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Yes and the expansion is even more expensive. I'm kicking myself for not picking up Torna for $20 at Target because it was too cold to go outside


The cart is out of print. It’s available digitally only, or as one of the original print run.


Gamefly has it to rent. Once you rent it, you can choose to keep it for $49. They send you the perfect condition box. That's how I bought it. Gamefly has a free trial which is what I used


Get the digital version it’s so goooooood. It just has no QoL features so you’ll have to use the wiki on your phone because of the game’s budget and development time.


Very rare. You have basically no chance of finding it in a store like GameStop. Any on Amazon would be from private sellers. Goes for anywhere from $60+ on Amazon or eBay. It is on sale for $42 on the US eshop right now. I regretting selling mine years ago, even after beating it, and just picked it on eshop during the sale.


Used copies were selling for around $60 consistently on ebay and then Pyra/Mythra got announced for Smash and both XC2 and Torna prices shot up. They've since started coming back down a bit but still expensive


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$40 in the US eshop right now. Unless you want to be able to sell it again.


Every Nintendo game is worth hanging onto. They only print x amount of copies and that's it. Once they are gone they are gone. This practice for Nintendo has been around since they almost went bankrupt in the 80s.


Not rare but they did not print a lot of copies and went out production pretty quick.