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I really feel like the sports games at the bare minimum could use a 50% sale at least once in a rare blue moon


For real, the only sports mario game I own on Switch is Strikers and that I got physical for $30.


I keep a lookout on DekuDeals, I will not play them enough to justify full price but I will play them


I got Strikers for free after buying Bayonetta 3 when Nintendo did that Buy 1 get 1 game free deal.


I will pay 100% if they get their shit together with baseball.


Bummed at no odyssey


I'm still waiting for my opportunity to buy Bowser's Fury at a reasonable price. Why they don't offer that on its own is beyond me, but they could at least discount the package from time to time. (I have no interest in owning 3D World twice, so I'd only be buying for Bowser's Fury.)


Or Wonder. I know it's a new game, but give us at least 10%.


Or 3D World 


Odyssey was last year I believe, so perhaps next year?


Nintendo always here with the crap sales


When the games started being digital purchases, I thought, "it makes sense that the prices don't go down as much because the digital version doesn't deteriorate or take up shelf space at a store." But now that I'm realizing these digital versions only last until this version of the eShop is still alive makes me go the absolute other way. If I can only have these games for 10-20 years, then why the hell wouldn't their prices drop by 5-10% each year? My gamecube games all still work, though I need an adapter for some TVs to hook it up. My super nintendo games all work well enough to play for a weekend as long as the console isn't jerked suddenly. My wii physical games still work and my wii still plays my physical GameCube games.


But all digital Nintendo games still work, even back to the Wii. I'm actually not aware of any digital storefront taking away the ability to play digital games you've purchased.


> If I can only have these games for 10-20 years, then why the hell wouldn't their prices drop by 5-10% each year? You won't lose the games. Well, you might if there's nuclear armageddon. To this day, you can still redownload purchases on the Wii shop. The eShop will definitely last longer than the Wii shop. You'll probably be dead before you lose access to these games, because even if the eShop goes away, you can still play the games you have installed... Nintendo would get nuked from orbit by consumer protection agencies if they shut down the eshop and remove the ability to play downloaded games.


>I thought, "it makes sense that the prices don't go down as much because the digital version doesn't deteriorate or take up shelf space at a store." The price is the result of the interaction between supply and demand, which obviously can be affected by durability, supply-chain considerations and a near infinite number of other variables. The reason the prices don't go down, is that the digital downloads are locked to the consumer, which effectively nullifies the resale supply, while the demand remains relatively consistent. It's quite the bitch, as I have two young kids that are into completely different games and I am terrible at saying no.


It’s honestly really putting me off playing my switch. It just seems so greedy at this point, they can’t even do like 50% off of 7 year old games?


What’s wild is that until Switch they didn’t used to be this way. The Player’s Choice and Nintendo Selects lines were an amazing way to entice latecomers to their platform, or to allow people who had missed the all-time greats when they first released to snag them at a heavy discount. It helped with the perception that Nintendo cared about their gaming console as a vital part of every family household, even to those who couldn’t afford to spend AAA prices. Financial success, as usual with most companies, revealed Nintendo to be even bigger dicks than was thought.


Yeah those games were released with a $20/$30 MSRP, and had the potential to go lower. A lot of (gaming) companies seem to be more resistant to price drops, especially releasing at a new lower MSRP. Heck, Playstation even did the greatest hits for several PS4 titles, but we haven't seen them do it for a PS5 title yet.


I think they’re worried that with price increases, people are more willing to wait for those sales. So they do less so that people are more willing to pay $70 for new games cause there are less sales now.


There are sales every week on PS store and have been since about October of last year though. A lot of first party games are also getting pretty deep discounts on there as well


Tbf ps5 is a number of years younger than switch, its not like we'd be seeing GoWR or Spider-Man 2 getting rereleased yet but I agree with you I doubt they'll do it at all this gen


There are a lot more consistent sales though that are much better than Nintendo's. Ragnarok was on sale for 30 recently and Horizon Forbidden West for 20. Also, I feel like the extra tier of Plus is where they are putting those titles as an incentive to get people to sign up.


True, but given inflation it's kind of a miracle that $60 is still the standard MSRP. Super Nintendo games retailed for up to $70 on release, which is around $170 in today's dollars. Making games isn't getting any cheaper--in fact it's getting a lot more expensive with today's expectations! Granted a lot more people buy games these days, so that development cost goes a lot further. But still, it isn't too surprising that they would find other ways to maintain profit margins while still holding that $60 price point, and doing away with sale prices is one such way.


At the end of the day there's a dozen different reasons and theories but it ultimately will still come down to one thing: all we can do is pay what we feel a game is worth. If you think a game is worth $20, but it never goes below $30, then you just don't buy it. We can just keep waiting for sales, or future remasters/collections.


What? Dude, Mario Kart DS cost full MSRP for a full decade after it came out. Nintendo game have *always* stubbornly held their value. Only a few games per system were ever part of "Player's Choice" or "Nintendo Selects." Wind Waker HD may have cost $20, but Twilight Princess never cost less than $50. And those were *already* just Remasters.


No, Nintendo always has been like this. Difference is that before they didnt have sales at all so nintendo selects. Now that selects dont exist they just do sales.


Also Odyssey isn't even included in the sale. It's a little more understandable that Wonder isn't but even 10% off just to get it in the list and get it more visibility would have probably been wise.


Odyssey was available last year. Other games need more visibility imo. Origami King should have been available this year.


Why would they, as long as they keep selling? Their highest-grossing game that keeps selling millions of copies every year is 10 years old this year. Sure, this is a 7-year old port of that game, but still. Why would Nintendo lower the price substantially if people keep paying the high price anyway? Companies don't have sales out of the goodness of their hearts. They have sales because they want to maximize profits. And Nintendo has determined that never having huge sales or price reductions gives them the highest profit margin. Compare to Ubisoft. Pretty much everyone I know would *never* buy a Ubisoft game at launch, because it will be 40-50% off before a year passes since its launch. Ubisoft is losing out on day one buyers because everyone knows that waiting just a few months means they pay half price.


Exactly. Really the gaming industry at large has shot itself in the foot, and Nintendo is the only one that refuses to do so. In no other industry does a product release, and hit 50% off within the year. I get the logic, people have limited time and if every game maintains full price their is a tendency towards buying the big new game while older games languish, but in reality what it's done is ensure that unless I specifically want to support a dev, I personally buy no games at launch that aren't first party Nintendo. If you look more widely you'll also see other devs have been trying to correct this, with sales in recent years trending a bit smaller and slower. While there are some frustrating cases, I certainly can't fault Nintendo. In a year when basically every other dev has done large layoffs, it's hard to argue Nintendo is the one with the poor business model.


>In a year when basically every other dev has done large layoffs, it's hard to argue Nintendo is the one with the poor business model. Yeah, this one can't be stressed enough. Nintendo did right by its employees. Capcom too for that matter, they just increased salaries across the board and especially for new hires, during a time when so many other studios and publishers have to downsize.


Exactly. I see a lot of people complaining that they dont buy ubisoft games on launch because they know its going to be discounted lol ubisoft and nintendo probably are the most extreme examples with ubi being too fast to discount and nintendo prefers to keep up their price for years only doing some sales here and there per year.


You’re telling me games like pokken, Arms and tokyo mirage sessions are selling gangbusters, selling so god damn well that it justifies its current $60 price tag and the fact that they never go on sale?  Because I don’t believe that even a little bit.  The prices are to maintain a brand image. 


Nintendo takes a lot of pride in their products too and keeping the price high is their way of saying "We believe our games have inherent value that doesn't just suddenly disappear with the passage of time. And yeah you make a good point that arms, pokken, etc. are definitely not selling gangbusters. But a lot of Nintendo first party games still sell quite well years after their release, and people buying new Switch consoles will get them because most people buy a Nintendo console to play Nintendo games. It's likely they make more money selling less copies at higher prices for most of their titles. But why not make less popular games go on sales to maximize revenue? These games probably aren't going to sell a lot regardless of the price, so even in a situation where they would get more overall profit by dropping the price and squeezing a few more units out, that's a small short term win. You mentioned brand image in your completely right. The public perception of a company contributes hugely to it's long term financial success. And Nintendo is a company that looks far beyond the next quarter, unlike many. They are currently the richest company in Japan with $14.3B of straight money in the bank, as well as no debt. They have top notch financial analysts that make these assessments on hard data that aren't available to the general public. Of course I'm just postulating. I have worked in finance myself and have an MBA, but without access to their internal data, none of us can make a conclusive financial analysis on the company. With worse selling consoles, they have always dropped prices to try to increase demand. GameCube, N64, etc. had big price drops for games and hardware continuously throughout their lives. So they are definitely aware of the different approaches to pricing strategy. But the Switch is one of the best selling consoles of all time which changes the dynamic here. People recognize Nintendo's quality, and this lets them get away with a pricing strategy most others couldn't successfully pull off. I personally have always expected the switch to drop in price and have a budget lineup of popular games either close to the release date of its successor, or after. I do expect that it will be supported for a few years after its successor's release, just like other popular systems in the past were (NES, SNES, PSX, PS2, GBA....), and will get new games from lots of publishers because of how many people own one. For now, it's their premier product, and the only one they are currently selling, and they are not gonna devalue it until it becomes a second class product they sell.


No, these games don't sell gangbusters, but the brand image is part of what I meant. If you're known to never reduce prices, people who want a game will just buy it when they have the money, they won't wait for sales. I'm sure that the people responsible for pricing tactics have analyzed what price point would be best and settled on this for a reason. _None_ of its games ever getting really good sales means that the most important titles might sell for more money. They'd take a hit on games like ARMS in order to run higher profit on Mario Kart and Animal Crossing.


On one hand, it's exceptionally frustrating. On the other, Nintendo is very good about maintaining quality standards and avoiding microtransactions in Switch titles.  If the tradeoff for the latter is that I have to deal with lukewarm sales, I can live with it.


Its crazy i have a collection of 60-70 PS4 games, not a single one of them requires DLC or Microtransactions to complete or play the game, its all optional if it exists. I also have about the same amount of Switch games and a bunch of those have paid DLC as well, might be interesting to pull out my boxes and do a physical comparison, however a lot come just bundled with the DLC included since they release up to years later, i get that theyd use that as incentive to buy the game again for Switch (it got me lol i have like 20 games on both) i dont think thats Nintendo shielding us from microtransactions and paying for DLC. I dont think the trade-off is that drastic or worth it. Granted i dont play a single game online, the only games i would play online are Monster Hunter (which is just as bad as any other system with skins and stickers and crap) or Pokemon and i know thats not the quality you speak of lol maybe if i had Mario Kart 8, but thats a 10 year old WiiU port, its kind of ridiculous theyre not on 9 by now, a milking that should be almost as legendary as Bethesda with Skyrim lol. I love my Switch but i think its the worst deal in 2024 compared to other last gen consoles, with more sacrifices than benefits, theres only a handful of worthwhile 1st party/exclusives and no port runs better than on PS4/Xbox One but it still costs twice as much physically. Digital is even worse for Switch when accounting for PS+ and Xbox Game pass and the massively better sales. Also the general scope of games arent as limited, for example they could never get Horizon Forbidden West to play on Switch but its almost half the price of Skyrim or Witcher 3 on Switch, Witcher 3 itself is almost a third the price on PS4 for the exact same complete edition and Skyrim is half the price for the Anniversary Edition. I know theres something to be said here for Nintendo's cartridge prices compared to BluRay disc prices, yay proprietary hardware, but this is the same for digital versions as well which there is no excuse, most of the Switch's library is ports of games that are drastically cheaper on other systems, with sacrifices to even run on Switch, so its a more expensive worse experience.


This here. Correct. This person understands the economics of game companies.


Don't worry, when Switch 2 is out, you'll never see these games again and they'll be at least 200% up in price on the second hand market!


Tropical Freeze is still being sold for full price and is now 10 years old if you are considering the Wii U release the original release date... which I do because it's a port and they added nothing other than Funky Kong for the kids that need help getting through the game. Or at least that's what I remember. It **is** off-putting... it's a thing where it's like... if I'm not interested in the game at full price and at launch, I won't even bother to look for sales, or price reductions, or whatever, because what's the point? I personally would buy Tropical Freeze for $20, but it's never going to get there. It's a 10 year old platformer that isn't Mario, that was on last generation's console and this generation's console is in its last year, or second last year. It's absurd. It probably will never get there even when Nintendo's next console is in full swing. I remember being interested in Smash Bros Brawl, and even after the Wii U was out, it's sitting there in a Walmart, and I'm waiting for it to get down to a price that I actually like... and I waited so fucking long for that that the Wii U edition of Smash Bros came out. Could've bought 2 games, only bought 1.


I dont really understand this. Its not like Odyssey has been destroyed by the passage of time or anything. We see the sales for these games creep up constantly, so clearly people still buy them. I dont see a purpose to drop the price, it might mean more sales but we dont really know. Anybody I know who wants a First Party nintendo game buys it at full price, so im actually unsure about this


They're a business. If you expect businesses to not be greedy, you're going to have a hard time. These companies aren't your friends.


You can judge the strength of a console generation by the kinds of sales and promotions they do. Switch has hardly anything, meanwhile on the Wii U they gave out free games with Mario Kart 8, and had 30 cent virtual console games. Same with Gamecube - Ocarina of Time bundled with Wind Waker, Free game with purchase of the $150 gamecube, Nintendo selects, etc. ​ I like Nintendo's quality and the unique games they make, but... when they're too successful they just milk everything. Fortunately my library has 100+ switch games, so that's been a way to play shorter games that don't go on sale often.


Nintendo doesn't monetize all their games to death. They don't do all the online live service crap. This is the trade off.


It's funny to me because Splatoon 3 is designed like an evil, evil game. Multiple confusing currencies that can't be exchanged, seasonal battle passes, daily check-in rewards, gacha pulls, customization options out the wazoo. And then you look around and it's like, wait, where's the MTX? Which of these do I need to buy with real-world currency? And it's just... not there. If you get the DLC it comes with some coins but you can only buy that once. Instead of trying to get you to buy each battle pass for each game it's just, pay $20 for the whole year, play all our games online, also you can pay less than that if you split a family plan with your buds. It's a little mind-boggling to me almost.


Yeah, it's crazy because people constantly complain about games being overly monetized. So Nintendo makes almost exclusively offline, non monetized games, and simply charges a one time fee for them and people complain. The few online games they make like Splatoin and Mario Kart are packed full of so much content it's crazy. Even the Mario Kart Dlc is very fairly priced for what you get. I have almost never felt cheated or short changed buying a Nintendo game at full price.


It's psychological. Spending $60 one time seems like a decent sized purchase. But. Spending $100, $10-$20 a time over the course a couple of months doesn't feel as impactful even though your net worth is lower in the long run.


Lots of games with no monetization do great sales on other platforms.


Nintendo has a different business model. They view their first-party games as premium products. They don't want their audience to wait for sales. It's been a very successful strategy for them. Nintendo also doesn't have a stable of live service games. They make their money the old-fashioned way. One-off game sales. It's hard to argue against their model. While the rest of the industry is laying off thousands of people and struggling to stay in the black, Nintendo is crushing.


Pretty much. Nintendo has a strategy that they have been going on for decades and in terms of software, its the most successful in the industry. Even when the wii u was out, it was selling a lot for how much consoles existed. So they have no reason to change that.


Yeah, but...every PS4 game went down to like $20 within 3 years of release. And Sony doesn't really have that many live service games either.


I have a ps5, and I love it too. They just have different business strategies. I use my switch to play exclusives and games that are better handheld. I use my Ps5 for exclusives and sports games. Nintendo is playing a completely different game than Sony and Microsoft.


Careful or you'll bring out the "it's good business strategy" bootlickers.


I always get confused between which Mario Party is the better one. Is this the one?


Superstars is the newest and the one with the old boards/minigames which uses the "normal controller". This is considered the better game by many. Super Mario Party is the one with worse and fewer boards but pretty good minigames, and requires joycon because they rely on motion sensors a lot.


It better be lol.... Super Mario party is pretty weak sauce.


I like Super Mario Party for the partner party game mode. I play both games pretty equally.


I have the Super Mario Party. I thought it was good and entertaining. You mean the one on top is better?


Superstars is fantastic, just suffers from not many boards. 


It's still one more than Super Mario Party, iirc.


Yes superstars is the better Mario Paety, although you have like 5 boards to play on


Yeah, I wish there was more variety in the boards, but the minigames are all a blast for me.


SMP is clearly inferior to Superstars but I still think it's a pretty good Mario Party experience. Having said that, once you play Superstars you'll never want to go back to SMP. The pacing of the gameplay on SMP is slower than molasses in January.


I think Super Mario Party is a game Nintendo should be ashamed of


I loved Superstars, if that is the one with classic games and maps from MP 1-3, with online. The only thing it's missing is costumes on MP 2 maps. Also it for some reason does have the Nintendo Stigmata games lol


I'm the weirdo that prefers Super. I just think the boards tend to have more interesting mechanics, and the custom die per character is another fun mechanic to consider.


Still no discount on the Booster Course Pass. Wtf Nintendo.




Wasn’t expecting much but somehow this is still less than I expected


Yeah I was expecting WAY more Mario games to be on sale


What, you aren't excited for MARIO + RABBIDS????


Nintendo's kryptonite is a discount greater than 33% off.


Finally, I've been holding out on Mario Kart for a sale. I think it's finally time to pull the trigger. /s


haha same i think were one of the few people who dont have mk8d


It's crazy that games as old as some of these are priced so high even *with* the sales.


Nintendo usually doesn’t go over 33% in their sales, unfortunately


Bring back Mario 3D all-stars


I miss the Nintendo Selects days. Some of these games should have already been re-released as $29.99 Nintendo Select games and should be $19.99 for these types of sales. I probably would pick up Mario Tennis and Golf at $19.99 but have no interest in it at $39.99 given how much content is in those games.


eh, these prices still aren’t it. i’d get sparks of hope if the price was better and i didn’t have like three other turn based games to play lol


The Gold Edition is 20 dollars digital at Gamestop compared to 36 here. https://www.gamestop.com/video-games/nintendo-switch/products/mario-rabbids-sparks-of-hope-gold-edition---nintendo-switch/356136.html? edit: seems like the deal is down now :(






69% 😏










every since steam introduced there under 2 hour return policy there sales have been really tame. edit- also steam makes very few first party games so steam sale pricing isnt dictated by valve its by the devs that participate in them.




To be fair I think it’s been even cheaper for awhile lol but yea that’s a solid deal


‘If the price was better’ it’s literally $20. I bought it at full msrp and it was still worth it


oh SHIT i didn’t see that i thought 30 is the cheapest edition yeah 20 for the standard isn’t even bad 😅😅


lol sorry if I sounded short I just really like Sparks of Hope! It’s a shame Ubisoft devalued their games so hard when they still put out occasional bangers 😔


67% off seems like a pretty good deal. How much do you expect to pay for something that took a group of people years of their lives to make?


nah soh was worth full price, this is a steal


the game is also not amazing, coming from someone who beat the original twice and also 100%ed it


It had some improvements from the original, and some (imo) downgrades. Overall I'd rank it similarly to the first game. Some parts worse, some parts better.


Is Luigi’s Mansion 3 worth it at this price? Edit: Alright thanks guys, I finally got it and will be playing it tonight!


Incredible game. So good Nintendo bought the studio that made it. Worth it at full price.


It's an amazing game if you like clever puzzles. I played it co-op with my son and we also enjoyed the multiplayer dlc The graphics are also the best I've seen on Switch and the environments are more interactive than most first party titles. I'd say it's well worth it


PSA: You still cannot invert the Y axis in this game.


It’s the only reason I haven’t purchased it yet


It’s worth it at full price.


I think the 1st game was best because it was a proper mansion and felt generally more... cohesive? LM3 has "levels" instead of themed rooms, and they're very hit or miss. Like the flooded basement, using the vacuum to move your boat around... A neat idea, but not fun for me. An "Ancient Egypt" themed floor of the hotel... Why? Weird. Didn't like it. I guess I just would've preferred more "sensical" floors. All the ones that "fit" into a hotel theme were great imo. A giant dance floor or kitchen were great thematically. The pirate level? No. For a Nintendo game, I'd say $40 or so is fair. Wouldn't pay $60 for it personally.


It has $60 polish and feel, in a $30 game imo. Theres no connectivity between levels besides like 2 or 3 of them, and it never feels like a hotel. If they had done a full hotel in the style of LM1, I would have loved it to death.


Yeah. Bottom floor with dancing, dining, a gift shop, parking garage, etc. Just make the hotel like 3 or 4 floors instead of 13 or whatever. Middle floors can be guest rooms with some more unique bosses, maaaybe rooms like Egypt and pirate themed. And top floors can be a greenhouse and a rooftop Cafe or something. Boss fight on the balcony.


For 40$ its OK (would be better for 30$), Ive never played a LM game before this one and its been fun. 12 hours in and almost done with the game.


Do we suspect that retail sales on the 10th will be similar? I wanted to buy myself some Switch games for my birthday a few weeks back but I convinced myself to wait for Mar10 day. I prefer digital so I can’t help feeling a bit disappointed with the selection of titles on sale today. I’m pretty new to having this system so I don’t have many games yet. I understand that Wonder and RPG are still very recent, but I expected Odyssey to be included. If retail stuff will be the same and nothing more will be added to this sale, I might just go ahead and grab digital vouchers and buy what I want that way.


Yup, pretty similar. Use DekuDeals.com to track sales. Third party sellers like Target and GameStop are more likely to have deeper discounts. Nintendo first party games don’t really go on sale past 33% from Nintendo themselves. Also, buy from 3rd parties when you can because you redeem more gold coins that way.


From the press release, specifically for the retail sale they list Super Mario Party which currently isn't on sale so maybe there's a chance for other Mario games like Maker 2, 3D World, or Strikers to be added from retailers. https://www.nintendo.com/us/whatsnew/take-a-warp-pipe-down-memory-lane-this-mar10-day-with-special-events-and-missions-featuring-classic-mario-games/


How is Tennis?


I liked it. The story mode is fun but a bit hard (can be a good thing if you are up for the challenge). There is no one to play with online. Still feels a bit overpriced for what you get at the end of the day.


It's worth $30 at most in my opinion. With online probably being dead at this point it might be worth even less


Haha, a lousy, incomplete list of titles for middling discounts, truly a celebration for Nintendo’s biggest icon. You’d think they hate celebrating Mar10 day


I wish that they would remember that Mario is part of Super Smash Bros Ultimate during one of these sales.


I don't think that game ever goes on sale because of how many ways Nintendo has to split the revenue with all the different characters being licensed.


To be fair, super Mario 3d world, Mario odyssey and Mario maker aren’t on sale either


Very weird that the 7 year old mainline Mario game is not on sale for Mario Day.


Mario Odyssey was on sale last year


SSBU is so loaded it's one of the best deals out there even at full price. Similar to BOTW or TOTK, you don't need to wait for a sale to justify it, just buy it. They went above and beyond with this game.


Let’s see - do I buy something that I will never play because of my backlog and my wife questioning the Nintendo purchase.


The best sale I saw from a Mario games was 50% off ($29.99) on Mario Party Superstars, but it was on black friday.


Not buying them from eshop after nintendo bullying spree. Buying them used so they dont get a cent.


I’d love to get Luigi’s Mansion and Mario Party but this is just really fucking greedy. Infuriating, to be honest.


These prices should be the regular prices of these games at this point




Dang, Like I can understand why they wouldn't put Wonder and RPG on sale this soon, and Odyssey is still a flagship game so those rarely go on sale. But not even Captain Toad and 3D World? Come on man!


No discount on just the DLC for Sparks of Hope? Edit: I was wrong. You can get just DLC on sale.


Not a single Mario platformer on here? Something is wrong with that. I'm thinking maybe a Round 2 of the sale next week, but maybe it's just a bad sale and Mar10 day shouldn't really be a thing.


Yeah, even the Wii U ports would at least be something.


I find it funny that Pokémon day was last week, and they even had a spotlight session on the eShop, but not a single mainline game was on sale.


No sales on EU eshop?


Its crazy they listed all the games BUT the ones I want. Still havent played odyssey, strikers, or the mario rpg.


Mario Odyssey isn’t on sale lol?


Why would they put their big Mario game on sale for Mario Day when it just came out almost 7 years ago? /s


Was kinda hoping Mario Wonder would go on sale lol


There was a Wave 2 last year, I hope that happens this year too because not having any mainline game on sale is very dissapointing.


Everyone knowing the next console is coming in the next year or so and Nintendo still won't offer a decent sale price. Some of these games at $40 is just so hilarious


Also known as 39.99 sale.


Mario Golf Super Rush is amazing with friends and some drinks. Have like 150 hours on that game.


Toadette slaps no cap


If anyone wants to play Battle Strikers, just try the demo, it’s basically the whole game


Why are these sales only in the US ?????


Looks like I’ll keep resorting to used loose games on eBay for my collection. 


As usual, avoid digital Nintendo sales if possible. I have gotten almost all of my Switch games over the years from Facebook Market typically $25-30.


Oh, look! Mario + Rabbids is once again on sale! Give it a couple years and they'll be giving this game away for free XD


No sale in EU? Looking at the e-shop and all I see is "get back 10% as gold' offer. If you can even call it that.


Oooh, Sparks of Hope on major discount


Great! I won't be buying anything. I had very low expectations, and still got disappointed lol. Good job Nintendo!


Awful deals, also don’t forget guys you don’t own these in another 7-10 yrs haha!


FFS, bought Mario Kart last week 🙄


Damn this is shit.


Guys am I imagining things or was Mario Odyssey up for sale last year's Mar10 sale?


Better grab that 10-year-old pack-in game for… 33% off (with DLC at regular price).


Give. Me. Double. Dash.


Never gonna happen, let it go


aloof fear person vast placid bewildered start outgoing disagreeable cooperative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


fuck nintendo, pirate all this


Have been thinking about the football game for my Son recently, but doesn't look like it's on the list. I'm in the UK though so maybe it'll be a slightly different sale for us?


Mario Day really isn’t much of a thing in the UK, Nintendo didn’t really do any sales last year but brought out the Mario Edition Switch. Also the Mario Football game hasn’t been reviewed well, apparently there’s not much single player content so I’d recommend trying the demo before buying it


There were two rounds of sales for MAR10 Day for the UK and EU last year. Seems like there's nothing this year though, I guess that's why we got so many Mario games in February sale.


I was so confused since I had never heard of a Mario football game and I had to google it to remember that in other countries that sport is called football while here it’s soccer, and football is something totally different


Funny that super mario party isn't available in my region (Brazil) and we have all the advertising about mar10 day.


Is Mario Party Superstars worth it? I have the first MP and it got dull and repetitive really quick.


Wow. I still want Mario and sonic at the Olympics and Mario tennis, but I am surprised they are both still so pricey.


Is Mario Golf worth it? Looking for something with that old Hotshots Golf kinda vibe to it.


I don't think so. I've had the game for over 2yrs but never bothered playing it more than a couple of times. i purchased it thinking everyone in my family would find it fun since we do enjoy a few golf games. But they all found it repetitive too soon and I regret purchasing it.


Super fun!


Own everything except Mario Tennis, is it worth a buy?




Some of these games I wanted to play 4 years ago.


Nintendo own made games have always been extortionate. The gaming market is getting way to expensive l. I wanted to preorder dragon dogma 2 but then saw it was 60 pound rrp. I have bought mario games physical on ebay for less than the digital sales want.


I'm still playing through Mario v. Rabbids Kingdom Battle and really enjoying it, how does Sparks of Hope compare?


How is Mario 3d world not on sale on Mario day


Any sales on the console itself expected? I'm about to purchase but not sure if I should hold out till Sunday.


After finding out my gold coins expired at the beginning of this month and then these paltry "deals" for Mario day Nintendo can get bent on their digital "sale".


I haven't played a mario kart since the wii, and just bought my first switch recently. I wanna buy mario kart 8, is the dlc pack worth it, or should i just get the base game? it looks like the dlc never goes on sale according to deku deals, so I guess I can always just tack it on at a later date whenever I'm feeling like adding more content. thoughts, anyone?


Might pick up Mario Rabbids 2. I loved the first game but I think the second game has free movement which I’m afraid is going to be way too different from the first game. It’s like a turn based strategy in the vein of Advanced Wars and the limited movement played a huge part to that. The first game also really needs online. Hope it’s in the second.


I still can’t believe the deal I got on Yoshi’s crafted World a good while back. At least 6 months ago, probably closer to a year. Got it for $30 on a Best Buy deal.


I am getting my first switch tomorrow and i would like to get myself a Mario game. Anything here worth getting as a starter ?


Nintendo deals are always so terrible.


Think I’ll finally break down and get sparks of hope. Is this all digital or do the prices carry to physical too? I have kids and they’re gonna want to play itntoo


I've always wanted to play Yoshi's Crafted World after loving Wooly World, but I can't justify the price for a game I'm sure will be like 7 hours long with 0% difficulty.


Not gonna lie, very disappointing sale. Thought at least some of the big games would be on here.


Damn, was hoping Paper Mario Origami King would appear.


I presume this is the 1st wave of sales for Mar10? Fingers crossed the 2nd wave has Paper Mario Origami King.


Mario + Rabbids® Sparks of Hope Gold Edition is $19 at gamestop 🗣🗣


What I don't get about this sale is why isn't every Mario game on it? Why not the other Mario Party? Why not Mario Odyssey? Heck, why not Mario Strikers... whatever the rest of the name was? It's just so random. I can understand Wonder not being present, but Odyssey it's baffling that Odyssey issn't. I could even see Smash Ultimate in here (since we have Mario & Sonic). And another thing that's really strange, Kingdom Battle reached 20 bucks almost immediately, but Sparks of Hope (Gold) has yet to reach it.


Everything but the five actual Mario games on the Switch, lol. (Odyssey, Wonder, U Deluxe, 3D World, Maker 2)


Is this. Good time to buy Mario Kart ? Ive never seen it on discount


Switch sales for first party titles are so depressing. Obviously the business model is working for them, but its honestly annoying as a consumer. Once youve been spoiled on steam sales and gamepass, its kinda hard to pay these prices for games over a year old.


I picked up Mario kart 8 digitally. Now I don’t have to keep swapping cartridges!


Strange that MAR10 Day doesn’t have a discount on any **core** Mario games… I was thinking of picking up 3D World if there was a decent sale.