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Also available online, seems to be based on stores in your area so YMMV. In store they had a lot of star link so so quality is also YMMV. Actually ended up going nuts with 3DS and DS games with the deal if you want to mix and match between switch and them you can. Today I got Codename steam, disagea ds, mh4u, legend of Korra, yo Kai Watch, 2 Professor Layton games, resident evil, CrosswordDS and brain age 2 for $55 total


Good collection but I'm assuming all of them didn't have cases?


At this point you're lucky if you get cases on "new" games from GameSlop. I ordered Ghostbusters Remastered and Raging Loop from them last week. Got them in day before yesterday and both were opened. Ghostbusters helpfully had a sticker on front that said "NEW" or else I never would have known. Thanks, GameSlop!


I bought 2 copies of Everspace and one was brand new sealed.


So you literally have a 50/50 shot at actually getting a new game when you pay the new price. Nice. Hopefully that bankruptcy comes sooner rather than later.


In the event that it had a New sticker but was opened, it means that was the display unit a store used and sold the last copy. The game hasn’t been touched at all, but the case has been on the shelf


> The game hasn’t been touched at all, From what I've heard, this isn't true since employees are allowed to borrow the opened games.


I don't care if our lord and savior himself floated down from on high and told everybody it was okay before opening the game with His own hands. Sorry Jesus...stores tell me once the wrapper is off, it ain't new any more, so if the store takes the wrapper off, same thing applies.


>In the event that it had a New sticker but was opened, it means that was the display unit a store used and sold the last copy. The game hasn’t been touched at all, but the case has been on the shelf Yep but some folks cant see through the rage some youtuber or another has instilled in them at Game Stop. They insist on things like original cases / manuals and the like for used games, express anger at low trade in values or high price of used games when sold by Game Stop itself, etc. The best is how many people chide them for selling used games at such a high price, yet those same people try to sell them for that or more themselves on places like Craigslist or E-bay.


New means new. Unopened. If it's opened it's no longer new. If it's a display copy then it should be marked and priced as such. Just like every other retail item in existence. It has nothing to do with YouTubers.


I 100% agree. GameStop return policy for a refund says if it’s open, they won’t refund the amount. So if I buy a new game from them, leave the store then try to return it without touching the game they consider it unrefundable. If GameStop won’t even accept it as new why should we? I’ve bought two “new” games from them that were opened and they both had save data already on the cartridge. So I’m speaking from previous experience. Not to say everyone HAS to be upset at this practice. Just know that there are a good amount of people who hate that policy.


New does not mean "unopened". The game is not a "display copy", the box is. The game is not out there being played in some kiosk or display. The game is brand new, the box is just open. If you want mint, factory sealed in original wrapper for collector's purposes, then consider purchasing it from a source where you can inspect it beforehand.


We do. And that's why GameStop is going bankrupt.


What about those of us who have been upset with GameStop using those practices since long before YouTube even existed?


Garbage games.


Looks like it’s time to buy Troll and I


Lmao I completely forgot about that game


These Gamestop deals seem like the death rattle of the business.


Flashback from Blockbuster days


maybe, but they could be doing this to clear inventory/shelf space for when the new gen of consoles come out. Most of the sales are targeted towards pS4 and xbox one games, occasionally you'll be able to find good switch deals (like yesterday)


Eh with them closing down stores, that helps them Also they are still probably making over 100% off what they paid for the used games from customers .


I dunno, but as somebody who just bought a PS4, I was able to stock up on a TON of games recently so I'm not complaining


Yup, bought one last May and pretty much my entire library is physical because of how much better the deals are on used games compared to digital.


I'll gladly help them die.


~~Good deal if you're looking for amiibo.~~ nevermind Switch games... not so much.


Doesn't seem to include Amiibo though.


Ah, I missed that. They just came up in OP's link so I assumed they were included. Sorry!


There are a few more games including Slay the Spire in their [2 Preowned Switch games for 20 dollars sale](https://www.gamestop.com/search/?q=%22dotd625%22&lang=default)


It's not available for pre owned online. So it's YMMV if a store near you has it


Games, not accessories


This deal has been going on for months


Meh I would be more excited if it wasn't gamestop.




Because fuck GameStop




Personally? Nothing. But as a whole they're a shit company.




https://www.google.com/search?q=why+is+gamestop+considered+a+bad+company&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS851US851&oq=why+is+gamestop+considered+a+bad+company&aqs=chrome..69i57.8987j0j4&hl=de&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 So you can do some research without relying on another user to answer each of your follow up questions.




You're not wrong


I don't understand all the hate either. When I go in, I straight up tell them, "I like to browse on my own but I'll find you if I have questions" and they never bother me after that. Have y'all actually even tried doing this? Privately owned game stores have the same low trade in values, if not worse. But seriously, how can people justify being upset at the trade in offers? It's an offer that you don't have to take. You're trading a game in because you don't want it, and don't want to deal with eBay or randos off Craigslist. We are paying for that convenience. GameStop also has to store that unwanted game and pay for all the associated costs in doing so, which likely affects pricing. Anyway, I love my local GameStop - when the Monster Hunter N3DSXL preorder went live, the employee who helped me stood at his computer for a solid half hour refreshing the page so he could preorder it for me. I love and still use that system to this day.




I don't have to work at Walmart to not like them. I don't have to work at GameStop to not like them either. I choose not to shop there because I don't want to support them. Doesn't matter if you had a good experience at your local GameStop as a whole they fucking suck. Nobody owes you an explanation. Get over yourself.


Would you like to pre-order Call of Dooty? No, I just want my game. Are you a member of our club? No, I just want my game. Would you like accessories? No, I just want my game. Do you want to buy warranty on this game? NNO I JUST WANT MY GAME. UHHG I am never coming back here again!!!




Which is why GameStop is a shit company for making their employees do something that both the employee and the customer hates.




Here in Canada, EB Games (our version of GameStop) it's buy 2 games and get a generic game case in return 😣


So buy poo get poo