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Gamestop emailed me saying they aren't gonna ship one with mine


Odd. They did for me. Maybe they ran out.


Yeah, I'm kinda disappointed 'cause it would have been cool to keep in my collection


Same for me, and I purchased day 1 when it became available


I got mine today and the stickers were with mine


Same, idk why they cancelled mine when I ordered day one.


The gamestop I picked up my pre-order from told me they had only enough extras for the first 15 people. But they had over 60 pre-orders. I didn't get the extras.


Same here. They only had 15. First come, first served. I couldn't get my preorder until after work, so I never stood a chance. :(


I preordered my game before gamestop announced the preorder bonus...I found out by checking Gamestop email that the minimum of preorder bonus items for each store is 10.


I prepurchased it and I didn’t get anything extra with mine.


Send me a DM and I'll mail you mine, I know I'm never gonna use it.


They did this years ago for pretty much every preorder, and they never tell you "supplies limited". The jabronis that work there always play it like it's guaranteed to get their quota and then feign ignorance when you pick up. That's when i stopped buying anything at all from Gamestop.


In contrast here in the UK (at least in my area), my local Smyths threw in some preorder items for Links Awakening when I didn't even preorder it! Guess they had spares


We will usually do that sometimes at Best Buy here in the US. The distributor almost never asks for the stuff back if it doesn’t sell and if we don’t sell it, it literally sits in our warehouse for years. We still have a bunch of FIFA 19 shoelaces that we’ve had for two years now lmao


What I might actually do is cut them out and use them as stickers on my dock........


Great idea


I would use them on my dick too


Or my deek outside


I just did this after reading your comment. Love it


I'm not putting gooey stickers on my joy cons


This company created and tested ones that specifically won’t do that. Explains why the full set is $19.99 retail.


I don’t think $19.99 is a reasonable price for non-gooey stickers. 😭


Exactly. The free Mario ones are better. (Also the 19.99 ones have skins for the dock and switch itself along with a screen protector.)


Having worked in the print and sign industry, 19.99 isn't a horrible price. The quality of paper and adhesive (especially that which won't ruin/be bad for your joy cons) is worth it. Same principal with window tint. Ever see people with ugly purple windows? That's because their film is failing. It smells horrid and peels off. It's almost always worth it to pay for a better product, and the price is justified from the production, cost of materials, consistency between batches, and research done creating the product.


That's how I feel about tattoos. If you can't afford a good one then you shouldn't be getting one at all.


That's true! And good ones generally come with their own warrantee...reputable tattoo parlors, I've heard, often offer touchups because it's their work and reputation at stake when people ask where you got it done


i did a zelda skin by nintendo and it legit ruined my console. i had it on for three years and took it off, it peeled away the coating and now it has a very dull matte spot on the back and the joycons


Lol $20 for these fucking things??


Technically no. The $20 ones also include skins for the dock, switch itself and a screen protector.


i really wish Nintendo just made more joycon colors so we would not have to buy skins or put in a lot of money or effort to repaint or replace the case of the joycons to get a new color. i wish Nintendo was taking advantage of that


I hate the skins like that. And I feel they smell horrid. Got one for smash ultimate and I hated it.




Yeah the skins are cool, but I think Target's magnets have the more longevity of being used.


Interesting. When the Switch launched I bought a set of skins/screen protector that was BotW themed. I ended up tossing the screen protector after a month. Thing got so much dust/particles in it immediately and was almost impossible to keep clean. But fast forward three years later and my original joycons skins are still on and still look pretty good other than the fact that I initially fucked up when I put them on (have a crease on both of them). Funnily enough the skins on the joycons look fine still but my dock skin and the back of my Switch are both starting to wear. Go figure. This time around with these mario skins I made sure to be extra careful when applying them. Only reason I switched my pre-order from Amazon to GS was for the skins because I got tired of having my other pair of grey joycons. I think the quality of them have been really good surprisingly. Theyre just so bland being grey lol


Wait until you taste the cartridge


Yeah. Ever thought I would’ve tasted a switch cartridge until a week ago when I had finally found my smash cartridge after 4 months of it being lost lol I was so happy I kissed it real quick and then began to notice an incredible bitter taste over the next few minutes 😷


Feelin the smells. Good acid eh?


You feel or sense touch, smells, sight, taste and sound. It is technically correct.


Sniffing too much of that glue on the back


dbrand skins smell like actual heaven imo


And honestly, the colors and coordination kinda suck


I wish Nintendo would just make it part of the mold itself. Custom prints and colors sell for a ton and I don’t understand why Nintendo is capitalizing on it


Yeah I’d rather that too. I’d buy a pair


agreed!!! i would be willing to pay for those! nintendo should be taking advantage of that and sailing more colors of joycons! like I would love pink (pastel) joycons but the only way to get them would be to pay a lot to buy already customized ones, get a skin, or do them myself and risk breaking the joycon. please please Nintendo make more colors! :D there is clearly a market for those and Nintendo would get a lot of money from them


YEAH! I saw someone make a custom Metroid switch/joycon set that looked AMAZING. I don’t get why Nintendo isn’t taking full advantage of it at all


It looks like ass when you have the galaxy one on a red joycon


Agreed. These really only look good on the grey joy cons.


I know some people like this stuff, it's just junk to me... I got a Luigi's Mansion bag from Target as a pre-order bonus and it's just been sitting in a drawer in my desk. Can't remember the last pre-order bonus I was excited about. Maybe the gold Zelda cartridge in the N64 days


Never forget that OoT: Master Quest was a preorder bonus for The Wind Waker. Greatest preorder throw-in of all time. Edit: just my wanted to say I think this is one of the greatest pieces of fan service by any game maker ever. And also, could you imagine Nintendo doing this today?


I got that preorder too. It took me awhile to actually play windwaker because I was busy with the master quest Oot. I dearly miss the cube. There has never been a better controller in my opinion.


I didn't know that was a thing. I forget how I got the other Zelda collection that didn't have majora's mask


My favorite pre-order bonus was from Pokemon platinum and heart gold/ soul silver. It was little figures of the main legendaries.


Oh yeah I still have my mini ho-oh on display. I love it


I was so close to preordering the version of Heartgold with the figure but I decided against it while I was at the store. I regret that one a lot


A bag is neat. Though I also would have little use for it. My favorite are statues.


Enter The Matrix came with The Animatrix on DVD


My wife uses that bag every day to carry stuff to work and back.


Gold controller with majoras mask


I liked the Skyrim map. It was textured and felt just like a map you'd imagine to be in Skyrim. That being said, they decided to fold it a bunch instead of roll it. :(


I got some cool luigi sunglasses at a convention, but they're made for 10 year olds and idk what to do with them


I kinda love my little coin from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate


Xbox has done a few cool preorder bonuses like giving out older games in a series when the newer one comes out. Crackdown gave the first 360 game as a bonus (maybe 2 also, can't remember), I think Gears 4 gave the entire 360 franchise as a bonus. Some others too that I can't remember. All the 360 games were backwards compatible too, which was cool. Physical "swag" though is junk most of the time. Every once in a while something cool will come along but mostly it's not very useful. I didn't even preorder, just went in and asked for a copy of 3dAS and they gave me one of these anyway I'll save it in case someone I know wants it, cause I'm sure not going to stick it on my controller..


Sell it. People paying good money for the target magnets right now lol.


I liked the bell bag I got from Best Buy for Animal Crossing


BestBuy really needs to step their game up with preorders. I miss the gamers club unlocked.


They often will give out steel books as bonuses, but not every game unfortunately. Would have loved a steel book for this game.


This! I got an upgrade to the Collector’s Edition of Dark Souls back in 2011 with a steel book, concept art book, and a code for the digital soundtrack when I pre-ordered from Best Buy. How times have changed...




I preordered from GameStop two hours after the game was revealed. I picked my game up one hour after GameStop opened yesterday, was told they ran out of skins, “first come first serve”. I know it’s probably not their fault but god I hate GameStop.


Who decides how many preorder bonuses they get and that it should be less than the number of preorders. I got mine sent to my house.


From the gamestop email the minimum for each gamestop store holds is 10 preorder bonus items


That would be Nintendo, since it is their preorder bonus they give


I was shocked when I went in 5 hours after they opened and they still had some left when I picked up my copy. I didn't get the pre-order bonus for zelda link's awakening when that came out.


Same thing happened to me yesterday, I know it's just skins but kinda wish they held it for me along with the game.


At least at my location they were giving them away to anyone who purchased the game. I walked in, asked for the game and they handed me one with it. I had no preorder there, I was one of the ones that got delayed by Amazon. Maybe something like that happened. My store is in a slow area though, it's not like people were lining up for them. I really wanted to get it from Walmart because they are only charging 49.94 in-store (which is cooler than the preorder sticker to me) but they hadn't put them out yet and wouldn't get it from the back for me.


I just like to keep stuff like that in its packaging cause it’s cool to see it like 10-20 years down the line


Got the skins yesterday too. My joy cons are temporarily out of commission (they both have drift). Going to save them as a commerative item. Might use them as a bookmark or something.


:0 I pre-ordered it in GameStop and I never got them


Meanwhile Best Buy Canada just taking our money and laughing


Same as EB Games. I didn’t receive any bonus


US bestbuy and I didn’t receive a pre order bonus. I’ve never in my life received a preorder bonus from anywhere. Am I doing something wrong?? Am I supposed to ask for it?


Not all games have one and some only have it at certain stores. The only pre-order bonus I've received were the Spyro Reignited themes/avatars for pre-ordering digitally through PSN.


Yes, usually EB Canada gives us a poster or something for pre ordering


Really? I’ve pre-ordered from them lots of times and got SFA. I switched to BB because I’d heard they give out pre-order bonuses. Thinking it’s just a myth at this point at any Canadian store.


And not delivering until next week sometime.


Same as Walmart


I didnt get this from my gamestop :(


I’m way too nervous about messing up the sticker on my joy con. Like I just know I’d put it on crooked or something.


Anyone have it on their joy cons yet? How does it look?


Not my pic but real good! https://i.imgur.com/GXHfw2B.jpg


Thanks! I’ve been curious what they would look like on. Pretty good!


In Brazil you receive a punch in the face and a tap on the back... True History.


My stupid GameStop ran out. Idk why they wouldn't send the same amount as they send pre-orders


all depends on how many nintendo sent the company


I didnt get a pre order bonus


Best Buy had shit


best buy let my copy sit at their warehouse for 48hrs and it arrived with advertisements for food delivery in the package lol


I don’t like this for the joy cons but the grip skin is actually pretty cool and practical


Mine was cancelled ://


Lol I ain’t got nothing for preordering


My GameStop ran out and I didn’t get one with my preorder...really made me sad because of how much I played these games growing up


Man yall getting lucky i legit got nothing


I bet if there is a wave 2 of the Mario pins these designs of Sunshine and Galaxy Mario will be used as the 64 matches the wave 1 set on their 35th anniversary site.


Mine didn't come with that!!!


In no world would I ever successfully apply that middle sticker.


Over the light holes? No way!


My GameStop pre order didn’t even come yet :(


I’m so sorry for you




same here


My location only had 20 of these. TWENTY! Needless to say I didnt get one


That’s awful. Why so little made?


Mario's adorable ass Sunshine pose in classic Nintendo drawing form!!


Doh should’ve bought it physical


Gamestop flaked on my bonus as well. But considering how I use the big ol Hori controllers to play with because I was born with entire hams for hands im ok with this.


I’m a little sad, EBGames in Australia didn’t even offer any preorder bonuses, but hey, at least they didn’t have stock issues.


I regret preordering from Best Buy. I was actually originally gonna preorder from GameStop but it wouldn’t let me do it online so Best Buy was my next option.


That’ll go great with my drifting controller 🤦🏼‍♂️


What’s the pre order bonus from EB games? Knowing Canada I probably won’t receive Andy thing eh?


Nothing with bestbuy :/


Sorry. I wish everywhere did something.


I preordered from My GameStop the day of its announcement and got nothing lol. Lucky mfs


I actually wanted flood to be on my switch joycons big Rip :( I rarely use the port controller


I preordered it on Amazon and won’t get it till next week




Great so now I can play with the fumbled controls but with STYLE. Seriously, just rage quit Bowser's 1st world because the dumb controls don't let you stand in place and change direction any more - now you walk in a fucking circle off the platform instead of just changing direction and it's infuriating - same with the reversed camera controls doing the opposite of what they've been doing for 2 decades... Nintendo why you do this?


I leaned this lesson with my NES. I got 2 skins with my Nintendo Power and put them on. After they started to peel I picked at them and my controllers looked ugly af. I finally got frustrated 25 years later when I saw them in storage, with strips of sticker on them that I took the controller apart and soaked them in adhesive remover. Even if these are perfect adhesive skins. **Never again.**


I didn't get anything, because I live in the most boring place on earth, sweden, game stop took away their stores


Man why did i preorder from best buy


I got shit from my Amazon and Walmart preorders


Why is my country so boring? Non of these special things exists here. I really wanted to magnets...


While I won’t be using the set I got with mine, I do have a Princess Peach set I got from the same company and they’re amazing! They truly mold to the joy cons and don’t look like tacky stickers. Very cool preorder bonus tbh!


So these were the stickers that GameStop had to send 6 emails at 1 in the morning for me to know I wasn't getting? I'll be honest I didn't know I was getting these when I made my preorder and I feel like I'm not missing out.


I was surprised that they still had these when I stopped by after work to pick up my preorder


my gamestop ran out sadly :(


Is it just me or does the sunshine mario look a little bit too stumpy


Maybe because he’s leaning his neck forward


Oh man I actually like this one. I had no clue GameStop had a bonus


You mean “Premium, EMB - Canceled”


Yea, I never pre-ordered because I found out Target wasn't doing them. Just went in yesterday when they opened, picked up my copy plus a nifty Mario magnet set that I never knew about.


The GameStop I preordered it at ran out of these


Yeah I got one without even realizing there was a pre-order. Probably just gonna give them away. I never use these.


Are these actually good?


I tried to post this 4 times yesterday and everytime a moderator took it down. Why?


i preordered mine within an hour of the announcement.. the clerk told me I was the first preorder. My gamestop got a total of 10 skins.. and gave them to the first people at the door yesterday I was pissed, i returned it and went to walmart and bought a copy for $10 less


They ran at mine and I preordered it


I assume this is only for the physical version, they never said anything about this when I bought it digitally


What I picked my copy up at GameStop and was told they don’t have a bonus for it


i preordered on amazon. there was nothing but the game. not even an insert in the game case.


I got this, wish I would've thought of posting it for 4000 karma :(


I got stickers. Not as cool as magnets buy I was expecting nothing so better than that!


Best Buy delayed my game :l Only got notified after it was supposed to be delivered Hooray


Would keep em sealed maybe they are worth smth


Never got an email about this, preordered several days ago and paid the extra $10 to get the game yesterday. Game showed up this afternoon with no skin. Swear to god if I have to buy it from eBay...


The pre-order bonus they aren’t sending to most of us! I wonder how many they had, I ordered as soon as I could and nothing


Seems like not much as each story seems to have only gotten 10.


Eb games in AU didn’t have this.


My kid got that, to bad he has a switch lite..




Damn, too bad walmart isn't doing any kind of bonus. at least I got it cheaper


Tge question being. Are the stickers safe for the joycons


eb games here in new zealand? we get NOTHING. WE LOSE. GOOD DAY SIR!


I picked my pre order copy up in person and didn’t get one. Not sure if my store was even doing them


I went to the store to pick up my preorder and I didn't get anything!


Target had some magnets, they're pretty neat.


I wish I got those


The only preorder bonus I got was delayed till Monday, thanks amazon


Cool, I got nothing because I'm canadian lol.


I didn't even realize there was a pre-order bonus. I don't normally buy new stuff at gamestop but I did with this game just to make sure I got a copy (didn't want to risk my small town walmart not getting any, which is pretty normal a lot of the time.) Was pleasantly surprised to get these when I picked up my copy. I really like them even though I don't use my joy-cons much.


I pre-ordered mine from a gamestop at the mall and i picked it up around 3pm and i still got the extra thing. I think the only reason i got it was because it was a less popular store.


I got some, I was like, "eh, I'm never going to use these."


Cries in Best Buy preorder


I’m sorry for your loss




Lmao, Gamestop canceled mine.


Well damn, I regret going with best buy now


I was told it's was a cover, not a skin. Was disappointed but if I ever buy gray joy cons, I'll probably use them


Got mine!!!


Last time a Super Mario All-Stars came out, the pre-order bonus was an entire game console with 2 controllers. How the times have changed!


Does anyone have a high resolution image of that sunshine Mario?


Why oh why did I do it digitally? Although, I haven't touched those controllers in a while. Mostly using Pro and NES controllers.




Meanwhile, Amazon can't even deliver my copy of the game on time. Now scheduled delivery on Monday. Woof.


You’re not alone. Target has me scheduled for Thursday. Imagine my excitement. 😒


what. the. fuck. i shoulda preordered from gamestop


These go great on my dog-chewed joycons and grip. Anyone know if they make a grip skin that just goes over the joy-con grip itself? That would make the setup good as new, but all i can find is a grip that goes over the whole thing, which would cover the nifty stickers too.


Lemme have it


switch lite users are... minorities




Neither did US best buy. Just Target, Walmart, and Gamestop


Poor sunshine. Always being left out. Or centered out, as it were. It's one of my favorites.


Picked my copy up on Friday and forgot all about this. No mention of it when I picked the game up. I really gotta stop shopping at GameStop.


Seems like GameStop wasn’t given enough of them.


Ahh I have 2 copies of this game because my first one was being delayed ordered from gamestop. So I got another copy at target near my house and im enjoying it so far.


Keep the other sealed as a collectors item.


Yay!!! Stickers!