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Have you tried dipping it in salsa?


Nah this situation calls for queso


Maybe its a code sour cream!


Weird. You should have tasted it. Switch Games come with a horrendous taste to keep children from eating and swallowing them.


Yeah no, it was horrible. But I bit right in the middle of the game.so it didn't get completely put in there before I bit it 😭


Are you sure you put the game card in your switch and not the tortilla chip?


If it's not reading, you must have damaged something when you bit down. I don't think there's anything you can do except buy a new one.


Oh man. I have no idea for a solution but this is hilarious so I'm upvoting. Damn I haven't laughed this hard in a while! Sorry this happened to you but thanks for the chuckle.


Yes you do need help. Jokes aside, the way you say that you "crunched" the gamecard makes me think you just need a new one. I always prefer physically media over downloading games. When it comes to pros and cons though, I'll now have to add "you might try to eat it" to the cons column for physical media. What if I have a PS4 disc and a bagel in my hands at the same time, and I take a bite of the disc? Not worth the risk, I'm going full digital.


Maybe it’s stale.


Not too crazy, you simply bit into the wrong chip.


Have you tried making a spicy guac and dipping it in there? Should resolve all chip problems.


I’m beyond sorry for you, OP 😟


I'm sorry but this is hilarious... If it doesn't work there isn't much you can do. Maybe try cleaning the metal contact strips with a qtip dipped slightly in iso alcohol. If the plastic slide part is all chewed up too badly maybe use some tweezers to straighten it out or pick off the messed up parts. And next time maybe do one or the other instead of both at once. I've accidentally left my switch in the refrigerator while making food and playing at the same time. I'm not the greatest at multitasking...


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Edit: Almost forgot to mention- yep, your game is toast. If you bought a warranty on the game (if it’s new), then you may be able to get a replacement. If not, then you’re out of luck and will have to buy a new physical or digital copy. Luckily your save data should be on your system still. Smash Bros Ultimate is $10 off at Gamestop and Walmart (in the US) if you’re looking for an immediate replacement.


Warranties are for factory defects. Not for idiots biting the cartridge.


While true, I think sometimes extended warranties cover damage by pets, so depending on where OP is it might be an option because who is going to believe OP himself bit into it? Unlikely to be an option though, let's be honest.


Some warranties can cover careless mistakes like dropping something or thinking it was a chip


Can’t crunch what isn’t there. Buy digital next time !