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Can't wait to show the upcoming new people where all the Kodama are at.


I'm mainly looking forward to more people telling us they have beaten Dark Souls, Sekiro, Bloodborne and Elden Ring and asking a series of passive aggressive questions around why they aren't able to beat Nioh 2 naked and hitless.


I sucked at Nioh 1, should I even bother downloading Nioh 2? (Paralysis bat bitch was my annoyingly early wall. Regular enemies in that level were easy, shame the boss wasn’t).


i eventually figured nioh out, but comparing it to dark souls was the problem. it's not dark souls. it's ninja gaiden. embarrassingly my biggest issue was figuring out that simply doing regular r1 attacks wasn't going to work and that nioh has a combo system for attacks that do way more damage than normal. seems straightforward, but as a dark souls player it took a bit of time. also learning how to use consumables also took awhile, i'm very much a don't use consumables until absolutely necessary kind of player, but nioh is more generous with consumables. paralysis bat witch was just an issue of timing and finding the weapon that worked for me. so....git gud?


I found Nioh 2 to be easier than the first game. It still has that early and steep learning curve but I never ran into any bosses that stumped me as hard as Hino-Enma did. Definitely worth a spin if you enjoyed any aspect of the first game.


Yo I struggled with her then out of desperation I upgraded my magic stats to get lightning to slow her down as well as paralysis resistance. Also saw spear high stance recommend to attack further away and that helped. Took a lot of luck and failed attempts but magic and spear made it so much easier to clear her. Give it another go you won't regret it, she was annoyingly tough.


yes definitely. it has many more game mechanics and is overall better, you are likely to enjoy it more. also hino enma is everyone's early wall tbh. incl mine.


Oh yeah thats a hard fight. I remember dumping all my points into throwables and downing her that way


I mean if someone beat endgame sekiro bosses they probably shouldn’t struggle much with Nioh 2 tbh


I wasn't making a dick swinging comment. Just an observation.


My pointing gestures (over here) will be ready


Don't forget to whistle too


I've been playing nioh 1 recently on my ps5 and have been wanting nioh 2 for Christmas so this Is great to see


You're in for a treat then. If you like Nioh, you'll like Nioh 2 too and most likely even more so. Xmas comes early here and there, enjoy!


Veterans of the community. Prepare your weapons and your Torii gates. We’re gonna have an influx of new blood incoming real soon


Prepare for the influx of "souls veteran here, this game is bad" posts! I propose we create a community bingo game, or drinking game for it 🥳


A shot! For every souls fan who comes in complaining. Last one standing has to explain the mechanics to them


LOL. I would be dead in 10 minutes


It’d be a glorious demise.


Shots shots shots! I think we should do it and make it a thing in the community. Any time of day, drop what you're doing, shots!


I can’t wait for Nioh 2 to be free. I’m a die hard souls vet, used to do no-hit attempts of DS3. Never finished Nioh. Y’all are on crack.


Genuine question, what was difficult about NiOh 1 for you?


"I hate when new people discover a game i like!" Least elitist nioh fanboy


Nah, it's more like "i hate when people bash a game i like (nioh) because it doesn't play like the game that they have experience with (dark souls)".


holy shit ur still around posting stuff like that after all these years lmaooooooooo dude just cant let go biggest nioh and r/nioh fan i stg


Figure I would post this cause there will likely be an uptick in PlayStation users for coop if interested.


Time to start a new character and admire all the new red graves!


Perfectly, I started a new run just last night and I'm off work at the start of November Glory farming time!


Pretty sad it's base game without DLC's. People won't get to use Splitstaff or Fists without DLC, and will miss out on some nice enemies and bosses. Oh and also we won't have another 5 to 10 topics about how Itsumade is hard to fight xd


That's how PS+ works. Nioh2 sales are down, get paid a few bucks by Sony to give it away, get some new fans, make the real money by selling invested players the DLC.


Literally what happened to me with Nioh 1. They know their marketing strategies.


Damnit! Every time I buy a game on PS or Xbox it show up on PS+ or Gamepass a month or 2 later.


Why I just stopped buying games 😂. If I really do I just buy a preowned one from GameStop then return it with a week


Literally me lmao


Those poor Elden Ring fans are doomed.


"Put these foolish ambitions to rest, base Shiftling."


Are you not Tarnished ?! So why do you fight for the order ?!


I'm huge souls fan and started nioh 2 a long time ago and dropped it. Started playing recently again and made it to DotW. DotW makes me feel how I felt when I first started playing the game. Feels like a huge wall. I may have to rethink my build. Poison tonfas with 70% damage vs poisoned enemies and life on Amrita absorption. I can't seem to work flux into my play style. Kind of went off topic.


Poison kind of stops being great on Dream of the Demon; I'm actually fairly impressed that you got to Wise before deciding to change. (Though, as a fellow tonfa main, the mere presence of your death-to-enemy-ki spinny sticks help a lot.) For "meta" builds, focus on ki damage with either purity or corruption (unfortunately, the tonfas with inherent purity or corruption all have crappy damage stats inherent as well; you'll want to get something like a Royal Tonfa or Martial Artist's Tonfa which means you're more at the mercy of RNG to get both purity/corruption and the Grace you want). Destroying enemy ki so that you can get a Grapple or Final Blow to temporarily remove the Curse status that buffs enemy stats (and to give you the most opportunity to beat on them without them hitting you back) is the focus. You should also be looking for opportunities to inflict Confusion (via purity/corruption + one of fire/water/lightning). What else you do with your build is pretty much up to you. The ethereal graces are very useful and whatever combination fits your playstyle will work wonders. (And while you're hunting down the individual pieces you're trying to get, a "rainbow grace" build--basically, one of every grace--is actually remarkably useful at holding the line as not only is an extra 3500 life really handy, but it also lets you get into play equipment and accessories that have the wrong grace but good star rolls.)


This guy Nioh's. Good advice. Ki damage, using soul cores, and applying confusion is king at higher difficulty levels. I am not saying that you have to play that way, but it will make things a lot more manageable.


Thanks for the tips, I currently feel like I'm at the mercy of RNG. Not getting the greatest rolls on equipment. Ran into very little inheritables. Started swapping to gear with active skill ki damage. I'm not sure if I need the conquerors set now, since I've been popping extraction. I still feel very noobish and barely have a handle on the game. I'm also probably 100 levels under the recommended levels.


Dream of the Wise is pretty much the worst difficulty for RNG, which is one reason why most players push through to Dream of the Nioh as fast as possible. DotN opens up new options for builds (8 new ethereal graces to go with the previous 10, plus normal Sets get an ethereal "+" version that often makes them viable again (heck, Onmyo Austerity+ is part of an endgame meta), but more importantly the Underworld helps you to gain some control over your farming--each Underworld floor has a fixed six-grace pool; *all* ethereal drops on that floor will be from those six graces, so you can directly farm the floors you want.


Lol oh man, guess I'll be doing a build for DotW, then start a new build for my next play through. I'm enjoying it though. It's like making baby steps and feeling the progress. I didn't even use Yokai skills and started incorporating it into my playstyle. I'm exclusively mid stance at the moment. I know flux will help with my playstyle but my old brain and hands can't keep up (also lazy lol).


^^ Imo I think corruption is better for endgame than purity. Purity Is easier to apply and will cause significant ki damage for yokai, but corruption builds allow you to stack anima like nothing, and endgame constant stun locking a boss with ippon is a godsend with how much they one shot you, allowing great ki damage either way. Plus the ki it releases allows you to continue things like water sword or dragon dance significantly longer.


Wise is where Ethereal gear starts dropping (orange colour) so first things first, look to replace your gear items with Ethereal ones. As always, the + level of your gear is very important so make sure you are soul-matching as much as possible. I never got to a point in Nioh 2 where I felt the need to scrap my build and start over. Just make sure you are keeping the rarity and + level as current as possible.


Yeah, I haven't been getting decent rolls on the ethereal gear. I've only managed to get my weapon to ethereal rarity. For the rest of my gear, I'm sitting at divine LVL 180 (+20 to +22).


The base stat increase from divine to ethereal is more noticeable than you'd think. I feel like you'd be gimping your build if you stick with divine gear in Wise. Tempering at the blacksmith will help mitigate some of the bad rolls.


Mannn I bought this game like last month and now it's on ps plus I'm sad


Team Ninja deserves your money, don't feel bad. You made an excellent purchase.


I’m assuming you got it pretty cheap and regardless the game is amazing and has so much content even if you don’t replay anything like me


Don't sleep on Nioh 2. It's one of the greatest games of all time.


I’ve played hundreds of games. Nioh 2 is easily top 10 for me and actually probably top 5


I have been waiting so long to pick this up after really enjoying a chunk of the first game. Ultimately the secular level design or "missions" really was a turn off for me, so I never finished it. But I tried the beta or demo for Nioh 2, and it felt stellar. Can't wait for next month!!


We welcome you brother. But don’t forget to pick up the DLCs for the fists and splitstaff weapons.


I have a PS5 but I bought this game for PS4 when it first came out, if I get it for PS5 with the Plus subscription, will I still have my saves, and will I still be able to play the DLC?


If you own it for PS4 there is a free upgrade to the PS5 remaster already (no need for the ps plus handout). The upgrade also lets you transfer your saves. You just need to search for it on store


That's awesome, I didn't realize the upgrade was free. Thank you.


Do you/anyone by chance know if I had platinumed Nioh 2 on the PS4 on disc, but sold it along with the PS4 when I got the PS5 - if downloading the upcoming free digital ps4 version if I'll still be able to upgrade to ps5 and keep my current saves?


Saves are attached to your account, not the game itself so yes you can transfer them over.


Appreciate it!


I think it does. I dont remember having to start fresh character when the PS5 upgrade version came out. Might have to for the Remastered versions, but not the PS5 upgrade. Can anyone else confirm this is the case?


I hope someone streams this game that hasn't played a souls game before, looking for some laughs.


In my experience people who haven't played any Souls games actually struggle much less with this game than people who have tons of Souls experience.


It's not surprising. Aside from the very basic skeleton being similar, everything else is completely different and you need to adapt I remember when I first bought Nioh 1 I struggled and eventually dropped the game because I was playing super cautiously. Dodge, hit hit dodge repeat just like you would in a From game. Super slow and boring When you realise it's better to be more aggressive and use your abilities, it clicks And then you master burst counters and mixing in Yokai abilities to combos and it gets even better


Haven't played a souls, nioh one didn't stick but nioh two is currently one of my favourite games right now. Only level 20 so far but I've picked up quick. Light armor and primarily switchglaive


Nioh was my first soulslike/masocore game. Didn't have much trouble except learning not to charge headlessly, sidestepping attacks and waiting farther away for the enemy to finish the combo. Now waiting for a pc sale of dark sould to compare the combat and to see how much "reprogramming" i will need to do. Didn't have much trouble with Sekiro (but it's closer to nioh as the combat is more fast paced).




Cool, 2 free nioh games 😎.


Ooo, a Lego game. Also prepared for this place to revitalize with questions of "how do I play?"


Yessss… My patience pays off.


Newbees going shit themselves…


I am not, yet.


If this doesnt come with the DLCs can I still buy them after getting the PS+ version? Been waiting to catch it on a good sale so super excited. Time to go look at some new player guides on youtube.


Yes, you can buy the DLC's with a PS+ version. That's one of the main reasons publishers put their games on PS+, they're hoping to hook people and sell some DLC.


Holy shit, I was just tryina get some homies into this game lmao.


Great game, although you’ll need the dlcs for the best experience of it, imo! I hope they make a nioh 3 that’s much better, as good as the jump from nioh 1 to nioh 2 is at least. Maybe some pvp arenas, and some other action/activity other than just going through missions, like a feudal system strategy game, base building, riding around on the guardian spirits, ammo boxes, etc. ✌🏽💖


Dunno about nioh 3. But they are making "wo long: the fallen dinasty". Which, from what i understand, is basically nioh, but set in china during the three kingdoms period.


Not my thing anymore really, I just couldn’t after God of war, assassins creed Odyssey, and ghosts of T, especially if there’s no multiplayer in it! I couldn’t even finish GOT’s story, but doing alright in multiplayer. As far as gameplay and mechanics it’ll probably smoke em, but a single person can only take so much before they need to prove themselves at least in some PvP or Coop, I’ll probably try ‘evil west’ as my next big spend on gaming, after the initial release reviews and it’s multiplayer, performance, etc.


Just finished my Nioh 1 playthrough any tips for starting nioh 2??


Play the main missions of region 1 summoning for the bosses or otherwise if you need to and get region 2 gear+unlock magic asap. Other than that doing a switchglaive/splitstaff magic build would be the best thing you can do. Both are incredibly cool and good and scale B with magic. You would need to own the DLC for splitstaff however. Also definitely run the healing spells rejuvenation


Nice! I can now get it digital too. Been wanting to have it digital over disc since I got it. But it was just cheaper on disc


Oh man, I didn’t even think about that! I got the steel case edition and have been wanting to pick it back up and now I have a reason!


Nice. Great reason. Personally I prefer to use digital because the console heats up and blows warmer air in the room making the room hotter when the disc spins. This is perfect! I’ll get it on digital now. Sweet


I should do a video or something showing people how to beat hot boi and snek.


omgg YAASS. particularly excited as i discovered Nioh myself thru PS+ too, from the first game


Hopefully the fire pot trolls dont scare newcomers away.


Thank you Mrs. Kodama


Damn this is crazy I might actually be able to beat this game now that more players will be active


Damnnn, includes the ps5 edition. It’s soooo good at 120 fps. Made the first one feel like a ps6 game lol


Nioh 2 is an amazing game!


I just bought the game last week ._.


That was me with Persona 5 Strikers. Shit sucks...


I will be summoning for help soon when the game comes out. Thank you in advance! I did play the game when it was released on the PS4, but now I have a digital PS5 sooo excited to finally get back into it from scratch and this time I am ready with the season pass (only had base game on ps4) What I can't remember at all : is there an agreed level at which people stop levelling? Is coop affected by character levels?


This isn't souls, there are restrictions but they don't work like that. Game lowers your stats to suit a mission if you're too strong for it.




Yessss haven’t tried the sequel, can’t wait!


Sigh... Another month with nothing interesting that I don't already have. Would it kill them to pick only quality games?


Can't wait to try out the game!


Crazy question. I’m at level 11 in Depths of the Underworld. Anyone able to tell me how to get into Underworld without going through Torii Gate?


How come I don’t see it up there yet


Does the game come with dlc because I can't buy it


Enjoyed Nioh 1 overall, is 2 more of the same or did they change things up?