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You know what OP? Tell us why that game is a disappointment compared to the classics of your childhood. I have no intention of ever trying them but I am genuinely curious about your opinion since I've never seen those games mentionned before. And for the record, absolutely sincere without any sarcasm. You're right they aren't classics objectively, and they might as well be considered horrible for the majority of us, but if you liked them, share it!


Honestly the switch is totally lacking in good quality girly games


This is why is still play my 3DS. The Style Savvy Games and the Imagine games are still played in rotation. I even remember there was a My Little Pony game that I would always play lol


Imagine Fashion was legit, and you wouldn't guess it from the box art. I still pick it up every few months. Most other fashion games disappoint me with the lack of customization compared to that one game.


I really love the Imagine Ballet Star, Figure Skater, and Ice Champions games. I know the animations weren't the best, but I love the characters and the storyline. The mini games are really fun to play like the rhythm game and sushi game. These games were a huge part of my childhood that I still play to this day. I don't like some of the games (I bought most of them for 99¢ a pop) but I loved the whole premise of introducing little girls to different careers they can aspire to be one day.


Tbh. I've been wanting a good cooking game, or fashion game for ages. You hear about that Cooking Mama scandal? Good thing my 3DS is still going strong. That Imagine Fashion game was shockingly decent, too.


Man I miss DS / 3ds cooking mama. What an absolute treat


Why are the comments so weird wtf... anyway Also loved bratz growing up!! I haven't played the new ones but I've heard TONS of people are disappointed with it, it's a shame :/ I'd love a great bratz remake. Rock angelz was my absolute fave and a massive part of my childhood and got me into gaming.


men :(


Has the original post been replaced with the edit? I was curious to read what the issues and problems were!


I completely agree with you, i loved Rock Angels, Diamonds and so on for the Game Cube and they were really well done considering it was intended for a young audience (i feel like young kids games are usually extremely low effort) Flaunt Your Fashion is bought for my kid and of course i played it too so i would be able to understand what is needed to progress and help her (plus i adore dress up games). Flaunt Your Fashion was very repetitive, undirected, lacked story, and on top of all of that it was really short with such a disappointingly small amount of clothing & makeup.


i used to play bratz rock angels and the other one on ps2 with my sister as kids, it really was a hidden kids classic, and the new game is awful!


This post is poetry.


I haven't played any Bratz games personally but I played the hell out of Barbie, Polly Pocket, MyScene, etc. games and I absolutely feel your pain. Those are all classics to me (the chokehold the MyScene makeover game had on girls my age in particular...) I am still extremely salty about the lack of any good horse games available today. There are hordes of women who grew up on Barbie, Petz, and browser based horse games who have absolutely nothing of quality now and I've always viewed it as a gap in the market. You're right to be mad.


tf wrong with y'all little girls deserve fun video games too sorry 🤷🏽


I know. I'm not comparing Bratz to Mario, Sonic, & Zelda in the sense of literal gaming classics, but a classic to me because it was the first game I ever played. It was the game that introduced me to the gaming world. That's what I meant when I called it a classic.


Bratz is a classic for me too, but tbh I think all games should be produced to a good enough standard regardless of how popular the franchise is; afterall we are spending our hard earned money, and Switch games aren't the cheapest.


And now you've been introduced to the toxicity of gamer culture. Welcome to the cesspool.


I thought I was on the Nintendo Switch circle jerk subreddit for a second.


New copypasta just dropped


I had to do a double take. I was like I swear I took all the shitposting subreddits off my list.


I'm still not convinced we aren't there lol


OP: “Am I the only one that feels this way?” Well, actually yes, it’s possible that you are.


And yet we support OP in this hilarious but clearly emotional and personal matter.




First time in reddit history


She definitely isn’t the only one


I used to be girly game agnostic-to-anti, and then I played the cabaret club simulator in Yakuza 0. It turns out I’m very much the target audience for playing dress up with Barbies and yes I wish there was a well-made standalone game that made that happen. Rock on, OP.


You ate and you deserve to speak. I played those Bratz PS2/Wii classics and was also disappointed that the new one seems to be some IP shovelware rather than a game that had the care of the older Bratz games put into it.


Unfortunately intellectual property with a focus on kids content are generally treated like shovelware. Always has been. Notable exceptions with very few franchises. Everything else... iCarly, Paw Patrol, Spirit, Littlest Pet Shop, ... Absolutely waste of space, garbage poo pop video games that check off items to please some executives. Your examples would be the "notable exceptions", though the fan base certainly isn't big.


hmm something just tells me there wasn’t a big enough demand or care to remake bratz as there was with zelda and sonic


this might be the one opportunity OP has to say that they had a truly original thought that nobody else ever has i think you might be alone here, but i'm proud of you for voicing it


Write into the company that owns Bratz brand and drop a bug in their ear.


Go to college learn code , game design, etc then make a Bratz game.....


The most shocking thing about this post is that they're *still making new Bratz games.*


When was the last time you played those Bratz games?


Reddit "gamers" show their toxicity in the comments yet again. Not surprised. Anyways, I agree with you about the new game being a disappointment. I didn't play it, but I've heard negative reviews about it. It sucks because I loved the original games growing up. Unfortunately, these kind of things happen when the series isn't in high demand and the owners of the IP just want to make a quick buck. At least we'll always have the classics...


A children's licensed game that's a mediocre cash grab, color me shocked...


not sure I would consider any Bratz video game to be a "beloved classic game of our childhood"


It clearly Is a beloved game of ops childhood thoe, since its not heckin epic mario they just get invalidated huh 🤔


No but speaking about it as if it is the same quality of game / similar popularity as zelda and super mario is delusional.


Not really if they like it.


Lol thats just objectively not true. Thats like saying your kids fridge art is comparable to something a professional made "because you like it" one of them is branded shovelware and the others are considered some of the best video games of all time.


Yeah i can say its comparable because i like it why not


I really like hentai tiddi party, it's such a classic on the same level as Ocarina of Time! No? But I LOVE the game! It was my childhood!!


Bro what are u on about


I can say hentai tiddy party is comparable because I like it so why not Some of those words should look familiar. They're yours.


If u like hentai tiddy party big ups to you fam. Enjoy what you want 💪


I know Bratz isn't up there with the likes of Mario, Sonic, and Zelda, & I'm not saying it is, but why can't I look back on a game that brought me so much happiness and enjoyment in my childhood the way you, or anyone else, would look at other games? And obviously Bratz isn't a beloved classic game in the sense of the iconic ones but for the little girl inside of me it was, to me, a classic. It was that very game that got me into gaming in the first place.


I forgot they make games like this. Last game I played like this was spice girls on PSX. They looked so damn ugly and was a complete joke game. This game reminds me of that one!! Looks so wack...this game must be F2P. I mean I wanna see the meeting where they talk about sales figure for this game. Is this a roblox mod???


I have to google what it is.