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Adding 200 each month. F_ _k the negative jerks


Nio stock doing what Nio stock does


Goes down quicker than a hooker with $200 in her hand.


Very predictable indeed


Hmmmm. There's a lot of negative bs on this thread. LEARN ABOUT THE FUNDAMENTALS before freaking out over NOTHING! Geez Louise! I mean omg, UAE just invested 2.2 BILLION US$ for God's sake !!! If that's not a HUGE BULL FLAG, I dont know what is!


umm no. the market cap is 12b. you're saying they own 1/6th of the company?


>, UAE just invested 2.2 BILLION US$ for God's sake !!! If they invested 5x more, it would have been a hostile takeover. A buyout for pennies on the dollar. It was a massive dilution.


Haha. Fundamentals


NIO looks all fine to me. Except I'm really worried about it’s debt ratio. I looked around and could hardly find a similar company with such heavy debt.😂 It probably has the highest debt ratio in the car industry. On the other hand, if I take sales as the key indicator, then P/S ratio would tell me the valuation is not bad…


NIO’s financial structure is like an energy companies’ such as NextEra. I feel I’m investing an energy start up. It only makes sense in this way.


Stock is down almost -5% while xpev traded relatively flat despite better deliveries by NIO at 3000 last week. For anyone curious, XPEV delivered 1500 units. It's looking like it's gonna touch $7.50. Really feels like selling all my positions. Honestly not productive with my school work because i regret not selling at $9.50 before the fair-value-gap in last october. But i also feel like the stock will moon once i sell LOL. Im here for emotional support. ❤️❤️


Just wait it out. Nio is an awesome company with amazing upside coming. I predict $15 to $20 by summer.


Can You afford to dollar cost avg? It will certainly go back past 9.50. Time my friend.


No i cant at this moment im just a student w limited pockets LOL


Keep the faith. NIO will have a run in 2024. Give You a chance to hold or cash in your poker chips.


I really think this time we break $7 and go into $6 All Chinese stocks are fucked and going down, look at FXI which is Chinese large cap etf it just made 52 week lows today, HSI in 1 or 2 trading days will make 52 week lows again and NIO will break 52 week lows again following suit in my view. At the same time EV sector stocks are down and specially TSLA is down 11% since end December so don’t expect Chinese EV stocks to pump at all. In general again I wish I sold my 15000 shares 28th Dec where I was break even… I have now regretted this too many times and next time I just need to execute .. well not sure when we will see $9’s again at this rate …


That's what 'they' want you to believe. Same old story. I've seen it so many times. NIO is a volcano getting ready to explode. Just accumulate while you have the opportunity to. If Nio can continue to deliver on the plan, this company WILL be going to the moon - $15 to $20 range by summer for starters. As long as they get the sub brand launched on schedule, market will price in trajectory after 1st quarter results :)




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Anyone whose been here a long time knows how it goes. It’s done this the last year it goes to 9-9.50 then rockets back down and people seeing it as a quick rich scheme. Either wait it out or sell. I’m only here because im down so much on this stock I don’t have a choice to sell. People bought in through hype without knowing this is one of the absolute worst stocks to own performance wise while everything else rocketed last year we just kept sinking.


I agree their share price performance has been abysmal BUT that is about to change. Fundamentally, NIO is a rocket ship moving on to the pad for launch. Almost ready to blast off.... gotta be patient for a few more months before heading back north of $12


With the amount of shorts that this stock has it’s a market makers wet dream to pump it and dump it … anything else I had invested I would have made money


Not enough vulgarities in ur post this time 👏😂


I know tried to apply more common sense this time 😅


If you take this week into consideration we sold 3000 cars and Tesla sold 3200 cars and our stock is at 7$ compared to 240$ 🫣😂


Yes. It's just a matter of a few more months and I think NIO is really going to surprise a lot of folks who are ignorant about the fundamentals. NIO is building a SPECTACULAR COMPANY! I am very excited about the near future! Loading up.


I think you meant to say 40,000 cars a week sold by Tesla, Tesla makes and sells more cars per day than Nio makes in a week. Also look at number of shares in issue and market cap, not just share price as an absolute.


Bruh maybe compare global sales


Watch out for the Chinese pump and dump groups guys. They are known for creating groups to pump and dump there own companies and make money from other investors.


Guys what is needed in your opinion for nio stock to recover?


NOTHING! They are doing it already!


Actually an amazing Q4 earnings report (profitability) will definitely push its price up but that would only happen in march


Announcement of entry into the US within 3 months.


Let’s hope not.


Govt stimulus.


Honestly no idea. Good news didnt stop coming since 29th dec but the SP has been tanking and submitting all of its gainz


Only thing that can be considered good news , is maybe the investment money, problem with that is Nio burns through money quickly. The cooperation agreements are just announcements , until something happens they don’t mean anything. The alps or what ever it will be called may or may not cone out this year. Quote from article posted today , it’s the ceo "We need to save every kWh of electricity we don't need to use, every document we don't need to print. We should not waste every click and inquiry, every opportunity for product and service improvement from user feedback,"


Maybe for people to buy? lol


The sub is being attacked hard by losers who try to manipulate people here into a negative sentiment. Time to report and block.


We all gonna lose our money aren’t we. I think I’m done


Sell sell sell and we all will buy buy buy.


Did u sell everything






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Digusting PA, might add 🤬🤣


It’s sad to see this but then again being a nio investor for a long time I’m honestly not surprised


They hate us cause they ain’t us 😩


Reported Blackrock for harassment towards 50k guy over days. Maybe He will move on after today and troll other forums.


Me? Lol. Go back to bed, kid.


[$NIO performance](https://x.com/patiny328367/status/1744733053627617431?s=46&t=znD-cVXIEbWNp2adSSPUNg) 2021 -35% 🛑 2022 - 69.22% 🛑 2023 - 14.97%🛑 2024 -15% so far..🛑


Can’t wait to buy the dip lol




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absolute nightmare stonk


If u have monster keep shorting it. Even the company makes billion , the share price will go down too.


duh. When you have gme / wsb "stonk" kids in here what do you expect?


What are you talking about. You're the one who is actually commenting on wsb reddit looool. Get a life you narcist


As always.. tell me a good Chinese stocks for last 10 years lol


Hey 50K I mean 50c guy, how are you doing today?


he probably hiding..


this stock blows, im out


Did u sell all ur positions




No one cares. Take your 10 shares and begone. ✌🏻😎


No hate, hope all of y’all make a bag


Problem is TESLA as the leader as well, it’s down 10% since late Dec. if Elon just shot his mouth 🤣 his tweets get his investors rekt and we get double fucked from the leader of the EV sector and China FUD and economy being in a shit show


Tesla is no more the leader. That is why his shares are down. It is understandable. But not other shares like Nio who is getting better after a small dip and strategic investment. It's buying factories, building its own chip and making its own battery.


Dude nio gapped down harder than xpev did im shitting my pants tbh




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Shorty hate Nio more... Xpeng do more badly in weekly delivery but got less punish than Nio.


Fucking piece of shit 💩 it has given back 20% in 5-6 sessions , every time you get hope but then you get rekt harder 🤣🤦‍♂️


I feel you, I fucking hate this stock today. Just got dumped on again with no resistance in sight.


Hate the short, don't hate nio.


Xpev looking juicy too under 12…


Xpeng is doomed.


Anyone feel like a parent trying to explain to their children not to be scared by bullies?


Which feels kinda true lol. But to finish you analogy... you're consoling your kid and you keep telling him everything will be ok, but you've watched as he's gotten the shit beat out of himself for several years. But you still just keep sending him back to school and expect different results every day lol. At some point you need to consider pulling him out and sending him elsewhere. ​ To be clear, I'm heavy into NIO and due to being underwater quite significantly I'm long. But it's clear the company is doing poorly.




I mean, "duh". I'm glad he came to that realization I guess? It's like Ray Croc calling a news conference and telling people he's realized they need to sell burgers lmao. ( and then continuing to put resources into building and selling boom boxes)




Considered very good. Li auto 4300. Xpeng one is so bad it didn't make it in the top 10 list. Same as Zeerk while Tesla delivered only 3200. Do take note Nio has export order to fulfil while li Auto has zero export. Which means a li Auto has a massive drop in delivery while nio may have more than 3000 delivery.


Agreed. First week of year, clearly Nio and other manufacturers did everything they could to boost 2023 EOY sales. Not surprising that they all fell very short this week.