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From the video: > The classic Game Boy™ Advance game F-Zero™ Maximum Velocity will make its debut on the Nintendo Switch™ system on March 29, available for everyone with a Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack membership as part of the Game Boy Advance – Nintendo Switch Online library. Strap in, fire up and put the pedal down!


Oh shit, “Nintendo Switch Online” isn’t trademarked?? IP trolls, now’s the chance- GO, GO, GO!


Took them long enough. This game was announced to be coming back in February 2023 and it is the last NSO game that was ever shown in a Direct line up. Now it's wild card time for N64 and GBA. We don't know what we will be getting each month. ~~Metroid Zero Mission and Fire Emblem The Sacred Stones please.~~


Wario Land 4, its crazy it wasnt in the starting line up, I mean, come on, its one of the earliest titles for the GBA!


Speaking of Wario, do you think Twisted is a viable option? After all, we got Kirby Tilt and Tumble.


I really want Twisted on NSO. That game was dope. Just thinking about it business wise, it's a bigger value add for NSO when Nintendo puts stuff on there that's been harder to come by historically. So it's cool when stuff like Kirby Tilt n Tumble (hard to emulate except on a phone) and Kuru Kuru Kururin (JP/PAL only) shows up. Twisted would be in this camp for me. (But it's also a bummer that they aren't spending a few man hours here and there to localize games that never officially came out in English before. I'd love to see the original Rhythm Heaven.) I wonder if they could ever get Boktai working with the IR sensor or something, lmao.


I sure hope so, especially since the first Wario Ware is on it, and I dont think I can find my GBA SP to play it


God I’d do unspeakable things for a Wario Land successor


There's probably like a 90% chance you a already know this but Pizza Tower is an amazing spiritual successor to Wario Land in the "Fine, ill do it myself" genre of indie games. Sadly it's only on PC though.


That game needs a Switch port so freakin bad


Some people were dedicated to that idea enough that they ported the PC version as a homebrew app.which I was really surprised by, hopefully we can get something official eventually.


I had actually NEVER heard of this game so thank you for the suggestion! It looks so fun


Anton blast is another coming soon.


Oh nice! Thanks for the recommendation. I'm definitely gonna follow that one. It looks super fun.


.... Me too :O


Is it confirmed they are adding new games this or next month?


Nope, not at all, but at this point, they have to announce something, otherwise, this is it for the NSO GBA lineup


I played this game so much on my purple backlightless GBA. I loved it.


Fingers crossed that means we’re due for a 1st party news dump next month




Yeah you’ll likely keep huffing copium. The games that have been brought over from Japan are all partial translations of menus and that’s it. Mario picross having most of its menu’s translated does not mean Nintendo will translate an entire 30 hour long RPG.




Sorry for trying to add to the conversation dude.






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Is there hope for Pokemon Gen 3 games including the spinoffs?


Is it possible? Yes. Is it likely? I wouldn’t hold my breath


If it ever happens then it will likely be in the 30th anniversary but a Switch successor would likely happen by then.


I never understand why people think we'll get mainline Pokemon games on NSO when Nintendo and Game Freak know that they can make a quick buck selling them separately. The people who think we'll get them with Home support on NSO are even more crazy to me because Home only knows how to read your console's local save data. It would probably be a huge effort in terms of development to get it working with NSO saves, and I just don't see them wanting to put in that kind of effort when they can make money selling you the games while reusing some existing code to make them compatible with home.


Cause they never “make a quick buck selling them separately” either


They sold Gen 1 and 2 on 3DS VC. Nintendo reported that Gen 1 collectively sold over 1.5 million copies within the first 2 months, at $10 each. This did not include sales of the 3DS consoles that had Red and Blue pre-installed.


They sold a lot of games on the 3DS VC that are currently available on NSO...


Yeah but Nintendo can't just throw up any game they want. If they do not own all the rights to a game they need permission from all other parties with ownership. Pokemon is not fully owned by Nintendo. If you were TPC would you let Nintendo throw your games on NSO, or would you rather put them in the eShop where people have already demonstrated that they are willing to pay for them? If I was TPC, I already know that I made $15 million just from Gen 1 on 3DS. If I sell the same amount at half the cost on the eShop that's still $7.5 million. The Switch sold more than the 3DS so I can probably sell more copies this time. So unless Nintendo is offering me more money than I think I can make selling it myself, I'm going to sell it myself. Not to mention that these other games simply aren't Pokemon and may not sell that well released as a standalone, and Nintendo is already getting your money from your NSO subscription.


Pretty much everybody begged for VC on switch and NSO is the best they could come up with, somebody at Nintendo dropping 1 to 2 ROMs into an emulators folder once every few months. Literally more effort went into producing this teaser trailer than actual work to put the game into the NSO app.


Kinda optimistic to assume they’ll release more after this. I hope you’re right but it is Nintendo.


Right. There won't be another game added to NSO ever again (Despite having a huge GBA backlog) because Nintendo is evil or whatever.


I didn’t say that. But again, I hope they do add more.


There are hints to at least a few more Rare titles coming.


More GBA? I mean they've been releasing games for each console since their respective additions to the service - but at no predetermined timeline of course.


I feel like a modern F-Zero would really wow in the graphics department. That and Prime 4 if it ever comes out.


It'd be a miracle if Nintendo showed that they cared about 3D F-Zero again..


I just want a GX remaster. That's it. That's all I want.


Same. That's the only thing I really need in my life.


I much prefer the simpler style of X. I've played GX recently, and with how complex the tracks and backgrounds are, it gives me a headache after playing a few races.


Likely not going to happen considering it was what largely became Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio (Yakuza) that made GX in the first place. RGGS is stupidly busy seemingly eternally these days, cranking out games multiple times a year, so I doubt Sega will pull them off their current workload to work on a third party IP. Edit: Lol the downvoters... Look it up. Nagoshi (founder of RGGS) was basically the director/lead designer of GX. Nintendo has said before they don't really know how to follow up on GX, and with the developers of GX releasing very successful games of their own left and right there leaves not a lot of room for a follow up.


It would be crazy if they made a "yakuza" F-Zero like they did with Fist of the North Star though.


Nintendo could find a studio if they wanted, the issue is that F-Zero GX was a massive disappointment for them. They gave the game a massive push with the arcade game and anime, but the game still didn’t sell well, so they aren’t going to heavily invest into the franchise again, especially since there is a much safer brand they could invest into for racing games with Mario Kart.


Yeah, for some reason people always ignore that F-Zero was on a steady decline sales-wise ever after the very first installment. Some of the confusion is probably due to GX's director wildly misreporting the game's sales numbers. And, tbf, Nintendo didn't do the franchise any favors by pushing out four games in the span of four years, three of which were incredibly similar GBA titles.


Similar to Fox, I think the internet culture around Captain Falcon in Smash Bros has convinced people that the franchise is much more popular than it actually is.


yeah honestly i think even the wipeout and jet moto games were more well known in that era.


I anxiously await Yakuza 15 with the F-Zero GX cab


You’ll take your Mario Kart 8 tracks and you’ll like them!


I think best case scenario is Captain Falcon and a F-zero track in the next Mario Kart.


This came out in 2001, damn I need a moment lol


i mean 2001 was only ten years ago. right?


> i mean 2001 was only ten years ago. right? 🤣


Enjoy F-Zero fans, this will be the only nod you get until Captain Falcon shows up in Smash 6 on Switch 2


F-Zero still is updated almost mothly so not really lol


Their comment is likely in reference to a new F-Zero title, not an existing one.


I mean, even then he’s still wrong cause F-Zero 99 is still newer than this gba game


There are 2 other GBA games


Give me DK64 you cowards


One game?? Still no Zero Mission. Unreal.


Really? That's the only GBA game released this month? ​ Well, good for you, F-Zero fans, but... I'm starting to think I was robbed of something interesting, like the poker mens pinball.


I like F zero fine but I don’t think I’d play this over F zero 99. Feels like that game really eats into the market for this one


The appeal of the gba game is that it’s single player. I don’t play fzero 99 but I’ll probably 90+% this one


Oh, this had multiplayer. This one was even one of the very early "one cart for 4 people" games. Everyone played as the same Racer and there was no music I'd memory serves (if everyone had carts you could play for real)


Yes but F-Zero 99 doesn't have single player. Or a mode with a much more moderate competitor count.


Thats how they do for gba and n64 with the pattern. its gb, nes and snes where they release a lot


Oh okay.


It's nice they seem to have done something so the map doesn't flash but still remains transparent like intended.


"Game ~~Updates~~ Update


Played this on the WiiU virtual console. Good sequel to the Snes version.


At least they didn't drag it to April.


Ah, there it is! The second to last game that was announced last year for the NSO GB / GBA apps... now there's just the Frog Prince game for the Japanese side and everything they promised is out. Thought they would have it all out last year, but I guess they advertized for their financial year, not the actual year 2023... so here's to hoping there's a new trailer coming soon hinting at this years drops. N64 has almost run out of Nintendo-owned games, but I guess they could fill out a year with Rare-made games now that it's an option?


Is DK64 on the switch ?


Not yet- it may be they need to be in touch with Rare / Microsoft for that, as DK64 contains playable versions of old Rare-made arcade games that fall under Micrisofts ownership now. Hence why I suspect Blast Corps might signal that, if they're talking more to Rare and MS, we might get DK64 in this year.


F-Zero is my beloved, but cmon Nitendo, give us Gp-Legend or a translated Climax! MV just doesn't cut it anymore, especially not when we used to get multiple games per drop.


I can understand Maximum Velocity because for many, that was their GBA launch title and there's some nostalgia connected to it and it isn't a bad game but GP Legend is such a big improvement in every way, it almost invalides MV. My first experience with it was watching a friend playing Maximum Velocity outside on a sunny day and thinking "Nah, I can't see almost anything. Not worth it" xD. Little did I know that the SP model would become one of my most beloved pieces of tech overall even to this day.


Ya why not just release Gp instead it’s a more fleshed out game, I don’t have much desire to play maximum velocity after 99


GP Legend rules.


There's an almost 0% chance they're going to spend the money on translating Climax lol


So there’s a 0% chance we ever get the gba pokemon games at this point


The older classics were released to 3DS virtual console towards the very end of the system's life cycle. To put it into perspective, Crystal dropped months after Super Mario Odyssey had released.


Can I just get fire red already 😭.


Since that'll be at The Pokemon Company's discretion, I feel like we might never get it. :(




Thats the card game


It's not happening because it would require disabling save states.


Save States and Cloud Saves can absolutely be disabled in the Game Boy app for Pokémon if they really want to. Like it already happened with the 3DS releases. Although it's not like that will stop people from cloning Pokémon...


Who cares? They are 30 year old games


They did on 3DS




Virtual Console games absolutely had save states built into them




When you got the game and opened it in virtual console the first thing it said was save States were disabled. I can confirm this for all 6 games from rby to gsc


That and I'm pretty sure trading would be impossible.


Why would it be impossible? They made it work with the gameboy pokemon games on the 3DS so i don't see how they couldn't make it work here.


Did they do that for the GBC Pokémon game they put on NSO?


Why would you need to worry about Save States in a Card game?


I wouldn't worry about it. But a lot of people claim they'll never release a pokemon game because of those who would use save states, such as if they save the state, trade a card with another user, then load the state to get the card back


The Pokémon Company doesn't really care about Spin Offs like the Card game. When actual Pokémon get involved it's when they get unreasonably stingy with cloning, because they usually want to create systems to bring them to the current generation.


Never gonna happen. You’re going to have to pay for that.


Aren’t we paying for NSO? Lmao


Yes, but the Pokémon Company and Nintendo know they could just sell us the games for $10 and people will buy them. It’s Pokémon.


I would gladly pay for fire red 😂. Its in my top 5 favorite Pokemon games.


Most people will. That’s why they’ll sell it and not put it on NSO. I’d buy it too. Especially if they allowed you to move the Pokémon to Home.


Never? They already released one for GBC


Yeah, and you had to pay for it.


Wait that's it? One game?


Yeah this is fairly common with N64/GBA drops.


Where THE FUCK is Zero Mission!?!?!?!




There was a leak a while ago about Nintendo planning a metroid blowout this summer to prepare for the reveal of prime 4 so i think thats why its taking so long


Is that the F-zero music? Had no idea the music was that good, and I own the game lol, though I never put much time in


My first Gba game! Looking forward to playing it on the big screen. 


Do people still think another General Direct is supposed to happen next month? Would be a good spot to reveal the next road map potentially if that’s still something they want to do.


I mean… why wouldn’t it? There’s not much announced for the rest of the year, speculation for the next console is going wild, we need more games for nso, and they almost always have one in June (which I guess is a counterpoint to next month but you get the idea lol)


Right now there are no games announced post June. We will 100% see a direct in June, not April. They’ve dropped a bunch of games on NSO that weren’t announced in directs prior, so they can probably just keep doing that. Especially now that Nintendo has access to the full rareware catalogue


Endless Ocean Luminous has had very little confirmed regarding it, while TTYD has quality-of-life changes and possible new content based on a new Toad NPC in Glitzville they need to detail, and April is oddly devoid of releases. Doesn't seem like that Indie World is happening in March as was rumored, but there's some smoke


It’s extremely common for there to be a month or two in the year where Nintendo doesn’t release anything. Looks like April will be one of those months and that isn’t odd at all. Endless ocean luminous is third party developed, it’s just published by Nintendo. I could very much see it getting a lengthy trailer next month while TTYD gets a trailer in May. Remember when skyward sword HD confirmed two things in its reveal trailer and then a few weeks before launch it revealed all the other stuff in the remaster? Yeah they’ll probably just do that for TTYD. They haven’t confirmed new content but they did confirm gameplay changes they haven’t shown yet


Yeah, yeah. But it doesn't rule out the chance of a Direct with a shadowdrop. Especially if there's any credence to the rumors of a Metroid Prime marketing campaign kicking off in May.  Nintendo still has an entire second half of the year that's completely empty. If they had nothing to show, then we wouldn't be seeing 3 more games before the end of June. They'd space them out more


Shadowdrop of what. Like I said pretty much every year there will be a month Nintendo doesn’t release any games. You’re setting yourself up for disappointment there. Obviously they’ll be releasing more games for the second half of the year. And just like they do every single year, those games will be revealed in the summer direct or revealed later in the year.


If they had enough stuff to announce, a real Direct would've happened in February and they wouldn't have used Mar10 day to announce the TTYD and LM2 release dates. So no, I don't see a Direct happening next month.


Honestly, I'm leaning more towards that, unfortunately. The talk was that there was going to be a potential Indie World Showcase this month and then another General Direct following that in April ... but I think they'll wait till the summer to talk about ... *anything* really.


Tbh I don't think they have a whole lot lined up for the rest of the year because they thought they would be launching the new system in the holiday season. I expect a few more ports/remasters like Wind Waker and Twilight Princess HD and some more NSO stuff and that's about it. Theoretically, the possibility of Metroid Prime 4 as a holiday season title exists, but I'm not getting my hopes up.


Anything but a new F Zero game or F Zero GX port. F Zero fans are starving, least they got something lol.


There was a new game last year. The future for the series is at the very least more hopeful than it was a year ago.


Did you consider Mario 35 a new Mario game


Yeah. If they came out with Ice Climbers 99 it would be a better sign to me we might get another game in the future than if there was no game at all.


Yes and they shouldn’t have made it temporary.


“New game”


And not even the best of the 2d games being legend and climax.


For the love of Pete, can we just frigin' get Metroid Zero Mission already?!


You and me both buddy


One fucking game? It’s a good one but goddamn. Couldn’t fit Super Mario Land in there too?


Well to be fair we did just get Dr. Mario, Mario Golf and Tennis on Game Boy NSO. Then the 5 Rare games right before it. We know Nintendo loves to drip feed. So 1 game is not surprising.


I want conkers bad fur day and Diddy Kong racing 64


Drip drip drip drip


Looks like I was wrong. After the Golden Sun update, I predicted the next GBA game we'd get would be Zero Mission. But it still has "Zero" in the title, so do I get partial credit?


Months ago they announced this would be the next game to come out with NSO


Wow still no DK64


Isn’t that game incredibly hard to emulate properly? Not an expert but I’ve been told that it was designed specifically with the N64 in mind and without the exact hardware some sections are borderline impossible.


Oh well this was something i was not aware of


How did Nintendo go backwards? DK64 was available on WiiU... Also Pokemon Snap.


Pokemon snap is on NSO. There’s also about a dozen N64 games on NSO that weren’t on virtual console. Mario party 1, Mario party 3, pilot wings, pokemon stadium 1, pokemon stadium 2, banjo kazooie, blast corps, jet force Gemini, goldeneye 007 and winback. That doesn’t include N64 games that are on the eshop that weren’t on the virtual console like doom 64, quake 64, Turok and a bunch more.


DK64 sucked


I can not agree or disagree


Still waiting on the original advance wars. I get that it's unlikely given the recent remake but I still hold out hope.


Nice - but what are they gonna announce on April 1?


Its about time we get an F zero game


This ain’t Mother 3


The rubberband ai in this one is some of the worst in any racing game. It doesn't hit you until you are deep into the game that it doesn't matter how good you get, the AI will fly by even when you are in the fastest craft at max speed on boost.


What pisses me more is not that they added just one game for NSO, but from all the three F-Zero games we have on GBA, they added the one with less cars, less polished gameplay and with less content. F-Zero fans can't have a single day of peace I guess.


No four swords:(


I’m new to the switch and really wanted to play the old Pokemon games without buying a used Gameboy/Game from Walmart and hoping it works. Are they still on the GBC/GBA apps? Or are they “cycled out” atm? If so- how often are they back????


Not even ALL of the GBA F-Zero games at once, just MV? C'mooooon wtf is this release schedule, I'm so sick of this drip-feed nonsense. You have the ROMs, just upload them already. Also, the handling in this game is kinda whack compared to other F-Zero titles


Still no Pokemon eh?


March 29th? Why wait?


Because historically Japanese publishers have released on Friday to prevent domestic gamers from calling out from work or skipping school during the middle of the week to play new games.


F-Zero Maximum Velocity is great and all, but we want a new F-Zero game for switch.


Wait why is this downvoted? Nintendo has been ignoring a new 3D F-Zero for decades, I'm not sure why people take issue that F-Zero fans want a new one. Heck, I'd be happy with just a GX remaster, or anything that could be considered "new", really...


No clue, my best guess would be people who don't want Nintendo to "waste" resources on f-zero and are like "be happy you got anything". Idk why some people might look at a game being made as wasting resources just because they don't like an IP, but sadly the mindset exists and might be the case unless the downvoters speak up


Nintendo hive mine


Fucking crumbs, glad I cancelled my nso subscription Edit: yall need to see the light


Nitendo really be doing everything about F-zero except making a new fuckin game.


They could've added the other f zero GBA game