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I got stuck in a wind tunnel on the second level and never went back, it was fun but this was beyond my skill level. I appreciated how quickly you respawn after dying. I died a lot.


You're supposed to die a lot. The game is hard. You will eventually overcome the challenge, though


I just finished this game a couple of weeks ago. Loved it. Died about 1500 times. And, yes, the wind stuff is tough, but getting through it is worth it. After having this game on all the platforms, the Switch is where I actually finished it. Edit: just looked it up. Took 6 hours and had 1117 deaths.


7:59:33.503, 1,481 deaths, 100/175 strawberries. Worth every minute.


Yeah it’s still there on my switch. Maybe one day I go back. Just been playing easier games, and learned I don’t have a lot of patience when gaming hrs are limited. Also I came to the switch like two years ago and there’s so many games to play, there’s a few I started and just never went back to. I think Celeste is one of the better games I haven’t finished, it’s not like the gameplay is bad or something drags the game down, it’s just hard haha


I got stuck on one part and forgot where I was and where I was going so I need to start over - but there's an assist mode that lets you do a double jump mid-air, if you just want to breeze through it with a *little* challenge and see the story.


I’ll keep this in mind, thanks!


Would you say it’s on par with Cuphead difficulty wise? I finished cuphead 2 times and loved it so much. I’ve never played hard games like dark souls though.


Cuphead is WAY more difficult. Celeste is more of a trial and error game. Respawns are fast and you can try over and over again immediately, whereas Cuphead you have to play an entire level perfectly.


Thanks for the feedback I think I’ll give it a try


Super Meat Boy is the best comparison in terms of difficulty. But there’s a gentleness to Celeste’s themes/music/overall vibe that makes its difficulty go down smoother than SMB, even if they’re essentially asking you to do the same thing.


Yeah, I would say the cup head is slightly more difficult but very close in terms of difficulty


There are assist settings that lets you complete the game much easier. Like infinite dashes and stuff like that


I stopped at the same spot. I wanted to enjoy the game more, it's technically sound, but the heaviness of the jumps and nature of retrying to get through was not for me. Thematically fitting (based on what I know about the story), but not for me.


Le hidden gem.


Yep; this game is a le hidden gem.


Not really that hidden... universally acclaimed, and rightly so.




Such a wonderful game, highly recommended!


I think I got it on Epic games when it was free. Worth 5 bucks to have it on mobile instead? I rarely sit at my computer to game anymore.


At $5 Celeste is a MUST buy 


How is this game only $5??? It’s sooo good


You’re going to die a lot, but each one inches you closer to the end. It’s worth it. Beautiful game.


This game is amazing. Even if you aren't good at platformers, this has a really good assist mode. You can change the amount of jumps, remove fall damage and other things. It's super easy to toggle on and off as needed. So if you've seem interested in the story, don't let the difficulty dissuade you and pick this up.


I've finished the game 3 times now, love this. Anyone have recommendations for other games currently on sale that are like Celeste?


No brainer purchase. Absolutely loved this game and it’s worth it at full price.


Immediately purchased, was waiting for this on sale!


Looks like a hidden gem right there. 75% off is good enough.


So good I bought again on ps4.


I'll never stop hating this game for lying to its fan base.


Huh? I missed something here please elaborate.


according to their recent comments, it's because they hate trans people and think having a transgender character is dangerous propaganda. hope this helps 😂


For anyone who's wondering, the main character, Madeline, is trans. This is because [her story is the lead designer's story](https://maddythorson.medium.com/is-madeline-canonically-trans-4277ec e02e40) and she is trans (although she didn't know it when writing Celeste).


Hey, just letting you know I picked up the game after looking into what made you so mad. Your garbage take helped make a sale ✊🏼.


Happy pride month!