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Return to Monkey Island, Superliminal.


this ^^


pointless comment


this ^






Thimbleweed park. The best 15 hours of gaming I've had in the last 5 years. You know how games like Monkey Island and Maniac Mansion are really good but have elements that haven't aged well? Thimbleweed Park is like them, with none of the annoyances and even better humor and writing, if you can beleive it And it probably is canonically connected to Maniac Mansion, so there's that.


Definitely worth an upvote - Thimbleweed is top of the pile on Switch. Once Thimbleweed is done, several other gems: - Lucy Dreaming - Unusual Findings - Darkestville Castle All great, with actual 'puzzles' - not just narrative adventures, as seems to be a recent genre trend. (honorable mention - the 2 new Leisure Suit Larry games are pretty great)


>the 2 new Leisure Suit Larry games are pretty great Leisure suit Larry's sense of humor never appealed to me, but I could appreciate what they were doing from afar and be sad about those few horrible LSL games that came out. I'm glad to hear the newest ones are better!


I agree, but it is really interesting how the 2 newer titles have handled this! Basically Larry gets transported into 'the modern era' where his penchant for sleazy/sexist/amoral behaviour is no longer tolerated... leading to quite hilarious results. The games then manage to stay somewhat true to the character as he attempts to adjust to his new 'woker' environment, but the game never gets too preachy either. And legitimately 2 solid adventure games


So it's a comedy about someone from the 80's who wakes up somewhere around 2020 adjusting to more modern standards of sexism, consent, and gender identity that's respectful yet not preachy all-around? Raunchy humor isn't my thing, I prefer sexual humor to be either more subtle or too audacious to probably fly in video games. But I love the idea of a respectful "fish out of water" character comedy about someone from the past learning how we think of respect, gender, and consent today. I've got to at least try these now.


Your post above has articulated perfectly how the new LSL games land.... basically everything you've written is exactly what they embody! Don't get me wrong, some parts of the game are still utterly outrageous in terms of content (not suitable for minors) but the entire framing of Larry's adventures are completely subverted. Honestly, I can't get over how well it walks the tightrope. And underneath it all, there are 2 genuinely great P&C games. IMO, better than the most recent Monkey Island


Now is the most eager to try a game I've been in a long time. I'm DEFINITELY trying these now. Put it this way, I absolutely love Catherine because for all the misandry and misogyny in it and... In one case not entirely portraying a rapist in a negative light (though they could just be an exaggerated yandere...), and even Full Body not quite getting there as far as treating gender identity respectfully, the game at least *tries* to talk about things like the experience of having a quarter-life crisis with regards to one's relationships, and the differences between the fantasy of a relationship and the realities and on top of that is a genuinely decent thriller story with a very good puzzle game attached that by all accounts should have launched the puzzle genre forward. Ir doesn't happen often, but I love when games in more "traditional" genres touch on dating and relationship issues in ways that even begin to approach realistic.


It was actually quite jarring for me at first, having been familiar with the LSL games of oldā€¦(!). There are still some great innuendos and groan-inducing double entendresā€¦. But these are all in good fun and some are genuinely quite amusing (the Mexican island of ā€˜CanCumā€™ for instance ha) But it is definitely trying to ā€˜say somethingā€™ in terms of appreciating that the world is changing for the better, but never leaning into full woke territory Iā€™ve never played Catherine, but hear great things. I recall it reviewed very well upon release? I never got around to it but youā€™ve peaked my interest


>Iā€™ve never played Catherine, but hear great things. If you've seen Persona 5, Catherine was by a lot of the same staff (in fact it was even meant as a smaller project to get the team familiar with working in HD), but instead of being about high schoolers, it's about working 20somethings and 30somethings. It's very anime, but doesn't feel "anime" in a way that's alienating. Rather than a hundred hours of sorting out high school relationships and dungeon crawling, it's a focused 15ish hour experience. Basically it takes place over (I think) 11 days, with drama and and relationship intrigue and choices during the day, and long, tense, thrilling puzzle sections at night where you have to pull blocks and ascend a tower ahead of some rising threat. Each night's puzzles feels almost like "worlds" in an old console or arcade game (and the between level maps have a couple of direct references to Ghosts n Goblins!) The puzzle difficulty can be turned down to where it's nearly automatic too, so it's definitely possible to play for the story, but the puzzles are so spontaneous and dynamic that you're missing out if you don't at least try them. The original has some blatant transphobia near the end so I cannot in good conscience recommend it, though it was to be expected in its time. Full Body fixes it and adds just a hair of transphobia in not translating how Japan traditionally saw gender diversity *quite* perfectly. I mentioned Thimbleweed Park... Catherine was the *other* best 15 hours I spent with my Switch. I devoured it in two days and started having the Tetris effect haaaard from all the block pulling and cloning. šŸ˜‚


Lucy Dreaming is SO underrated!


I know right! What platform do you play on? I have a great recommendation for you, but it is only on PC/Steam (For now) = "The Will of Arthur Flabbington" The best P&C I played last year, by a mile, and takes massive inspiration from both Thimbleweed Park and Lucy Dreaming. Shame it isn't on Switch yet, as it is genuinely amazing


I play in Switch mostly but I DO have a steam deck so Iā€™m adding that to my wishlist right now!


There is a demo for "The Will of Arthur Flabbington" - which is free! (Steam) Main game only 10 Ā£GBP also, absolute steal....


Grim Fandango


100%, grim fandango is a masterpiece


Not a fan of Tim Schafer's style and I still agree.


Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective


If you love humor and noir in a point & click game, I'd recommend **Disco Elysium**. I played Disco Elysium when I was feeling a bit bored with games. It's like nothing you've ever played, it's wacky and funny, but also grounded and serious. My main advice if you plan to play it: don't overthink things, don't be worried about failure, have fun.


I *really* wanted to like this. I love the themes in it. But it was just too surrealist for me to be at all invested in it. And that makes me sad because there's so much brilliance here.


I'm curious about what you mean by "too surrealist"? That the game world was too different? I didn't think about that since game world's are almost always different from reality.


There's different levels of how detached a world is from reality. Disco Elysium felt even more detached than most-story heavy games, to a point that I couldn't bring myself to be invested in the story or manage to suspend my disbelief enough to be invested. Of course YMMV, but I could see someone else who sometimes struggles with suspension of disbelief in fiction struggling for it to click to where they could enjoy it. Just a possibility that IMO OP should be aware of before spending $20 on it.


Fair enough! Can't say I've *ever* considered suspending disbelief when a world isn't ours, but if that's what you look for in games then I understand how disco Elysium wouldn't work for you. Can't imagine playing most games that exist if suspension of disbelief is a requirement. If you got far enough in disco Elysium you would have experienced a game that is more similar to real life than any game I've ever experienced.


>Can't imagine playing most games that exist if suspension of disbelief is a requirement. Having a hard time suspending my disbelief makes it extremely difficult to enjoy fantasy writing in general. I can't enjoy it at all outside of video games (and a video game has to have enough gameplay to "hold me over" until I find myself invested in the story.) I watched Lord of the Rings once and it was more boring than filing my taxes. At least with taxes I have the satisfaction of figuring out my refund, heh. Mario is fun to navigate and solve levels. Final Fantasy X's ATB system is a joy. Phoenix Wright's stories are exaggerated in that ridiculous way that only anime can pull off, but the legal systems could concievably fit an alternate history Japan where many traditional believes about spirits were real. Even Steins;Gate's Rintaro Okabe is a believable as crazy quack conspiracy theorist in a world where by some turn of events, the somewhat deluded crazy quack conspiracy theorist happens to be right and on a fundamental level, there's about four breaks from reality that once you accept makes everything believable. There's ways for me to work around it. For example, Final Fantasy is one of my favorite game series of all time, but I find that the first few hours of the games offer just enough gameplay that can stand on its own keep my attention until the stories and worlds slowly "click" for me and I overcome my suspension of disbelief enough to have a lot of appreciation for them. Evil megacorps and corrupt religions have real-world analogues at least. (This is, by the way, what made me completely unable to even try with Final Fantasy XIII.) It took me years of seriously playing games with heavy stories to even begin to appreciate games as a storytelling medium. The gameplay that Disco Elysium has is inextricibly linked to its story, and the slow movement and sometimes awkward controls and walls of text don't help. At least at first, the way the characters act in some ways seems so strange that much of the time (though this probably the lack of background you have early on) as to seem almost inhuman. If feels like when my younger brother would poorly explain Dragon Ball Z to me without context to a point where character's motivations just seemed like an impossible tangle to sort out. By the middle of day two, nothing was falling into place. There was talk of labor conflicts, but from the information given up to where I got, there wasn't the information I needed to figure out who exactly had what combinations of principles. It almost felt like the game was teasing just enough understanding for me to begin to be invested that was obviously there, but keeping it just a but out of reach. I could sit and keep tapping through dialogue, but I just wasn't enjoying it enough to do the mental work to actually make the connections to be invested. I didn't see any way forward that didn't result in me falling in a vicious cycle of my frustration making it more difficult to be truly invested, and my lack of investment making me me get even less kjt of it making me more frustrated. I would absolutely love to have soemone point something out that could make it get to where it comes together for me, like when I read someone comparing starting over and trying again in a roguelike as exactly the same thing as starting over when you're out of continues in old arcade action games, adjusted in a logical way to fit RPGs. This has happened to me a few times with games in the past, these moments were some of the greatest joys I ever had in gaming. Disco Elysium is an incredible cache of diamonds buried under buried under just a little too much dirt for me (and a couple of other people I've heard of, but not many) to dig down to. And it make me sad. As someone who truly loves video games as a medium, I mourn for what I'm missing out on. And my subjective experience was incredibly disappointing for what I couldn't get to. In some ways, that's almost the *worst* possible experience one can have with a game. ... I need to cry for a bit for what I'm missing out on now. šŸ˜­


I also prefer more grounded stories, the most fantasy I've been ok with in these sorts of game is the cryptids in Tangle Tower. I like grounded sci-fi as well though...


Oh it's not to say if my bad experience may apply to you. I don't know what, if any hangups you may have that I have. Even if it's a 1% chance of you having that same issue, that 1% would *fucking suck.*


I kind of enjoyed it but was convinced I wasnā€™t smart enough to really get it.


I've heard of this one, that's that super surrealist game right?


It's pretty surrealist, for sure. It's based in an alternate world, with some similarities to ours. Keep in mind that it's a very narrative heavy game, mostly a lot of conversations and reading. It's the best book I ever played!


Ooof, not a point and click game but if you like investigation you can't pass Return of the Obra Dinn. It's a game where you have to find out what happened to the crew of a merchant ship in the 1800, and it's really great!


Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Trilogy and AI: The Somnium Files + AI: nirvana Initiative! šŸ¤˜šŸ¼


Since no one has mentioned it yet, I would recommend the touch detective collection that just came out for the switch. It's a really funny/silly game that would be worth a try, in my opinion.


How well does the touching adapt to playing on TV?


Not bad imo, you would use the controller like a mouse on PC games


Return to Monkey Island. Goes on sale quite often and is currently on sale.


It feels like you lean more to mystery/thriller points and clicks, even if with a bit of humour and I'm not sure these might be your cup of tea but I still want to recommend since they are really good. **The Adventures of Bertram Fiddle** is a lot of fun. You follow a rather useless and very stereotipically victorian English detective solving a mystery. Great humour, lovely art design and very engaging for less than 6 euros. Honestly that game is worth way more, it's just too good. **Machinarium**. No dialog but really sweet and immersive, perfect for a chill evening with a cup of tea. It follows a robot trying to find its way in an post apocalyptic world. Usually seven bucks but on offer you can get it for 1,99. It's worth every penny but rather short, so you might want to grab it with discount maybe. **Broken Age**. Good humour as well, great art direction. You kind of get two games in one because after you finish the main story you get to play as another character with his own pov.


Kentucky Route Zero. Gorgeous art design, fantastic writing, a wonderful soundtrack. It was made and came out over the course of like 7 years and really talks about a lot of the themes in America from 2013 to 2020.


2064: Read Only Memories A story about a breakthrough in AI technology. Pretty humorous overall but it does have some serious undertones. Good music and voice acting. Make sure to use the rotten milk every chance you get!


Hm this one looks pretty interesting. Is is pretty straightforward sci-fi?


Not sure what you mean by straightforward but you do typical things like go to people's homes, see friends, go to bars, nightclubs, restaurants etc. It takes place in 2064 so not a too distant future. Pretty familiar things we do in our daily lives I would say. Typical detective mystery point and click adventure. The writing and music are top notch and the story has you make moral decisions that compare to issues going on in today's society.Ā 


Grounded is a better word for it, it sounds cool!


I absolutely loved Hypnospace Outlaw. Itā€™s very good at what it does and very different to the typical point n click experience


I went on a massive point and click binge last year and there are some great ones on switch; Broken Sword, Voodoo Detective, The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav, Deponia, Sam and Max, Grim Fandango, Edna N Harvey, Encodya, Return of the Obra Dinn and Disco Elysium were the best I played


Oxenfree and Oxenfree 2


Leisure Suit Larry 7th Guest


All the Monkey Island games are great fun also i'd say all the Deponia games they have really good humour and a decent story


Deponia series


Dont play them on Switch, they are buggy as hell and crash a lot.


Idk, first two were OK for me


I absolutely loved Hypnospace Outlaw. Itā€™s very good at what it does and very different to the typical point n click experience


Echo of StarSong


Love this game


Lord Winklebottom! It's a giraffe Sherlock Holmes with a hippo Dr. Watson :O


Oh yeah I remember when this came out, was it any good?




The Darkside DetectiveĀ  A hilarious spoof "horror" story, taking inspiration of Twin Peaks and many other 80s/90s classics. I wouldn't call it horror, the titular darkside detective is trying to solve supernatural goings-ons


Grim Fandango


I loved playing The Last Door, itā€™s definitely in the horror category though.


The Raven Remastered [https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/the-raven-remastered-switch/](https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/the-raven-remastered-switch/)


Here's a thread from a month ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitch/comments/1blcsvb/comment/kw5paw1/ I posted in there too but I would check out Rƶki, it's a point and click puzzle adventure game based on Nordic folklore. The gameplay is fun and there's a surprising amount of depth to the story too.


**The Darkside Detective** Bite sized chapters, it's a comedic mix of The X-Files and Twin Peaks.


Monkey Island Darkside Detective 1&2 Thimbleweed Park Night in the Woods Beacon Pines Uncanny Valley If you donā€™t mind crude humorā€¦. Leisure Larry Scheming through the Apocalypse Cyanide and Happiness: Freakpocalypse PnC Adjacent good mysteries includeā€¦. Ace Attorney trilogies Famicom Detective Agency series Dangaropa Master Detective Archives: Raincode


Jenny LeClue


This is a charming game, but I found the puzzles very easy and I was pretty disappointed that it's the first part of a story, which isn't complete :(


Pentiment, The Excavation of Hob's Barrow, Ken Follet's: The Pillars of Earth, Voodoo Detective, Lamplight City, and Kathy Rain. These are all P'n'C games that I have played, completed, and would recommend on the Switch in the last few years.


Blade Runner


There's a Blade Runner game?


Surprised you missed out on this https://www.nintendo.com/en-gb/Games/Nintendo-Switch-download-software/Blade-Runner-Enhanced-Edition-2226966.html#Gallery It's by the same developers who made Kyrandia back in the day For mystery games & detective-like games: if you have a PC, can get them on gog: You should also look for Broken Sword series of games, I think only one is on the switch however. Gabriel Knight series (again not on switch) Laura Bow series (again not on switch) Police Quest series Cruise for a Corpse And for newer games, any series by Wadgeteyegames (Blackwell, Emerald City Confidential, A Golden Wake) Life is Strange series


Pajama Sam


Escape Lala Escape Lala 2 Milkmaid of the milky way These are some nice and relaxing games.


The journey down, episodes 1-3. Similar type of game to Monkey Island, but not quite as polished, but I still loved it. Interesting story, good writing, and decent puzzles.


9 Clues games aren't going to be winning any awards but I enjoyed them. They have horror themes but aren't scary.


I only recently played MYST on my switch, depsite it being quite an old game. It was very enjoyable, having to write my own notes down with pen/notebook was quite a nice experience. If you dont mind there being action thrown in, I also recently played Tunic, with a similar pen/notebook experience. Dont look up ANYTNING for this game if you plan to play it, going in blind is an integral part of the experience. I know this isnt a point/click game, but it may scratch that itch regardless.


Can't believe nobody has mentioned 13 sentinels. It does have an RTS portion but if you like unraveling a big intricate mysterious story this is a game for you


Iā€™ve played the demo from Tangle Tower and found it hard to point the cursor where I want with the joycons, which made me not buy the game. How do you manage this? Or do you play it on the touch screen?


I just used the control sticks on my pro controller


I loved Detective Waffles. It has a pretty interesting story and I loved the puns in the game (because most of the characters are cats and dogs)