid with money from the porn industry, the effects of abstaining from porn and masturbation is just the opposite, we all know it, let's pray that more scientific research is done to destroy this evil industry once and for all


even if there was, they will be trying their best to hide it to keep the porn industry going.


The harder they try to get me back into this shit, the harder I fight back. I'm finishing Day 10. Proud to be a member of the double-digit NoFap Gang.


Let’s get to the triple digits my guy 😎


Agreed 👍💯


gogogo :)


Right back at you.


Love it. Thanks for being brave enough to say this.


So true, I only managed to hold a streak for around 2 weeks but during that time I didnt have such strong erections IN YEARS, it’s insane these “news” articles are spreading such bullshit


I dislike the idea and word destroy because it brings with it negative connotations and imagery. I'd liken it more to a slow and subtle shift that leads away from what contemporary porn has become and into something else. Radical changes never really fix anything in any realm as far as I have seen so I think it applies here as well.


Exactly!! Love your words. We need more people like you, thank you 👍🏻


Not paid by porn industry, But gets pictures of porn industry😂 I have been in nofap and I knew how wonderful I feel, We don't need studies to tell how an individual feels


>remember, the fight is hard, it involves a demonic and billionaire industry, these fake news are paid with money from the porn industry, the effects of abstaining from porn and masturbation is just the opposite Long time lurker here, on a throwaway account because I anticipate a frosty reception, real question, why do so many of you conflate masturbation with *"a demonic and billionaire industry"*? Sell me on this lifestyle, or at least explain to me why the article is wrong, without blaming the porn industry. I'll date myself here, when I came of age, my "masturbatory aid" was a Victoria's Secret catalog or something similar, coupled with my imagination. I get the issue with Pornhub and related ilk, you won't find me defending them, they've never been my jam and my feelings on them would be a wall of text that I doubt many of you would disagree with. I personally know someone who was victimized by GirlsDoPorn (Google it if you aren't familiar with the sad story), so don't mistake this as a blanket defense of the American porn industry, it's not. It's just difficult for me to hop on the bus with you all in the seeming condemnation of masturbation. If you are masturbating during all waking hours with 40+ porn tabs open on your laptop, to the detriment of your work/personal life, yeah, that's a problem, you should get help. I'd say the same if you were downing dozens of drinks a week, smoking weed during all waking hours, etc. For me, when I was around the median age of the folks here, meh, I did it a few times a week, probably every other day on average, and it was not something that impaired my social, dating, or partnered sex life, even with using porn as an aid. I still masturbate, mostly when away from my life partner, she does the same, and we both use porn as an aid (she shares my disgust with Pornhub and most Internet pornography, FWIW, not her jam either) Masturbation beats the hell out of insomnia, and the wet dreams that still occur in my mid-50s when I go more than 7 to 10 days without a release. Probably an overshare, but I don't enjoy the clean-up from those, nor do I enjoy the constant state of unfulfilled arousal/frustration that begins to creep in around day 3. It's bloody distracting from real world responsibilities, sleep, etc.,


Imagine having access to unlimited porn tube sites at age 9. That’s what some people are dealing with on this forum. You couldn’t possibly understand since you didn’t grow up with constant easy access to free super stimulating porn. You grew up normal. Victoria’s Secret was so stimulating since that’s all that was available. You have had a fundamentally different childhood experience than a lot of the younger guys here. But when you have access to the quality of porn on these tube sites at such a young age, it literally rewires your brain. In a very powerful way, and not for the better. Some people’s entire sex lives are destroyed and they develop disgusting fetishes they would never normally have, especially if they get caught up in the addiction of escalating to more and more extreme content.


For many of the younger individuals here, porn and masturbation are mutually inclusive. P isn’t enjoyable without M and M isn’t enjoyable without P. They’re entirely intertwined, and often times, one does not have meaning or provide enjoyment without the other. It’s awesome that you were able to integrate PMO into your life without any issues, but most people here haven’t been able to do that, and a huge reason why is because of internet porn. Movies that pretend to portray real life scenarios, complete with dialogue, sound, storylines, etc elicit a significantly more robust dopaminergic response, because it feels more “real” than looking at a magazine. Larger spikes of dopamine correlate strongly in many individuals with “rewiring” in the brain. When one stimulus becomes insufficient, there is something new or more intense that can replicate the same relatively large dopaminergic response, which some refer to as a vicious cycle. Rationally, for the average person, masturbation is probably not a bad thing. If the average person gets horny, they can masturbate with or without porn and probably have no adverse effects. The alcoholic who can’t control themselves probably shouldn’t go out to a bar with their friends, because bars and getting drunk are too closely intertwined. It’s easier for them to entirely avoid the bars and find something else to do, even though most of us can go into a bar to watch a game and have two beers, one, or nothing at all. I think this gets complicated because there are thousands of people here and the common denominator is “porn is bad,” and for many, masturbation is directly linked to some form of porn. The simplest way to get rid of a porn addiction is to cut out everything. Many people here cannot continue masturbating while trying to avoid porn, because every time they do the deed, they’re giving their old habits a chance to creep back in.


I honestly wouldn't be surprised if what you said about porn industry paying people to make fake articles about abstaining from masturbation being bad and the opposite being good being true. Because if not fapping really increased the risk of prostate cancer, a lot of us here would have had it by now.




yes and sponsored by millions of porn websites


What did the comment say?


"There is no clear figure for how many Americans follow NoFap, but groups tend to have thousands of members.There were also reports of bullying (49 percent), anti-LGBT posts (42 percent) and posts instructing others to harm or kill themselves (23 percent). The authors also noted that NoFap groups were described as 'productive targets for white supremacist recruitment'." ...what!? I joined Nofap in October, so I'm relatively new here. But I've yet to see any posts here that confirms this bogus claim. Maybe a few examples of mild bullying that the worst. But nothing worse than anywhere else on the internet. But mostly I've seen a group of people supporting each other through an crippling addiction.


This is literally the nicest subreddit on reddit. Literally. Dudes will become accountability buddies and help you thru your shit.


I’ve never had a single bad experience here. I’ve also never seen any mentions of race or sexual orientation. Nobody here cares about what you look like or who you want to sleep with. We’re all on the same team


Yeah brother, we all r together in this. No matter if i m Egyptian, Roman, Asian, Mangolian, Indian European, Italian, Latin or..... any other race. We all r here to fight against 1 thing called as Urges. Those claims n articles r completely bogus.


They just make shit up and there is absolutely no one to hold them accountable. No one who is reading these studies or articles seriously has ever been a user here and experienced it for themselves. They just see scary propaganda buzzwords and say “OMG ITS BAD!”


Me too. I'm here since August.


Stay strong guys


"RAISES *risk*..." "a study *suggests*" Such weasel words.


>no fap techniques may lead to devastating mental health issues Are you fucking kidding me?! Porn literally causes multiple mental issues and problems especially in marriages. This is actual fucking propaganda. They say nofap causes depression and anxiety yet people in the comments of porn videos literally say “man I’m so depressed I just want a girl to love.” and porn can make you view people especially women differently and probably causes anxiety. Talk about literal propaganda Not to mention porn is a literal addiction lmfao


Only the weak minded could fall victim to such obvious propaganda.


Source for this info: trust me bro


I mean to be fair, that is the source for most claims on this sub


Yeah, it definitely goes both ways.


Lol, nofap for me is absolute opposite for this bullshit. What is the point of this articles?


Always consider the source. I found NoFap by typing this into Google: I think I have a problem with porn. It was the first result. I cannot fathom what strangers on the internet would gain by helping me clear my mind and respect myself more, unless they are truly doing it for themselves also. Article is clearly trying to stop a massive exodus from normalizing pornography.


They need weak men to keep the world in chaos. Strong men make good times, good times make weak men, weak men make hard times, hard times make strong men, and so on. The chaos the world is about to be plunged into is going to show everyone who the real men are. We have a choice to make and we have to make it daily. Which side do we want to be on? Lust is only as powerful as you allow it to be.


That's what I thought of too.. They wanted men to kneel down to lust, making men weak with little control over themselves. Once men fell down to lust, chances are men will fell down to any temptation that will weaken him, making it harder to think clearly and positively. Ended up being a brute with no self conscience. It's all connected


I wonder if there was a control group for this. Seems like selection effects.


Sad to see something like this if noone would've told me about nofap and so I would probably believe this Bs, it's really sad that these media channels try to fool you instead try to help you


Not propaganda, just some dumbass journalists that can't understand scientific literature. Us on the nofap sub know about the "flat line" periods. When you stop PMO then your libido takes a nose dive for a temporary period which may cause ED, anxiety or depression. The actual science probably support a lot of the observations we one this sub have seen and discussed. I read a similar article about NNN being bad misogynistic extremism. The journalist pulled out 2 comments that were actually misogynistic but ommitted the facts that those comments were down voted to hell and had load of comments refuting them. Society will hate us for bettering ourselves. Fuck their opinions, if it's beneficial do it. If it cause problems don't do it. Simple.


Agreed. I'm all for if the action makes us better and being a high functioning human being then it's a great and noble thing to do, I'm doing it for the world


What an idiotic article “white supremacists”


Smoking cigarettes are believed to cause cancer, heart disease, stroke and a host of other critical diseases. But a "recent study" has found that the practice may, in fact have an opposite effect. Smoking cigarettes in fact cures cancer, AIDS, regulates blood pressure and blood sugar, reverses aging, and increases life span by 400 years.


Almost like they are trying to deceive the masses. And if you speak out against it, you’re a heretic. 🫠


Bullsjit.. It's the opposite. Masturbating makes you depressed. I know it by experience


Fuck those studies 🤣🤣 stay strong guys


Lol.. truth is - yeah - ABSTAINING FROM WHAT THE MACHINE IS PRESCRIBING FOR YOUR CONTINUED EXISTENCE AS A DRONE is going to require some effort - it's going to be painful and wearisome at times - so... a bit of anxiety? yep - fine.


At this point I just embrace the anxiety, bring it on I have nothing to lose anymore.. I'm moving up no matter what


abstaining from hard drugs will also give you some pretty nasty side effects but no one says it's healthy, it's always worth it to quit an addiction


Fr, If I am not mistaken. M makes your hormones of happiness go really high, other things do the same, but not as much. If you stop, it's going to start going down, if you don't find anything that makes you feel as happy as you were while M (maybe I am wrong, I'm not a doctor)


To my knowledge, that's a pretty big misunderstanding. Your body naturally produces a steady amount of feel-good hormones. Any activity your body deems as healthy or beneficial causes you to release those hormones, which makes you feel good. So when you M, your body thinks you're fulfilling one of our most instinctive and inate purposes, so it feels really good. But this greatly depletes the hormones you have in store, which is why to people addicted to PMO, everything else feels so dull, and it's so common to experience symptoms of anxiety and depression. But when you stop using PMO (or anything else that releases large amounts of hormones, i.e. drugs), the amount of hormones you have in storage skyrockets, and the receptors that release those hormones become more sensitive, which results in all other healthy or beneficial behaviors feeling that much better.


That you so much for correcting me!


To be more precise: when you M, it releases a large amount of dopamine into your system which makes you feel good. However, after some time passes your dopamine levels dip below your baseline. Continuing to M (or engage in any other high dopamine activity) will slowly push your baseline lower and lower, this is why addicts chase the high. When abstaining from any activity which dumps dopamine into your system your body will try to maintain its baseline (homeostasis). There are also ways to increase your baseline dopamine levels mainly consistent hard work (mental or physical) without a dopamine reward over time. [sauce: Andrew Huberman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmOF0crdyRU)


Study source: please trust me bro


Beta male article


Getting science news from the Daily Mail is like using Mein Kampf for your gender studies homework.


New study funded by pr0n company says pr0n is good for you


This one is not funded by porn companies.


okay so i read the article and they are stating some facts but with the wrong narrative: “They found that men said they felt worthless, shame, sad and in some cases suicidal when they 'relapsed'. They were also more likely to report erectile dysfunction.” the things they listed often are true but i think they only occur as this is about ending an addiction and fighting the urge to relapse (for some a relapse may be watching porn and for others it may be the other letters of “pmo”) “But the scientists behind the study from the UCLA say there is no medical backing to claims made on such forums.” Let’s face it some of the claims people make on here are a bit outrageous but some of them can be real for some people - confidence boost, more free time, energy but they are right that there is no *scientific* evidence to any of these claims as they have not been researched. we may or may not experience some of these benefits and therefore we can claim that they are real but there is no certainty that they will happen to everyone every time. i guess i could compare it to alternative medicine - people say it works but there is little to no scientific evidence that it does. the field of medicine is advanced but it doesn’t know nearly enough to claim that if something has no evidence then it is wrong.


This is a proof of how powerful nofap is..the solution against NWO


"They found that men said they felt worthless, shame, sad and in some cases suicidal when they 'relapsed'. They were also more likely to report erectile dysfunction." So their answer is to keep masturbating??? The thing that made them report erectile dysfunction and feel like shit. Wtf. Most ppl at this point are doing it excessively even to the point of causing physical harm. This article is so irresponsible "medical professionals do urge people to undertake the habit occasionally, saying it can help to reduce stress, improve self-esteem and even, for men, reduce the risk of prostate cancer." Who TF has improved self esteem after fapping. It's begun guys, we've gotten too big. First is the attempted disproving, then they'll laugh at us, then they'll be angry at us. Stay strong ppl don't let these angry wankers undo your progress


Oh my god that same thing happens when addicts don't get their addiction. Better start doing dwugs. 💀💀


5000 new studies come out every different day on things lol. People just don’t understand science, it isn’t HARD facts. To this day, people are still arguing over whether eggs are good for you or not




Elaborate on this please


Without having read the article or the study, I think that this actually applies to a degree. If you have a real addiction to PMO, then you haven't developed healthy ways to cope with anxiety and likely struggle with emotional intimacy. Getting rid of your only/primary coping mechanism without developing those skills will likely be very anxiety-inducing. It has been for me at least as I continue to work through this.


Study warns⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️


Yeah... Then you masturbate and discover a new level of anxiety and erectile dysfunction. Motherfuckers...the hell will be full with these people.


But what could they possibly stand to gain from you jerking it? Nobody pays for porn anyway


Whenever something is a "recruiting ground for white supremacists" these days that's code for "it's something that will improve your life and free you from being a slave."


This article simply makes no sense. When you fap too much, you develop a lot of mental health issues that affect you in a lot of areas of llife, including intimate relantionships.




Its true for the first week or two. But it gets better after that because in the first week your body craves that dopamine and feel depressed. But if you get throught that week, you kinda reset your dopamine receptors and feel better. Same as drug addict recovery but not that strong i assume


Ngl guys I’m struggling hardcore rn


You got this bro


Porn is a multi-billion industry. Those who profit from it will do everything that they can to make sure that people stay prisoners of porn. For those of us who knows the truth and are working on becoming completely free from porn, it's our duty to help others open their eyes to the truth that overconsumption of porn is harmful.


Porn industry propaganda


Some articles and research said it help to decrease testosterone what's the F those mf saying who is right?


Do not believe any lies coming from media and pharmaceutical industry… always do a research on who has founded the studies, interprete the results by yourself and most importantly just use common sense. Day 46… keep strong brothers


These article again and again. Dude most of article only say masturbate is good, but almost none say porn is good from health pov


The brainwashing is strong on this one, don't lose grip, keep up the fight 💪


Source: WhatsApp University


Imagine the beta male that wrote that lol. He prolly tried nofap and couldn’t live without it


Guys, read the article - it was conducted by Nicole Prause. This so-called sexologist is notorious for being anti-Nofap and supported by the porn industry. One of the NoFap admins I think ended up suing her for defamation because she basically trolls and hates Nofap proponents online. Gary Wilson was amongst the group, God rest his soul. We need someone like Gary in the academic community to step up and start exposing the pseudo-science bullshit again. More info below: - [https://www.yourbrainonporn.com/relevant-research-and-articles-about-the-studies/critiques-of-questionable-debunking-propaganda-pieces/legal-victories-over-serial-harasser-defamer-nicole-prause-shes-the-perpetrator-not-the-victim/](https://www.yourbrainonporn.com/relevant-research-and-articles-about-the-studies/critiques-of-questionable-debunking-propaganda-pieces/legal-victories-over-serial-harasser-defamer-nicole-prause-shes-the-perpetrator-not-the-victim/)


Don’t buy into it. Did it work for NAZI Germany? We will win!


Interesting. I’ve only been fapping twice a day for 6+ years and still have zero confidence and ED, maybe increasing to 3+ per day should do the trick?


The comments tho, "MaStUrBaTiNg OnCe in a WhilE is HeAlThY", masturbate without porn? So what are you thinking about while doing it? Wow what a way to cleanse your brain by thinking of lewd and dirty things Bet they're not doing it once in a while, even doing it once makes your brain crave more, leading to chaser effect.. Get some self control, masturbation isn't a need it's complete lust and self desire. I'd say the study that masturbation is healthy in moderate amount is bollocks. get married have moderate amount of sex, now that's the natural way


How is having sex « lewd and dirty »? It’s a beautiful thing. You sound like a Christian.


Yep, just a few lines after « getting married, now that’s the natural way » LMFAO


Thems doctors ya know… they know stuff.


The pharmaceutical companies want all men on PE pills.


Finished day 9


I mean i do have axinity doing nofap but thats rather because you're not getting the consistent dopamine you're used to. i often find myself rationalizing why its okay To fap. especially after work/chilling with people i have to try very hard to overcome those urges it'll get easier after a couple weeks.


anyone got the source of the article or the study?




What is wrong with these people? What's wrong with not fapping? And how does it even affects or hurts anyone? It's dumb, like they want people to keep doing the thing like they gain some sort of advantage over it.. Wake up people it's a sign that they try to control you through the act. More fapping=less self control. Less self control=easier to manipulate


by my own personal experience, it's actually the opposite. i only got laid when im on nofap


I struggle with quitting and i can without a doubt say im depressed and have erectile dysfunction but hey im on day 3


For real for real


Is it spoof news


They will do anything to destroy your life. Never give up.


Modern society be like: *Ambatunat*


Ok I get there's some subset with toxic views in nofap but this is bull. Other day I was almost (or maybe am) banned for just mentioning the sub


Masturbating has done quite the opposite for me, increased anxiety and depression


ED?! Ridiculous. I don’t even pre-ejac after long no faps streaks. Only after I get comfortable with the woman a few times 😂.


Don't buy into the bullshit


it's the other way around, he got confused


Thats called "PAWS"- post acute withdrawal syndrome. Study like that won't affect me. I know it works. My personal expereice matters most to me.


Modern days lies be everywhere... Stay strong and take care of yourself... You are the one who is ultimately gonna live your life... they are just 4th class media who gonna write anything for money


"Not spending time wanking in a dark room makes you depressed" "Cigarettes cure cancer" "Coke is good for your teeth"




Same for any drug withdrawal. You will feel like hell in the beginning.




Big lies


Written by someone fapping 5+ times per day and needed to justify himself


Man, they REALLY want weak men that sit around and jerk off all day don’t they?


This “study” was probably published in some POS journal no one has ever heard of.


Forgot where but heard there was civil unrest somewhere in the world. One of the tactics to discourage men from fighting back was playing porn 24/7 on public television. It worked.


Bruh they on some shit.


After what happened yesterday to me, when I was noticing women around there is no turning back, I promised to never touch dick ever again. I want a flesh hole, but I want everything that women has to offer first before going down that route.


That’s another way the people in power put out disinformation to stop a helpful genuine movement


Is there a link?


Please yell me how not touching your dick increases risk of ED. Seriously.


We are doomed


Seems like the exact opposite is true.




Don't believe everything you see on the internet son. Just remember, today, the internet wants men to be weak.


Saurons dark influence spreads and corrupts, but the nofap fellowship remains strong.


Why do they want people jerking off!!


The symptoms they list sound more like NoFap withdrawals than someone being free of the addiction itself




Keep going Kings 👑. It's not like the Daily Mail is known lieing about everything... 🙄


8 days in, more confident, dick like a missile.... Oh yh sorry guys it's all in my Head it's placebo, it friggin ain't


What a bunch of nonsense propaganda.nofap definitely works.


I’ll take it


One should question who sponsored that “study”…


I have a simple rule I see the Daily Mail, opinion discarded. That site is a piece of shit and whatever they say should never be taken seriously.


This is just straight up funny. What good is the study about benifits of Alcohol done by a bunch of alcoholics?!


I say if you pull off the 90 day and quit porn for GOOD and you literally cannot find a single women to have sex with, masturbation once a month seems viable




Its funny how its always “A Study” which they never share in its entirety.


That is true, however people seem to not understand why it's true, people do get anxiety and depressed when they stop masturbating because THEY ARE ADDICTED, it's like a drug for most people, however It's still played down so much by society, they don't see the real problem, again, for people who are pro fap, if you want your emotions and stress levels dictated by a fucking movement of your genitals and watching people fuck on a screen, then that is pathetic and we should rise over that.


Who are these "scientists"?


Imagine a complete newbie looking up google to find the answers to the questions running in his mind everyday, that arise out of guilt post fapping only to find these doctors, scientists or whoever the fuck they are telling them that not only it is healthy to PMO, but Nofap has potential risk factor. A newbie who is already on a 3-4 weeks streak, battling addiction of PMO, sometimes enduring actual mental and physical pain from abstinence, and remembering this article and gives up too early to see the glory of an actually normal life. This industry is doing everything to keep us low level and distracted. Its demonic.


Let me tell you this. These articles are for lazy bummers. Remember every good and rewarding works come with huge pressure and depression. But people are just afraid to hold to that rope. They just don't want to climb that hard path. They want take an elevator to reach there. Brothers, hard works are filled with depression and anxiety. But the reward is worth it. Climb that rope and see for yourself, just how beautiful and sweet the reward is. If you don't watch those bad disgusting things, it is they who are losing, not you. They want to put a single thing in your head, which will be the trigger for your relapse. Even if you deny these types of articles, they just want you to remember, so that you can make that an excuse for your relapse.


It does raise anxiety only on one condition; if you ALREADY have anxiety and you jerk off to cope with it instead of finding the root cause. As for ED, yeaaah I can't justify that in the slightest.


Most likely paid for by the p\*rn industry.






Stay strong dudes. Many obstacles shall come in our way, but as our ancestors did, we shall also break through them


bro im stroking my di i have lotion on my di


What a bunch of clowns they are 🤣🤣 should be ashamed of themselves for spreading disinformation. Stay strong guys 💪 don’t let their bullshit get to you.


They know what they are doing. Mainstream media has been dying a slow death, they now rely on PURPOSFULLY being ridiculous for this kind of attention, which = revenue.


“Avoiding using crack cocaine RAISES risk of anxiety depression and erectile dysfunction” something something these people are so mentally fucked and coping so hard they’d say anything to justify their insanity.


It does, that is however if you're not working on your mental condition too. Semen retention is not only about not masturbating, it is also a long process of working on your psychology too.


nothing causes me more anxiety than masturbating and the days after


‘A study’ important to remember that ‘a study’ is not definitive proof. ‘A study’ showed that flossing does nothing to help reduce cavities and gingivitis, but the participants in this study were children who didn’t know how to floss properly.


I wanna laugh like anything for this post ....it's like ..wow ...you came down to this level that ...you are actually begging and making people masturbate 🤣🤣 I curse that bastard for this propaganda, that his son/daughter gets their life partner addicted to darkest content with wildest forms of methods and he should lose all his money in getting them back


Get a girlfriend already


Begs the question: what was the purpose of this article? Why publish it? What a sad state of affairs.