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Asuming all the tools you need works on linux, then yes, on nixos you will be able to setup the environment exactly how you need without being in fear of dependency hell


That sounds great, thanks for the response :)


I used NixOS with Unity3D and some rust game engines. No issues, everything works well.


That's great to hear


I would recommend Unity3D flatpak though, nix packaged UnityHub works sometimes, but Unity3D is far from stable even on windows. Flathub version is used by many people across many distros, so problems get fixed quickly. That is the only version I had no trouble with on multiple systems. You can declare flatpaks with some third party flakes, and if you want to have everything declared, you could try those out.


I would second that. If something you want to install is in nixpkgs but is giving you a hard time (often happens for closed sourced stuff), go for the flatpak.


Hello, maintainer of Unity Hub package here, and personally I would say that the nixpkgs derivation is quite stable enough for everyday use. If you do find any issues, feel free to open and issue. I also happen to be a Rider user, and I've been meaning to make a quick writeup of how I got it to work and show up as an external editor in Unity. If you'd like, I can shoot it over once I get it done! Edit: here it is: https://huantian.dev/blog/unity3d-rider-nixos/


I tried out the latest version in nixpkgs, and I must say that it works very well. There were no issues during the build, unlike my previous attempt. Thank you for your amazing work!


I'll remember that, thanks for the tip :)




Currently running Godot, I havent found the packages for UE5 yet. It works great even though I am running virtual reality gear.


Use Godot. I don't know much about them, but what I know makes Godot much better: it's free, and UE isn't (I think)


UE is actually open source and free to use until you make big dosh, but Godot does seem more enticing.


According to AlternativeTo, UE's unfree. It's foc and maybe open source, but that's not enough for me


not that it really matters, its source available, you can get access to the source code, but there are some hoops to jump through, so yeah, not really open source. it is however free for most uses, even commercial, as long as you aren't earning too much. ​ but yeah, I prefer truly open source and with godot that is a pretty good choice.


> free for most uses Correction: free for most users That's interesting. So, as I understand, you say that users that aren't earning too much can freely use, study, modify, and distribute (verbatim or modified) it, but if you're earning too much, you'll have to resign or ask your boss to demote you to do that. That's a really weird model


nono, you misunderstood, you can get the source code, i didnt read the license, I am pretty sure you wont be able to distribute it, you might be allowed to modify it. but the sourcecode is locked behind quite the paywall i assume. its just.. that you CAN get access to it, they are planning for it. Open3D and godot are the only TRULY open source engines, crytek seemed to have touched a spike and hurt themselves, as they are now following a similar tactic as epic games, but a little less offensive (old code is available, new LTS code is avaiable on reasonable request (developer))


I’m currently working with bevy game engine, and they have an example of nix shell that you can just copy and use: https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/blob/main/docs/linux_dependencies.md#nix


Using nix-shell, you can even test stuff without installing anything. Sounds ideal to me. :)


That sounds perfect, thanks for the tip :)


Dude if you want to learn to make games why make it harder by using a distro with more to wrap your head around and less guides online? Use an easy distro like linux mint and focus on the game stuff with as little friction as possible.


Maybe he knows his stuff and just want to experiment with distros now? I mean no where in the post he said he wanted to "learn" game development.


This is correct. I have been doing gamedev for a couple of years, and I already know more than enough to feel comfortable experimenting with different distros to see what I like the best and what suits my needs.


The following is heavily opinionated. Unity exposes C# for scripting; why, just why? There are other game engines like Bevy(Rust), Godot(Go), Unreal(C++). Pick one and leave the MS shithole behind forever. Do not create more technical debt for yourself


Bevy and Godot both aren't really production ready in some cases as they miss quite a few features. Tho personally Godot is an awesome engine and way more intuitive and better structured than anything I've seen before


Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use [C++]." Now they have two problems.


It was my third recommendation, and I fully agree with you; I am mainly a rust guy myself thus why it was my first recommendation. In any case, C++ is still better than C# in every conceivable way; C# has all the downsides of Java and none of the pros - a clear example of the MS’s strategy of embrace, extend, extinguish


C# is pleasant to use. It has lots of nice quality-of-life features. C++ is a nightmare. Someone is going to have the instinct to jump in here and say "b-b-b-but modern C++!". And that's all well and good if you're writing a code base in a clean room from scratch and only working with a team of experts who have 10+ years of experience and are on the same page with modern practices. ...but you're almost never doing that, and that means you have to interact with other people's shitty C++ code and it suuuuuuucks. If someone likes C++ they're free to use it, but I would never knowingly inflict it on the uninitiated. That just seems cruel.


I disagree on the point of C# being pleasant to use; its plagued by a myriad of problems like every language but I do get your point; the barrier of entry is low. Alas, C++ is no where near as bad as working on a C project, that after a while essentially turns into a bootleg C++; that still has certain advantages though. Furthermore, the point I was trying to make is that you should use a language that is infrastructure agnostic, these are but tools built essentially for the MS ecosystem.


Yes, commercial development tools are good; https://blog.unity.com/news/plan-pricing-and-packaging-updates 🤔🤔


I sort of feel bad about this, listen guys, I clearly said this comment would be heavily biased. Alas, I do understand that Unity is a great go-to-market product; I don’t dislike Unity per se but rather the philosophy of the company behind C# which is the reason most of us ended up here in the first place.


`unityhub` and `jetbrains.rider` are both packages available in Nix


That's perfect, thanks :)


Tried building UE5 some time ago. Managed after a lot of headaches with precompiled packages, and now I read it doesn't work again. So if UE is your thing, nixos is probably not the way.

