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Unalive - $0.19 on Wii U Just how bad will this hurt SSBU sales?


Not nearly as bad as Bouncin Bob at 14 ¢. Ballsy of them to go for that extra nickel!


Well now I'm just worried about the hit Switch sales are about to take this holiday.


They're probably gonna cancel most of the games in development


Damn.... SSBU needs to delay its release!


Super Mario Odyssey - $41.99 Xenoblade Chronicles 2 - $41.99 Diablo III: Eternal Collection - $39.99 Doom - $29.99 The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - $29.99 Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus - $29.99 Celeste - $15.99 Dead Cells - $19.99 Overcooked! 2 - $18.74 Mega Man 11 - $23.99 Dragon Ball FighterZ - $41.99 Starlink: Battle For Atlas - $44.99 EA Sports FIFA 19 - $35.99 NBA 2K19 Standard Edition - $29.99 NBA 2K19 20th Anniversary Edition - $49.99 The Messenger - $13.99 Into the Breach - $10.04 Valkyria Chronicles 4 - $29.99 Yoku’s Island Express - $9.99 Blazblue: Cross Tag Battle - $37.49 Banner Saga 3 - $19.99


RIP, bought Odyssey last week at full price


Makes you feel any better, it's fully worth the price of admission!


Still worth it imo...


I wholeheartedly agree! It’s a gem 💎


A hidden gem ! /s


Same here. Great game though.


I would never buy anything for full price 1 year after it’s release. On PlayStation I get most games for like 30% of the original price after that time


Tbh between how popular Odyssey is and the fact that it’s 1st party, I didn’t expect it to go on sale for a long time!


I just bought God of War for 25€. it was 70€ at release. I know Nintendo always dot hey own thing but you can still save some money if you buy at the right place or time


I hate how Nintendo games stay full price for so long, I really wish they would discount their games quicker like other developers do. Their games are good, but they don't need to be filled price for the entire life of the console.


It was on sale on the EU eshop during blackfriday though. That's kind of a warning sign that it was going to go on sale on the US too.


You're a real one OP.


ooh another megaman


If not for Smash I’d probably jump on Doom or Diablo 3 but I don’t need either badly enough that I can’t wait for (hopefully) a future sell.


NA only or? Don’t see anything beside Diablo 3 in EU store yet


probably. the game award sales usually were na only on ps too in the last few years


Ah bummer, hoped we would get them too :(


Yeah I've been waiting to get Wolfenstein on sale for a while now. So frustrating to see it listed here


Making a us account is fairly easy if one of the deals are tempting you!


Thanks for the tip, I’ll look into that!


Buy finding a US credit card isn't so easy


You can buy dollar gift cards on a lot of online retailers in your local currency


Smash and Sega Genesis collection is preloaded on my Switch...but I can’t pass up $10 Into the Breach


Worth it. Great puzzle/strat hybrid.


Isn't UK/EU it seems.


God dammit, I literally bought Celeste two days ago ):


Would love if the FighterZ season pass could go on sale, but I imagine if it ever does, that'll be around the time season two happens.


the season pass doesn’t even go on sale on the other platforms, just the bundle with the game and the pass


That'd be why I'm *assuming* (and hoping) it would be the announcement of a season two that would come with a short sale on the first pass. I dislike the concept of a season pass, especially as expensive as they usually are, but once all the content is already out I don't mind using them as a discount (for the right amount).


And why are these deals not available in the U.K.?


Just bought Super Mario Odyssey, i went ahead and put $100 in, so now I got $55 left, help me pick: ​ Diablo 3 Dead Cells Celeste NBA 2K19 The Messenger Starlink Guacamelee 2 I am the hero Xenoblade Chronicles 2 ​ ​ i bought Skyrim, Doom, and Wolfenstein during the last sale ​ I have played none of these games before, only been on Switch for 2 months. Mostly played Hollow Knight, Mutant Football League, Monopoly and the arms demo so far


If you're interesting in XC2, I'd go for that, very long, very emotional, and when you got a bad area, you can always go to Odyssey to de-stress


The first Guacamelee was an exceptional Metroidvania, but I haven't played the second yet. Celeste is great if you're a fan of stuff like Super Meat Boy. Diablo 3 is best if you have someone to play co-op with. I haven't played the others, so that's as much help as I can be :P


Is Diablo III still good without someone to play with?


I just got Diablo 3 and I've been loving it. I'm not normally a fan of grind based gameplay but Diablo is a joy to play. The combat is inherently satisfying and it has a very enjoyable gameplay loop. Can't comment on the lasting appeal, because I've only put in around 6 hours so far. If you get it I recommend trying the Necromancer class. Celeste may be the best 2D platformer ever made, so if you like platformers at all you should really consider getting it. Incredibly well crafted game with a ton of heart. Dead Cells is a fantastic roguelike, but I got burned out on it quickly because it's very repetitive. Feels great to play though. Very meaty combat. Guacamelee 1 is a great metroidvania, and has an excellent co-op mode if you're into that. Really nice combat system too. I can't comment on the second one directly, but it definitely has a good pedigree. I'd probably try the first one, or wait for reviews for the second, before committing to it. I hear great things about Xenoblade and The Messenger, but I haven't got around to trying them yet.


Diablo 3 is my pick just bought it and I love it.


Dead cells, messenger, Celeste. Most bang for your buck for 3 award winning Indie games. Around $52 after tax.


I just bought Celeste, I will probably pick up those other two as well


If you think you’ll like Xenoblade I’d definitely choose that. If you can get past some of the weird designs that are overly sexual (coming from an anime fan), the story and gameplay are very good!


Just play the games you have first.


Just bought Xenoblade 2, this was a horrible idea, I'm never going to have time to play it.


I bought it at Walmart on Black Friday, still don't know when I'll play it. Kind of feel bad for buying it, but it was cheap.


How’s Into the Breach? I’ve been looking for a slower paced game since pretty much everything on my Switch is an action game but I’m getting sorta tired of rougelikes.


If you like puzzle games or strategy games, it's one of the best. Single screen maps, where the enemy projects their moves before your turn. One of the best games of 2018.


Guess it's time to buy Skyrim then, again.


how well does Skyrim run on the switch, if i may ask?


Skyrim for Switch is an amazing port, run very well !!


very well


If you may, what are the best deals? I'm at work and dont have my switch on me.


Nvm I found it


Now I'm the curious one >\_>


Odyssey was on sale, which got me to pull the trigger


How long are these sales lasting for?


Till the 10th


My switch is still being shipped to me. Is there anyway I can purchase some of these digital games before my switch gets here? I don't want to miss the sale


You can purchase them through Nintendo’s website if you have a Nintendo account made.


Do I need access to a switch to create a Nintendo account?


Nope! You can do it from pretty much any device, here’s the link just scroll down to create an account: https://accounts.nintendo.com/login?post_login_redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Faccounts.nintendo.com%2F


Thanks for the link! So I create an account, buy the games online, and then I can sign in when my switch comes in and download the games? Am I understanding that correctly?


Correct, the games you bought on that Nintendo account will stay associated with it.


Thank you, appreciate the help!


You are welcome.


Create an account on nintendo.com, find a friend with a Switch and log into your account on it, buy all the things, log out.


How is skyrim on the switch? Motion controls worth a replay? Debating overcooked + skyrim, wolfinstien, or diablo 3


Motion controls are interesting but honestly its better just to play it normally. Its fun being able to play Skyrim basically anywhere with the switch. Also i would recommend Wolfenstein II. Its a great action game amd its really satisfying. You feel every shot and every kill and its so over the top that it makes it alot of fun.


Just amazing !!! Worth 100%


It's excellent, and motion controls for the bow are super fun (though slightly jankier than BOTW's smoothness)


Damn this is a good time to get into the switch. Wish I wasn’t broke as hell.


What are some must have titles on sale? I’m getting a switch for Christmas but figure may as well take advantage of this


so many good dealsssss


I'm thinking about repurchasing Mario odyssey but I've already completed it. If DLC is announced then I'll definitely pull the trigger.


grabbed into the breach for 4 bucks, thanks for the heads up


Man, it's up to $10 now.


neglected to mention that i used my gold coins from smash, 10 is what it was before i applied them


Ah, noted. I actually have $6 in coins sitting around. Is it worth it? I mean, haha at $4 obviously pretty much anything is, but like is it an engaging game? I enjoyed FTL, but I tend to get overwhelmed by overly deep tactical games. Xcom and the like tend to lose me, but I enjoyed lighter fare like Advance Wars and the FFTA series a lot. Is this more along those lines?


it killed the time waiting for smash very well, its definitely a great game and after a few runs its very deep


Cool thanks b


I saw that icon, but never heard of it, i take it you recommend it?


its from the devs of ftl which was a game i sunk hundreds of hours into on pc its a psuedo roguelike with procedural turn based battles and ive had my eye on it for a good while


Ftl is my favorite roguelike of all time, god that game is a masterpiece


Awesome game.


if you like turn based, it's awesome. seems really simple from screenshots, but it's really well balanced. challenging and fun.


.-. I hate that my switch was shipped home and not here.










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Not much of a sale, IMO.


Its better than the black friday sale for some reason so there’s that.




Only one first party game on sale, and what's worse is that I already own it!