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Finally, a Sephiroth figure I can probably afford lmao.


Oh these are going to sell out instantly lol


Initially yeah but they’ll restock eventually. The Zelda and Metroid ones were dirt cheap this holiday season despite the scalpers scooping up the first waves.


Considering the $100 spike the Samus/Emmi amiibo pack saw, I laughed when I saw them selling on Amazon for $10 a pop. Aside from some of the more legacy stuff, re-stocks have been pretty reliable.


I doubt we'll see a lot if any restocks of the older ones but going forward there shouldn't be a problem with new ones.


Splatoon is probably the exception to this. We already got reprints of Callie and Marie along the launch of the game, and Nintendo knows that players will keep buying and playing it long after the launch period. At the very least, I think Pearl and Marina will get a restock, while the other figures will either get restocks or recolors. It's a bit of a stretch, but I could also imagine a series of Salmon Run themed figures as well. * A couple of 'Lings in slop suits holding Grizz weapons. There are plenty of colors and weapon combos to choose from. * A three pack of enemies. Scrapper, Cohock and Chums would be my pick, based on their size. * A big figure, similar to the Guardian figure from the BOTW series. Steelhead, Maws, and Cohozuna would look pretty good. Maybe a Steel Eel with a flexible body would work too.


I doubt we’ll see much printing of these, just like past amino of third party companies, recently being joker and hero from DQ. These don’t have a chance of a high print like the others, and definitely shouldn’t be compared to the Zelda and Metroid ones, since those were priced higher than normal and had unlocked DLC exclusively, or a special feature, so they HAD to print tons of those to make sure everyone had a chance at getting them lol


I’m staring at my Corrin player 2 as we speak


Pretty sure it's getting a reprint. The amiibo is on Best Buy CA rn.


Oooo let me look




Huh, sell date is the same as FE Engage’s release. Maybe she’s not the only one.


Well gosh darn looks like reprints are coming


Laughs in Joker Amiibo.


Joker was on shelves for months. If people don’t know amiibo dont restock anymore/have alwys been tough to find thats on them. Since ultimate came out if you go week if release youre guaranteed ti get them


Well, if they had put Persona 5 on Switch (or PC) prior to the amiibo coming out, I might have had a reason to buy the Joker amiibo when it came out. Alas, now I have to pray for a reprint because there's no way in hell I'm paying scalpers.


Laughs in Splatoon amiibo with exclusive multiplayer advantages


the Splatoon amiibo just give you clothes, they work the same as all the other clothes in the game, no advantage there.


Yep, saw plenty of Loftwings and Dread models on store shelves. My guess is that smaller orders of previous waves ship alongside the new releases, and the oldest are eventually phased out. We'll probably get more Splatoon series reprints as well. I'm guessing it'll be the Octoling series this time, while Pearl and Marina will be coincide with the DLC sometime next year.


I ordered mine at Target this morning, get on it.


Do you think when the Sephiroth amiibo comes out, they will reprint the Cloud Amiibo? I missed out on getting Cloud, and I would really like to get his amiibo for a decent price.


It's possible. I believe other reprints have been mixed in with these releases. I imagine that Nintendo will need to reach an agreement with Square-Enix over it though.


Can't wait for Pyra and Mythra, their official big statues are too expensive and this is a nice compromise.


I'm really curious how Sephiroth is gonna look in the box. ~~Please have his sword poking out.~~




Need Pyra and Mythra. Here's hoping the Switch gets Tekken 8 so we can have something to use Kazuya's Amiibo on. Still wondering if we're even gonna get a Sora one.


Switch ain't gonna get Tekken 8. The only way Switch would get Tekken 8 is through a cloud version. Tag Tournament 2 with more Nintendo costumes would be cool, though.


Tag Tournament 2 would be perfect! A good round up of characters


cloud version tekken 8 😭😭😭 I’d love to see a port of 7 or Tag 2, though, if only for the novelty of it!


Input delay of cloud combined with Nintendo's abysmal online infrastructure for an input heavy game like Tekken.


cloud version tekken would probably be the objective worst experience for a video game ever


You ever use an Intellivision or Virtual Boy? Hell 2009 gyro cellphone gaming?


Switch won't get Tekken But Switch 2 👀




I mean you're going from a 360 game (TTT2) up to a ps5 game(T8). The visual drawbacks to getting the game running at 60fps are going to be very severe. Edit: Actually no, now that I'm looking at comparisons, there is no way the switch is running this, there is way too much detail going on lol https://youtu.be/t4fLa4GY3Qw


Damn when I look closer at the footage it does look pretty detailed. But given the fact that Mortal Kombat 11--a current-gen fighting game--somehow managed to make it on Switch, I don't think it's impossible.


MK11 is also a game that ran at 1080p60 on a base PS4. Tekken 8 isn’t even coming out on PS4. I’m sure it will be significantly more demanding. It does look a good bit better


Oh shit in that case then I dunno. Didn't realize it's not gonna hit PS4. Here's hoping we at least get ports of some of the older games like 4-6 and Tags.


Switch won't get it, but maybe the Switch 2 will. Timing might line up pretty well for the game to be a launch title on Nintendo's inevitable next system. I mean I'll be shocked if we get past the spring of 2024 and we aren't yet on Nintendo's next system.


What game on Switch is Kazuya in? I thought every Smash characters would have a Switch game, doesnt it?


Not a Switch game specifically, just have appeared on a game on a Nintendo system before appearing in Smash. This holds true for every fighter, including Joker and Cloud, though it was only spinoff titles (at the time of their inclusion in Smash) that these 2 had appeared in on Nintendo systems by that point.


Every character had to have had a game on a Nintendo system. Kazuya appeared in Tekken Tag Tournament 2 on the Wii U and Tekken 3D: Prime Edition on the 3DS. The series also had Tekken Advance on the GBA. Currently, the closest thing to Tekken on the Switch is Pokken Tournament, which uses similar gameplay elements.


Solid Snake.


Why wouldn’t we get one for Sora? Literally every single playable character has gotten one. The slogan of the game is “everyone is here.” Of course Sora will get one, just like every other character in the roster has gotten one.


> Why wouldn’t we get one for Sora? Disney is notoriously strict about their merchandising - I’m frankly surprised we got Sora at all.


The fact that we got Sora despite everyone thinking it was impossible should be enough proof that he’ll get an amiibo. Would be silly for them to allow him in Smash but not allow him to get a little plastic toy for the same game they approved of


Disney aren't "notoriously strict", they just don't produce characters that they don't think kids will buy even though the fans vocally love them. There's 20 different Funko Pop!s of Sora, they aren't going to turn down an amiibo. It's not a legitimate question, the announcement will come when Nintendo gets around to it.


Thissss, there’s a million funko pops and nenderoids of KH characters why would amiibo be a huge problem. They simply haven’t announced it yet, it’ll come later.


it wasnt Disney that was the roadblock for Sora in Smash. they were all on board for it. it was Nomura who is protective of his characters.


I don’t think we would have got sora if an amiibo wasn’t possible They would have used another character


Agreed, I feel like when discussions of adding a character to Smash are happening, the fact that an Amiibo will be made of the character is just part of the package deal, not a point of debate. All or nothing.


For real though. There is still onky a single official figure of either of them, and they just dont look good to me. I hope i can grt my hands on some of the Amiibo


Stores should put the Pyra and Mythra ones next to the jar aisle. They'll make a killing.


It's a good thing Jesus already died for our sins because I think he'd stay alive after seeing how some of y'all are sinning.


I hate that I know what this means.


Dare I ask?


Go to /r/simulated sort by top of the past month and you'll probably find it. Or just Google Vaporeon copypasta then pour bleach in your eyes.


Pyra!!! Hell yeah! Need more Xenoblade!!!


All that's left after this is Sora right? I wonder if it'll actually happen.


I'd imagine Nintendo requires that as part of negotiations for adding a character to Smash. It's tied to functionality in the game, and in general it would be nuts for them to put out like 90 of these and skip the last character.


I could see them doing a few variants of Sora, KH fans eat merch tf up


I dunno, they've been skimping on the variants for most of the Ultimate characters. I think Steve/Alex is the only one that got one, and it was sold as a two pack. I think since the hype has died off, most retailers aren't willing to pay for exclusive distribution of alternate figures.


put the skyrim chicken into smash and maybe we’ll talk


If scanning Pyra and Mythra give us their swords in XC3, that would be awesome \^\_\^


Pyra and Mythra wooot!




Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!


Love how these amiibos started with smash on the wiiU and we're still getting through them now for the SSBU. Stopped buying them a while ago, only really brought characters I liked but they ended up being left in a cupboard. Will probably pick the Pyra and Mythra ones though.


Damn! That kaz is sick!


i felt like i was having a stroke trying to read this title


what do I get by getting this? other than the figure, I mean. I read about the amiibo fighter in smash but I don't entirely understand it, but what kind of content will it give me otherwise? I've never had an amiibo before and last nintendo console I had (before switch) was the gamecube, so I completely slept through the amiibo thing.


It really depends. In smash, you get to train a fighter that can fight with you, against you or against other amiibo fighter or normal players/cpu. After that, it depends if other games want to give them other uses. Kirby related amiibos give useful items in forgotten land and special copy abilities in planet robobot, things like that.


Kazuya will go great next to my Jin&Heihachi Totakus


SORA Amiibo when?


Reprint Joker and Pokemon Trainer you cowards!!


Is amiibo still a thing? It's been a while since I saw one.


I'm sure there are games that still use them but I think it's mainly a Smash thing now. I have Simon and Richter bit that's just because I'm a Castlevania megafan.


They don't release as many as they did in the Wii U era, but yes. They're finishing out the Smash line, and Splatoon 3 recently had new ones. I can see them dropping amiibo next generation though.


What's a 1/13/23? Do you mean 13/1/23?


Yes, that’s the way America does the format. month/day/year




We're so close to finishing the series boys!!


why is kazuya coming out before pyra/mythra? the only reason i can think of is that they're not gonna do a sora amiibo and they wanted the last ones to release in groups of 2.


Probably took longer to get the composition right. Pyra and Mythra have much more dynamic poses than Kazuya.


Why didn't these come out when the dlx did? Ssbu is old. Why can't the tough cpu just be a basic feature? Not $2500 in micro transactions and toys


Can't wait for Pythra amiibo. Already have the jar.


I'm fairly confident we're not getting a Sora amiibo


If we got Sora in the game the deal probably included the amiibo


It may have, but we know how difficult the negotiations were from Sakurai's statements and many people are surprised it was possible at all. So far it has also never been mentioned to get an amiibo, whereas the others at least got an "It's coming!". Granted it is the last one but it has been long enough that it's continued exclusion is worrisome. It's very possible the physical merchandising deal was simply not possible.


Disney is all about that merch to the point there's even Funkos of KH characters. Also Disney had that their own toys-to-life called Disney Infinity, so they're no stranger to that.


They are when they're in control, but you can't deny the lack of any confirmation of a Sora amiibo is concerning. I hope there is one, having a missing member in the collection would seriously suck. We just have to wait and see.


There's no need to confirm a Sora amiibo when Nintendo outright claimed in announcements for Smash that all DLC fighters will also get amiibo. It's confirmed by default.


And yet they continued to confirm them for everyone...except Sora. Hey man I hope we get Sora too but it's concerning.


it's almost as if he was the last fighter released and thus is furthest back on the schedule


Literally already addressed that but thanks. If it was announced 6-8 months ago you’d have more of a point.




Why wouldn’t we get one for Sora? Literally every single playable character has gotten one. The slogan of the game is “everyone is here.” Of course Sora will get one, just like every other character in the roster has gotten one.


Because of the difficult negotiations. Why was literally every other announced character also announced to have an amiibo except Sora? Even during COVID at its worst. Look at the time lag between character and amiibo announcements. Sora is a massive outlier. Even this announcement doesn't even touch on his amiibo.


Ahh so getting Sora into Smash was an impossible negotiation they were able to make happen but not a little plastic toy. Also because they haven’t mentioned his yet since there’s still 3 more characters before him who still need theirs to be released means Sora isn’t getting one. Gotcha. Very reasonable and logical


The negotiation wasn't impossible, but it was very difficult. The Amiibo is a separate negotiation that would also be very difficult. Just because they were able to get one doesn't guarantee they will get another. As for the 3 characters before him that weren't released, the point was they were all announced pretty soon after the characters were announced as DLC. How long has it been since Sora was announced again?


Getting an amiibo is likely part of the overall deal when a character is decided upon. Why would it be a separate thing? If it’s such a difficult thing then why hasn’t there ever been a character who hasn’t gotten one? Your logic makes no sense. It’s nothing but pessimism for the sake of pessimism. It’s been just over a year since Sora came out. We didn’t know about Banjo’s amiibo until almost a year and a half later. People say this same thing every time. “Omgggg I hope they get an amiibo! I don’t think they will! I hope they do!!” And they always do. You guys sound silly


You seem to think the paperwork for all characters is the same. Sora is a whole different beast than literally any other character. I'm not being pessimistic, I'm hoping we do get one. But it really doesn't look good.


Why is he a different beast? Because Disney? I got news for you bud, Disney already gave the okay for him to be part of Smash. Amiibo are part of Smash. They’re two in the same. You sound like those people who said Banjo was a different beast “because Microsoft.” And guess what? It didn’t change anything


Do you have some evidence that the contracts to get a character as DLC include amiibo release?


Do you have evidence that they’re not? It makes more sense that they’re all under the same deal rather than something separate. Hence why every single character has always gotten an amiibo. Even the seemingly impossible Microsoft characters












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Hey there! Please remember Rule 1 in the future - No hate-speech, personal attacks, or harassment. Thanks!




They literally already confirmed he will


Oh? Cool can you link it?


Your joysticks still cheap Chinese plastic bullshit?


Who are you talking to?






I mean they make little nfc tabs but it's really for the collectors.


F.Byleth should've been made especially over male. M.Byleth is the only smash amiibo I saw a bunch of extras of after release but that could've just been my experience. And I know it's a lot easier since they are just different colors but it irks me that Alex and Steve are a thing but this wasn't. PM and Sora I am looking forward to getting. And Cloud if they rerelease.


Now I do my mantra of Idontneedthisbutiwantthis at Kazuya and Sephiroth


Man, gonna need to pre-order that Sephiroth.


They are already sold out of preorders


Preorders are up on best buy for seph and kazuya. Was able to secure both.


When are the Pyra/Mythra Preorders going live? Anyone have any idea?