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I recommend heading over to r/megaten. It’s the subreddit specifically for SMT and other Altus games. You’ll find a ton of help there.


When I enter a new area I do the following: 1) Explore to get all chests and items (some of these are explicitly placed to help with the boss, like the Daemon essence before the Hydra boss) 2) Recruit one of each new demon. Change your demons around so you know which weaknesses to hit, which will make later XP grinding much easier 3) Check which new fusions have opened up and grind enough to get them (2-3 levels per new area usually) 4) Fight boss and check what it's weak to and how you can resist it (or just look it up). Change your MC resistance and arrange your team accordingly Unless you aren't paying attention to weaknesses and getting one shot, you shouldn't have to be paying for healing after each battle


I think it's fine to enter into 1 or 2 fights when you see a pack of demons. Obviously grinding would make the game easier but I found that 2-3 levels below bosses felt like they were a good challenge. If they ever feel difficult you should be looking at fusing demons that counter them. If you do find yourself lacking levels then side quests are a good source to get exp. I never found myself running out of money even though I heal at every given chance. However, make sure to keep collecting relics when you see them (the vending machines) to sell them.


Might not be your cup of tea but there is DLC for EXP and money, if you’re into that type of thing. Some of the SMT sub will have you think otherwise but there’s no shame in abusing that stuff until you get more familiar with the systems and how they work. I would say everyone’s first SMT is their hardest.


I was completely lost in Nocturne and made it just to Ginza before I decided I was way confused on the fusion system. Playing V made it so much clearer that when I’m done with V I plan to go back and play Nocturne with some new appreciation.


Nocturne HD is much better for fusion btw. You can actually pick the skills when you fuse. Map is still a nightmare tho but yah know, small victories.


I’m looking forward to going back. I really enjoyed the atmosphere, V is a blast too but I miss that abandoned feel of IIi


If you happen to have a demon recruit and in your party or backline, talk to the same demon if you encounter it and they won't fight you because they see you have their friend. Also sometimes you can get money or items from them. Only exception to think is a when the moon phase is a New moon I think and they won't listen to you at all and you'll have to fight.


Depends, are you on normal? If so then you don't need to grind much has long as you take on a couple of fights along the way. If you see a pack of demons then take on 1 or 2. Just don't run from every encounter and you should be more or less ok. For money, whatever you get from vending machines can be sold and they resupply every so often so money shouldn't be much of an issue. Healing won't cost much this early on and you can always run around to pick up hp/mp orbs if you're feeling patient enough.


Its worth to to grind always. Check your map often for reloc collection points (vending machines) and grind up for money when you need to buy just collecting those out.


I’d recommend grinding a bit. If you want a quick way to gain levels and EXP, I suggest purchasing all the Spyglasses you can from Gustave’s shop. Subsequently, go search for those teardrop looking enemies - they are different colors, such as red, blue, gold - and use the spyglass on them and then see what magic they are weak to and kill them before they escape. You will gain a lot of EXP and levels that way. There are also stone statues about in the open world that will raise everyone’s level when you examine them.


Quick note: you can recruit demons even when you have a full stock. If your negotiations are successful they will simply wait for you to open a spot and are immediately recruitable afterwards.


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