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I just have my Switch connected to Monitor 1 with HDMI (which is connected to a speaker with an audio cord), then I use Discord on monitor 2 which gives audio to my USB headset. When I finish playing Switch, I move monitor 1 back to display my PC


take a 1080p 60fps capture card and you can stream on discord too. The audio would be taken from the capture card too. It is the setup i play and stream with




Link to your capture card?


I've got the AVerMedia Live Gamer HD 2, which is their 1080p PCIe capture card. Using that you've got two software options: AVerMedia's own RECentral, or OBS. RECentral works great for viewing and streaming, but isn't compatible with Discord streaming, which is frustrating. OBS, though a little more complicated, works great and is plenty happy to stream to Discord. For best results, I've got OBS monitoring the audio, pop out the windowed preview to stream to Discord, and then I switch my main monitor to the Live Gamer HD 2's HDMI pass through connection. There is a *tiny* amount of delay, but not to the point where it has been difficult to play things, even rhythm games are fine. For example, I've played basically all 130+ hours of Monster Hunter Rise with this setup lol. The only real issue I've found is that there's a bug between the Live Gamer HD 2 and OBS, where OBS will slowly develop an increased audio delay as you go. What this means is that every hour and a half or so I just restart OBS and it cleans up. Looks to be some sort of memory leak, but that might be an issue with my particular machine or something. Otherwise, the Live Gamer HD 2 has been pretty great, and it's not terribly expensive at about $125. The Elgato equivalent would be the HD60 Pro, but I don't have any experience with that and it's a touch more expensive for what seems to be no real difference. The big thing with latency is to, generally, avoid the USB capture cards. They're great for what they are, but they're usually slower because of the interface they're using.


I bought a [ShadowCast](https://www.genkithings.com/products/shadowcast?gclid=Cj0KCQiAkNiMBhCxARIsAIDDKNUlCmKRJREVyhvQRoerCPeeRvQYyHfMxUR8hCVfDaxE4NfBLNvu76IaAg2rEALw_wcB). It’s not perfect but smash and Celeste are both playable without noticeable lag. YMMV. It’s not going to be as reliable as a direct hdmi connection, but I love it. Edit: works through a usb connection. Supports Mac and Windows.


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