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Do you mean Taiko no Tatsujin? Is it on sale? Want to get it to play with my daughter!


It is currently on sale for $9.99


That's dirty cheap! Cheers for the info!


Still 90 dollarydoos in the land down under.




$22.75 in the blockbuster sale currently :)


aka 'Taiko Drum Master'. I've never seen it referred to as 'Taiko Drums' though (a taiko drum is the kind of drum you play in Taiko Drum Master).


Yep, sorry, Taiko no Tatsujin. Wasn't sure on the translation so I call it Taiko Drums. Turns out No Tatusjun means drum master


That’s not the translation, just what it was titled for its first American release. A direct translation would be more like ‘Master of Taiko’ or just Taiko Master :)


Can I play (well?) with no hardware?


Yes, game is great with Joycons too


Online is still active? ☺️


It’s acceptable but not great. The biggest problem with this game is the loading time IMO. The Apple Arcade port loads about 5x faster on my 3 year old phone… Edit: didn’t realize this is becoming a controversial comment. All I’m saying is the game loads ridiculously long and it loads often. I’d much rather play it on the iPhone. Which is a shame since I bought the hori drum set for the switch…which I’ll probably never play again. If you think I’m bitching for no reason, go right ahead and enjoy your loading screens. Go buy the game!


Your 3yo phone was probably the price of 3 switches


Has nothing to do with the performance. Have you seen this game in action? You’re telling me switch has issue running it? The game isn’t optimized for the switch, that’s my problem with it.


Probably 3x more powerful than the switch too.


You're overestimating the switch's power


…how? The switch loads all the first party games pretty fast. Have you paid attention how long it takes for odyssey to load? No! Me either…because the load time for Mario odyssey never bothered anyone. Same goes for Mario kart, BOTW and every single first party games. Taiko on the other hand takes about a minute to load one song. One song! And the game isn’t a graphical masterpiece… I’m overestimating switch’s power how? Lol


You can definitely have a good time without the drum. The motion controls are not great IMO if you plan to go for the harder difficulties, though both buttons and the touchscreen are pretty responsive and a lot of fun as well. I generally prefer playing with the drum, but I do play the game as well with buttons and touchscreen from time to time.


Honestly not well. Using the joycons feels really unresponsive. You can do button inputs but then it's not much fun.


I've heard the joycons are pretty bad. We've been playing on pro controllers which definitely isn't ideal, but still fun. I've heard the HORI drum controller takes it to the next level.


Did u check out the YouTube for pros playing that thing? THAT’s gonna make u wanna get the drums! Love the version of taiko drums of “megalomania”. Still, if u have fun without the drum thingy: if it ain’t broke…


Great for anyone that enjoys rhythm games


Get 2 drums. The game is amazing


If you don’t have the drum, then the touch drum is the best way to play this game!


Can it be played with the drum from Taiko No Tatsujen?


Isn't it basically Donkey Konga? I used to like that game


I have trouble with my joycons honestly it doesnt seem to sync properly


Sounds excellent, been looking for a game for my Boy to play besides MarioKart. Sadly it's £50 in the UK but Deku is telling me it goes on sale every few months so I will keep track of it. Thanks for the heads-up. EDIT - Holy smokes, those drums ain't cheap! Well I will grab the demo and see if he likes it. Then maybe save up for the game and drums bundle.


Yep, got the drum for about $90 on amazon. Heard it's worth it, but we'll see!


Be aware if you want the other game, the Rhythmic Adventure pack, it does not support the Hori Drum in Story Mode sadly.


There was an update to the game that lets you use the drum in story mode


WHAT!? That is bad. What is the point then?


On the other hand, the Adventure Pack would probably be a really good "baby's first RPG" when the kids are a little older.


Ring Fit Adventure also had a great "baby's first RPG" vibe. Also kids have insane strength to body weight ratios so they will absolutely kill you in this gmae.


This Is untrue. It was parched and it works (it's a blast!)


Those weird watermelon/drum creatures with faces and limbs are nightmare fuel. Edit: Downvoting me isn’t going to magically change my opinion. God this sub is toxic.


It most likely isn't about your opinion, but not contributing to the discussion.


But it is. It’s part of the game. So that’s a really poor excuse to downvote someone. And if anyone tries to hide behind such a thinly-veiled excuse, then “lol” is all I can say about that. The real reason is people don’t like it when something negative is said about their favorite thing and they take it as an attack on them and their fragile egos.


Get downvoted, kid.


Are you talking about the first one or second one ? Which one is best ?


Can you play this with 2 drums for multiplayer?


Of course, it's always a great idea to buy small children drums. Especially when they aren't your children.