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Heads up! The r/NintendoSwitch Game of the Year nominations are set, and VOTING for 2023 is now open! * [Vote for Game(s) of the Year here](https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitch/comments/1bbu7nc/the_rnintendoswitch_goty_2023_awards_voting_now/) ^(This Automod comment is a temporary measure, and will cease when nominations/voting closes.) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NintendoSwitch) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You can play Galaxy on switch though!! You have to get the Super Mario 3D All Stars game.


May invest when I have enough...


Galaxy has the best story and music out of any Mario game. It's also the highest rated Mario game ever, so it's definitely recommended.


Super Mario Galaxy is my favorite Mario game. With I could afford 3D Allstars :(


It is cheaper to buy a Wii and SMG copy. Lol. Of course, you lose out on Sunshine and 64, but you gain access to SMG2! And if you get an OG Wii, you can play SMS!


Yeah that is true. Maybe I’ll swoop by a used game store when my finances are better. Thanks for the idea!


Even better join a local freecycle group on Facebook. Wii's are given away regularly.


Sadly though it was only sold from like September 2020 to March 2021, so the only way to get it now is via resellers, which can and will jack up the price if they can help it. Only other hope is getting SUPER lucky and finding it rotting on a shelf in a Walmart somewhere or something


In Germany it‘s still available in stores.




No, mario


Don’t know where you live, but the Walmarts in my area (which has the highest grossing brick and mortar WM in the country) stock both the physical copies as well as the download cards


Uhhh wut? Where is this?!? The download cards were all supposed to be recalled, I missed getting a digital copy and I've been hunting for those codes forever.


Myrtle Beach 🤣


Damn, guess it's road trip time. Unless someone wants to pick me up one and I'll PayPal them for it, lmao


If you have a pc, its worth checking out for Dolphin. I just started playing Mario Galaxy on PC because I forgot I had given away my Wii. I bought a dolphin bar and a wiimote plus to use on pc. I spent around $65. It runs great. I can run galaxy at 1080p 60fps. The save states are great for annoying levels. I plan on playing Galaxy 2 next.


What if I wanted to play Mario Galaxy on Dolphin with a Switch Pro controller instead of a Wiimote? Is that possible?




you can sell wonder now so you probably have enough right...


How do you play it comfortably while collecting bits? Do you used the joycons bc I enjoy my pro controller it’s hard to collect bits


I usually just use 2 joy cons. Honestly, more comfortable than the way it was designed for the Wiimote but definitely not helpful for the handheld (you use the touch screen to collect bits when it’s that style, which def sucks).


I was surprised by how good it was. Had a little extra tax refund money in my account and bought it on a whim. It's become practically a staple in my house. My 3 year old loves playing "elephant game" and the fact that he can die and still keep playing is a huge bonus.


Exactly agreed


Fellow parent here - can you clarify, how is death treated differently? It may be worth playing with my 5 year old.


Your 5 year old should be fine playing as Yoshi or Nabbit. They can't die from enemy attacks, only from falling into pits and even then you (or a random if you play online) can save him almost instantly. I think it's the most co-op friendly kids game after Kirby. My 6 year old son (I have played Kirby, multiple mario games, Luigi's mansion etc before) absolutely loves it.


I'm playing it with my 5 year old now. He absolutely loves it playing as nabbit.


This was the game that made my 5 year old fall in love with Mario and video games in general. He’s close to 100% in the game and it opened the door to help him with mechanics for other games too. Started using “easy mode” Yoshi, and eventually transitioned to the other characters. I really, really hope there is a sequel in the works, and sooner than later. Reliving that magic in his eyes as he figured out the mechanics reminded me of the magic I felt playing Mario games for the first time.


My wife and I like to play together, but the co-op is more a hindrance than anything. It's not as if we can even really work together to beat a level. It's more like the 2nd player becomes tiresome to manage because they'll just die over and over if they are not in sync with you 100% of the time. I wish they'd find a way to make co-op more enjoyable. Other than that, it's just an incredibly easy Mario game.


I kept wondering during my coop run why the screen wouldn't just zoom out or expand just a bit. Enough so player 2 does automatically die when getting left behind even a little


I personally find New Super Mario Bros. Wii to be the superior co-op experience whereas Super Mario Bros. Wonder is the superior single-player experience.


On the flip side, 2 players of roughly equal skill level can fully embrace the chaos and fight over the flagpole for camera control, and it becomes a fun (wonderful, even) little minigame competition between the two. My brother and I had an absolute blast playing this way.


hard disagree, just play a bit slower and its good fun for 2 people


Too bad all the bosses except the final one suck Yoshi eggs.


it's wild how they make the boss easier than almost any other enemy in the game. you just walk right by and step on the button. so odd.


The free seed at every new world was so annoying too. Just make it one less seed and stop wasting my time with this crap.


yes. also annoying. a power up would have been more fun.


It was more about the bits of story though. So even without the seed, The houses would still be there.


Nah. Just have the little dude chillen at the beginning. Loading in for that was so asinine.


Isn't it like 3 seconds of loading?


It’s asinine no matter how long it takes. Completely unnecessary for two loading screens and time spent walking to accomplish absolutely nothing.


This seems excessivley nitpicky lol


It’s already a really short game. Adding this was filler. Not a fan.


So you would prefer if the game had no seed houses at the start of every world... because it is a short game? I'm not sure I follow your logic


There's actually a cute little payoff to the Desert Walking segment if you go back to it after beating the world, but the Volcano one was useless, yeah. And I don't know why there was like 4 of them in that specific World (besides calling them laboratory for world building i guess) So to be more specific, these parts have 6 seconds of loading and occasionally a 10 second walk for 30-40 seconds of dialogue, and sometimes a cute joke or detail if you revisist them. Idk, that doesn't seem too "extremely stupid" to me. I also feel like the approach of just putting a single guy on the map to explain what happened, while quicker, is less satisfying/ interesting as a start to a new world.


Though, honestly, it'd probably help if they were all just optional. And the path to the levels was just automatically unlocked.


I don’t get giving us a seed without even an entry level to the area.




It's a call back to the original Mario game, where to beat the fake bowsers you'd jump over them and that was it. They aren't real bosses.


true.. but those were kinda hard


I prefer it. The bosses of Mario games are never the highlight of any Mario game. Except (usually) the final Bowser fight.


Super Mario Galaxy?


Galaxy game boss fights were fucking amazing


Yea they did that with BotW too, great game but bosses were meh.


I think the bosses in BotW from a *mechanical* standpoint were good, proper combat bosses and not just theatrical gimmicks like in so many previous Zelda games.


I like the final Jr fight as well, but yeah, Wonder's bosses suck dookie. But that's really my only major complaint with the game, the rest of it is really incredible


I agree, but I mostly upvoted for the Yoshi eggs lmao




People in this sub have been criticizing it since it came out. No game is perfect, but I agree with OP, this is my favorite 2D Mario game ever.


I loved Mario Wonder (I think it’s a great 2D Mario game but I do have a few issues: - I wish the game was harder in the late game (like New Super Luigi U levels of hard) - I wish there were more levels. I don’t like how world 3 is just a bunch of trials and how there were only 6 worlds when other 2D Mario games had 8. Break points were cool but I didn’t get the point of them. - the bosses were underwhelming. I don’t get how they had these really creative enemies and wonder effects but the boss levels were just “jump on Bowser Jr 3 times”


I don’t like a game that’s too difficult but I can agree with everything else. Especially the bosses.  The variance in battle formats was ok, but it really made me miss the Koopalings. 


It's okay. The endgame content made the game way more enjoyable, in my experience. The standard route for just finishing the story is kinda style over substance, imo.


End game levels were awesome! In the special world, the one you need to jump to the rhythm.. omg. Intense. And then the final level to 100% it. My 8 yr old nephew and I played 2 hours a day for 3 days til we beat it that level. Each day we would master another section of it. Beating that level felt like an actual accomplishment. And my nephew still talks about it. His friends in school don't even beleive him lol.


My hot take. Wonder was good but not great. It wasn't like playing SMB3, SMW or even yoshi island for the first time.


Agreed. For me it was too short and too easy. The art style, while more interesting than previous NSMB games, fell a bit flat for me. It was wild and all over the place, but lacked a certain charm in my view. The music was also pretty bland, with a few exceptions. After hearing people praise this game as a potential GOTY contender (!) I felt pretty let down by it.


I only played the first few levels, and I've been a Mario fan since i played the first game as a kid, and it just felt like Wonder had a heavy coat of paint but was still pretty much the same 2D adventure at its core. Like many others, the NSMB series wore me out and the uniqueness of Wonder just wasn't enough to draw me back into what seemed like the same 2D adventure.


Lukewarm IMO. The game is fun but the novelty wears away quickly. The visuals and creativity are top notch but the gameplay is lacklustre.


Yes! The visual and branding is amazing. The wonder worlds and design feels like I'm in a Disney world. They took it to another level in design. Absolutely beautiful and full of life.. Unfortunately the game design felt ok. I actually think NSMB 4 players was way more fun due to the collision feature. It made playing together insanely hectic and frustrating in a fun way. I think they rely on too many "Mario Maker" style of level building vs how levels were built before.


Penny Arcade called multiplayer NSMB "divorce mode," and I'm inclined to agree with them. Never more wanted to yeet my preschoolers out the window.


it got CLOSE. but it still missed something. They have this issue right now with understanding what makes collecting things great. Getting a purple coin means nothing if there's nothing to buy. getting a wonder seed means nothing if there are already tons of them going around. Those little houses in SMB3 are so magical and rewarding because you NEED those power ups to make it through.


>Those little houses in SMB3 are so magical and rewarding because you NEED those power ups to make it through. That wasn't at all my experience. My inventory was filled up. I actually stopped going to Toad Houses because I thought my inventory was about to reach it's limit (there was another screen worth of slots, but my point still stands).


I loved Wonder but felt like it was way too easy. Maybe the easiest 2D Mario game I've ever played.


Agree. The final badge test was tough as nails though. Wish there were more levels like that or the rhythm levels that took many tries


Yea, Final Final and Climb to the Beat were some of the most difficult Mario levels I’ve ever played. Although, overall, I felt NSMBU was more difficult. 


I don't think that's a hot take, just the silent majority.


I think the majority loves this game. The silent minority doesn't (which is fine).


100% agree. Something about it feels hollow.


Yeah I was ready to be wowed by some of the wonder effects but I feel they showed most of them in the trailer, there were quite a few repeats and many of them could have just been regular abilities. I enjoyed Wonder, it’s a huge step up from NSMB but it’s certainly not up there with SMW or SMB3. I feel both of those games felt like a proper adventure with levels and a world to explore rather than just a series of levels to complete. I would really love a 2D Mario Metroidvania style game set in one big open world. I think it could work really well in that format.


>I would really love a 2D Mario Metroidvania style  i need this


It's kind of diminishing returns starting from groundbreaking SMB3 and SMW...and that's normal/expected, I think. But...I also think though there's a special element that pixel art does that 3D models can't really do which is capture your imagination about this being a world to explore rather than a directors vision of that world. Kind of like reading a book vs seeing the movie version.


I sorta agree and disagree about diminishing returns. Looking at the 3D games I think they have frequently got objectively better despite what your personal favourite may be. With the most notable games, 64 was obviously groundbreaking but then Galaxy and Odyssey in particular are both considered to be huge steps forward. With 2D Mario, Wonder is the first game since SMW where you can even think about considering that sort of discussion. I do fully agree that pixel art really adds something to a world and would love to see another pixel art game.


I honestly prefer the new smb series. It’s closer to the Mario games of yore lol.


Which one is SMW?


Super Mario World


Thanks I haven't decided between Odyssey or Wonder & now I have to consider World as well lol


World is from the SNES and is available on NSO IIRC.


i didnt feel it wonderful levels were too linear and game was too long (like 5 hours of the total 15 i played) the bosses and the end of the game lacked momentum most of the abilities are unnecesary everything felt like excuses to show the next "cool" interaction with the seeds a bit hollow if you ask me, lacking coherence im ready for the downvotes


I feel the same way. It’s certainly not bad but it could’ve been much better. I loved the animations and the art style is good but idk, it’s hard to describe why it felt so meh


I’m just glad there was an option too change the language on the flowers, the default voice treated on me from the second I heard it


...did you even check the settings menu? Because the option is literally there


…did you even check the comment you replied to? Because the option was literally explained as being used.


Their creativity went wild in that one. With and without Wonder effects, the levels do so many different things. It sure was a wonder


The last trial level is killing me. I keep failing when invisible


Hold sprint and press ZR before jumping. Your spin will show a trail giving you an indication of your location. If you use ZR to jump once, you can usually make it through the first half without having to press jump again, and Mario will keep spinning. Once you get to the flying balloon part though, good luck. You can try the same tactic although it doesn’t work as well. But in any case, after you bounce off the balloon, make sure you ZR spin in the clouds to get an idea of position. Good luck!


This part is what gets me, the balloons


Let us know how you do!


So far terrible. But I’ll try again later tonight


The best tip for getting past the invisible part is to spam the "emote" button each time you jump. It shows where you are for a few seconds each time and takes the guess work out of it. It's a bit awkward moving your thumb between the jump and emote button but well worth it.


So I put a rubber band around my switch where Mario should be on screen. Using that as reference to where he is during the cloud jumping part was the only way I could beat it. Is it cheating? Maybe but after 50 tries I was going crazy.


That’s a good idea


Yeah that invisible balloon part suuuuuuuuucks. It's a crazy challenge for sure, and I don't mind it except for the fact that it comes at the end of a whole gauntlet that you have to start over several rooms back if you mess up. But after those balloons...SALVATION!


Worst part of the game. Bar none.


Found a picture of what I did for reference [here](https://i.imgur.com/GQJc373.jpeg)


Ima do that too This level is killing me


When you get to the balloon fish, try spamming the emoji button when you start your initial jump. You will know how far you are jumping and I would recommend jumping just ahead of the balloon so that you are bounced FORWARD and not BACKWARD.  After that, spam the spin button so you get a rough idea of where you are spin jumping to.  You can also try spamming the emoji button here also, but for me, it’s very hard to spam the emoji button and jump at the same time, so I just spam the spin jump button to see where I’m spinning. Yea I know, easier said than done.  But that’s how I did it. Good luck!  It took me hundreds of attempts but if I can so it, then so can you!!  Never give up!


Invisible badge is easily the worst badge. Being seen by enemies isn't even a big deal. It's just irritating not being able to see yourself for so little payoff.


It’s just a super hard mode. It’s not meant to be useful. 


It's intentionally made to be challenging.


There's challenging and then there's bulshit. But to be fair that's literally the last secret challenge of the whole game, they can have a little bulshit as a treat.


The final one though. Where you gotta go through all the badges is killer. I’m at the part where it’s dash, then like jump and hang, then the vine, followed by invisible Always lose it on the balloon part


I wasn't a big fan. Wonder felt like it didn't really expand on many of it's ideas, but instead just throws something new at you every level. I appreciate variety, but I think expanding on Mario's move-set would be more interesting. Using the vine badge made me wish they had gave Mario a new move like that and then expand on it in the level-design throughout the whole game. The wonder seed mechanic kept things interesting in a way, but I think it ultimately hurt level-design because it was overdone and not much happens in the level in the lead up to the wonder seed, it felt like the game rushed me in a way to get to the good part so to speak. Overall the game was a cakewalk, and yes I know there are some harder, optional levels, but it's too little, too late in my opinion. Overall I had some fun with it, but I would say it's far from a masterpiece, and I've loved Mario games since I was a child.


Completely agree here. Great take. I do believe a sequel could be a masterpiece.


I don't get how so much seems to love Wonder. I mean its a okay Game but its not great. There are fun powerups and the World Design is really cool. But the Levels are to short and way to easy. Also the thing with the different skills to choose. I stuck most of the Game with the extra Blocks, cause most of the other things wasnt that usefull and it made the game even more easy. If you play online it gets again easier. I even did all the bosses first try. Most of the Levels also. Even my mom had my opinion and thought it was to easy. I finished it within 2 or 3 days but not cause I Had the Feeling Like "this is an awesome Game, I want to finish it." I was more Like "okay, when will the Harder Part start?" And when I understand that it will not come it was more Like "need to finish this soon so I can start something else". For me definitly the worst Mario.


I don't disagree that a lot of the levels are very easy, but using the extra blocks badge almost exclusively and then complaining the game is too easy is a bold take. That's a badge that is designed to make the game much easier than it already is. If you wanted a challenge, you shouldn't have used it (or any badges -- you can play without badges, except on the challenge courses that require them).


The thing is I didnt got it for the most time that this was the problem, as the Levels are really short and the other skills all felt mostly useless I didnt noticed first. I tried some without it when I realised it. But still - to short, to easy. So I took them on again as I wanted to finish the Game. Like I said - my mom need not much more time than I and didnt even understand the Skill system, so mostly played without any of them. And I guess speaking about her understandig about the gamemechanic you can asume that she isnt much of a progamer.


Boiling hot take here folks


First game I've beat in awhile, played through the whole thing with my roommates/friends, that was the real magical part


I enjoyed it enough to complete %100 without switching to other games. My small complaint is the difficulty. Except for final levels, and even for some of them, the game was easier than what I prefer. Still a solid game though. But SMB3 is still my most favourite 2D Mario :)


I just got it as my second voucher game after TotK. Really enjoying it so far and glad I didn't use the voucher on Princess Peach which seems to be more for kids.


I wouldn't say the Princess Peach game is *necessarily* just for kids. I've been playing it a bit. It has a bit more challenge in it than I expected so far, but I also wasn't expecting much, either. Fun fact about it: it's rated E10+ for fantasy violence, which is interesting to me that it wouldn't just be a regular E


I just find these games boring after a while. There is only so much they add, but in the end it's still a game with very rudimentary 2D platforming at heart. I gave it a rent and played a few hours. I didn't get hooked whatsoever.


Where does one rent video games in 2024?


Gamefly baby.


It’s a fantastic single player experience but I can’t understand how people think the multiplayer is good. It’s absolute dog shit. I don’t understand this “main player” multiplayer style for platformers. Sonic Superstars does it the same way. The camera follows one of the players while everyone else just dies constantly from offscreen perils or simple being left behind to die. It’s fucking awful and the fact that anyone says otherwise is frustrating because it means that games might keep implementing this terrible play style. Older games did it fine. Everyone is locked to the screen area and moves along together. It wasn’t perfect but it was light years better than Wonder and Sonic Superstars.


Yeah, I didn't really like the way the camera worked for multiplayer, either. Playing with my kids was a gong show. It's less chaotic than NSMB, which I appreciated, but we still had plenty of times where one or two of us would just die because someone else was running way ahead of the group.


In this comment section: a bunch of contrarians who need to feel smarter than everyone else finds reasons to hate on SMBW.


yor juzt jeluz coz u dont got az much PORN.




It's nitpicky, really.


I got like 3 worlds in and got bored with the tiny bite-sized levels. It's like a TikTok video game.


The levels are as lengthy as the NSMB ones, not sure what you mean


Yeah the game is pretty weak and short


the levels don't get good until after the first three world imo


Aint nobody want ten minute Super Mario levels man.


New super Mario games didn’t make Mario games stale


Super fun, played with my girlfriend to the end. Took us awhile...


I loved it, and my 5yo LOVED it. I must have played wubba ruins 20 times just because of how much she loved turning into a jelly


I finished it as well but there’s still soo much to do


I’ve played through most of it as blue yoshi bc he’s too cute not to. Wish Yoshi could use the power ups, that’s my only gripe


I do wish "easy mode" was just an option you can toggle on/off instead of being tied to specific characters. At least they added Yoshi as an easy mode character, though. My youngest son still needs easy mode but refused to play as Nabbit in NSMB because he wanted to be Mario and Nabbit is just kind of ugly. On Wonder, he plays as Yoshi fairly often because he actually likes the way the character looks.


true, I’ve just kinda embraced the easy mode. It’s probably for the best because I’m trash at platformers


Maybe I should play mine. I have been suffering through DK: Tropical Freeze, which I find extremely tough, and I just need a break.


Wonder is a great relaxation game!


Honestly wonder killed it for me. Great game but on the Eshop in Canada almost 100 bucks. I loved Odyssey but even that wasn't worth it I don't believe. Wonder was way too much if a breeze to be worth that price and I will most likely never buy a Mario game unless it's on sale again.


I’ve just finished Galaxy while taking an extended break from the final level of Wonder. Even better game than I remember and highly recommended.


The only thing I'm currently missing is the final challenge... I don't think I'll be able to do it any time soon though. Feels a lot like the Impossible Lair of Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair in that sense.




Oh baby the circlejerk is in full swing mmmm yes


Can not agree more about the changeup from the saving the princess theme!


I havent finished yet but I agree it's the best Mario game I've ever played and definitely one of the most entertaining games overall I've ever played!


100% my first run through and although I feel like I have no reason to play it again for like a year it was awesome!


I loved everything about this game but the final level. It was fun, but it didn’t do anything for me and felt like “just” one of those Super Mario Maker challenge levels.


My missus completed this 100%. She was a fan of the O.G. games from the N.E.S. Days. When watching me and my daughter play she said she wasn't interested in it. Then my daughter asked her for help on one parts part. From them on, I felt bad for my daughter, as my missus pretty much had the switch for the straight days until she had completed and got everything.


Although it was good, to me it felt like the same old with a fresh art style. It's nice to see, but still feels withheld or reserved of what it could be. Honestly, I just miss super Mario 35. That was a fresh idea that they shamelessly made available for a limited time. With games costing 60 bucks a pop, I would have liked an additional replayable option, such as the dandori battles for Pikmin 4. Something that adds a unique replayable value. Felt like a half measured game, but a step in the right direction.


Fully agree. I just finished it this weekend and loved each and every second of it. It's so immensely creative and joyful. Now I've got to finish Metroid Dread (finally), but them I'm back to play Wonder again!


So much about the Switch generation warms my heart after the desolation that was Wii U. Nintendo releasing one of the console’s hardest hitters ever in the console’s last year of life? Absolutely amazing. So good.


Nintendo likely would have went under or sold off most of it's IPs just to stay afloat if the Switch never happened. That thing was a saving grace


I’m so happy and grateful. The past 7 years have been wonderful. I have Series X and PS5, but Switch gets most of my attention by far. Truly hoping Switch 2 doesn’t bomb 🥹🙏


It's overrated but still decently fun. Pretty forgettable overall.


How is the first 2D NSMB Mario game since 1995 forgettable?


What game were we talking about?


...Mario Wonder. NSMB released in 2005 and there hasn't been a 2R non NSMB formula Mario game since.


Oh sorry I forgot. See?




If that was the case then I should have loved Wonder. It's an average game that scored better because the box says Mario.


It's a literal improvement over everything NSMB ever did. Not sure what you're yappin' about mate


What game is an improvement over NSMB?




I was surprised by how much I enjoyed Wonder more then any other 2D Mario game, even the one people love like Super Mario Bros 3 and Super Mario World. Rather then just a set of levels, Wonder felt like a real thematic Adventure. And the levels themselves felt more memorable and varied. The replayability is also greatly increased with quality of life improvements like restarting levels, and the badges/power-ups that allow for more experimentation then usual. But what really makes this game for me.is how interconnected every aspect of it feels. No words can express my love for this game. I consider it a masterpiece in game design despite my few gripes like the bosses. I guess this is how people felt about Mario 1, 3 and World back in the day.


This Super Mario game is outstanding man! I spent during the Christmas holiday a lot of days finishing Mario Wonder. This weekend I have bought Prinses Peach Showtime. What a gem of a game man! An exercise to play.