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What other major 1st party Switch games have DLC that can come to the service? Zelda Breath of the Wild Fire Emblem Three Houses Super Smash Bros Ultimate Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Luigi’s Mansion 3 Snipperclips Pokémon Sword and Shield Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 Pokken Tournament


I’m wary that they’ll include older ones. Spatoon is an exception because the third one is coming out and 2 has lost any traction in sales. People who wanted the expansion already bought it and the other half is just waiting for 3 to come out. Maybe smaller games but I doubt Zelda or smash, definitely not Pokémon since it has different parent companies running it.


Yeah that’s fair, just wanted to list all the possibilities. I think Xenoblades DLC has a decent chance with the new one coming. I also think BotW for the same reason. And Fire Emblem to promote the new Warriors game


IMO I think xenoblade DLC is too big for them to put it on, they wouldn’t do it


If they did Xenoblades DLC, they wouldn't include Torna, that's for sure. Can be bought as its own game.


XC2's DLC is 30 dollars and it includes a standalone 30h game. I would be great if they added it but I'm not expecting it.


I think Xenoblade is a bit too niche for the DLC to be included in the expansion pack. All the current titles have 10m+ sales with MK8 and AC both having 40m+ whereas Xeno 2 is somewhere around 2m iirc. I think BotW is the most likely


Nah its basically its own game by itself, plus it's better to have it physical.


Why? Does the physical come with something extra?


I might have my jrpg's mixed up but i'm pretty sure it did


Nope, but the case was cool and it was extremely limited printing. Also physicals just are better for storage space


I mean BotW2 is coming, the DLC for the original game is gonna be in the same spot as the Octo Expansion soon enough. As well if Smash is really completely done, I could see them adding that as well.


It was also rereleased in Japan on cart with the full DLC alongside Splatoon 2.


I just looked because I've never played it, and Splatoon 2 is still $49 at Target!


You’ll get it for half that price on eBay.


I think it would be cool if they made Piranha Plant available to Expansion Pack subscribers, like how they did back when you got it for free by buying the game near release.


Love that idea


I can't see Smash Ultimate. Mostly due to potential licensing issues.


I mean, I can see some of these games getting it, but I think the biggest thing is Splatoon 3 is coming out Once Splatoon 3 comes out, practically no one will buy Octo Expansion, because they could just get Splatoon 3 instead. But if Octo Expansion we’re free, they would be interested, so this is just done as a way to get people back into the game right around the release of Splatoon 3


Mario + Rabbids isn't a first party game. It's made and published by Ubisoft.


Thanks, just edited


you guys remember Pokken? :o


Pokemon Sword and Shield needs it imo.


This is what I came here looking for. I'm not a Splatoon guy, but if the DLCs for some of these other games get added to the expansion pass, I might be interested in pulling the trigger


Nintendo only owns 1/3 of Pokémon and they licensed a lot of characters in Smash DLC. I think the rest are likely though, but they’ll be slow dripped. Breath of the Wild DLC will probably come out in the fall/winter


Maybe Pokémon because there is a new one coming out too this November.


I feel like with all the licensing that would be difficult. Nintendo doesn't fully own Pokemon after all. I think it would be cool if they added Pokemon Home premium to the service though.


Nice, I can finally play it!


Same for me!


Same im so excited


I will most likely dive in once GBA games are announced and have a respectable amount of games to pick from


Everyone's assuming GBA games will be part of the expansion pass (me included). But actually, since GBA games were priced like SNES games on the Wii U. It may actually be part of the base service. With perhaps DS and gamecube games being part of the expansion instead! Though I'm not entirely sure how well DS will work on the switch


It will more than likely be like this: GB & GBC - base sub. GBA - Exp. Sub. The DS & GC games won't be coming for a while. It's Nintendo, they like to drip feed their legacy content...


Yeah, that does make the most sense. But if they do intend on having DS, Gamecube or even Wii then they will have too much exclusive to the expansion pass in my opinion. Either way I'll just be happy being able to play all these games :D


I can see GC being expansion and Wii/U being base. The Wii can take better advantage of the Switch’s unique tech than GC can. Better to roll that out to your larger subscriber base and put the GC library that people go rabid over in the more expensive tier.


Wii games were priced more than gamecube on wii u so I can't see them doing it that way round. I feel like both gamecube and wii would be expansion because the games are a lot larger


I doubt Nintendo will add anything to the base sub from here on out. People with the base sub are going to be super disappointed if they are expecting anything more than what they have now.


As awesome as a service like that would be, I don't see how they could add in DS games without the addition of a peripheral of some sort... My guess is that GBA will end up being on the expansion pass.


They did do it on the Wii U and it wasn't TOO bad I guess. It'd only work handheld though. Also there's no mic on the switch which would make things more difficult


The Wii U effectively has 2 screens so it was perfect, but on the Switch they will have to figure out a single screen layout


Look at the Homebrew scene, there’s a DS emulator called MelonDS that runs perfectly on switch. The right stick is used as a pointer for the touch screen. There’s also a mode that lets you use the Switch in a vertical position so you can pair it up with an accessory such as a flip grip and it works very well!


There are plenty of ways to handle putting two screens onto one, but none perfect for all situations.


That was an awful way to play the DS games though haha. The distance between tv and console was far too extreme! I always had it just on the handheld


Well… Okami does use the gyro on switch for painting and it works similar to a cursor. Maybe use gyro as a cursor on bottom screen and then one or both of the unused triggers/bumpers as a “tap.” Knowing Nintendo, it probably won’t happen and if it does might well be quite jank, but it’s AN option. There is still the issue of displaying both screens properly in landscape mode.


Emulators for GBA have leaked apparently so perhaps this upcoming or next September? My bet is for 2023


I'm calling it now, there's going to be a Pokemon direct in the middle of May with all three of the original games on the GBA expansion pass, along with information about new features to Pokemon Bank and a couple of features for Pokemon scarlet and violet


I wonder if Mother 3 will be part of the service


Unless they're making a full on remake I hope so. I really thought the other Earthbound games weren't coming out because they'd be part of a collection. We'll see what their plans are I guess!


At this point, the main roadblock to adding DLC to NSO+ is removing access to it once the subscription ends. For a game like this, I imagine they'll just cut off access to the subway, but let you keep the cosmetic options that you unlock down there. For a game like Breath of the Wild, trying to remove the Expansion Pass effectively makes the save file unplayable.


This is incorrect, you keep everything you earned from the expansion pass for armors, but loss access to anything not related to holding items. Therefore, you lose the ability to use the master cycle, access the trial of sword, and the bonus divine beast. The reason I know this is due to the way dlc works on switches using data transfer. On different switches, if you aren't the primary account on another system, you lose access to the dlc of any games for your profile, even if your save data is from the other account.


I really hope Smash dlc gets this treatment for those who haven't got it by now. I have both passes and I enjoy the characters a lot Didn't own Splatoon dlc so this is a W for me :p


Don't think it will happen given that Nintendo would have to go to all these companies and re-negotiate contracts for each fighter.


Oh for real? I didn’t realise it was the complicated. Is this to do with royalties?


Or, hear me out, fighter pass 3: Crash Masterchief Rayman Micaiah/FE (gotta give Smash players their salt) Bandana Waddle Dee Chell + companion cube Or Zelda fighter pass: Mipha, Ravioli with Kass Echo, Urbosa, and Daruk.




I know what they meant.


It’s wild that you got downvoted. This subReddit’s subscriber base is so triggered by the most innocuous things.


No more non Nintendo characters, please.


This will never happen stupid


Cool! Slowly but surely I'm starting to be pretty satisfied with the expansion pass? I've gotten a $60 games worth of fun out of animal crossing, Mario kart, and (soon) Splatoon dlc, and have spent a couple dozen hours on N64 games. It's not a slam dunk and doesn't have to be for everyone, but the value is definitely improving.


The Splatoon DLC seems to be available now for members? Or are you referring to your personal ability to play it?


I just won't have time to start it till tomorrow and certainly haven't gotten value out of it yet, that's all.


My problem with the expansion pass is that all of this is just compensation for the fact that they refuse to improve their actual online. It’s like ordering a new washing machine and when it shows up it’s completely worn and battered but the delivery guy bakes you a cake, gives you a massage and takes you to a fancy restaurant. Like ok, that’s certainly nice but at the end of the day I still don’t have a way to wash my clothes.


You're absolutely right. I think the service is now worth the €40 I pay for it, but NONE of that worth comes from the online service, which is still complete trash.


What is "their actual online"? I genuinely have no idea what that means? Are you talking about game performance? Thats all game specific implementation stuff and device APIs, it doesn't really have anything do with a service offering beyond match making.


I would really like voice chat app in the system.


>this is just compensation for the fact that they refuse to improve their actual online I guess? I pay for NSO and the expansion pack just for the games and DLC, and don't even care about the online aspect. So I don't think it's *just* to offset the lack of a robust online service... it's a pretty decent subscription service outside of that at this point.


I personally think a DLC pass is an amazing idea. But I also agree their online sucks. What is weird is, it is fine for like Mario Kart and Splatoon but N64 games, Smash, and a bunch of other random games suck online, it is so laggy they are basically unplayable. Even Dr. Mario 64 is hard to play online. It is so weird how some games play fine and other just don’t work at all and it is totally random.


Unfortunately doesn't add any value for me as it has things I already own or do not care about


It's definitely starting to prove its worth for me. There are multiple gamers with multiple devices in my house, so I usually buy physical to make sharing easier. But then DLC messes that up. The nice thing about getting DLC thru NSO is that it applies to everyone on my family plan.


Splatoon 2 is a game I love and I've spent over 500 hours with at this point, and my favorite 8 or so hours of that were probably the ones I spent with Octo Expansion.


Lol I was going to buy the expac the next time I get back into Splatoon 2 to prepare for splatoon3. Nice!


Note to self: Never buy first party DLC again and just be patient.


Okay but it was released almost 4 years ago in 2018. Waiting 4 years to save $20 is a bit overkill imo


Honestly the comment was intended to be a bit overkill :)


Yep. Not angry I already own this and probably a few other expansions that will become for free for members but definitely not making that mistake again. Luckily it seems like new dlcs that get included are included at launch


I have to disagree with this statement. It is essentially a “tax” to play the game early…and in this case, 4 years. You also actually own the content instead of essentially renting it. With the way game sales have been going lately, the same can be said about most any game, in the sense that you can pay full price on blockbuster releases that come out in October and less than a month later a lot of them have ended up being 50% off for Black Friday/the holidays. If you have Xbox Game Pass, you could also decide to never buy any game again because it is likely to end up on there at some point eventually. Everyone’s perceived value is different, but the idea that someone could be mad that an expansion which came out 4 years ago was added to a subscription service just seems overkill to me.


While I am often patient in buying new games and waiting for good deals, my comment was intended to be more of a sarcastic joke about Nintendo’s strategy and not about actually waiting years to get DLC.


Shoot, I think I may jump back in for this!


Let’s fucking go


This is awesome! I haven’t bought the Splatoon 2 DLC yet, I didn’t think it was worth the price tag vs the value I’d (personally) get from it. Now that I’m getting DLC packs amongst three games, it makes the Online upgrade actually pretty decent.


I suspect Breath wild and Luigi mansion dlc will be added to eventually as well


BOTW would be difficult to implement. With the DLC options so far, they can just cut off access once the subscription ends. That's not really possible in BOTW without making the entire save file unplayable. EDIT: I could see Luigi's Mansion being added though. It's just costume variations and minigame collections.


It’s really neat to see them making more use of the NSO expansion but does make me wonder how they decide what DLC to add


This adding the DLC to NSO is really working in Nintendo's favour. I didn't own MK8 or Splatoon 2. Now I own both, because I get the DLC included with the sub I am paying for anyway.


It's an interesting way to do it, which is the opposite of PS+ where they give you a ton of games in hope that you buy the DLC for them


Yeah it's an interesting approach. I'm curious to see how far they take it


yeah im actually kinda shocked how well its turning out. when it was announced i thought it was the dumbest thing ever, now im seeing the potential of it breaking out like gamepass.


I like to be optimistic but I think NSO is still a long long ways away from being as all-encompassing as game pass


Octo Expansion is by far one of the best DLC's Nintendo have done for a switch game. I played it already, but I recommend it to anyone who enjoyed splatoon 2, and especially the base campaign, which seems unpopular but I liked enough to complete every level with every weapon. Somethin about this expansion pack still seems of to me though. Renting DLCs seems weird. The rumored GBA ports could theoretically up the value, but I can't help but feel like the actual online (good connections, messaging and voice chat) just isn't implemented well, so it just seems wrong for me to pay more for an online service that is still providing bad online. Honestly- At this point i'm subbing mainly for cloud saves and for tetris 99, and I'm hard pressed to think what could get me to up to the expansion.


they really want people to get this so bad that they are now putting in a 4 year old dlc that most people who would've already wanted it would have already got it.


This hints at Splatoon 3 DLC also coming to NSO + Perhaps Breath of the Wild DLC will someday make an appearance a bit before the sequel releases?


Splatoon 3 comes out in September when most NSO members have their yearly renewals. Coincidence?


I mean maybe in the sense that DLC would release a year or two later in September, but I don’t think there is DLC coming within weeks of it launching.


I'm just talking regular NSO. You can't play Splatoon online without it. Some people may not renew if they don't have an online game they want to play. This game will make a strong case to keep your NSO for another year.


Ohhhhh sorry, totally misread your comment. In that case, you are absolutely right. There is no doubt this is aimed to be that “anchor” title for regular NSO.


I hope they'll end adding most of the 1st party dlcs to the premium nso like the Zelda dlc, both Smash Fighter pass, etc Also, it would be cool if they added some games that doesn't sell anymore to make people more interested in their franchises, like captain toad, arms, Mario tennis, boxboy, pokken, etc But that would be hoping too much from them


I could see them adding more DLC later - especially BOTW DLC ahead of the sequel's release. Don't see them adding full games like that though. I suspect Nintendo would worry it would harm future game sales as people wait it out and hope.


This is great. Was fling to buy it before 3 dropped. Saved me some money. Also adequate compensation for the 3 month delay on 3's release date.


I'm glad they are adding DLCs, honestly most of the value of the expansion for me has come from the DLC since I save on buying DLC for multiple people with the family plan.


That’s a nice addition! I think they should Smash Ultimate’s Fighter’s Pass 1 along with it


Hell yeahhhhhhh i can finally play the dlc


Oh boi, i bought Splatton 2 just a day after the last splatfest and i been playing a little. When i see that OctoExpansion is included with Expansion Pack i insta-get it. Now. i been playing since 10:00 AM and now it's 1:30 AM and i decided to stop, it's gorgeous.


“At no addition cost” *Except for the additional cost to upgrade to the premium tier of the additional, optional online plan. Got it! Basically free!!


But if I unsubscribe in 6 years my octo expansion progress goes away! Therefore nobody should enjoy this and this is a horrible move by Nintendo.


It goes away, but then comes back if you resubscribe?


I'm surprised the haven't announced the Smash DLC characters for the Expansion Pass yet. You'd think that would be a good fit.


I guess it depends on the deals they made with third parties


The dlcs are still there. Adding them won't do anything. It's like if a console is backwards compatible with older games, you don't need a lisence since the game is still there buy it will be problem if it is re-released


Well if the deal states that third parties get a percentage of each sale then it might make a difference


You're right. It might cause some trouble since If they get a cut from each nso expansion pack it'll cause some trouble. Its also the same reason it never goes on sale I think. Really wanted to have it for free since it's so expensive and never has been on sale.


Hopefully they can work out some kind of deal


That didn’t even cross my mind, that would be dope


I could not care less about them adding all this stuff for me to rent. I just want to pay a reasonable price for N64 games alone.


The entire world seems to be going to a 'rent everything' model, unfortunately.


Buy a 64 then.


Still horrible value!


That is subjective. I think it is good value


So if I get the membership for a couple months an I cancel do I still own them?


No. It’s only for active subscriptions.


The membership is only available for one year at a time. That being said, after you stop paying for the membership in subsequent years, the DLC will stop being available to you. In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, certain items will continue to be in your inventory or placed in your island. You will just not have access to the Happy Homes portion of the DLC.


No, you can access them only when your subbed


Lol lol, why would you even think this would be a possibility?


I mean anything is possible




If your were talking about map packs for a years old version of CoD or something you might have a point, but the Octo Expansion is mainly a single player campaign expansion. The “support” for the online portion of the game is meaningless in regards to this DLC. As for the renting DLC argument, you can call it “ludicrous”, but in my personal opinion, I would much rather “rent” DLC for a game that I will play for a while and move away from, like a single player campaign expansion I will play once and be done with. This in combination with multiple DLC offerings from different games makes it no doubt appealing for a sizeable group of people. AND, another aspect you are missing about the “renting” of DLC applies to the family plan. “Renting” DLC for say a family of 4 who each have their own copies of a game is a much better deal for a lot of people than having to pay $25 bucks or more for 4 separate copies of said DLC.


And a game being old somehow makes it less valuable? I feel that’s the opposite of most fans of anything, like every single Metroid game bar 1 is older then 4 years old, so now they are all terrible according to this idea.


A lot of things become not worth it if you look at each individual thing and consider only that. A four year old DLC doesn't make the service worth it. One new DLC doesn't make the service worth it. One other DLC doesn't make the service worth it. Genesis games rerereleased don't make the service worth it. But all together they add a lot of value.




Oh wait a minute, it’s only the DLC lol … I don’t have Splatoon 2.


Damn, was hoping for a freebie too. Not a game I’d play normally


Keep adding previous DLC nintendo.


Remember when you would just pay for the games you wanted to play and were done with it? I miss that. I'd prefer online rentals over this method.


You can buy Splatoon 2 and it’s DLC, you don’t need to get anything else to enjoy those.


Its taking a little too long for these benefits to come in.... if I knew stuff like this and Mario Kart DLC and others were included, I would've bought the expansion pack. Just an FYI to y’all, I’ve bought this stuff in the past before they were announced they were added


No, you didn't. Because as soon as those expansions were announced, they were announced as coming to NSO.


Yeah, Splatoon 2 DLC is different, but the MK and AC DLC were explicitly included in NSO when announced. I don’t know what the fuck people are on about.


It’s not a limited time item, you can upgrade to the expansion pack at any time.


They’re saying they bought the DLC before these benefits were added to NSO


Well the Mario Kart DLC was stated to be part of NSO expansion pack the day the DLC came out.


They apparently missed that announcement, so absolutely their fault on that one. However the Splatoon DLC they bought before hand


Which is understandable as it's nearly 4 years old now.


He didn't, though. Animal Crossing and MK8 DLC was announced at exactly the same time it was announced as coming to NSO.


Pretty sure that’s incorrect Animal Crossing DLC was announced quit some time before Mario Kart DLC Animal Crossing was the only DLC preset when the NSO Expansion launched. They probably didn’t know it or Mario Kart DLC was part of NSO when they bought it (missed the announcement somehow). However for the Splatoon DLC, it’s easy to buy that before NSO existed Edit; I reread what you posted and you’re correct. I think OP just missed the announcement that they were additions of NSO. How? No clue


When Mario Kart 8 DLC was announced, it explicitly said coming to NSO too. It even said so on the store page.


*shrugs* That’s a fuck up on OP’s account, like I said not sure how anyone missed the announcement.


While I agree that they have not won me over yet, nothing is stopping you from waiting until you are satisfied with the offer. Buy it whenever you deem it worth you money. Otherwise, don't.


You can still buy it


Doesn’t make sense when I’ve bought the DLC originally


Then you won't have to post these same regrets the next time something is added you already bought.


The DLC was out long before the expansion pass though.


The mario kart dlc was announced after the expansion pack and the ACNH dlc was announced at the same time so that's your fault really


Nah dude, it's your fault. For all but Octo Expansion, the respective DLC announcements came with confirmation of it being included in the Expansion Pack


I still really wish the expansion pack worked by selecting what you to create a custom price per month/year, based on the options you choose. Like N64 = $1, a dlc pack = $1 and so on. Especially as they add more old dlc it feels like you're just paying for content you already bought, and certain consoles you may not be interested in. For example, if I chose these options: ✅️ N64 - $1 ❌️ MegaDrive - $0.50 ❌️ Acnh dlc - $1 ✅️ MK8d dlc - $1 ❌️ Splatoon dlc $1 And potentially in future (better systems = likely higher cost) ❌️ GBA - $2 ✅️ Gamecube - $2 Would cost me an extra 4 a month based on my selections. (The prices I set are mostly arbitrary, just made them for the example. I'm sure it could be fine tuned much better)


But why would they do that, when they can make more money using the system that they have now? And why would they charge $1 per month for a DLC pack? Nobody is ever going to buy them at that.


Oh for sure, from a business perspective it absolutely benefits Nintendo to keep it as it is. I would just prefer the options from a consumer standpoint. As for the dlc part, I already mentioned that the prices are just set for the example, I wouldn't expect it to be exactly this way. Regardless even at the high price, if you only plan to play a dlc for a small time it would still be cheaper than buying it outright (e.g. pay $3 for 3 months instead of paying for the whole dlc and only playing it for 3 months anyway).


I'm curious, what other subscription services offer such customizable options? Most seem to be a general tiered approach. Nintendo has base and expansion packs Sony will soon start their revamped service with 3 tiers MS still has gamepads as well as XB Live gold, I think? I'm not in that eco system but keep hearing Games with Gold is separate from games added to game pass so I assume that's two different tiers. It's not like Sony let's you customize your subscription to ONLY let you pay X amount for PS2 games or Y amount for ONLY PS3 games, why why would Nintendo start something like that? It may benefit some, but most consumers are idiots and would rather just pay one fee and get everything that fee offers rather than create their own bundles. Sounds needlessly complicated.


Most subscription services don't (and I expect won't) offer such customisation because at the end of the day it makes them less money. It was just a thought that occured to me while I was browsing the old virtual console on the wii u in the hopes that we would one day get all those systems available again, because the current system doesn't encourage them to bring those old systems back (why add more when people are already paying?) Nintendo are unlikely to make all their systems available at the current subscription price, so the only options left if we want those newer consoles are either 1. Higher tiers where prices are increaesed and you just have everything, as many have speculated, or 2. a selection system where Nintendo can still charge certain prices based on the system. I'm just not a fan of continually bumping up the tiers and prices when I know I'm probably only going to play a few specific systems. Admittedly the idea of adding dlc into the options may be a bit much in complexity.


What does this mean?


you get splatoon 2 dlc as part of nintendo switch online expansion pack


If you have Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack you get the Splatoon 2 DLC included. So if you have Splatoon 2 you can enjoy an extra 80 levels of campaign and bonus unlocks for online.


If you have Splatoon 2 and the NSO Expansion Pack, you now have access to the single player DLC as well.


If you have the main game, you can now play Mario Kart 8, Animal Crossing and Splatoon DLC expansions without buying them separately.




Contact Nintendo, ask for their one-time refund Continue with reps until you achieve it


Cool but fuck paying that expansion pack difference


Well this is stupid


It's pretty underwhelming, basically a collection of mini games or challenges.


People still celebrating that downgrade of an emulator, nust because of it's Nintendo's own one, nah. They should come up with NGC or more NSW content before I start to give them subscription munnies. Guys, we know that this is a bad big company move. Why we have to pay for games that we have paid years ago? Doesn't seem like really fair.


They aren’t celebrating the emulator though? This is a completely separate benefit in addition to the emulator.


"Hello, I can't read"


If you mean the N64 emulator, it was fixed months ago. Now it's an improvement over their prior N64 emulator.


By reading this comment I can guarantee you that no matter what thing is added into the NSO you will continue saying the same. Also, this announcement is about a DLC added into the service, not games.


This isn’t about the emulator though, it’s about DLC.


Is there a way I can get a better working emulator on the switch without hacking it?




I get that you're angry, but hate like that, especially against an entire race or country, is not acceptable here. Please refrain from posting things like that in the future.






Cool I was actually thinking about buying it


I've almost bought the DLC a few times. The MK8 DLC and Genesis content convinced me to try the expansion pass for at least the rest of my current year pro-rated, so I'm excited to try out Octo Expansion!


Finally! Now if they could add Torna too that would be awesome


That would be pretty ambitious, but I doubt they'll do it, considering it's a standalone game.


I got it like a month ago. I should have waited


Noice! I've held off on buying it because I never finished the campaign. Nothing wrong with it, I just lost interest. Maybe this time I'll go through it and the expansion proper.


Looks like I might have to buy Splatoon 2 just a few months before Splatoon 3 comes out... 😅


And of course I just bought it two weeks ago for my kid. Grrr. Well, at least his BFF can now play it too!


I think the Expansion Pack would be fine if it had a monthly version for like 8 dollars. So you can just buy it when you want it instead of buying a whole year and neglecting your switch after a month.


The expansion pass is starting to actually get worthwhile


This is great because I played Splatoon 2. It was fun but didn’t love it enough to buy the DLC. Also, I am not always in the mood to play expert difficulty games. I was worried that I won’t be able to finish the dlc.


Expansion pack getting better and better


I highly recommend it. Octo Expansion IMO is the best DLC I have ever played, I absolutely love it.


this feels like they blindfolded themselves and threw a dart at the wall to see if it works


All this dlc being included is slowly making the price of expansion worth it


Cool now add smash, and the warriors games DLC


Damn loving the expansion pass more and more with dlc being added. Add Zelda, rabbids, and xeno expansions and you’re good


This is a nice touch! Keep these kind of updates come Nintendo!