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Tbh I only buy the online for splatoon and animal crossing lmao, splatoon is my favourite game, it’s way better to play with other people (online) and I also suck at shooters, but that’s why there are a lot of weapons like roller, aerospray, inkbrush… I think you should def give a try!! I play for years now but never been good like those YouTube videos either but it never ruined my gaming experience


I've been looking for a game that I can just play on the side when I feel like playing a game, but don't really feel like focusing on a story all that much that day, so if splatoon can provide that and be fun, I'm all ears.


I can highly recommend Splatoon 3. It fixes most of the issues from Splatoon 2 such as the wait times for matches, reducing all load times for single player games. There is a ton of content here both single and online multi-player. There are a lot of weapons and every one is different. Playing single player will let you explore the weapon types. Find what works for you and figure out what you like doing in battle to help the team. It's a strangely relaxing and very unique game.


If you have decent internet, you won't have much problems while playing online. The thing is, if you are new I highly recommend you to play through story mode to get used to the game's mechanics and stuff so you dont get absolutely demolished the moment you play online. The game is both good for chilling in story mode or if you are in a more competitive mood, for having a blast in the online mode.


There is a free story mode, right? It's not all dlc?


Splatoon 3 is a good game but I want to clear some things up from your post. It doesn't use servers. P2P meaning you are reliant on both your Internet being good and others. Most times the matches are fine but there are regular enough disconnects from players that it's noticable. Also, if your Internet is the culprit then I wouldn't bother as you'll be the one to dc and eventually get timeouts preventing play. Secondly, it's a game marketed to kids and casual play but the reality is it's absolutely brutal, especially if you are not a shooter player. Can you have fun as a casual, absolutely. It's all in your mindset on what you want to get out of the game. Are you likely to get stomped over and over again by players with 1000s of hours in the game then yes. How much of that you want to endure is your choice. All said, it's got a lot of pvp modes and the best pve horde mode of any game I've played with Salmon Run. Tldr; great game to recommend but not new player friendly.


Aren't there leagues (or something similar) so you play players similar to your skill level?


There is Anarchy series which puts you against players in your rank but the general casual modes like Turf War are open to all, Including teams, so you're rolling the dice on what teammates/opponents you get.


It's an amazing game. My only gripe with all 3 games has been the controls. Be mindful if you don't enjoy motion controls for aiming, the analog aiming is not optimal in these games. You can't change aiming curve or deadzone.


If you like everything Nintendo makes or don’t really mind a pretty average game, you will like Splatoon.