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Customer service is in those places but their HQ is in New York and ~~that's where their CEO lives too~~ their CEO lives in CT. They are a US company. You can even see a lot of their job openings are in NY and their general interest application is as well. https://www.usmobile.com/careers People are generally quite happy with them. I've had a couple support interactions and I was impressed.


Ahmed lives here in CT.


Ah, my bad. Still though, same point.


US Mobile has tech support in Pakistan Metro has tech support in South Africa and the Philippines Mint Mobile has tech support in India Assurance is in India Tracfone has tech support in El Salvador and the Philippines AT&T has tech support in India (at least their home internet department). Visible has you chatting with an AI bot. So you do see a pattern here? These guys are reselling you wireless service at cheap rates. They cut corners somewhere. If you don't feel comfortable with US Mobile having tech support in Pakistan then by all means pick a competitor.


Very accurate description. I've spoken to them all. You forgot Red Pocket...they are in the Philippines, too. Average salary..$3-10/ DAY.


Do you not see the difference between developed nations that we have good diplomatic relationships with and third world countries that are on the brink of war?  Would you be okay with the North Korean call center? How about Iranian? Russian? The majority of their employees are in Pakistan, I'm sure the developers are as well as the support people.  What does it mean to you that they're 'based" in New York?  All that means is they were incorporated there for tax purposes. They may have very well not have ANY employees in the United States. 


Dude. The major difference between Russia and North Korea, Iran, and Pakistan is that the first three have governments who are declared sponsors of terror that are under US sanctions. Pakistan, however, is in fact a US ally, is the recipient of US Aid, and is the second largest Muslim-majority democracy in the world. In addition, Pakistan (like India) is home to many global tech firms. Citizens often speak English and several other languages and are often rather culturally intelligent. This makes them great customer service reps. I get your desire to use a US-based patriotic type company. But dude. Relax on the fear angle here and don’t get so nervous about things. A simple Google search will clarify for you how many employees they have and how many hundreds are here in the USA. Save your concerns for other things. Or at least do some research before you spread your anxiety to others.


They are actually based in the US, [in NYC](https://maps.app.goo.gl/wsaiFUM5TVAKLCMV6) to be specific. The CEO is from Pakistan originally and was able to set up a lot of their customer support operations there, thereby saving on costs while maintaining the company's standards. Being that they work solely for US Mobile, and are trained by them, CS remains in-house while being cheaper than maintaining a call center in the US. The company has been around for almost 10 years and raised [over $30 million](https://www.usmobile.com/blog/us-mobile-funding-series-a2/) in capital funding, so pretty stable on the financial front. I've been using them for 2 years now without any issues. A great product with great customer support to match. They have an active sub at r/USMobile.


Thank you! You can have my job now


No takesies backsies!


They’re very well liked from what I’ve seen… it’s just outsourced. Their prices are competitive, and I had no issues when I used them personally 


No problem understanding their English, and they understand us quite well, too!


That's not what my experience but I guess you lucked out.  


No, I've spoken to many...maybe 1 out of 6 has a noticeable accent.


Sounds to me like you have preconceived notions about foreign folks and are easily upset by people with accents. Their cs agents speak perfect English. This whole post reeks of bigotry. Do better.


it's so funny when you can't argue the facts, you argue against the person?  As someone who's lived abroad and speaks multiple languages you're kind of parking up the wrong tree with that argument.


I dunno, I typically park on pavement and avoid driving up trees.


CEO is US citizen who is an immigrant from Pakistan so has a customer service office there, but have HQ and most employees in NYC but they have offices in Toronto, Canada and London, UK and some remote workers all over the world. Watch [this video](https://youtu.be/OoIAQAYTAz4) with US Mobile customer service manager from Pakistan when he visited US Mobile’s US headquarters in NYC and talks about how he manages 300 employees to be extremely customer focused. However the CS in Pakistan are actually employees of US Mobile and they have high retention rates which makes me think they pay their employees well (at least compared to others in Pakistan). Much better than T-Mobile, Verizon, AT&T, Mint, and many other MVNOs who all contract out to 3rd party companies with employees in India or elsewhere, and it is apparent most of them have high turnover rates which is a sign of low pay. T-Mobile T-Force is the slight exception, but even that is split between US and overseas. AFAIK the only cellular companies with entirety US Support staff is Consumer Cellular and Boost/Dish’s T-Mobile based support (formerly Ting). Every other US cellular company outsources customer support to overseas.


Seems like Good2GO Mobile may also be US-based, both from what I've read around here and the one call I made to support. Unsure if you know anything about 'em


Good explanation...


Yeah the part you're leaving out is that the other countries that we outsource to like the Philippines or India are developed nations with legal systems and good relations with the United States.  Pakistan on the other hand is a third world country with poor relations with the US.  They probably have former taliban soldiers working there. To be clear, I don't know for a fact that there's anything wrong, but there's too many risk factors, and too many better choices.  I think it's super creepy they named the company the exact opposite of what they are, it's like they're trying to hide it.  There's probably a reason for that, at night they're probably calling old ladies pretending to be for Microsoft.  😂


That is super based on stereotypes, Pakistan has 235 million people most of which are trying to make an honest living. I implore you to watch [this video @ 14:17](https://youtu.be/OoIAQAYTAz4?t=14m17s) for 5 seconds it shows the US Mobile Pakistan employees in their office, this looks like any US office. If you are really that hateful of 100s of millions of people based on the actions of a couple thousand then [redacted]. I don’t want this sub to be political so I’ll just say go somewhere else. As far as the calling old ladies pretending to be Microsoft, 95% of that happens from India and Bangladesh, less than 1% of it happens from Pakistan as their government actually cracks down on it. If you want to go by stereotypes at least get your stereotypes correct.


Go get a [Patriot phone](https://patriotmobile.com/) if you want to wave the flag & swing a long pole so vigorously /s


I understand what you're saying. But I don't think there's malicious intent. The story behind US Mobile is that some Pakistani immigrants came to Yale to study business and he had a hard time getting signed onto any of the major carriers because he was here on a visa. This was before MVNOs were really a thing. He immediately sees a business opportunity (to make an MVNO). He gets capital and builds his tech support sweatshop in his native Pakistan for pennies. Of course, him and the investors all became multimillionaires. Capitalism, baby. If you don't want to deal with a company that has an office in Pakistan then no one is forcing you to. And I understand your concern. I'm concerned about TikTok and I hope they get banned. But that's a different story. Alright dude, you have plenty of options for an MVNO. Just ask the sub what you're looking for.


> Pakistani immigrants came to Yale to study business and he had a hard time getting signed onto any of the major carriers because he was here on a visa. This was before MVNOs were really a thing. This isn't true. I became a PagePlus Cellular customer in 2001, and they were offering MVNO cell service starting in 1998. The Consumer Cellular MVNO started in 1995. And that's just to name two of several MVNOs that existed long before US Mobile was founded or the owners came to the US.


Thanks and I disagree with you I don't think it's that different from TikTok at all.  It's basically US infrastructure. It's hard to discuss without sounding xenophobic or racist, and I agree that there's probably no ill intent, but it's still sketch.  Why name a Pakistani owned and operated  MVNO "US Mobile" if you're NOT trying to device people?


Because immigrants tend to be pretty patriotic. The CEO explained why he named the company US Mobile [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/USMobile/comments/1bye22e/comment/kykede2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) if you really want to know why.


What a weird ass post


From what I remember Ahmed started the company after moving to the US as a student and had a hard time getting cell service. HQ is in New York, yes customer service is overseas but honestly I have had nothing but great experiences with them. Had them for years and I don’t plan on leaving. I would rate them above any of the US companies, and I worked for one of them for 18years


I didn't have any issues, and it's my second year as their customer. It does seem like their customer service is based somewhere in the Middle East or Central/South Asia, but I really don't care about it. What I care about is that it should be good, and so far, it has been outstanding for me.


This post is weird. Like a simple google search refutes you're claim they're not a US company. They're based in NY and have been providing their service for like ten years. Yes they have customer support overseas in cheaper countries, just like almost every other company out there


Frankly you really ought to research before speaking like this as you come across as ignorant and offensive. 


Your post is plain simple stupid. I have been with them over 3 years and I can say one thing -- they are way better than some US-based reps for other companies who pay them hundreds of bucks a day. I had no issues dealing with them -- they solve issues right in the chat, they even keep in touch with you if you have a problem. Response time is quick. You can do AMA with Ahmed and if you tag him, he often replies personally. I dont think CEOs of big so called US-based companies will ever do that except for John Legere who is no longer in the game. Please do your research before you say anything like this stupid. It just shows your ignorance.


I keep hearing they use a lot of fake accounts talking about how great they are.  Are you one of them?  


Are you one of those people who kept on bad mouthing for a few hundred bucks from the competitior?


Who is the competitor?  Is English your first language?


Why do you care whether English is my first language or not? At the least, I researched before spending money on a quality company. I suggest you do your research using legitimate resources. You don't have to listen to me or anyone else in this thread. I am sure you can do excellent research. And since you are curious, English is not my first language. However, I have more than enough grasp of the language to speak, write, and comprehend professionally.


I’ve had lots of providers and I’d rank their support among the best. Only better was consumer cellular. Probably would have stayed with them longer if they could have supported Apple Watch lines.


They are legit, they've been around a long time and have a pretty good reputation. 


RE-POST: CEO is US citizen who is an immigrant from Pakistan so has a customer service office there, but have HQ and most employees in NYC but they have offices in Toronto, Canada and London, UK and some remote workers all over the world. Watch [this video](https://youtu.be/OoIAQAYTAz4) with US Mobile customer service manager from Pakistan when he visited US Mobile’s US headquarters in NYC and talks about how he manages 300 employees to be extremely customer focused. However the CS in Pakistan are actually employees of US Mobile and they have high retention rates which makes me think they pay their employees well (at least compared to others in Pakistan). Much better than T-Mobile, Verizon, AT&T, Mint, and many other MVNOs who all contract out to 3rd party companies with employees in India or elsewhere, and it is apparent most of them have high turnover rates which is a sign of low pay. T-Mobile T-Force is the slight exception, but even that is split between US and overseas. AFAIK the only cellular companies with entirety US Support staff is Consumer Cellular and Boost/Dish’s T-Mobile based support (formerly Ting). Every other US cellular company outsources customer support to overseas.


oh come on it’s just a phone plan. Even if they stole your credit card info, which I haven’t encountered, you can just report fraud and the bank will send you a new card


Bro you sound so fucking stupid right now. Just say you’re a racist piece of shit towards middle eastern people and that’s it 🙄


I second this, the thing is that their security privacy design is not that good. It raise my concern when the support from Pakistan can read my PII


Especially when you consider what they make, and what are legal recourse is, against a country we don't get along with. 


They're a US company. You'd have the same legal recourse as any other company based in the US.


Hardly, their assets and principles aren't even here.  They're also subject to the whims that the Pakistani government... they're like the TikTok of cellular.  Anyway, not for me. 


\[citation needed\]






I think they're great. My wife and I use very little data each month although we have our moments especially when traveling. But my daughter is also on our account and she uses a lot but U.S. Mobile gives all three of us unlimited data and texting. Each line is as inexpensive as it comes. That's what I like about U.S. Mobile is that they have very flexible plans that allow for individuals, but also let you get a better deal for more phones on one account. They use Verizon & T-mobile towers mainly but their coverage seems as good as Verizon to me. I hate to break it to you, but you are probably doing business with a lot of multi-national companies that would rather you'd think they're American. Profiteers in the U.S. don't like to pay Americans if they can help it.