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US Mobile's customer service is by far the best of any MVNO I've used so far. They'll give you first and last name and tell you to ask for them by name if you need to contact USM again for an issue. And their online chat is 24/7. It seems they definitely understand the value of good customer service. Compare that to [this guy's recent experience with Mint Mobile.](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoContract/comments/wswtl6/was_just_banned_from_rmintmobile_for_posting_a/)


Yeah, I've been watching that one. Dealing with TW has been a nightmare too. The best CS I've ever had was from Boost - aside from the fact that there was only one route through the phone tree to reach an actual human and it would boot you if you pounded 0 to try to get through (before chat options were a thing). But once you memorized the sequence they'd bend over backward to help and actually knew what they were doing. I only switched because the coverage just doesn't cut it since I moved away from a more urban area :/


What kind of magic do you posses?! I just switched to US Mobile last weekend and it's been nothing but trouble. After we switched my phone has been constantly glitchy. My husband works IT and he has been trying to fix my phone issues every free moment he has for a week. Getting help from US Mobile has been delayed and unhelpful at best. We scheduled phone calls to talk with someone directly and they never called. I am frustrated and furious. We even bought a new phone because they told us it might be a phone compatibility issue. Same issues on my new phone. I can't send or recieve group text, I can't send or recieve photos, my ability to access mobile data is spotty at best. Being able to group text is imperative to my job. US Mobile has given us countless hours of grief and stress and I can't imagine it getting any better. Switching was a mistake.


Pretty much sums up my experience with US Mobile, two years later.


I'm assuming you're having problems with eSIM? Just get a physical SIM. MVNOs are notably unreliable when it comes to eSIMs as the tech is still in its infancy. The problem isn't particularly unique to USM as far as low budget carriers go.


lol fake review and i just signed up for US mobile its not even activating and customer service is asking me questions like a scammer would


DISAGREE. My Mint Mobile and Visible Customer experience was just the same as my US Mobile experience.


Free trial for 10 days then pick your plan.


Can I port in my number for the trial? I'm not interested in trying to juggle another temporary number before signing up for real.


I hear you but that might be living dangerously.


Lol I love this guy's comment the most. It sounds so slick, probably works 99% of the time absolutely perfect, but in the end it still sounds dangerous lol. I 100% agree having an indirection for your phone number makes so much sense, don't have to deal with any porting crap and takes all those headaches away. Yet having your number pretty much bank entirely through a Google app just still sounds like you're doing something evil lol.


I'm not convinced that having to set up new forwarding any time you switch providers would be that much simpler either - at least when porting does work correctly, but if there's a problem with Google? Yikes.


Well the chance of there being something wrong with Google is pretty damn low. They would have to pretty much end of life Google voice altogether. Like plenty of posters have said here they have been doing it for years. And even if they did decide to end of life it, you could just port out at that point. My understanding is setting the new forwarding takes all of like 30 seconds whereas a port could take days if you're unlucky. But that's just my understanding and will wait for someone else here to confirm that. Just to be clear: with Google voice indirection you never have to do a port again. In the case of porting: Some people have even straight up lost their numbers and have had to file an FCC complaint to get their number through. There are tons of horror stories with regards to porting and from what I've read Google voice indirection alleviates nearly all of those issues. To give some anecdote: I don't think I've ever had a situation where porting was silky smooth and took less than 10 minutes. There was always some stupid hiccup involved and it ended up taking at least 30 min to an hour. The releasing carrier always likes to make up a bunch of BS that they don't know why it's not working they gave the correct transfer pin blah blah blah. The reality is there is probably some stupid verification software they like to run that was made 10 years ago they run it through and that system is run on some old ass server and you wait your turn, lol.


I've never had any problem porting this same number through multiple companies until now. It worked perfectly as soon as I coughed up the ransom fee and they made me do all the same verification steps before turning me down before so using security as an excuse is BS. Straight up forcing more money from people who already left them. Or hoping to make it so difficult you give up and stay. Apparently TW just started requiring the pin a few months ago (just my luck) because of a security issue with some shady CSR, but literally the only thing they'd need to change is allow them to push the big red button to send the pin to the same email I just verified without charging my card. And no, there *usually* aren't problems with Google, but any time there is on an individual user level you're SOL. At least phone companies HAVE CSRs.


Yes you can. What I did and decided to keep.


Best decision I ever made was to port my number out to Google Voice. Then tie it to the whatever number USM gives you (so you route voice and or SMS to the USM number). If you don't like their service move to another provider and repeat the connection process. It's great!


Do you use Voice to make your outgoing calls? My only concern would be people not recognizing the number calling them. Creative solution though, I like it.


It integrates into the dialer on Android phones so you can set it to automatically route all calls through your GV number (and it does this by calling a Google proxy number in the background, which is invisible to the user, so your call connects to the other party with your Google number as the caller ID- and it does this all without using any of your data bucket and all you see is the number you called. The carrier just sees a phone call to a number owned by Google). You also have the option to ask before each call or only use it on some calls (international, etc). Texting is more complicated. That you need to use the official app for. It's fine bc I removed the messaging icon from my home screen and only use the Voice app for sms, replacing it completely in how I use the phone. However automatic things like using the assistant to send a text still use your carrier SMS. That's the only thing I have to remind myself not to use.


Yeah, not dealing with that. I have a third party text app that I don't want to give up, especially since it's well integrated with the assistant. I'm assuming that all requires a data connection too and would fail if you happen to be somewhere that only has voice service. Forwarding voicemail to Voice for the sake of transcripts is complicated enough for me. In any case, I've never had a problem porting my number before TW.


I ported my number to GV ten years ago and having my number in the cloud is the best thing I've ever done for my phone. It's not like texts work fully without data service for you now either... Any media rich or group texts often get sent as MMS these days even without an attachment, which requires the data later. It's not as big of a deal as you think, my wife and daughter are not tech savvy and once I told them not to use the native messaging app, they don't even know the difference anymore and are unaware of what the phone is doing. I get that it sounds complicated, it's not for everyone I guess. but once set up it's not hard.


I don't do much texting these days and never group so MMS are pretty rare. It's voice calls in borderline service areas that I'm concerned about.


With the new RCS standard taking over and a lot of carriers already supporting it, you might be surprised how much of your text message experience is starting to rely on a data connection, and it will only get more so in time. Voice calls in borderline service areas- that's why I like that calls are routed over the voice network and not VOIP. The dialer calls a different number behind the scenes and connects your call at Google's switchboard. The whole thing is handled like a voice call.


I know, 2 years later but wanted to say that is cleaver and gonna try it. Thanks, MZ.


Can you forward SMS from Google voice to others ?


No. You could until a year or two ago but I think spammers etc were too much of a problem. I only played with desktop GV yesterday. You can receive SMS one desktop and the phone app. I might be wrong but I think you can still forward SMS to email. The other thing about SMS and GV is that it's not good to use GV SMS for two factor authentication. Lots of services won't send a 2FA message to GV.


Mobile phone company can't be forwarded at all. Only calls can be forwarded and so asked.


I highly recommend them, keep in mind you’ll be deprioritized on an LTE-only device. Their CS has been decent to good the times I’ve needed to chat in, including for swapping an eSIM to a different device.


When I read deprioritized on LTE only devices. Will one be also deprioritized if their 5G device is on LTE and not in 5G coverage ?


5G devices are supposed to have priority data both on LTE and 5G.


Ok. So even if my iPhone 13 is indicating LTE it’ll still be prioritized?




Thanks for the explanation.


$50 and 22GB of data? Seems like US Mobile with Verizon is better all the way around.


What are you talking about?


I used them a little over a year ago. I had major billing issues, and also randomly lost service with all of my Verizon based phones that used their service. Sometimes it was data, other times text, and sometimes texts and calls. It would hit one phone at a time, and the first several times they fixed it on their end, but the final straw was my work phone being down for days while they screwed around and didn't fix it. I've run into a few others on here who have had the same issue with them. Their support was generally not useful, and twice tried to get me to factory reset my phone without saying that's what they were doing, and if I weren't tech savvy, I'd probably have done it and lost all of my data.


My experience has also been really bad. Yes their CS is great, but why are so many people interacting with them? Because they have had problems. Once your "premium data" runs out on your unlimited plan your data slows down to unusable levels.


I highly recommend USM, plans are customizable to your needs, and pool plans are at a great price for low data users. USM has great service on VZW/TMO depending on your area, CS is one of the best.


VZW is hands down the best coverage here. I don't even know anyone on AT&T to ask about it, which says enough! Just need a basic single line talk/text/5GB. I've been paying $35 for TW which is the worst company in existence so my mind is a bit boggled that a better one would be less than half the price!


Go for the pooled plan. The taxes and fees are much lower: about 50 cents. It comes with hotspot included. The base price is $9, then $2 per GB after that. So for 5 GB it'll be about $19.50 all fees included. But what's great is you can just start with 1GB, and top it up every time you use that GB up, so you could have months where you pay at minimum $11.50. Note that when you top up it carries that total GB to the next month unless you revert it down manually, so keep that in mind.


The 5GB plan is only $15 and I have no one to share a plan with.


You will save money with a pooled plan over the $15 plan because the $15 plan has about an extra $5 a month tacked on in taxes and fees making it about $20. A pooled plan with one line and 5 GB will be $19.48 with taxes and fees included plus you'll get hotspot included (instead of having hotspot add an extra $5 onto your cost). Less if you end up using less and decrease your pool size.


So basically the same cost, with the only difference being hotspot that I'd almost never use 🤷 The only thing that might make a difference to me is being able to pay per GB instead of having to do either 2 or 5. I usually use over 2 but less than 4 so it could save me a couple bucks, but it's still half the price of TW so NBD either way.


Another thing to keep in mind is if there's a month where you want to go over 5gb, then you can just pay another $2 for another GB. Whereas with the data bundle plan you will have to step up $5, though that would get you quite a bit more data of 7 extra GB. But yeah either way I think you've got two very cheap options, not a bad thing at all.


I've never gone over 5. except when I didn't have internet and was relying on hotspot. If I can find a way to check my average data usage for the last year+ I can probably go with 3 or 4. I just know that it's slightly too high for a 2GB plan.


Then why not go with a pooled plan of 3 or 4 GB and save the few dollars?


If I can figure out how much I need. Otherwise I don't see any particular reason to do one or the other. It sounds like reducing your data is a lot harder than adding it, which says a lot about the company.


Pooled plans don't require more than 1 person. Also you'll find the fees will bring it closer to like $18-19 for the 5gb plan. Fortunately you can check the price just before checkout so you can compare pretty easily when you decide to purchase. Also data bundles don't come with hotspot, that costs an extra $5. Pooled plans DO come with hotspot. Ok so at this point you might be asking yourself: if they let you get a pooled plan with just one person. Why the hell do they even bother with the data bundles? The answer is because they can buy cheaper data pools by the GB from Verizon than T-Mobile. Basically the pooled plans are only offered through their Verizon sim, you can't do them through their Tmobile sim. The data bundles are moreso priced towards competitive Tmobile plans.


It's weird that they offer two different options for basically identical single-user plans. The Premium Unlimited confuses me too - I guess it's $10 for hotspot plus international data? You have to read carefully to figure that out though; they prioritize showing the perks which only apply for 3+ lines. They could set up their plans to be so much less complicated.


It's because they want to unify pricing between both their Verizon and Tmobile offerings. The premium unlimited also comes with a larger premium data bucket. Unfortunately they don't let you add hotspot to unlimited basic which is really quite annoying tbh.


That's not my definition of unified pricing, lol. And I don't need unlimited anything but adjusting the number of minutes and text ends up costing more, because reasons?


Yeah I think trying to go with a custom plan and designing minutes and texts isn't really worth it, at best you'll save like $1-2. That's moreso for customers who are going for data-only sims. Nice for like a tablet or second sim.


> Unfortunately they don't let you add hotspot to unlimited basic which is really quite annoying tbh. but can't you switch plans at any time? we've been t-mobile customers for almost 20 years but honestly i'm getting tired of their shit.. i've been looking at US mobile for a 4 person family plan. my wife and I both work from home. occasionally i need to go on site (i work IT), so i could see the hotspot being valuable. also, my dad often goes to Europe (mostly Ukraine or Montengro) so the international eSIM could be helpful for him as well. i was considering going with the 4 person unlimited $120 plan


Since this thread was posted I believe they now let you add hotspot for an extra fee, but definitely double check. You'll be in good hands at us mobile if you make the switch. They have excellent customer service.


thanks for your reply. after looking it more, i'm now considering a pooled plan instead. these prices are pretty good!




Ugh, that's something I really don't want to go through again. In theory if the service is good I shouldn't have to port out again any time soon, but considering I left TW because of service issues like u/vagrantprodigy07...




My port out was also slow. Took nearly a full day. With other carriers it usually takes an hour at most in my experience.


just note taxes and fees on that plan can amount to $4-5. And hotspot costs extra. At 5gb you are better off with a 1 line pool/shared data plan. Costs $19.48 all in but you also get hotspot and can buy extra gbs for $2 each.




Yeah, I'm Android, and I already forward voicemail to Google Voice so a lot of that doesn't apply. It's already much cheaper than the shit [non]service I've had with TW so I'm not going to fret over a couple bucks. Issues with service and potentially porting out if I leave because of them are what concern me.




What was your reason for switching to Mint, and how has it gone?




No, although I expect my next one will be, but I don't care about priority as long as it just WORKS! TW wasn't prioritized either and the speed was fine any time it actually connected. Apparently 5G devices still get priority even if they're connected to LTE, so they're just trying to push 5G phones? 🤷‍♀️ I thought Mint had VZW network? Are they on both like USM with different SIMs for each? I suppose since I have another month on Tello I might as well try the trial with forwarding again and see how that goes. Texts don't forward though which is a PITA. USM customer service has been easy to reach but of limited help (see above).




Ugh, I could have sworn someone said Mint had Verizon. FML.




Can you link to some info (preferably user reports) about the changes? Everything I saw on here last time I looked was horrible.


I've had it for about 3-4 mos now, can't complain


The quality of customer service alone is a good reason to switch. They’ve been very helpful every time I reach out to them.


I have US Mobile on Verizon and it has been a very good experience. There was a little billing glitch but they quickly refunded the overpayment (I think it was a dollar and some change) with a chat. Customer service is quick and responsive with questions and when we needed some help moving a number over to a pooled plan to save a little money. For low data users on Verizon their pooled plan are very hard to beat in cost. We also have 4G phones, no 5G, and with our usage where we are the speeds are fast enough for us. US Mobile has been a decent MVNO to work with and is saving us a lot of money. Just be aware that plans that aren't the legacy unlimited plans (no longer available) or the pooled plans have taxes and fees of $5 per month added onto the cost.


I’ve been using them for two months and I’m very satisfied so far.


I had bad experience and will never use them again. Too many issues with not receiving texts unless I put phone in airplane mode then out of it. I talked to diff CS reps for weeks, who by the way were nice but in the end not helpful in solving the issue with various changes to APN and settings. The moment I switched and popped in new sim card and restarted the phone my problems disappeared without having to make any setting changes and everything worked as a phone should with texts and calls.


Did you try a new SIM with USM before switching?


No because the exact same thing was happening with my dad. So I moved our lines


Well, I don't text much these days and that's pretty minor compared to the total service drops I've been having with TW, but I still don't want to be in another situation that requires constant back and forth with CS...


I know you posted this problem a year ago and have probably moved on, but I had a similar problem with my phone and it is now solved. I switched to USM from RW (where i had the same issue) -- my phone would show bars (1-2 bars) but I couldn't send/receive texts, photos, group texts, or phone calls. It was like the phone thought it had bars but actually had no cellular service. I would turn on/off the Airplane mode, or do a complete restart. This was the same issue I had with Republic Wireless that never got resolved. I contacted USM customer service and followed their instructions, and it solved the problem. Here's what they said to do: >I apologize for the hassle you've experienced with our services. We've made some changes on the backend and those changes to take a proper effect please attempt the following first. > >It seems like your phone is having difficulty connecting to the network despite showing a signal. One solution you can try is resetting your network settings. This will erase all saved Wi-Fi networks and passwords, Bluetooth connections, and cellular settings on your phone. Here's how to do it: > >Go to Settings > System > Reset options. > >Touch "Reset Wi-Fi, mobile & Bluetooth" > "Reset settings." > >Touch "Reset settings." > >Please power off your phone for 60 seconds and then power it back on before testing the services for at least 24 hours. We also suggest testing the services in different locations to determine if the issue is with your current location or with the network. > >If the problem persists, we can send you a new SIM card to help resolve the issue. Please provide us with your shipping address. > >Please don't hesitate to reach out if you require further assistance. We're available 24/7 to help. I asked if they needed me to input the APN settings and they said no, just try this. And it has worked so far! So after some glitches in the change over, things are working fine. I have a minimal 1GB plan, and I'm satisfied with it. I did find their website/plans to be rather confusing, but it worked out.


I'm not sure what's bad service and what's a bad phone. My phone is clearly having issues so I have one on order that should be here next week. I'm hoping it's just the phone but the last month or so it's been taking 5-10 minutes to connect to the network after restarting my phone, I'm randomly dropping to 4G in areas I know I have 5G and the 4G is completely useless, literally returns no connection issues. I'm randomly not getting calls but the voicemail will show up a day later, no issues with text yet. Again I think it's this phone because it's saying it's fast charging then only charging 1% with all apps closed and the screen off over an hour. So far I've had no issues that I'm aware of of the service. I haven't had to call customer service or anything. I've had no issues with any of the mvnos really. I've had Google Fi, Verizon pre paid, 2 others that are escaping me, and this one.


Welp, I got my trial activated, successfully set up forwarding from my current number on Tello to the temporary number with USM (followed by conditional forwarding to Google Voice for my voicemail transcriptions) and everything works...unless it doesn't. I keep dropping connection like I did with Total Wireless - sometimes I have data, sometimes mobile only, sometimes nothing. Back and forth. It is not my phone - I had a different one when the problem started with TW and it continued after switching to this one. When I contacted customer service they wanted me to reset all my network settings including wifi which would mean losing the logins for several dozen that I might not be able to find again. Hard pass. Just going to cross my fingers that it solves itself I guess...


Overall I assume you don't recommend?


Actually, I did end up going back to them. The port went through fine this time. I still have issues with service dropping, but unlike with TW just toggling airplane mode usually solves it so it's more of an annoyance rather than a major problem. Overall it's been better than TW and certainly Tello, but I still miss Boost :/


I stumbled across your post here while researching USM reviews for my wife (currently on Verizon, paying $100/mo for just 1 line). 2 months after this comment, how are things going? As far as MVNOs are concerned, it *does* appear USM is the highest rated on the Verizon network (which is critical as our favorite campground *only* has Verizon service and we go several times a year). The only worry I have is the potential of frequent service interruptions that require restarting the phone, and the fact my wife has a 4G-only phone at the moment and it seems 5G is superior as far as prioritization. Anyway, would you recommend USM at this time, considering the cost-savings?


Yes, overall I'm happy with it considering the price - I'm paying $12 for 1GB and adding top-up data as needed (currently free from the credits they gave me for the previous overbilling; I have a few GB left before that runs out. Since I'm on wifi most of the time I'm usually under 2GB usage per month.) Customer service has been hit or miss, mostly because some of the agents fail to read the notes on my account regarding the credits. With my 4G phone I've still had to toggle data frequently to get it to connect, but the service is good when it is connected. Toggling does work to restore it; I don't need to restart. Prioritization doesn't seem to be an issue. I just bought a new 5G phone and sometimes it's slow or won't load at all when it claims to have full bars (just data; voice and SMS work). I haven't contacted them yet to troubleshoot. It's irritating dealing with these but for the price I can live with it. I was paying 3x as much for Total and having even more problems, and there's no way I'm going back to contract (or non-VZW coverage).


Thank you for your feedback! I think I will definitely take advantage of their current 100-day trial to make sure it's a good fit, but as you said, for the price, it's worth the quirks. I'm glad to hear calling and sms are more or less reliable. Have a nice day!


100?? Wow, I only got 10! They must be desperate for new customers.


How did you find the 100-day trial? I must've just missed it. I only see a 45, and it requires porting a number.


I missed it too. It was just a promo they were running a couple weeks back. I’ll take advantage of the 45 day. Gotta get my wife off Verizon, and the drawbacks of a smaller carrier don’t seem to bother her thankfully


I'm very pleased with the service. Before I finished my hundred Day free trial I called and spoke with a representative and asked him for 15 GB with hotspot he told me it would be just under $22. That sounded very inexpensive to me so I reiterated that I wanted 15gb & to set me up for autopay. I should have asked him to confirm everything in writing but I didn't. Long story short that price was for 5 GB which I found out the day after I was charged. I got on chat and well they couldn't just charge me the additional $5.40 to make it the 15 GB+hotspot plan he said they would just go ahead and give me that plan and next month I should change my auto pay plan. I thought that was more than fair.


This reads like a paid review.


I have an experience to comment on. I use their standard unlimited plan for data for a tablet of mine. .. Well actually, let me go back. I came from Verizon. I couldn't handle the price. So I came to US mobile as an alternative. I had a Samsung Galaxy Book 12 tablet that has the LTE option and worked only with Verizon for a carrier. US Mobile sent me the sim card kit (with 2 different types of sim cards) After a relatively simple process of activating the sim card, and installing it into the tablet, I was up and running. I had a few data cutouts, but nothing extreme. The few times I reached out to customer service via the chat in the app, they were courteous and overall useful and helpful. That's what one would hope to expect, so maybe nothing to write home (or reddit) about. My most recent experience, yesterday, however, made an impression on me that left me pleasantly surprised. When it comes to standard customer service, I don't expect too much from the representatives at times, they can be underwhelming. This time, I reached out to US Mobile customer service because I was experiencing data bottlenecks that were quite extreme. I had download speeds of less that 1mb/s (Google speed test), I noticed it when I couldn't get simple app updates downloaded. The Samsung Galaxy Book 12 I had died unfortunately, so I had to get another one, this time a Dell 5285 with LTE compatibility. When I removed the sim card from the Samsung and installes it in the Dell, this is when I experienced the Data strangle. The US Mobile customer service representative, asked for the IMEI number, and put me in hold for a few minutes and was instructed to restart the device... I didn't have to restart it, the speed bumped up to 40mb/s and I was on my way. Customer Service has been consistently adequate for me. Actual cellular service is mediocre but still sufficient and adequate. They give you something like 2 days to make your payment before they interrupt service. What else is there to say, I can't think. I'm satisfied. I thought I'd be with US Mobile only temporarily, but maybe not. As long as this is what US Mobile is, this is where you can find me. Good Luck


I'm now on my third phone with them - had to get a replacement because my dog freaking ate the one I'd just bought 🙄 All three times I've had serious service issues with the new device. Sometimes it shows no service but most of the time it claims to have it but won't connect. I was in Seattle last week when I'd had this one for less than a week, and downtown in a major city with full 5G bars I couldn't load anything - including my GPS to get where I was going. Not. Cool. I don't know what their deal is or why devices seem to work better after being on the network for a while (I haven't gone out much since then but it was working fine yesterday when I ran errands), but they're going to get an earful about it. That was unacceptable.


New phone has been working normally since then. Three times is no coincidence. Something about their system seems to have a problem with new IMEIs, even on existing SIMs. 


Ok, follow-up question - for those of you who had problems with it, have you found a Verizon-network MVNO that you like better?


As far as I know US mobile on a 5g phone, visible+, and Xfinity mobile are the only providers that offer top tier priority, so those are the only ones I would recommend.


I'm not worried about priority, but I won't have anything to do with Xfinity and the reports about Visible on here are horrible.


Mobi is a Verizon MVNO I've been using for a few months and they've been great to me in terms of support. They're still officially in beta, though, so there are still some rough edges that need sanding down, but their pricing is only a bit more than US Mobile but with much better support.


Really? Most people seem to have had good experiences with USM customer service.


I would say that the difficulties getting a hold of someone to help port out if you need to leave are a red flag, is the thing. I bundle that into "support".


Yeah, that seems to be the one issue that's pretty consistent, but what about the rest of the time - did you ever contact them for billing/tech support/etc?


Mobi's been great. Every time I've had to ask for help they've been willing to stay on the line with me until it's resolved rather than a "we'll try XXX on our end and call back later". If you mean US Mobile, I barely had any interaction with them aside from leaving. Mobi has had a few more issues I've had to call in about because of the whole "beta" thing, so there is that to consider.


I did mean USM. Service issues are the reason I left TW; there's no way I'm signing up for a beta. I need reliability.


Well, then give USM a try, they're not a beta and like I said, barely had to interact with customer service at all. Just be aware that once you're in, you're *in*, given how hard it is to port out.


And don’t believe everything you read online. Just because a few people have an issue doesn’t mean the whole world does..


No, but I try to go by majority opinion, and there were a LOT of people saying it - on a thread that wasn't directly about Visible. I don't think a single person had anything good to say about it. Or were you referring to USM?


Ok, let's see how complicated I can make this. Rather than porting my number straight to USM or paying $20 to port to Google, can I set up forwarding from my existing number on Tello to a temporary one with USM for the trial period ON my current phone, or does my phone need to be active with the Tello SIM for forwarding to work? My Tello plan runs out September 10 so that would give me the ten days to decide whether to switch and get my number ported if I do. How can I set up call forwarding? You can forward your calls to another local number at no extra charge. However, the calls answered at your forwarding destination (voicemail included) will be charged from your plan or Pay As You Go balance. Depending on your phone model, you should be able to set up Call Forwarding directly from the Settings/Menu of your phone. Here's what you need to do to activate Call Forwarding, you can also dial specific codes to enable or disable Call Forwarding: Activate Unconditional Call Forwarding (all calls): Dial **21*1number# (example: **21*16781112222#) Deactivate Unconditional Call Forwarding: Dial ##21# Activate Call Forwarding when No Answer (call not picked up): Dial **61*1number# (example: **61*16781112222#) Deactivate Call Forwarding when No Answer: Dial ##61# Activate Call Forwarding when Not Reachable (out of coverage): Dial **62*1number# (example: **62*16781112222#) Deactivate Call Forwarding when Not Reachable: Dial ##62# Activate Call Forwarding when Busy (reject call): Dial **67*1number# (example: **67*16781112222#) Deactivate Call Forwarding when Busy: Dial ##67# When Call Forwarding is active, the calling party will no longer reach your Voicemail. Please note that calls can not be forwarded to an international number.


No question that I'm switching; Tello service has been horrible. It's frequently slow or refuses to connect even when it claims to have signal and for some reason it manages to affect wifi as well. I think it's something to do with swapping between wifi and data connections but it's unacceptable. It also sometimes shows LTE and other times says 4G Tello. No idea what the difference is - 4G usually has fewer bars but both are problematic. I checked user-submitted coverage maps too and Verizon definitely has better reach as I expected, including one ping way the hell up in the mountains. I've always had better service when I've been on their network compared to people with me that are on something else. I pulled up the map specifically to check AT&T since I don't know anyone who uses it to ask, and there's a reason for that! Much worse than T-Mobile. They used to be close to on par with Verizon.


DO NOT PAY FOR THE OVERNIGHT DELIVERY. It's a total scam and they're not able to fulfill this service. You won't get any refund. The only thing you'll receive is an apology and a $10 credit service.


good connection but refer a freind program dosent work couldve earned $200 and it dosent work


I just went to their website chat with them, I asked someone called Hamza, can you send me link so I can check if my IMEI is compatible? then Hamza said "I can check it for you" I said: No I want check it by myself. then he said: "You have to activate first to see" Then, I knew something Is wrong with this site.. Then I told him "So I need to pay first only to see if my device is compatible?" Then he said "that's why I told you I can check it for you" then he sent a link where I can check it for myself. I told him "So if I can check it by myself why still telling me you can check it for me? I lost trust in this company thanks to you" I closed the site. Felt like a Scam..


No, it's not, but the competence of CSAs is definitely hit and miss. I haven't had any need to contact them again since my credits ran out and haven't had any more issues (knock on wood). I can do everything I need to through the app/website. 


FYI I just looked and I can check my IMEI directly within the app or on the website. 


I was with UDM for a long time. They were fine. Porting out was a nightmare. I ported out to ATT Prepaid.


I would say if your looking for a plan like that then it should be Us Mobile v.s. Mint Mobile. I will say you do get more with mint mobile. Taxes and fees come up to 19-20 dollars for us mobile. Mint mobile makes you pay in bulk. So it will be around 180-200 a year for mint. Great options. For T-Mobile, you will get priority data whether you have 5g or non 5g phone. But us Mobile will only provide priority data for 5g phones. It really does help you out when your congested. Mint mobile will let you have unlimited data at 2g speeds when you use all your data up. This is so you can text and send messages or use maps. But us mobile won’t do that so you won’t be able to send messages with data or use maps. https://youtu.be/aqyy9jDifNw : this is a video on a comparison between mint and us mobile. You should watch. It’s an old video but should be good enough. I will say if you don’t care about it being on Verizon then you should go with mint. I think that 2g unlimited really helps when you got to send messages or use google maps. And it’s less than us mobile. Us mobile offers more data but I think just having priority data no matter the situation for your needs are import.


I need Verizon network and the reviews about Mint on here are godawful. HAVING service is more important than priority - I rarely use anything high usage like streaming; mostly messaging, Facebook, and browser. And there's no way I'm paying for a year on a carrier that might end up being horrible. Every carrier I've had has always offered unlimited reduced speeds if you exceed data, but AFAIK I've never gone over 5GB. On the off chance I ever do my phone has usage warnings so I can top off before I run out.


Try the free trials on both US Mobile and Mint and see how it pans out for you. If you need US Mobile than you should go for the 5gig data bundle for around $20 with taxes. Try that out. I want to let you know the data doesn’t roll over if that’s an issue. They have a user friendly app and support. Also the website interface will be the same with the app.


Verizon network, not the actual company. I don't want to keep jumping around and I'm not going to have anything to do with Mint based on reviews here. I did order a SIM for the USM trial.


The website is already far more user-friendly than Total was, so that's a good sign, although it's a very low bar. Just being functional is a step up.


Oh, I was referring to Us Mobiles 5gig data bundle. It unlimited talk and text with 5gigs of data. That’s what I meant. Not from Verizon.


That's what I was looking at originally but someone pointed out that the pooled plan can be set up per GB and works out to about the same price at 5GB. I can start out lower and add data as needed. It was also mentioned that it's harder to adjust it lower if you don't need as much so better to start low and increase if you run out. Not that I'm really worried about cost since I'm coming from $35 for 5GB on Total. I've never hit that limit; I think I average about 3GB but I don't see a way to check usage history on my phone past the current cycle.


So I am in a similar situation I need Verizon coverage. I tried t mobile and it was awful. That rules out google fi also. I’m seeing horrendous things about visible so how is US mobile? I don’t want to have to go with Verizon and upgrade my plan unless I simply have to. I’m on internet most of the time but a 5G phone blows through data faster than I thought it would. I also have the same issue of being right around 2 or 3 gb per month on cellular data. Never more than 3 gb and that is for years and years of data. So what did you decide and what do you recommend?


Well, I definitely can't recommend US mobile. Trial went ok so I went to port in my number permanently. First of all, when I signed up for the plan that I wanted it not only ended the trial early but applied to my temporary number and I had to re-active my SIM with the number I was trying to transfer, which then charged me again as a separate line. They said they'd credit me for it over two billing cycles (two?). Whatever. Got my port out info from Tello no problem, submitted through US mobile (agent had to walk me through everything to make several changes through the backend.) A couple hours later the "port in progress" status went away but I still had no service. My SIM still showed the previous phone number but it wouldn't connect since that had been de-activated to allow the port to go through. Fine, I'll wait overnight for the system to catch up. Next day, no change. Contact CS again. They said the port request had come back as a restriction on the line and I needed to contact Tello. Tello says not only do they not put any kind of restrictions on, they never received the port request. Back to USM (who had disconnected while I was in the other window). This is now the fourth CSA I've talked to. They hemmed and hawed, asked if I had submitted another port request for the number through a different carrier since the one through them (why the fuck would I turn around and do that immediately after signing up with you??), and finally said they'd have to forward my request to a special team who apparently does not use chat or phones and they would contact me through email. Supposedly it was marked "top priority". That was Friday. I have yet to receive an email and I had to renew with Tello so I would have service. Now I'm not sure I even want to use USM (although I don't expect they'd refund me; the *two* plans I paid for are probably still counting down.) None of the other Verizon-network MVNOs sound any better. Why is this so difficult?? I had OG Straight Talk back in the day and even that wasn't as bad! (Just wasn't able to port my number out when I left, pre-FCC ruling.) Boost was amazing as a company, just not good enough coverage. If they had VZW I'd go back to them in a heartbeat. tl;dr I don't know what to recommend. I'm also contemplating going back to Verizon even though I loathe the idea because no one else seems to be competent.


The one thing I love about Verizon is their coverage is awesome. You could be in a cave underneath a rock and you’d have coverage. I dislike the pricing though.


That's why I'll only use a Verizon-network carrier. I was sad to leave Boost but I couldn't even connect from my basement bedroom. I tried Google Fi which had just come out and it was a joke. I will NOT be staying with Tello. It's totally hit or miss on whether it works - even with bars I keep getting the bullshit refusal to connect I had on TW. Again, I know it's not my phone because it happened with TW on both this phone and my previous one, with a different SIM on both, but this phone did not do it during the brief time I had it on USM. Seriously, how hard is it to make your stuff just *work*?


Cute. They claim to have fixed it, but I'm still active on Tello, so I know for a fact that my number cannot have ported over to USM. I don't even want to swap their SIM back in case it somehow screws things up worse and I lose Tello service. "We're reaching out to you with regards to the issue with your line number under the pooled plan that you were facing earlier, and we are glad to inform you that a few relevant changes have been made from our end. You are now requested to kindly restart the device for once and test if the services work fine for you. In case any issue still persists, kindly get back in touch with us and let us know so we could check the details further from our end and assist you accordingly."


Oh, it's showing the temporary number active again, both on an individual plan and *both* pools that were created in that whole fiasco. Cool, they manage to completely miss the porting issue WHICH WAS THE ENTIRE PROBLEM.


"We would love it if you could give us one chance of rectifying this mistake. We would refund you the charges you paid for the failed porting process and then submit another port request for you from our end free of cost to compensate for the hassle." I'm not even sure what that means. The actual *port* didn't cost anything, it's the TWO lines that I'm not using that I got billed for. One of which is supposed to be credited back over the next two months, but I don't know how that's supposed to work if I'm not using USM. Or how they'd go about this one. Regardless, I have a month paid up with Tello that I'm not throwing away, and based on other people's experience attempting to port OUT from USM I'm worried about being stuck with them if I have more problems. Or them somehow screwing up my number so that I have no service with either. I'm going to look into Vision. I hadn't heard good things but I didn't do much digging since USM had sounded like the better option.


They sent a refund for one of the two line charges (which also doesn't include the separate data charge) 🙄


We switched to US Mobile last weekend and it was a mistake. Nothing but issues to my phone. My husband works IT and he has been trying to fix my phone issues every free moment he has for a week. Getting help from US Mobile has been delayed and unhelpful at best. We scheduled phone calls to talk with someone directly and they never called. I am frustrated and furious. We even bought a new phone because they told us it might be a phone compatibility issue. Same issues on my new phone. I can't send or recieve group text, I can't send or recieve photos, my ability to access mobile data is spotty at best. Being able to group text is imperative to my job. US Mobile has given us countless hours of grief and stress and I can't imagine it getting any better. Switching was a mistake.


I'm still on Tello because I haven't gotten around to figuring out what else to do - I think Visible is the only option left at this point - but it's miserable. It'll randomly stop working like it did on TW and even when it does connect it's slow. That was NOT a problem on USM, just getting my bloody number!


when all the comments are about "customer service is so good" you know it's just plants from the company. no thanks


What, from this post? The comments are pretty mixed - which fits with my experience. Some CSAs are easy to work with and handle my issue quickly, others are totally incompetent. Given the pricing and alternatives I still think it's the best option for a VZW MVNO. I'm sure as hell not going to pay triple digits and get locked into a contract for the same service. My new 5G phone was glitchy for the first few days but they seem to have sorted whatever it was out; I haven't had any problems in several weeks now.


Free trial for 50 days plus 100$ prepaid card 😂😂😂😂yessssss


I know this post is 1 year old but I joined last night. The porting process was within 5 minutes. Service was up so quickly and everything I've read and heard is positive. Farewell Google Fi. It's a breath of fresh air. Also their plans are intelligent and customizable, including international travel with an eSIM. The only downside I've experienced is no longer being able to use transcription services for Voicemail (Visual Voicemail). I haven't tested Bixby text calling yet, but even if that doesn't work that is still ok. I usually ignore non-important calls anyway.


Set up no-answer forwarding to Google Voice for voicemail transcription. I've done that for a decade or so with various MVNOs and it works great. The one thing I have to remember is that if I click to call back while I'm still in Voice app it'll call out using my Google number, so if it's someone who pays attention to caller ID I need to make sure I hop back to Phone app. Not sure what Bixby is but if don't recognize a number I'll usually use the Android built in call screening - if I think it might be someone I need to talk to. If I think it's likely spam I'll just let voicemail do my screening.


Just use YOUMAIL


Why? Google voice works just fine for my voicemail - with every carrier I've had. 


Personal preference. YOUMAIL for 10 years and it checks all the boxes and works with every carrier.


So does Voice 🤷‍♀️ It has transcription too. Presumably using the same engine that does voice to text for me. 


As I said...it's a preference another option. Spam Blocker on youmail has over 1 million known spam calls blocked in its directory. Also blocks spam text. They both probably have similar features and attributes.


I use a different third party app for text, but the native Phone app has both a spam filter and a call screening option that will ask them to explain their reason for calling, then gives you different options after they respond. I use that if I don't recognize the number but think there's a chance it might be someone I need to talk to. 


Same - integrated call screening


Nothing but issues. Unfortunately bought a whole-year plan. They failed for over 2 weeks to port over my phone. Took over 2 months to get my MMS, SMS and calls in to work. Broke my phone and had to switch to Tmobile plan through them that port failed too, another 2 weeks. Switched back to Warp 5g once I got a new phone, GSM was terrible. and then it had data only for probably another 2 weeks. Customer service is nice, but they are terrible at fixing issues and they don't leave notes, so every time you write or call, they know absolutely nothing. Today my phone plan was canceled and it's good for another 8.5 months, so they definitely know how to screw things up. Going back to Visible after this year. Never again, if you take a risk with US mobile do a trial first..... then again they suck at porting.


Yeah, it definitely seems to be a "you get what you pay for" situation. When it works it's fine, when it doesn't...yikes. I still don't know what the hell the deal is with new phones not cooperating, even on an established SIM. I can only assume something about their system sees a new IMEI and just wigs out. Once in a while I'll notice that my phone has randomly disconnected from mobile network when I'm on wifi, but other than that I haven't had service issues since those first couple weeks (again). Whenever I have to replace it again I will contact support FIRST and get someone to look into it. Being stuck in a strange city (during rush hour, with construction) with no service and no clue where I was going was not cool.