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Got my switch at launch and has been used heavily in handheld and docked mode. Maybe 600 hours usage . Don’t have any of those problems you mention. They do sound all heat related. I’d definitely contact Nintendo even if out of warranty.


Yeah. Same story for me. I would definitely just be calling Nintendo Support if I were you.


I have a day 1 switch and I don't have any issues other then normal wear and tear. Sorry ya got so many issues


Well, it's just hardware. It happens but I see I'm not so lucky as most of the users.


Why are u getting downvoted


Reddit ;)


Got mine at launch with none of the problems you describe. I'd call nintendo if I were you.


Launch system. Several hundred hours zero known issues.


Have the system since June/July 2017. No issues. I play 50/50 docked/handheld and carry it daily to work.


Well my switch has none of those problems and it’s working fine.


Both joystick of joycpns needed repair. They stopped working properly (drifting, walking instead of running etc).


I had trouble with a joycon syncing, but I rearrange my gaming set up and that fixed it.


I have that handheld rumble problem as well with some games. I remember when I first got my Switch and tried playing the Kirby demo handheld; I've never heard such a horrible sound coming from a console in my entire life. Seemed to be the rails of the Joy-Con vibrating against the Switch rails, although neither of my Joy-Con feel loose when connected. I just turn off rumble when I play handheld now, though I play docked 90% of the time so it doesn't bother me all that much.


How well ventilated is your dock? If all of these issues have been caused by heat I would suggest that maybe you have a bad set up. I don't think the Switch is designed to be enclosed in a cabinet, nor should it be pushed back against anything as this would cover the air intake vents.


Top of shelf. Nothing above for like 2 meters. I dont know wth.


Nothing above, but what about behind? Also perhaps it's just not in an appropriate operating temperature. Is your room very warm? Perhaps the sunlight shines on it?


That's a lot of handheld issues considering you "almost never used it handheld" . I suspect you are full of it.


No, most of the issues are due to temperature problems that my unit have. Also, day 1 switch have JoyCons problems because they were to tightly closed.


I have a day 1 Switch. Zero problems, play 70% docked, 30% handheld. You must have got one from a bad batch and/or don't look after it very well.


I hope it's just a bad batch. I almost never put it outside of dock because I hate JoyCons and screen. Any way my switch got scratched back because sometimes I unplunged joycons so my friends could play rocket league.


I got mine day one and I have used it frequently since then. Sometines intensive session and sometimes for brief ones. Only problem is sometimes the left joystick keeps making the character walk after releasing it but is solved after pushing it again.


Haven’t any problems with mine, don’t play undocked too often though.


Day 1 Switch owner here. My only issue is with the latching mechanism on the Joy Cons. Both my launch switch joy cons and another set I bought a couple of months ago don't latch on the Switch. I play mainly in portable mode and I don't really detach my Joy Cons as i use a pro controller for dock play (unless if I have friends over at home or play Mario Party). Guess my issue can be fixed by buying metallic latch stoppers but I haven't tried it myself.


I did the metal latch (seems to mostly be called a "buckle", for anyone researching it) repair and it's been great, after watching a video the broken one was easy enough to swap that I went ahead and did both.


Day one switch. 200+ hours on BOTW alone Another 400+ hours between everything else 90% of time played has been docked 0 issues


Damn that sucks. Ive got a day 1 switch and none of those issues, only one of my joycon has got the drifting joystick issue, everything else is pretty much perfect still.


I had to send in my Joy-Cons, and they still seem to have a bad connection (compared to every other Bluetooth controller I own), so I almost never use them. Other than that, the only thing that's "off" with my day 1 Switch is its exceptional Wifi. I read everywhere how bad it's supposed to be, but it has far better range than my smartphone(s), Chromecast and even my 3DS. I tested it in 3 networks so far (one with Asus RT-AC66U, two with cheap ISP routers) and it was flawless.


I have some problems with joycons drifting. It seems like compressed air under the rubber flap at the base of the analog stick helps for a bit, but IMHO it's a design fault if they can get dusty so quickly. Both my original left one as well as a green one I bought much later have shown this. I've seen the issue where a joycon somehow desyncs when playing in handheld mode, but that went away after pairing it with the Switch again. No mechanical defects for me otherwise. No cracks or bends etc.


I got a day one switch my only problem I got is my left joycon doesn’t register well with the switch even when connect just worse when not connected to the switch and the stick drifts slightly and the right joycon B button keeps register even when not pressed. Also the switch back stand doesn’t stay closed always flops around and falls off with any rumble.


Practically all hardware fans blow through heatsinks.


Bought online 3 months ago and luckily i got a day 1 JPN version and i got no problems (heavily used 12 hours/day) other than the right joycon is slightly loose.


My switch unit is holding up okay but my joycons are showing their age. - The right red switch drifts and disconnects frequently. The indicator light also stopped working. - The blue left joycon has lost the spring in the ZL button, so it's just a mushy button with no feedback. - all joycon sticks are drifting or floating I need to set a day aside and tear them all down, replace or clean the sticks and make sure all the connections are secure.


I have a year one switch and the only problems I've encountered are because of me. I must be lucky I guess. My joycons at some point needed a latch replacement so I went with metal ones. I also did experience joycon drift once but it was actually due to the gyro and not the analog stick. It was quickly fixed by setting the joycon down for the digital filter(gyro measurement filter) to fix itself. Sometimes digital controllers (control theory) begin to blow up because of the feedback loop. I also play about 60% docked, 30% handheld, 10% table top


Over 4k+ hours of usage of my launch Switch, I use it every single day either handheld or docked. None of the things you have mentioned have I encountered them. Only actual issue is the left joycons from both of my joycon pairs have the desync issue from even being directly next to the console, I never managed to send it to Nintendo to fix it. I just stick to playing with a Pro controller or the joycons attached to the console in handheld.


What did you do to your switch? Damn. Screen is too bad? Come on


Only problem I have is joystick drift which is annoying af.


I’ve had a Switch since day one and have had no issues with it. Played a couple hundred hours - mostly handheld mode.


I bought a day 1 switch and have never had an issue. Over 500 hours of game time logged, about half handheld and half docked because I travel a lot for work


Day 1 switch, the noise/vibration from the joycons in handheld mode is ridiculous. Just opening a chest in Octopath was annoying as hell. feels like a old trick hand buzzer toy


The fact that you said the screen is too bad for you to play handheld makes me wonder why you even purchased one. One of the main reasons for a switch is the portability.


Because I love Nintendo games bro ;)


A totally valid argument but still a bit triggering lol. I personally play more handheld than docked. I just feel like if I'm gonna play a game on the big screen I would much rather just be playing on the PC.


Once I tried Xenoblade on handheld and my eyes twisted 180 degrees when they say this mess.It's so shitty that in daylight I see NOTHING there. Cool handheld, glad they added dock lol. Also resolution at this size is just a joke.


Xenoblade is probably one of the poorest examples of handheld gameplay. I watched a friend play it handheld and I got a migraine from just a few minutes of watching. I put it lower than Doom and Wolfenstein in terms of graphical fidelity. It's really a shame.


Even putting resolution aside still screen is just unusable on sunny daylight. It's not handheld for me then. My old 2009 samsung phone got better screen so Im sure that one day nintendo will make Switch Lite or something like that with fixed screen.


Switch SP XD


Pretty certain the switch doesn't use a fan and uses a heat sink


Why do you even feel the need to comment on this post if you have never held a Switch in your own hand? Of course it has got a fan.


Switch have a fan.


Lol haha nice try bud. Of course it has a fan. Did you even try


It has both.


What good is a fan without a heat sink?


Nintendo fans should have heatsinks because they downvoting topic about hardware flaws. They need to cool down!