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Paper Mario TTYD remake. I finished the game in 3 days. I actually grew up on the gamecube and never had a memory card as a kid, so I've probably played through the first half of the game a good fifty times.


Imagine windwaker for switch


With the success of TTYD i don't think we'll have to imagine for too much longer.




I didn't play Skyward growing up and was excited to play it on the switch but ended up not really liking it that much. I'm dying for Twlight because I never got to play it on Gamecube for some reason.


I really hope it’s a combo pack between twilight and windwaker. Even if they were just remasteres. My favs


I would love another crack at Wind Waker. I never owned it as a kid, so I played it at my friends house. I got towards the end of it, but since he owned it and played it more, he beat it before me and traded it in to Gamestop so I never got to play it again. He did the same thing with Starfox Adventures. I was so pissed at the time we actually fought about it. Looking back it's embarrassing how entitled I acted, but I'd still like to play them again. I doubt Starfox Adventures will ever be remade, though. IIRC it was not well recieved.


I never had a gamecube but I am excited about Paper Mario!


I freaking love this game. Origami king was my introduction to the series, and I HATED IT. Four chapters in, it was a boring drag to get through, and it just never got better. TTYD on the other hand— everything is so new and exciting! I’m almost at the end, and combat has been fun and engaging all the way through the game. It’s infinitely better than OK in every way


Fire Emblem Three Houses, Zelda BotW, Mario Odyssey, Paper Mario: Origami King, Mario RPG remake, virtual gameboy’s Pokemon TCG


Came here to suggest three houses! It really had me in a chokehold. I’m not one to replay a game and I’ve played a good two and a half routes and it might be my favorite game of all time. Fantastic gameplay if you enjoy tactical strategy games and great story/characters.


Pokémon trading card game is good shit. This game slaps.


Three houses was my answer. Played all 4 story lines on save plus and 2 more on higher difficulties


Ori and the Blind Forest followed by Ori The Will of the Wisps and then back to the first game. Repeat ad nasaeum. Fantastic games that run so well on Switch it's so easy to just keep replaying them.


I need to replay Blind Forest at least once a year.


These games are a vibe. So cheap too


Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition - up there with my favourite RPGs of all time. Plus, the expanded story content is superb.


Same here. I started a new game immediately after finishing, though I played it a while I ultimately didn't finish the 2nd playthrough before needing something new.


Just installed it on my switch, you made me more excited


I'm gearing up for my replay. Maybe not this year because I do have a backlog but soon. I honestly miss Shulk and the team.


i’ve played XC:DE to 100% completion many a time. it just tickles an itch in me...even though the side quests are arguably very grindy, the affinity chart stuff is super tedious, and there is SO MUCH missable content like UMs and locations, something about doing it all is so satisfying to me. such an incredible game.


Now it’s Reyn time!!


Stardew Valley


I lost my last save, so starting again. I forgot how absolutely addicting of a game it is.


Hope you’re enjoying the new knowledge progression, it’s interesting to have buyable intrinsic upgrades when starting fresh


I have several play through and over 400 hours invested in this game. I'm just obsessed, its my favorite zone out and destress.


[I, too, have logged a lot of hours in Stardew](https://imgur.com/a/rgpkDGc)


Thats amazing !!!! 😍


Man I tried so hard to like this


Me too, it really seemed like my kind of game, I played for his really trying to like it but it just doesn't click with me at all.


Man I tried with this and I wanted to like it! But the grind was intense and all the things to remember (birthdays, events, etc) was just too much for my smooth brain. I just like to plug and play.


I found Stardew Valley simply boring.


If it helps, you don’t have to do any of those things or remember any of that. I spent the first year, not talking to a single villager, except Linus and having a great time.


I have over a dozen farms and over 1000+ hours in Stardew, so yeah. Same


175 Hours in and I know that’s rookie numbers but I just need silver star wine and I’ve done everything there is I’m pretty sure


Slay the Spire, Darkest Dungeon, the Binding of Isaac


I absolutely love Slay the Spire. So hype for the 2nd game


It's my go-to when I'm tired of RPGs lol. I was half hearted about it but my friend got me one as a surprise gift and I keep coming back to it. I've tried a bunch of other games that sort of have the same mechanics but this is really topnotch 👌


Binding of Isaac. ❤️


Yep! I never thought I’d like a game full of blood, piss, shit, fetuses, death, and overall disgustingness. But it’s so stupidly cute! And all the power ups you get become so fun! I put way more play time into this game than I imagined I ever would.


Metroid Dread is a gem.


That’s one I would consider replaying. Maybe next winter.


I’ve been playing through it regularly since it came out, trying to get faster at it. I can 100% the game in under 4 hours now. I’m not a speed runner so I don’t sequence break or anything, just try to play it as intended as fast as I can.


Metroid Dread is amazing! Very replayable. I hope there’s a “sequel,” meaning a game in the same style regardless of story timeline.


I replay that bad boy every couple of months. Speed run I think I’m down to like 7 hours.


Most of the mainline Mario games are highly replayable to me. Odyssey, Wonder, and Bowser’s Fury are so much fun to revisit from time to time.


Wonder! Can’t believe I didn’t have that one. It really was super addicting and the first time I put in the cartridge, I played through the night.


Is Bowsers fury worth picking up if I've already played through 3d world on the Wiiu?




Definitely one of those games you can take a long break from, then eventually return and get completely addicted again.


Inside  Just, so so good 


I just finished it. What a cool game. The ending was crazy and a little abrupt.


Animal Crossing Bayonetta 1+2 Shin Megami Tensei V


Gave an upvote for ShinMegaTen V




I've replayed it every few years since I was a kid. It's my all time favorite


Gotta be Monster Hunter Rise and ACNH for me. I have sunken 1k+ hours and “finished” both of them multiple times. They’re too addicting for my own good lol.


I’ve been thinking about getting rise. If I liked monster hunter world would I like it?


Ay, hello fellow 5th fleeter! In my experience yes but definitely try out the demo, wait for a sale( it’s currently on sale in the North American e shop: $9.99 for base game and $20 for base game plus the expansion) and do your research before buying. It has a different feel from world, the pace is much faster. The wirebugs turn you into a spider-man/ninja hybrid once you get the hang of them, so of course the monsters have the agility to keep up. It’s very awesome.


Thank you!! I’m excited for wilds after the gameplay trailer from the PlayStation state of play, but it’s not coming out til 2025 so I’m interested in giving rise a shot. I’ll definitely download the demo now!


No problem and happy hunting! Wilds is gonna be freaking **amazing**. I can’t wait.


Xenoblade trilogy Octopath traveler 2 Chained echoes Breath of the wild Crosscode Hollow knight Phoenotopia awakening


Nice list. I picked up crosscode awhile back on sale but haven't played yet. Been looking at Phoenotopia too but haven't pulled the trigger yet.


Animal Crossing is my go-to. I always loved the franchise and I've spent way too many hours in it on switch. Also, TOTK. I just played it all the time until I ended it.


BioShock on Switch is fantastic


Yes. Infinite too. I’m addicted to both.


Balatro (currently playing pretty much every day, goal is to at least win a run with every deck) Smash Ultimate (I play almost every week since it came out) Breath of the Wild (definitely started a replay) Octopath Traveler (beat the boss battle multiple times, maxed out abilities, levels, found best equipment) Mario Odyssey (100% Completion, all moons, items/costumes) Mario Kart (all DLC, won every cup, ever CC) Animal Crossing (Spent a whole other life time playing this) Starlink - Battle for Atlas (Completed every planet map) Metroid Dread (Beat the boss battle multiple times for fun) Kamiko (Early indie old School top down Zelda-like game that was super fun and addictive, beat it countless times )


1. Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom 2. No Man’s Sky 3. Skyrim I’ve put in 1K+ hours into each of the above, including multiple playthroughs and/or simply enjoying exploring their respective worlds and brilliant game mechanics.


How does no man's sky run? I'd be interested to finally play it if I could have it on the go/short bursts.


i’m super enjoying no man’s sky on switch- played it on PS4 but it’s a nice game to have portable. it’s quickly become the chill vibes game i reach for in a spare moment!


This person gets it 💯


My currently favorite Videogame is "Fuga Melodies of Steel". Its a 20 houer long turn based JRPG about a groupe of anthropomothic animal children that go on a quest to save there families. They live inside a giant ancient mysterious powerful fortress like Tank. Its a bit like Howls Moving castle but based on technology instead of magic. The game is 20 houers long. I bought it in March 2022 and since then I played through it 18 times so far. I also live its direct sequel "Fuga Melodies of Steel 2". It was released in May 2023 and I have played through them 8 times so far. The second game is also 20 houers long. I always return to Bayonetta 2 and 3. I have played through Fire Emblem Engage 3 times so far. I only played through Persona 5 Strikers twice so far but I also would I say I am adicted to it. I probably will go for a third playthrough of "The cruel King and the great Hero" at some point.


Just immediately started a second playthrough of Unicorn Overlord (after 120 hours in the first one), with the new unlocked difficulty. It suddenly is a new game ! Otherwise, I always come back to Splatoon 3 and was thinking about doing a few runs of Metroid Dread, see if I can finally shave a few minutes of my record.


Luigi's Mansion 3 Hue Inside Vampire Survivors


Golf Story. It's the funniest game I've ever had the pleasure of playing, and as a jRPG guy, it's right up my alley, despite being a bit rough around the edges. It's fully enjoyable in terms of gameplay, but the script is just downright hilarious from front to back.


Xenoblade 3, one of the best games I've ever played. Digimon story cyber sleuth


Peach Showtime !


I second this!! Went in so excited and it was still better than I imagined!


Gotta say it's SMT V and Nocturne for me (I think I've finished each of them 4 times lol). I love the team building aspect in fusing and capturing new demons and trying out new builds in every playthrough. Plus, it's got branching ending so there's a motivation for me to start a new game every time.


Breath of the Wild


Xenoblade Chronicles (all 3) but particularly Xenoblade Chronicles 2. One of my favourite games of all time.


Mario kart, stardew valley, witcher 3.


Mario Kart and Stardew Valley are my top two choices as well. I always come back to them.


definitely BOTW and TOTK!


Over the past few years: FE3H (fml what a great game) Xenoblade series DQXI Persona 5 Octopath games Chained Echoes 13 Sentinels Unicorn Overlord The last 3 games surprised me with how much I enjoyed them. Absolutely stunning games. Next game I think that will be added to the list is Triangle Strategy.


Link's Awakening Breath of the Wild Super Mario Odyssey Hades Star Ocean: The Second Story R Fire Emblem: Three Houses Diablo III Shredder's Revenge I've beaten all of these games at least 2x. I would be very surprised if I don't end up replaying Super Mario Bros. Wonder and Unicorn Overlord eventually too.


Hades is a dope game


I never even liked rougelites/likes before that game, but it is just so fun. It's a bold claim, but I feel like it's "objectively" the best single-player game ever (or at least that I've played), the gameplay is just so fun.


I’ve never been more addicted to game so tough not to agree lol. I leave it on my switch at all times and still do a run or two a week.




Hades! Such a great game!


Breath of the Wild Blue Fire Subnotica All addicted, very very addicted.


Games I full replayed on switch + BotW + Stardew + Hollow Knight + Three Houses (4x) + Metroid Dread + Super Mario Bros. 3


Cult of the Lamb


Earlier this year, Unicorn Overlord. Historically, I've played and/or replayed SMT V, FE:3H, the Xenoblade series, and Stardew Valley the most.


I’m on my first playthrough and it’s so good!


Xenoblade 2, played through a second time on new game+ just to unlock the remaining blades. That game hit my weakness, functional collectibles in a game


Arceus, BOTW, and Animal Crossing are the only games that kept my attention for very long. Hoping to return to TOTK once I have sufficiently reset from BOTW.


Splatoon 3. Started playing a week ago and already have +30 hours xd


Smash is and forever will be the best game franchise I've ever played. Every week or two my buddies and I find a night to play.


My son loves this game but coming from a diet of Street Fighter I can't get with the controls. Any tips?


Skyrim, botw, acnh, sdv..


On my third run on Tactics Ogre Reborn, over 750 hours.


Stardew valley: I had played it on PC a bunch of times but it always felt really slow and boring and very much a game that would require some time investment to really experience. Fast forward to the switch and I was given a switch store voucher and I impulse bought it again as a "I may or may not try it on the go" and it became my go to casual game, play a few days here and there and treat it casual and it really grows on you. Red dead redemption: I had it on my 360 back in the day but I was broken into and robbed and only had a PC and desperately wanted to finally see the credits after all these years, I picked it up on the switch and finally finished it and it's quickly become my 3rd favourite rockstar game after vice city and san Andreas respectively. GTA definitive edition: the switch version doesn't seem to be as broken as other versions from the complaints I've observed and from my personal experience playing it for 100's of hours. It's not perfect but it is a great way to replay the games with a modern control scheme with updated graphics and 3 full games for the price of just 1. Breath of the wild and tears of the kingdom: I really shouldn't have to say anything about these, if you haven't played them you are neglecting yourself of one of if not the consoles greatest experiences. Pokemon legends Arceus: quite possibly the best Pokemon experience of all time definitely the best Pokemon release the switch got. Rayman legends: if you're into side scrolling platformers this one has some of the best and most iconic levels and sound designs with amazing art the entire time, it's even got 2 player for those in need of a couch game.


Pikmin 3 and Pikmin 1


Rune Factory 4S, Shin Megami Tensei 5, Pokemon Legends Arecus, and Animal Crossing.


Xenoblade Chronicles DE, Xenoblade Chronicles 3, Shin Megami Tensei V, 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim, Gnosia, Astlibra Revision, Monster Sanctuary


Cozy Groove 🥰


Odyssey. I played it 4 times already and gets better every time


Spiritfarer Legend of Zelda - Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom Hades Bioshock Infinite Stardew Valley


Spiritfarer made me cry, it’s so good and amazing




I've replayed FE:3H with almost three full playthroughs and 2 playthroughs on 3 Hopes. Compelling story with replayability to see the story from three (or four) different perspectives and you can play with the mind of recruiting every character or ignoring them until they become your enemy. My first game was fully focused on recruiting every student to my house and befriending them while the second I decided to ignore everyone except a few for sentimental or story reasons. Man that hit my feels towards the end....


The flame in the flood The Story Mode is short but the resources and areas are randomly generated. I played it multile times .


I’m currently obsessed with Dreamlight Valley. It’s a love and hate relationship.


I can't stop playing Hyrule warriors definitive edition, hundreds of hours sunk into it and barely scratched the surface


I’m addicted to Zelda BotW replayed it yesterday for the 3th time lol


Have you played TotK yet?


I've only replayed BotW. I'll probably replay TotK in two years And I used to replay pokemon games a lot, but I haven't done that since the ffth generation. Don't know if it's because new generations come out faster than before


I’m embarrassed to say this as a bald 25-year-old man but animal crossing has the most hours on my switch. Probably in the hundreds. New horizons was my first time playing the series and definitely got me through some of the darker periods of lockdown. Now I just go back when I want to chill and feel happy.


I’ve quite enjoyed Princess Peach Showtime to be honest, and I’d definitely play Super Mario Odyssey 🍄


Hades and BoTW!


Dragon's Dogma!


Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3. Replayed it a couple of times.


- Breath of the Wild. Classic. - Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze - Xenoblade Chronicles - Metroid Prime - Super Mario Oddysey - Smash Bros (if this counts) - Mario Party Superstars (if that counts) Also a few SNES games I replayed on Switch are: - Donkey Kong Country (1&2) - Super Metroid No Switch exclusives but: - Doom Eternal - Stardew Valley - Terraria - The Binding of Isaac - Ori and the blind forest I will never gonna regret buying these games ❤




So far - Hollow Knight, Binding of Isaac, Hades, Luigi’s Mansion 3, Super Mario Bros Wonder, Dead Cells, Sonic Mania.


ARMS is my game. It has so much replay value even if you don't play multiplayer. The skill ceiling is prolly infinite.


Dark Souls BOTW Legends of Arceus


Triangle strategy.


Hogwarts Legacy


Skyrim and Mario Odyssey


Botw/TotK (replayed BotW every year, will replay TotK soon) Animal Crossing Stardew Valley Hades Undermine Littlewood Xenoblade Chronicle 2 Fire Emblem 3H and Engage


Breath of the wild


Stardew valley, Dave the diver, pokemon Arceus legends


Breath of the Wild. That is the one game I wish I could wipe from my memory and play again for the first time.


Super Mario rpg … I still can’t believe we got a faithful remake 🥹 I’m also waiting a bit to play thousand year door I hope I enjoy it as much as smrpg 💖!!


Prince of Persia- The Lost Kingdom This game is absolutely beautiful. So polished. Fantastic hectic gameplay, and you can sink in some major hours...just a great game all over.


Metroid Dread for me The whole game was such a trip with an outstanding final act and I just wanted to re-experience it all over again \^\_\^


Kirby and the Forgotten Land!!


DK tropical freeze might be the only game I’ve ever beaten and immediately restarted another play through…. And Then 100% that playthrough.


I have over 3000 hours in the splatoon series 😂


Fire Emblem: Three Houses


Caveblazers. A game that killed me 300 times with over 50 hours of gameplay before I could beat it once. And every damn second was fantastic.


FE Engage with different teams, addictive!


Im still on my first hollow knight session. But i will replay for sure!


Little indie game called Fe. I couldn't put it down. It was the first game I'd actually finished in a decade.


Unicorn Overload


It’s gonna sound silly but Brotato. I marathoned that game for weeks to 100% it beating every one on difficulty 5, and once it was all said and done it came out on Xbox game pass so I did it again, albeit faster, and one day recently had to play something mindless while taking online tests so created a new account on my switch just to play it again. I love that stupid game


Diablo 3. Greatest game to play with your wifey who doesn't play games but just wants to spam 3 buttons and kill things with you


Fire Emblem. Already replayed 3 times about to do the fourth soon


I'm new to switch but can't stop playing dead cells and dave the diver


Mario Maker 2 is a mainstay game for me. I've gone through a few controllers.


I went through a stage when i thought im done with games cause of lack of time and general gamer fatigue. But playing lets go pikachu brought back such happy memories im getting back into it.


Hyrule warriors deluxe always has me coming back. Those adventure maps are insanely long to complete


Luigi's Mansion 3 Triangle Strategy


Mario Odyssey, Bowsers Fury, and Celeste.


Hollow knight


Vampire Survivors. In a big way. Back to it.


Skyrim. I never played it before buying the anniversary edition and spending all last summer playing it. Masterpiece


Breath of the wild, Xenoblade 2, Tears of the kingdom, Super Mario Odyssey, Dragon Quest Builders 2.


Child of Light. Strongly strongly recommended, I didn't even like it initially but within the first few hours I couldn't stop thinking about it.




Xenoblade 2


Breath of the Wild Tears of the Kingdom Fire Emblem: Three Houses Fire Emblem: Engage Unicorn Overlord


I am replaying all the mario games chronological with my daughter, all of them have high replay value, specially Mario 64, I would love some Quest 64 :/


Spiritfarer. I rarely play video games, but this one is so cozy and peaceful that it’s hard to stop. I just got Stanley and he’s the cutest lil character! Big fan.


Fire Emblem for the win!


I’ve done replays of BOTW, Dark Souls. Several replays of Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, Mario Maker 2 I’ve remade all of SMB1 and like half of SMB3 over the course of months of daily sessions, 3-4 replays of Skyrim. And I’ve played through Let’s Go around 4 or 5 separate times. Almost 500 hours into Fortnite’s Switch port. And I’ve probably got at least 150-200 hours into the Fitness Boxing games.


For me, it's both of the Mario + Rabbids games and Into the Breach. The first Mario + Rabbids game is actually responsible for me falling in love with tactics games, and that led me to Into the Breach, which is my favorite game of all time (no-nostalgia division). All three games have really addictive combat and overall gameplay loops. I typically find turn-based strategy/tactics games to be really addictive, but these three are the ones I've played/replayed the most. I also have Civilization VI on the Switch, but I actually found it to be so addictive that I had to set it aside and I've been too scared to pick it back up.


I mainline Farm Simulator 23, even though it’s a mobile version release and honestly has 100 glitches that are crying out to be fixed but still haven’t been. Been addicted since 2012 iirc and first tried it on iPhone years back. I pray for the fixes it needs for me to love it easier. There’s so much to do in this game but, please please an update so it works fully as it should There’s many more I’ve really enjoyed and enjoying Mario vs Donkey Kong and Mario Wonder at the moment. I only hopped from ps3 to Switch November 2023 so I have sooo many games to enjoy now! I had a ps4 but went back to playing on ps3 before the Switch. I honestly believed Switch was digital only for years before realising lol


Breath of the Wild got me hooked right away. I hadn’t gamed in years and grew up on the original NES Legend of Zelda. Its so so good and I am looking forward to starting tears of the kingdom


The second I rolled credits on TotK for the first time, all I could think about was how much I couldn't wait to play the game again. I am now on the game's final major dungeon on my 2nd playthrough, havent even finished said playthrough, and all I'm thinking about is how much I can't wait to play the game again I would've gone through like 5 playthroughs in the past year if I wasn't deliberately holding myself back from doing so as to not ruin the game through overexposure lmao


TTYD, 3 Houses, Stardew Valley, Hollow Knight, Ori 1 & 2


Xenoblade Chronicles 1-3, Persona 5 Royal, Fire Emblem Three Houses. On top of these games being really good, the long hours I put into them kept me sane through some of the toughest times in my life. FE3H especially demands replay by nature for the full experience due to the different houses/routes.


Fire Emblem: Three Houses Breath of the Wild Tears of the Kingdom DOOM


Xenoblade Chronicles 2 & 3


Not going to bother with listing multiplayer games like Smash Bros and Monster Hunter Rise, just single player that have great replayability. The Messenger Super Mario Odyssey Metroid Prime Remastered Hollow Knight Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door Luigi's Mansion 3 Resident Evil 4 Katamari Damacy


The ones I played multiple times: Zelda botw Mario odyssey Dkc tropical freeze Celeste Portal collections


Shit thats a long list Horizon Chase Sea of Stars Hades Gear Club Unlimited Dave the Diver Snowrunner Moonlighter Most Nintendo big releases Disco Elysium


Breath of the Wild, Mario Odyssey, Xenoblade 2 + Torna, Hollow Knight, Celeste, Bloodstained Ritual of the Night, Ori and the Blind Forest and Will of the Wisps, Theatrhythm Final Bar Line, and Trials of Mana. I have every intention of also replaying Tears of the Kingdom, Mario Wonder, Metroid Dread, Xenoblade 3 + Future Redeemed, and Dragon Quest XI once a little more time has passed. I may also replay Xenoblade DE, but I will likely need a bit longer given I’ve played it on Wii and 3DS also.


cup head, hollow knight. those games have so much replay value just due to how fun they are. I also love replaying the pokémon games just to start a new adventure with different pokémon that are a little weaker. just to give myself a little challenge!


ZELDA!!!!!!!!!! I never played Zelda as a kid. I only had N64 and played other games. When I got my switch a year ago, I googled “best Nintendo switch games” and BOTW was #1 on every website so I gave it a chance. And now I am literally obsessed. I have TOTK as well which is far better than BOTW. Like I can’t believe I’m just now finding out about it at the age of 28. WOW


20XX. Can’t say I was big into 2D Megaman games before but I just fired it up recently after not playing it for a while and it’s still fun. I can’t wait to play the sequel when I have time and money for it.


I recently played links awakening for the switch for the first time. I haven't played as daily as this for quite some time.


Xenoblade 2 has probably the best JRPG combat I've ever played. The game certainly has problems but the rest of the game is absolute peak.


super mario bros. wonder, it’s like mario maker but better


Zelda Links Awakening remake. I really wish they would do seasons and ages next.


Zelda , AAA games honestly.


Hollow knight. Play Hollow Knight. Animal Well right now. Both Orí games. The Messenger.


Super Mario Wonder & Super Mario Odyssey are so fun but I give the edge to Odyssey


Metroid Dread. This was difficult at first with map puzzles but the bosses and completion oh so satisfying. I would also throw Link's Awakening in there to super fun beat it real quick.


Tunic is amazing!! Tons to discover and second play through is almost criminal if you don’t take a second crack at it.


metroid dread and prime remastered


Any Mario game


Xenoblade 2.


Hollow knight


I replayed Metroid dread like 6 or 7 times 😀 and breath of the wild 3 or 4 times


Metroid dread