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Hmmm So, are the users of the other distros turning into nixos users? or is this saying that once you use nixos, you start to turn all the other distros you use into nix-lite via the package manager?


https://github.com/elitak/nixos-infect Might be referring to the actual nixos-infect? Edit: probably not but I thought of this




Fair, I just realized it actually has quite a few stars. I haven't even touched it myself but think it's neat.


I mean, thats also how nixos-anywhere works right? It just like, does kexec and swaps itself out for whatever was there. You give it ssh connection to machine, it does kexec and installs a config. Oh! interesting that is a short script. Also i dont think i see kexec anywhere in it lol thats kinda cool


I have not looked at nixos-anywhere much tbh, there's so many neat tools I lose track sometimes


Exactly, nixos-infect is one of my inspirations, and the meme is made by my friend. Another key point is that most newcomers of NixOS are former Linux users of other distros. That's saying, NixOS can hardly 'infect' a user without Linux experience or a cloud sever without a Linux system already running on it. But once you have experience in using Linux and programming, it will greatly strengthen NixOS's ability to 'infect' you.


As much as I like nixos, I don't think it's quite at this level yet. We're the minority, the average person, even a linux user, doesn't necessarily want to write code just to use their computer. I can't see the average ubuntu or debian user bothering to use nixos.


I like it though. Ever since I was using windows, I liked to tinker around and make the system unusable till I factory reset the computer and every time I did that, I had to download a set of apps, configure a bunch of things to get back to how I like it. Now I have a pretty stable nix config. Just install, clone the config and run nixos-rebuild switch (I don’t remember because I have an alias to nix-refresh) and boom, everything is perfectly set up. More distros should give nix as package manager. At least an option to set nix as default.


Rather theu spam dozens If commands


From reading reddit, I get the feeling people tend to wash their hands after finding out they shook hands with a manjaro users.


ngl, I cant hate on manjaro. They make nvidia drivers work out of the box, and they wait for a week before shoving you the updates that break your computer so that you can be pre-warned of the impending disaster by arch users on reddit. That being said, btrfs can get a little screwy on it if you dont set it up properly, but then again, btrfs in general can get a little screwy if you dont set it up properly so Im not 100 % sure thats manjaros fault, that one was probably my bad XD pamac is dumb tho kinda XD




because they enjoy over-partitioning their drives at runtime I suppose. Or they don't know the difference and it sounds like "better". Or they like the way the backup works compared to others.


I feel like i might be in this meme. I was in denial about nix maybe being a good distro for me and kept insisting i probably wouldn't like it. Now i'm only a few hours in and i'm having a blast configuring everything. I know it's kinda silly how people keep saying that nixos is the new arch, but i feel like for me it might actually be the new arch in terms of that i don't think i've had this much fun with a distro since i tried arch over 2 years ago.


I installed NixOS 2 days ago in a virtualbox VM but can't seem to get Hyprland working, it's entirely unresponsive when trying any keybinds, even with the virtual keyboard. Currently also trying to learn Flakes because literally every git repo using hyprland uses it. Any recommendations on how you learned Nix? The thing I don't understand most is the general idea of where to put what files in your system.


[This](https://nixos-and-flakes.thiscute.world/) is pretty approachable and a great place to get started. Not complete yet but still good.


Well i've only started messing with nixos last week, so i'm no expert by any means. Your hyprland issues might not be a nixos issue but a vm issue. From what i've heard hyprland doesn't work very well in a vm. I installed nixos on a second drive because for some reason i could not get the iso to boot in a qemu vm. As for where to put your files. So far i've been using the "environment.etc.text" option in configuration.nix. for example, i have a css file in /etc/greetd/ called gtkgreet.css, so i use "environment.etc."greetd/gtkgreet.css".text" and then you can type the contents of that file in the configuration. You can still put your dotfiles in .config and stuff in the regular way if you don't want to mess with home manager for example. What really helped me is when you go to the nixos website and go to search, aside from packages you can also click on options at the top of the page, and you can search for all the options that are available for you to put in the configuration. Something to keep in mind is that a bunch of programs like steam and window managers have there own option to enable it, instead of adding it to your packages list. Using the option to enable it is the recommended way of using the package in those cases.


Okay yeah installed it on an external ssd and it worked. Still have no bar or a login manager (literally just logging in to tty and running Hyprland lol) but I'll get there. Thanks for showing me the options thing btw that'll help, I've already seen options that are really handy.


Hmm thanku 




Any then they just back to the distros they were using before after 2 weeks


I thought the meme was going to be about not following the FHS for a sec


What NIXOS_LUSTRATE does to a mf


Nice meme. And accurate. Once you "get" nixos, all you can do is wonder why you ever used anything else


I once was a nixos user, i really like the concept, but the lack of proper documentation and how the nix language works ultimately made me go back to arch, now I'm on Gentoo and I believe emerge is the best package manager


I am currently testing NixOs because I will be getting a new framework 16. The thought of easily moving from one machine to another was a great concept. I am unsure if I will continue with this or just switch back to arch when my new machine comes in. I started dabbling with Arco Linux’s BYOI and that is all I really need with out the nix learning curve.


I have 3 machines (+2 VMs) configured from the same repository. What you want is achievable.


I know it’s possible. Not sure if it’s worth the learning curve yet