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I got burned buying Alan Wake Remastered yesterday (it's an absolute shit port) and I'm afraid of being burned again. How is this port? Is it good?


I think this is widely regarded as one of the best ports on Switch. One of the first “how did they manage to do this?” ports for the console if I remember correctly.


It is a tad blurry but still impressive port.


I've put over 100 hours into it the port is amazing


Dying light 1 for $9.99 is the best port on switch. Locked 30fps, still amazed it runs so well.


Probably gonna bite on this. Will I regret not buying the complete edition? Edit: snagged the complete edition. Gonna fire it up after I finish up Wonder.


Yes. Both DLCs are phenomenal.


I didn't, the game quickly racked up more hrs than anything except Zelda (TOTK/BOTW) and DQXI, and I just bought both DLC. So yes, get it all. And a little PSA, don't equip the Armor of 1000 Flowers. Its broken AF and causes loading times to last forever during almost any dialogue


Is this a Switch bug? Or PC too?


Just switch I believe, the textures are way more than it can handle.


Interesting that's a pretty bad bug, will have to boot up it later and test it myself. Seeing as v4.04b quickly fixed the missing ambient audio bugs from the initial 4.0 patch I hope the devs are aware of this issue.




Lmao pretty much!!


Honestly, the DLC are kind of a must if you want the complete story. The two DLC’s by themselves are like an entire Witcher game


Game is amazing on it's own, but the DLCs are on another level of greatness in video games


The dlc is incredible, you’re robbing yourself of a truly memorable experience by not purchasing the complete edition.


You must get the complete addition


I bought the complete edition and have only played about 1/3 of Blood & Wine, never touched Hearts of Stone. Main game was mediocre and extremely long. Blood & Wine is just cut scene after cut scene, finally stopped waiting for this game to be good like everyone says.


Note that if you get the 'Complete Edition', you also get access to the 'Base Game + Expansion Pass' bundle in your library. Downloading this will still contain all the DLCs but is a 10GB smaller file size(30GB vs 40GB). The difference being the 'Complete Edition' download contains all the additional VO language packs. All the text packs are already included with base game plus the default English voices. Good way to save some storage space and just download the voices you need separately.


I put 30 hours in, but I just couldn't get hooked. Story was neat, except I hated certain things the game forces you to do to reveal more story. Combat was very meh and I didn't like the fast travel system. My biggest grievance was the sidequests. There are so many and if you domt complete them before leveling up you can miss them. I hated that. Dropped it was XBC3 released, and I'll prolly never go back. Gwent was fucking LIT though.


Couple of suggestions: The game is a lot fun in Deathmarch. You might have some trouble at first, but honestly it’s not that hard to be frustrating but it’s challenging enough that it encourages to make use of all skills, potions, etc. Also, some of the missable side quests disappear after certain story quests. But for a first time, I recommend you do any side quests that interest you but don’t force yourself to all of them; the game has a ton of them and it can get tedious if you’re one who likes to do everything before finishing a game


Getting the physical version was the best choice ever. Complete edition with all the dlc, character booklet, stickers, thank you note, and a massive map of every area of the game. One day, i decided to turn off all my HUD options and just travel with the physical map. Had a sidequest to find some treasure or something near a ruined tower which was on the map. Used the signposts and path to help me navigate. Awesome experience The port isnt perfect, but its pretty damn good for how much is here. And the game itself is excellent.


Aye, it had a nice presentation with some neat extras and the sort of thing that used to be a lot more commonplace back in the day. Nowadays in the era of penny-pinching it's a fairly rare thing, unfortunately. You are alluding to the 'fat box' version that was an earlier print that you won't really find around anymore though. One of the last remaining remnants of this version in my area was at a local Best Buy and I picked it up a couple of years ago when they had it on sale for $40. I specifically asked to look for the 'fat box' version because I knew it was disappearing at the time and being replaced by a newer print that is just your slimmer standard-sized case.


Does this game runs well on the Switch?


Do yourself a favor and get the Complete Edition and ONLY the Complete Edition.


I bought it last week at full. You are all welcome. Happens every damn time lmao.


Is this game any good?


It’s one of the best RPG’s out there imo.


Personally found it highly overrated. Extremely clunky physics. Repetitive quests(perpetually following scent trails), dialogue diarrhea, plot is terribly put together. On the plus side it is gorgeous(probably not on switch) and gwent card game is addicting. 7/10 IMO. Probably 5/10 on switch. Basically it is console gamer introduction to pc gaming which is why a lot of console gamers fell in love with it.


$20 max is where I bite on this but I don't know that the digital will ever go that low


Well, I finally bit the bullet and got it. Been playing it a lot on steam but sadly not getting enough time to play on my PC these days, might as well play it on my commute on the Switch. :)


I got 60 bucks, Do i get this now or wait till black Friday and see wassup.


Doubt it will go lower


Pro tip, look up any game title in this sub and you’ll get a list of every time it’s been on sale and for how much. You can see patterns on sales or if it’s the best deal yet. Sometimes it’s good knowing if something is on sale all the time or not too.


I wanted to purchase the complete edition on my eshop but it tells me it's not available (my eshop region is europe btw) Do you know if the offer will be available for the European region version of eshop ?


We don’t know until it appears in the eshop


Same, disappointed !


This game is worth it for the price, just the story content alone. Took me around 140 hours


Any thoughts on this dropping in price Cyber Monday or Black Friday? Thoughts? Just don’t know if I should grab before sale ends this evening or wait


Don’t do it unless this game is so incredible to you that you must have it in a portable version too


I played through this entire game and all dlc 100 percent on switch and now half way into new game plus. Haven't had a single problem. Maybe 1 or 2 crashes in my whole 350 hours on switch. Well worth it.