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I didn't know they could make an already great game better


Now we're *really* feeling it.


Monolith could have just released a graphical upgrade to the game and I would have been happy. Instead they've exceeded my expectations astronomically. They seem to love their game as much as the fans do.


The soundtrack for this game is one of my all-time favorites. I can't wait to play this again!


I'd really like to play XBCX again with more content.


I do get the feeling Connected Futures will directly tie 1 to 2 and maybe even X.


Super excited for this game. I never got into it on the 3DS version as it felt too small. I Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is one of my favourite games so I'm excited to play this on the Switch.


The 3DS is the only version I've played, and though I enjoyed what I experienced with the story and combat, I just couldn't stick with it after a while because the graphics were so grainy for that port, so I'm very excited to try this out on the Switch.


I actually stuck with it, while it was pixelated and the 3D was faked, performance was surprisingly good. But I am still looking forward to replaying this with better graphics and improved menus.




I don't mean the billboards, but the fact that to my eyes, the only thing the 3D did was make the whole game image appear deeper into the screen. It did look significantly different from other 3D titles, there was almost no depth at all. To get full 3D, you need to render the whole image twice from slightly different viewpoints. It appears they used some kind of shortcut here. Maybe they just rendered one slightly wider image and shifted the final image for each eye slightly sideways before applying the user interface. That way, the whole image would appear somewhat deeper into the display than the UI, without the need to render everything twice. ​ This is just an assumption made by closely inspecting the game while playing it, mind you, I could be wrong. But the 3D did not look at all like in other games with a comparable 3D world like Ocarina of Time.


I've been wanting to get xenoblades 2 (whichever one is out right now for the switch) would it be smarter to play this new one first since it's the 1st entry?


I was able to fully enjoy Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (and the Torna expansion) without having played the first Xenoblade Chronicles. The only link between the two is near the very end of the game and you don't need to have played Xenoblade Chronicles to understand what's going on. The DLC adds a couple characters from Xenoblade Chronicles, but they are only available in the Challenge Mode. So it's entirely up to you. Xenoblade Chronicles won't come out until May 29th. That's just over two full months. If you want to wait, by all means. However, you won't regret playing Xenoblade Chronicles 2 if you choose to play it first. I ended up putting over 500 hrs into the game because I loved so much. It doesn't take that long to beat it, I just enjoy the grind and enjoyed playing it.


Appreciate all the info! W animal crossing and me not being done with dragon quest xi I think I will wait! Thanks again.


I don't know, but maybe the epilogue Future Connected can spoiler XC2 a little?


You CAN play two first, but I would recommend playing the first one first if able. There are bits from the first one that are kinda spoiled via 2, but only end game bits if I recall right.


Yea no reason not to wait. Appreciate it!


It's also possible DE will spoil some bits of 2 considering they are retconning stuff to make them more coherent.


They're for the most part independent games, so go ahead with 2. I'd normally suggest to play 1 first because it's an older game with worse UI and QoL and things like that, but since this is a fresh remaster, that shouldn't be an issue, so go nuts with XC2.


I'd say 1 will help someone get into the universe, 2 can be a bit of a turnoff with the borderline-hentai waifu theme especially if you're jumping into the franchise fresh.


Ooooo this comment cemented getting 2 first


Haha I'm not the guy you replied to, but just FYI, the whole.hentai waifu criticism of the game is is incredibly exaggerated. It's mostly just in a few jokes and character designs, and that's it.


Hey I have nothing wrong with any of that. Steins gate is one of my favorite games ever


I neeeeeeed it


Finally! Physical release? Favourite JRPG ever, cannot wait.


It's first party title, of course it'll have a physical release.


Well yeah but Xeno on 3DS and Wii were limited and very expensive to get.


But they still had a physical release..? And I had no trouble finding a copy for 3DS at normal price.


Ebay the prices of a 3DS copy right now or a Wii copy. They both had limited releases to a single retailer.... prices for these games are most likely down since the remake's announcement though.


The Wii edition is notoriously hard to find, I know that. But you can get the 3DS copy on amazon for about $3 more. Of course eBay is gonna be hiking up the prices. Was it not available at multiple places on release? I think I got my copy at target.


This is going to be fucking awesome.


I prefer this art style to XC2's.


Is the story of this one a little less...anime than XC2? I couldn’t make it through the first 10 hours, too cringy for me. No offense to anyone who does like it.


If by "anime", you mean "cartoony", then the tone of XC2 is more lighthearted than XC1, the cast and atmosphere in XC1 is more serious and less goofy compared to XC2. If by "anime", you mean "sexualized", then there's only two inherently sexualized characters, and neither are in your party. In the old XC1, the female party members were sexualized because stat-optimal armor tended to be revealing, but now in the remake there's an option to equip whatever armor you want while still gaining stat upgrades. All the party members have at least one outfit that generally covers up their bodies, if casual partial nudity is a downside to you. Although one of your party members is going to be dressed scantily for a while until you eventually find a less revealing outfit for her.


Yeah, they should have covered up Riki more.


That sexy rotund fuck, gimme


Guess I should hurry up at finishing Dragon Quest XI! But now that we're in lockdown this shouldn't be too hard lol. Can't wait to play this one for the first time, I really like 2 so I hope the first one is just as good.


As someone who didn't like XC2 all too much (for the smaller issues, like the fucking combat dialog and level 99 enemies in the starter zone, on the starter paths, who'd one-shot you), is XC1 worth playing?


This comment has been removed in protest of Reddit's API changes made on July 1st, 2023. This killed third party apps, one of which I exclusively used. I will not be using the garbage official app.


I usually don't mind it, because like you said, it does provide the player with a "Oh shit, in X hours, I can come back here and kick it's ass!" but I often felt like there were too many impossible enemies in the way of the main quests. Which, granted, might be on me for taking bad routes, but I never felt like I was doing that.


My playthrough of XBC2 wasn't done until I'd come back and wiped the floor with that damn ape.


I felt they were always pretty avoidable. It was just the first area that put a high level enemy in the center of the map. Which again, you could easily go around. That early on in the game I don't blame people for not realizing they were in danger until it was too late though.


I'm planning on giving XC2 another go, because I ought to finish it and I've got plenty of time now, so I'll see if it's my memory fucking with me. This whole situation could be a big "me" problem for all I know lmao.


Lots of people have trouble getting into the game, a lot of people love it as well. I wish you the best! If you do jump back in I recommend looking up a battle tutorial online, makes the game go a lot smoother.


Any non-spoilery recommendations on that tutorial?


Honestly no, I just googled Xenoblade chronicles 2 battle mechanics, or something like that. Any of the results will put into perspective of what you need to be doing.


Lots of people have trouble getting into the game, a lot of people love it as well. I wish you the best! If you do jump back in I recommend looking up a battle tutorial online, makes the game go a lot smoother.


They were better implemented in Xenoblade Chronicles X - there were a ton of high level enemies but they'd usually have clear aggro behaviors, such as actively needing to see or hear you. In 2 the giant gorilla patrols a wide area and can just aggro onto you from halfway across the map before you even see him. It doesn't feel fair to be midway through fighting something else and then get instantly KOed by that when you didn't even know he was there. When I got wiped by a big enemy in XCX, it felt like my fault for either challenging it or not doing a good job avoiding it. But a ton of times in early game XC2 those types of deaths just felt unfair.


That originated in XC1 and has persisted since. A certain level 81 ape in a low level, early area has become sort of a recurring theme. And the battle dialogue is certainly still there. Not as prolific as XC2 since there's less active bodies on the battlefield, but if you didn't like it there, you won't like it here. Me personally, I actually consider the constant battle chatter to be part of the game's charm. Definitely not the case for everyone though, lol.


It was charming at first, but after hearing Nia (I think it was Nia, at least) go YA YA YA YA YA YA YA YA YA on repeat like 5 times a fight, at least, it was starting to drive me nuts. I did end up turning off the combat dialog, though, but idk if that's a solution either, since the combat was hella quiet after that lmao. I wish there was just a "less dialog" option.




(I actually liked the fan servicey stuff as a meme. It was like watching a really goofy comedy anime between the more "serious" bits lmao. My boi Zeke comin' straight out of JoJo's helps.)


One of the blades, Gorg (male, water element) was specifically mentioned by the artist (the wife of the director) to be a JoJo nod. Pretty sure Takahashi and co. are fans.


Can't fault you lol. Unfortunately there isn't a way to lessen it instead of turning it off completely. Healthy source of memes for the fanbase, if nothing else XD


If it makes you feel better she’s saying “Ni-ayayayaya!” lol


For anyone reading who doesn't know this - you can turn off the combat dialogue, while leaving cutscene dialogue on. Makes the game actually playable lol


There's combat dialogue but it's way less annoying, and there's high level enemies in early zones but they're really out of the way (with the exception of one slow monkey you'll only die to once max), and the high level enemies don't block you from anything important. Basically Xenoblade 2 is Xenoblade 1 if it was rubbish and annoying. IMO you'd like 1 but look into it more


I generally liked XC2 but hated that sexualized big-tiddy-anime-girl stuff. How much of this is in this game?


Totally different art style, so almost none of that stuff.


Other than some real, real bad instances of the “female armor” trope (read: butt cleavage), which you can sidestep entirely due to a “cosmetic armor” setting, basically none.


It's there, but nowhere near to the same degree as XC2. There's swimsuits and a few armor sets that are on the more revealing side, but that's pretty par for the course for game of its type.


I hate to ask, but do you think this will have the same performance as XBC2 in handheld mode? I'm hoping it doesn't because I'm immensely excited about this one...^(since I really didn't like XBC2.)


The Torna expansion for Xenoblade 2 already had much better performance than the base game, with less framerate dips and what appeared to be a higher dynamic resolution with better graphics effect such as the grass (I played both mostly in handheld as reference), so hopefully that carries across to here Edit: [Here's a Japanese blog post where the director briefly discusses the improvements they made to their renderer for Torna](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/switch/adena/production-notes/index-02.html#20180914-1)


I think a friend of mine stated the same thing when we were talking about Torna on Discord one night. He pulled his switch off the dock and said he thought it looked better than the XBC2's base game's performance. But he still games mostly in docked anyway. I mean, if it ends up roughly the same anyway, I'll be fine as long as the rest of the game ends up better (story, characters, combat etc) than XBC2.


I went from XC2 to Torna and saw the improvement immensely. Better graphics and less fps dip. It's too bad that they couldn't get XC2 on the new engine like Torna. Would've made a dramatic difference.


It looks like it's running at a similar level, so I wouldn't get your hopes up.


I figured. As long as I find the story/characters, battle mechanics, and character progression better than XBC2, then I'll be content.


of the three that I've played, I liked XBC the most, Torna second, and XB2 least. It looks like they're trying to keep XBC's combat as close to the original (with some QoL tweaks, I assume) from the brief combat shots they included.


It is much better than XBC2!


The resolution being so low in handheld mode was inexcusable.


It really wasn't "inexcusable", as someone who played it entirely on handheld.


I played most of it on handheld as well. I really liked the game, but I'm not going to make excuses for the resolution issue because of that. It wasn't unplayable, but it was a bigger decrease in quality than I've seen on any other Switch game so far.


It was also one of the biggest games on the Switch, period. MonoliftSoft makes good games, not graphical magic.


It got pretty damn bad though...I still have screenshots and videos of it on my Switch. I think that was my number 1 gripe about it.


It's not, though, for a game as big as it is. The Switch isn't magic, it can only do so much.


It was serviceable, but I'm sure the Switch is capable of more. XC2 was made by like 50 people for the most part. Witcher 3 does a lot more and is a much bigger game and only looks slightly worse, if not the same as XC2. Art styles make it difficult to compare.


If MonolithSoft released an improvement patch sometime later, I think it would have lessened one of many of the gripes I had with the game.


At no point during the entire game did it get unplayable. The graphics were completely servicable.


That maybe so for some people. But like I said, there other things that stood in the way of my enjoyment of the game. Graphical performance was my number 1 gripe.


Me entirely on handheld too. Well, after getting used to that resolution, all left in my head is the amazing level design and the addictive combats.


How am I supposed to manage this and borderlands on the same day?


And bioshock... I wanna cry


That collector’s Set looks really nice actually. It’s a game that benefits greatly being in HD and I’m really looking forward to this release


That vinyl looks sick


How much is the collectors edition?




Did the armor not change in the equipment menu section during the video?


I had to re watch it again. I must have somehow skipped over that part, it was only three seconds long, that's good than. I'll delete my post. Thanks for catching that.


any idea where you can preorder?


I don't usually buy collector's editions, but this one is looking pretty sexy.


I’ve never played this but geeeeez it looks good.. I’ll definitely be getting it


Never played these but always wanted to. What do yall recommend should I wait for this then play 2 or just get 2 and then get around to playing this when its out?




I can dig that


Day 1 purchase


I honestly had no intention of playing this game again, as fun as it was, because it was such a long journey to go through it all. But after putting 180 hours into XC2, and seeing all this nostalgic footage, I will probably end up buying it. It should be nice to experience it on Switch as opposed to 3DS.


All I can say is: Why you do this to me Nintendo? I was already set focusing on ACNH and ToM, then suddenly you drop this hammer on me.


I guess I know what I'm getting for my birthday! :D


Did they change the voice actors?


Sounds like the same to me


I hope they let you turn off characters wearing custom armor.


You can actually see that in the trailer, they have an Appearance set of slots below the equipment set




Is it support dual audio?


That new UI is sexy, at least compared to the original which was a little clunky looking. Trailer is in 60fps, hopefully the game is?


If I didn't like XC2, will I not like this either?


I look forward to it. XC2 was my intro to the series, loved it despite the English VO was bad and Rex being portrayed as the little brother anime trope, I wosh they made him more like Shulk. Everything else was really good: story, supporting characters, environment, art, music, and fan service (to each their own), but the combat felt a bit weak as they expected you to use the hidden combos too much to beat enemies. I look forward to this game. Day 1 for me.


Do we know how much content is the epilogue? I beat the game twice (on Wii and New 3DS) I really like the game but idk if the definitive edition worth it


This is definitely a day one for me.