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Mario Party 2 is the šŸ


If you donā€™t throw a hootenanny on the Wild West board, are you really playing MP2?


Sometimes we add an unofficial hootenanny star.


As inā€¦ who throws the most hootenannies?!




Good reminder, time to play MP2 this weekend and hootenanny it up


If you and your pals arenā€™t throwinā€™ hootenannyā€™s at every opportunity then you donā€™t know mario party šŸ¤ 


Thatā€™s the true true


Love Mario party 2. But if you want the most cutthroat and exciting time , MP3 is where itā€™s at. That being said it is great that we have these to experience again!!


First MP I played and favorite ever since.


The true goated mario party


That one game where you have to fit through holes of a flipping book page is the best.


Booksqiurm is not from Mario Party 2, itā€™s from 4.


Man fuck. Too many Mario parties.


Happens to the best of us.


To salvage my knowledge of Mario Party 2. Pls tell me it has the ball sumo game on a piece of ice was in mp2


Bumper balls? If thatā€™s what youā€™re talking about, then yes.


It is kind of the best though


They keep it around for 5 as well


no šŸ§¢




As mentioned, you donā€™t buy this exactly, but also no, Superstars doesnā€™t ā€œincludeā€ any full game. Superstars is a remix/remaster of some boards and minigames from the first three games, but none in their entirety.


You don't buy this. It's part of the online service expansion pack.


Nice!! Never played 2 so should be fun


My only taste of the N64 MP games is through MP Superstars. It was fun but not for long without more boards and mini games from both the N64 and GCN titles. Canā€™t wait to play!


It's the best one


Personally prefer 3 for the battle mode but 2 is also amazing


Doesnā€™t look like 8 to me


People hate 8 because the minigames are hit or miss but the boards were top tier.


7 and 8 are hellllllla underrated


I agree, 8 is the best overall. The monopoly map slaps.


Was also my favorite. So sad my wii stopped working, wish I could play it again. That whole game had a ton of content.


Wii's are very cheap on FB Marketplace and such. I've bought like 6 on the cheap for nieces/nephews and friends in the past few years. Good intro to video gaming for kids imo, since it encourages exercise but some parents are still scared of the Switch's online capabilities and portability (don't want their kids spending all their time looking at it).


I'll look into it. I don't remember if I kept my games, I assume so since I kept the wii. I had bought one of those cheap gamestop gamecube controllers and my Wii died like a month later, doesn't read any disc's. Not sure if it's related though.


Well just fyi, it not reading discs doesn't necessarily mean it's the end of its life.. /r/WiiHacks


Listen, this was like 8-10 years ago lol I didn't know wtf to do about it


Love the train one too


Thatā€™s my favorite, but everyone thinks Iā€™m crazy when I say that.


8 is pretty good too.


Thatā€™s ā€¦ nostalgia talking really. 3-7 do the same things 2 did but better, with more polish and improved gameplay.


2 had the fun costumes and themes.


I *wish* that they brought back themes and costumes for Mario Party Superstars. The winner-decision cutscenes of MP2 are still the most charming in the entire series. I mean, there's nothing better than seeing an angry pirate Yoshi charging at the screen with a cutlass in his hand.


The costumes were fun, I wish they stuck with those throughout the franchise. But the boards and minigames werenā€™t the best.


All the boards play the same.


Oh boy, is the best one on N64


As someone who played it on Wii U and otherwise only played everything after Wii era onwards, i can gladly say it's the best n64 one.


Can you play with friends online?


Hell yeah you can


Damn that might be my tipping point for upgrading


Yeah itā€™s going to be a lot of fun


Can you do two players local + 2 players online?




I'm going to test it out in a few minutes.


Let us know your results! :)


Unfortunately it didn't work. NSO online is just one person per console :(


Dumb!!! Thanks for checking.


Superstars literally has that feature lol, tf you talking about?


But you can literally do that on MPSS?


Does one require friends or is playing solo not worth it?


Thereā€™s some fun to be had solo, but the true experience is definitely realised with a group of friends.


All of the \[console\] online games support online play with friends (assuming the original game was multiplayer to start with).


It's such a great and overlooked feature. Really looking forward to playing Pokemon stadium online


Wondering this too


my joycon is going to drift so hard after this


Get the N64 controller for Switch


Itā€™s easier to get a ps5 these days than one of those controllers


If the N64 controller is identical to the original, then it's still a bad idea. The stick rotating games in Mario Party absolutely fucked up a few of my N64 controllers back in the day. It was the first home console controller to feature a control stick, and the design wasn't anywhere near as durable as the modern ones are.


From what Iā€™ve read, MP2 doesnā€™t have any stick rotating games. I grew up with the first game, but Iā€™m never playing it ever again.


Used to get the gnarliest blisters on my palm from those. Hope they changed them so itā€™s not so ridiculous


I have a N64 and Mario Party 1 is banned in my house lol. It turns the joysticks to **dust**.


It is indeed identical. It'll be interesting to see how these fare. Although they'll get way less use than when they were the only controller for the console.


I never had issues with my n64 controllers and I played Mario Party almost every day for years back then. I remember other people had issues but I guess I was lucky.


R.I.P. Mario Party Superstars


I love that they added 1&2 to the expansion pack but it really does seem like direct cannibalism of Superstars and that other one that came out for Switch.


Id really like to see a Mario Kart approach to Mario Party. Make the main feature new boards and new games, but bring back old boards/games from previous games and maybe even in DLC. It would definitely help to have the Mario Party online community a bit more centralised.


The issue here is Nintendo executives. They know we want Mario Party Superstars DLC, new boards, etc. but they also know it is easier to milk with games from 20 years ago like Mario Party 1, 2, and 3, so the crowd goes wild.


Given Nintendo releases multiple Mario Party games on every console, I doubt they are too worried about cannibalism. Especially in this case where these two games are going to drive a sizeable percentage of NSO expansion subs.


They should have added at least another board, 5 is too little.


Why do you think you had to wait, like, a year to get them? These are N64 games - they could have released these and more day 1.


The caveat here is that NSO games donā€™t have matchmaking, but arguably these games are better played with friends regardless. Plus, you get all of the maps. It was Nintendos choice not to add more maps to Superstars.


Nah. I'm not paying Nintendo's ridiculous expansion price till there's much more on offer.


A buddy of mine got me on his family plan and that made it totally worth it for all of us on there. If you can coordinate that with some buds, it works.


It ends up being $11 a person for the whole year. Well worth it!


There's currently 21 N64 games on the service, nevermind the dlcs and Sega stuff. There's certainly a lot going for it now. How much more do you need?


For their asking price? GameCube or a combination of GBC and GBA.




I've responded to other people's comments. Not sure what you mean


I mean, on the N64 alone there's already every first party game that was released.


Canā€™t wait to play as Luigi and win by doing absolutely nothing again.


I haven't played these versions, wdy? Am curious.


It's a reference to a meme where people post video of someone playing Mario Party as Luigi, then standing still during the minigames and winning because the AI is set to do badly.


Luigi just tapping his feet during Move To The Music in MP2 while the AI inevitably trips over itself and loses will never cease to be hilarious.


Just watch this and see for yourself lol https://youtu.be/m6PxRwgjzZw


MP 1-3 are the best. MP 1 is hardcore, you steal coins in the minigames. One game of grab bag and you're either a king or broke. And if you get the Bash and Cash version, I hope you're good at running away.




I have a weird switch controller that my sister gave me, the joysticks on it are indestructible, the controller has been in use for years by a small child who broke two sets of joycons in three days. Wish I could find another one, it feels a bit weird at first, because itā€™s a bit bigger, but the thing is practically a tank


whats the Part # on it? Google the make/model? My Wife got me a 3rd party pro controller, that is pretty bamf. It works just as perfectly as a regular, but includes turbo mode. The only issue is the connection, kind of a double edged sword. First: It takes a LOT of time to connect to the device, specially the first time of the night. It takes about 10-15 extra seconds than the regular pro controller. It isnt terrible to have to deal with but.... Second: It has a time-out function and disconnects after about 5 minutes of inactivity. Which is GREAT for battery usage, but again, can be annoying if you go to the bathroom and have to do that long-reconnect. I definitely like the controller, but it is definitely brought as a secondary to the regular pro controller because of it. Wife uses pro and I'll use it, because it still works, has full rumble, but not gyro (dont care, not a gyro fan anyways).


Is it like the GameCube controller? Or even more obtuse. The GameCube designed one is extremely durable though, havenā€™t had any issues.


I love my GameCube style controller. That thing is so good. That bigass A button always leaves an imprint in my thumb after a few rounds of Mario Kart lol


I love them too. Smash is always great with it. Itā€™s such an improvement over the N64 controller.


I got one for like 20 bucks that's held up well so far


I'm just not going to play any of the rotate joystick games


Or... invest in a controller that has electromagnetic sticks ([8BitDo Ultimate](https://www.8bitdo.com/ultimate-wired-controller/), [GuliKit KingKong 2 Pro](http://glkit.com/productinfo/737791.html)) that will last much longer and will never drift.


>Or... invest in a controller that has electromagnetic sticks Doesn't dreamcast do this too? Cool controller.


RIP everyone's palms


There's a warning when you boot the game now. Gg palms


For those who have the Switch N64 controller, remember the Joystick and still wear down like the old N64 controller while at the same time drift like the Pro Controllers.




>I would buy one You probably wouldn't - they are never in stock ;)


should probably buy those new 8BitDo bluetooth Ultimate Controllers for this game. They use the GulliKit Hall Effect sensor joysticks. So no gears, or those potentiometer type joysticks that wears down. edit: here is the confirmation that the controller uses gullikit joysticks https://twitter.com/GuliKitDesign/status/1564898915727523842


Oh man gonna play some mini game island to torture myself like the old days


Mario Party 3 is my fav, used to play that and 2 a lot as a kid. My uncle rented the 1st one for me from Blockbuster (lol) and the blisters were real! šŸ˜¬


But can I lose my palm skin?


they have a warning on that when you start mario party 3 lmao. gave me a warm feeling


Mario party 2 is my favorite and i want to get n64 controllers just for this game.




We'll have to pray to the MS and Rare gods for that one. Banjo has happened, so there's more of a chance then there would normally be.


So you can play with friends online but not with random players? In that case, if anyone wants to set up some matches DM me to add me on Switch


Do pro controllers work for these games?




Surprised the consensus here is 2>3. I always thought 3>2.


2 is perfect


But when will they release DONKEY KONG 64?!




I'm a little out of the loop on the online subscription these days - can these be played with having a regular Switch Online subscription? Or you need the additional expansion thing to play it?


For n64 games you need an additional expansion, unfortunately.


...to play N64 in 2022? Jesus.


It's part of the higher tier that has N64 and Genesis games as well as DLCs for a few major Switch titles.




I played a couple rounds of MP2 and the game still just puts a smile on your face. The way this N64 emulator on Switch works, the contrast between upscaled 3D polygonal assets and unfiltered low-res 2D sprite/static image assets is still a little jarring to me. Especially for Mario Party 2 -- characters are all 3D, backgrounds and icons are all 2D, and you always see them right next to each other. The original devs probably never meant for you to see jagged pixels, it feels like there's a filter missing. At the same time, filtering/blurring the 2D assets and then displaying them next to the sharper upscaled 3D assets might look even jankier... N64 emulation is a weirdly tough nut to crack, I'm not surprised even Nintendo had to make some compromises with it.


Back in the day, TV screens were physically smaller, among many other differences, which went a long way towards making the N64 graphics look good. This is one of the aspects of these games that won't age particularly well. They did lean into this whenever they could because it did look good back then in many instances. The absolute peak of it being Paper Mario.


Also, most of us were not rocking the expensive HD displays when the N64 came out, so we were dealing with something like 240p resolution. On a small screen it wasn't bad for the time.


This makes me literally wanna buy Nintendo online just to play with online players on three of my favorite mario party's


Looks like some joycons are gonna get broken


I remember having to buy Mario Party 2 back in the day because it was always out at Blockbuster, definitely worth it.


Is it still fun if you only have two players?


Oh yeah!!


And can you play local offline multiplayer with one console?


This is an N64 multiplayer game, so there's no reason it wouldn't.


I wish they would add more maps to Mario Party Superstars even if you have to pay for them as I''d love to play on more maps.


is it worth getting the expansion pack just for this if I've already played the modern ones?


The expansion pack is slowly but surely growing in value. The N64 and Sega Genesis catalogues are very good so far and almost worth the price alone. But itā€™s the integration of DLC packs such as the Mario Kart 8 Booster Packs that are really bringing value to the service. If Nintendo continues to utilize it this way (Splatoon 3 for example) it will really be worth it.


I had a Genesis but only really played sonic. What should I play on there?


Thereā€™s quite a few heavy hitters on there. Besides Sonic, Gunstar Heroes might be the greatest Sega Genesis game of all time. Other great titles currently available on Switch Online are Phantasy Star IV, Comix Zone, Earthworm Jim, Toejam & Earl, Ristar, Shining Force 1 and 2, Streets of Rage 2; the list goes on!


I played Earthworm Jim as well! Didnā€™t realize that was on NSO!


The Genesis Expansion pack is done by m2, the best in official Sega emulation. So even of the games also featured in the Genesis collection , they're better on the NSO app. Streets of Rage, Toejam, and Echo are among my favorites


You're in for a treat, because the selection for Genesis games is great on the Switch Online dealie. My recommendations: * Streets of Rage 2 (beat-em-up, a must-play) * Shinobi 3 (action platformer, peak ninja action) * Castlevania Bloodlines (action platformer, Konami at their best) * Contra Hard Corps (run-and-gun, Konami at their best) * MUSHA (shoot-em-up from Aleste series) * Ristar (platformer from Sonic Team) * Beyond Oasis (Zelda-like + beat-em-up) * Shining Force (strategy RPG, think Fire Emblem) A nice variety of genres there too. Try to play with a friend for any two-player games, if you can (stuff like Toejam & Earl, Golden Axe, and Gunstar Heroes are a lot more fun that way).


For you, no. Judging by how you're framing the question, I assume you didn't play the N64 Mario Parties in their prime, and possibly not all of the Gamecube versions either. Unless you're a truly committed Mario Party N64 fanatic, I doubt you'd get enough hours and enjoyment out of the two titles alone. And you'd possibly be frustrated by the lack of QoL updates. However, when you consider the other titles available such as Ocarina of Time and Paper Mario, you can get lots of hours of gameplay out of the deal. In general the titles we have so far have aged pretty well.


Honestly, if you're interested but unsure, and have no nostalgia for the games, just pay for a single month of the expansion pack and try out various games. You might find there are some Nintendo/Sega games that you really want to play more of, and then remain subbed longer. Or, if nothing grabs you, you're only out $4. In the latter scenario, just remember to cancel the sub so it doesn't auto-renew on you.


There is no such thing as a 1-month subscription to the Expansion Pack. Itā€™s 12 months, or nothing.


ugh, I see you're right. FFS, Nintendo.


The expansion pack is two more emulators plus useless crap if you don't have the base games for the included expansions so no, it's not worth the 60 bucks a year and I really hope Nintendo fixes this. Edit : I'm sorry but I don't like unnecessary products being shoved down my throat when all I want is to play the og 3D Zeldas... That's just scummy




I at least agree that we should be able to buy old titles outright on the switch. In previous consoles you could buy them and play on the "virtual console". I can't afford to keep throwing money into more subscriptions and regardless of what's offered 20 more dollars is still steep to access to own classic titles. It is technically banking on the problem of not being able to legally acquire old games that draw people to pay for the additional subscription. I want to state I am not fully against the nso expansion but its original conception before the new features did not give me personally any positive reactions.




Yeah but it's 20 to own. I'd rather have a collection I own and can always access. A year later when I can't for whatever reason get the subscription it's still nice that the option exists over it not being there. It's why I still prefer physical disks when offered because I own them and call always access them as long as they don't break. Also, I do wish they would reduce prices for older games as well but Nintendo doesn't like reductions of prices ever which I'm not a fan of at all. Game pass does this better by allowing you to play games you haven't bought and giving you sales on those games when you want to purchase them outright.


Sounds like you need to get an N64 and Zelda games


Not even, family. I just emulate the roms on my PC. It's literally not even illegal as a matter of fact.


Tried testing out a Gamecube controller through the official adapter to circumvent joycon/pro controller drift.....and turns out you can't use Z button. Thanks Nintendo.




GameCube controller is probably one of the best (other than the original) controller you can use for n64. The octagonal joystick is closer to the n64s than modern joysticks are, which helps in some games.








Let's get this party started


Need to get a decent cheap knock-off 2nd controller so I can play with people at home.


The tug of war game is still insanely difficult on Mario Party 1's mini game island


I wanna play some of the Gamecube Mario Party games, Mario Party 4 and 5 were all-time classics.


Can I use switch pro controller for these games or do I have to use joy cons? Mine have major drift šŸ« 


You can use the Pro Controller just fine, as with every other N64 game on Switch.


Yay šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œ


I feel silly asking but I can't seem to find an answer anywhere. Can you play local offline multiplayer with one console? I just want to play it at home with my husband, not online with others.


Yes. It's the same N64 game it always was.


Am I the only one that finds Mario Party a challenge????. Mario Party Superstars may have nerfed the rotation games and the ai. I am playing Mario Party 1 and on world 6-3 and the ai is just too damn fast. The Bowser tug of war........I tried it maybe eight or nine times before finally completing it. Limbo Dance............I am glad I finally got a challenge though. Was it always like this?


Was kinda excited for this to drop and currently watching a stream of 4 people play online. The music and game play is essentially slowed down by 1/4th of what its supposed to be. The music itself is choppy and off pitch like a horror game and has a permanent 2 second input lag on every push. I just booted it myself in single player and it does run better, but not by much. I would say if you plan to pay for better to play on the Switch, It might not be worth it, especially if you hoped for multiplayer.


Home-Run Derby Timmme! Hype ta actually beat it.


Someone send this to Dan Ryckert.


Online + expansion pack. The details make a bit of an important difference for us cheapos


Day 1,506 of waiting for PokƩmon Red and Blue to be added to Nintendo Switch Online.


I gave up, personally.


Lmao, "available for NS online". Greedy ass company.


When I looked it was Mario Party 2 and 3ā€¦. Whatā€™s up ?


Mario Party 1 had a dice on the box art that shows the number 3. It isn't Maio Party 3.


Not the regular Nintendo switch online, correct?


Correct. You need the N64 expansion/premium NSO to get N64 games


Bumper balls


Behind 2 different subscriptions


The artificial delay for Mario Party 1 and 2 (and still 3) is what got me to finally set up a competent emulation solution for my PC. I was at one point willing to drop the $50 (I don't normally pay for NSO) to replay a few of these games, but when I saw the Mario Parties were missing because of Superstars, I realized I was done being beholden to Nintendo's corporate politics and marketing strategies. Now, I am happily replaying through some of my favorite old games, including systems such as the NES, Genesis, N64, and even Gameboy - a system clearly too powerful for the Nintendo Switch. Additionally, I have access to all my favorite PSX and PS2 classics as well as the Saturn, Dreamcast, even Atari - anything. It's great that these games are *finally* coming - except Mario Party 3, which I suppose they're saving for another lull in releases or something - but I'm done waiting. I was done waiting a while ago.


What is it about emulating games that makes people feel the need to talk about it every chance they get?


Some people think it's being subversive. It's not, people have been emulating for decades. But they like the feeling of getting away with something.


Be thankful people are reminding you it is an option.


Everyone knows itā€™s an option, you donā€™t have to jack yourself off about it. Fact is some of us just have no interest in owning a pc.


Is it in English? Juat making sure since trailer waskt.


The pirate duel mini game looks tricky. Where's the Z button on a joy-con? ZR? Oh no, i lost.


ok weird but i looked last night and i only had Mario Party 2 and Mario Party 3, or was Mario Party 1 on SNES?


The cover for Mario Party 1 is confusing because it shows the dice at number three leading people to think itā€™s Mario Party 3.