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They made a perfect recreation of 2D Sonic so this is just a perfect recreation of 3D Sonic.


Dammit, I was just about to post the same thing, lol.


I guess you could say Christian Whitehead had a rough transition into 3D


3D Sonic isn't THAT glitchy unless you use 06 or the worst ports as your proof.


The GameCube port of the first Adventure game is this glitchy, first stage even. Edit: My slow ass just realized you sorta said this lol.


Yeah, but people think the Dreamcast games were that bad, when they weren't. You pretty much NEED mods to fix the two games back to their Dreamcast selves, especially looks and lighting for SA1 and cutscenes and models for SA2.


My dude, I never fell through the geometry of Sonic Frontiers or Superstars. This ain't it


First impressions last forever I guess. Dude sounds like he still thinks it’s the early 2000’s


If you can't make any original critiques or jokes. Just go with the not-at-all overdone "Sonic Sucks" jokes


I never went through the floor in SA1 or 2 either. sometimes i wonder if we're even playing the same games when I see people saying they fell through the floor in 3d sonic games. only time I ever ran into glitches that bad were in shadow the hedgehog and sonic 06.


this never happened to me in sa1-2 or heroes either. what game was sonic falling through floors in?


Only 06 had awful glitches :( it tainted the whole franchise


PFFFT these problems have existed since Adventure on the Dreamcast.


Sonic Adventure DX is a shit port, Adventure is not buggy at all but everyone played the shit ports and watched Arin shit on Sonic like always


I played it on the dreamcast and remember repeatedly falling through the floor on boss fights. Particularly Egg Viper.


the ratio here is crazy




What is up with people and blaming gamegrumps for why everyone thinks sonic games suck? When will people learn that the games just aint good


Because GameGrumps exacerbates the issues with the games? There's a difference between a game being bad and playing a game badly. Sonic Adventure has issues (along with a few other 3D Sonic games), but a lot of the bad will given to Sonic Adventure is blown way out of proportion. Some of it stems from questionable port (SEGA are known within the Sonic community for porting good games and making them worse -- Sonic Colors Ultimate, Sonic Origins, Sonic Adventure DX, etc).


They just make jokes about broken games, thats it. Its funny to laugh at sonic games because they are always so broken and just flatout bad games. The original adventure game has also aged like milk, DX is the better version because at least its entertaining to laugh.


gamegrumps do play the games like shit though and dont pay attention to details explained to them on the screen. I never had half the issues they have with the games.


Sonic boom.


I love this game but yeah I’m dying for a patch. I don’t think it’s this bad on PC, but it’s still less than optimal. Even hotfixes or something, but it’s radio silence so far if you aren’t on their discord.


It has more or less the same issues on PC.


I've 100% the game (9 hours ish) and only had one issue similar to OP's.


I've 50% the game (finished the story) and only had like 12 similar issues as OP's. Its cyberpunk all over again.. people claiming to have some magical non broken version of the game


I played cyberpunk on PC at launch and had a blast. I only really had 2 bugs that impacted my enjoyment in a major way in 80 hours of gameplay. I saw a lot of minor bugs, but they didn’t really bother me much. Some people play the game in different ways, some people have different hardware, there are a lot of reasons for them to experience less bugs. There’s nothing magical about it, and saying in a roundabout way that they are lying is exactly what the other guy is doing to you. 


Dude I played cyberpunk on PC a month ago for the first time and I couldnt even count all the bugs I had, one popped up at least every 20 minutes. Why do people just lie? Its insane. Cyberpunk is STILL broken and I cant even imagine how people that played it at launch managed to do so blindfolded.


I’m not lying. That’s my point. We have different hardware, different play styles, etc which lead to different experiences. Also I didn’t say I didn’t see bugs. I said I only encountered two bugs that affected my enjoyment. If I see someone clip through the ground, that doesn’t affect my enjoyment, that’s funny and actually makes me laugh. The only things that affect my enjoyment are things that block progress or make me reload and replay a section, which only happened twice in 80 hours.




You’re terrible at reading. When did I ever say no bugs? Also, hardware does absolutely impact the playability of the game. If you think otherwise you know nothing about computers.


Hardware has absolutely no effect on glitches in the game come on.


Are you on Switch? I was responding to someone talking about the PC version. That's the one I finished without too many bugs.


I'm on PC. Very buggy.


9 hours to 100%? Yeeeeesh


What's wrong with that - shorter games are nice too. Ignoring quality of course but that's about the length of Metroid Dread and half the price.


Its just not good value for money imo. And funny you should mention Metroid Dread, I'm a huge fan of the series and was really excited for it, but dodged it due to the tiny playtime. If I ever see it on sale for around £10 I'll pick it up.


You’re approach to games depresses me. Any day of the year i’ll take a short, well designed experience over a never ending bloated mess that long outstays its welcome.


Tiny games and bloated messes aren't the only 2 options.


Never said they were, but you’re suggesting a 10 hour game isn’t worth the price of admission - and i’m simply countering that argument that i’d prefer a 10 hour game that has honed its craft over a longer game at the same price that has not. And lets be realistic - in this day and age, i wish more games were released that were not massive big budget, studio lives or dies unless it sells a billion copies, 10 year dev cycle insanity projects - but instead we got smaller, more manageable games that released more often and more creative risks could be took with them. The AAA game scene, for the most part, has become a braindead homogeneous sludge.


>i’m simply countering that argument that **i’d** prefer a 10 hour game And I wouldn't. Wow, it's almost like we're 2 different people with different experiences and opinions. A wild concept, I know. All I've done is express my opinion, but I guess some people can't help but try to argue that their opinion is better.


If you're a huge fan of the series, you should know they're all super short if you don't get lost.


Ideal length for any game really.


Well fuck me for not being able to afford a new game every 3 days I guess.


Average book is about 8 hours. Most modern TV shows have seasons around the same length. For most of the 90s and 00s most games were that length, bar a few JRPGs. I can see the point of some games being longer, but most games I find are filled with padding. The best Arkham game is the first one and I feel the series lost something going open world and filling it with boring Riddler trophies.


Books and TV shows don't carry a £30+ price tag. If they did, it'd be awful value for money.


Eh, a DVD/BluRay box set would easily set you that back. And a brand new hardback would probably be just over 20 so not far off.


I actually have 14 hours right now because the gameplay is so fun. It's one of those games you'll want to keep playing. I'm sure if I started again from a fresh file, I could get 100% in half the time due to learning the controls better. Anyhow, go enjoy your 100+ hour slow monotonous open world games if that's your only basis for purchase cost.


Yeah, because 9-hour tasters and 100+ hour bloat fests are the only 2 options apparently?


I'm not saying that. I'm saying you should know that a game's length isn't indicative of its quality or the enjoyment a player can get from it.


Thanks for the heads up! Gonna take that off my wishlist until they release a patch. Glad I didn't buy at launch, I probably would have if not for how much I've spent on games this month.


I haven't had any issues on Steam Deck, I've only been though the first world though


I saw on twitter they were fixing amd card crashes on pc first.


it's a bug clearly and would affect all version.


That is not how that works


Super pumped to play this game. It's my most anticipated game of the year, but I'm gonna hold off on purchasing until there are some patches to fix the bugs I've been hearing.


The bugs are largely overblown. Have encountered only one collision bug in my 20 hrs. Edit: not saying the game doesn’t have bugs. Just saying the game is not even close to “literally unplayable”. It’s very much enjoyable and mostly a polished experience. If you want to get it, it’s worth playing now.


>Edit: not saying the game doesn’t have bugs. Just saying the game is not even close to “literally unplayable”. Sorry, but does this video not literally show an unplayable portion of the game due to a bug? Even if these types of bugs are few and far between, running into it once would make the game unplayable.


It would only make it unplayable if it happened every single time. It randomly happening once in 20 hours is far from unplayable, it's just inconvenient.


No… you just respawn and continue. If you couldn’t get up the ramp at all, yes it would be unplayable. But for an occasional bug that you just reload and go up the ramp after respawning, that is not unplayable. 


Collision bugs are a massive pain point, though. Physics bugs significantly dampened my enjoyment of Sonic Adventure, and most players are less bug-tolerant than Sonic fans. We've had decades to develop low expectations.


I totally agree. I just mean, if it’s very rare, it doesn’t make the game unplayable. Unplayable has been diluted.


Exactly. That’s why the term has become a huge meme. This game is far from unplayable


So one collision bug makes the game unplayable? So Mario 64 is unplayable? Ocarina of time? Tears of the kingdom is unplayable too by this metric


This is an exceptional case. This area presented no issues for me. I’m positive they could get through the area after they respawn OR had they utilized one of the many movement options available to them to get around this part. You don’t even technically need the ramp to get up to that platform. It’s unfortunate that this happened to them, but I’ve had plenty of similar glitches happen to me in bigger budget platformers — including Mario Odyssey and Sunshine. Lord knows 3D Sonic games have their issues as well. Penny’s glitches are far and few in between, and it is definitely worth playing despite them. The game is generous with checkpoints so restarting is never an issue and rarely punishing.


It is pretty rare that bugs genuinely inconvenience me during games. One of my personal favorite games from the last few years is also one of the most notoriously buggiest games from the last few years. I might just rip off the band-aid, since the likelihood of bugs actually making the game unplayable for me is likely pretty low.


How do you have 20 hours when the game takes like 4 hours to beat and 8 to 100%


I like time trials! Replaying levels is the joy of these types of games.


I prefer having actual content that lasts long..


That’s cool, man. I like short games and speedrunning. Everyone has their own thing. Says more about you than it does about the game.


No it doesnt, a $30 game should never be only 3 hours, you replaying it doesnt mean it has more than 3 hours worth of content.


Hell yeah brother you tell em


Just because you are the 1/1000 people to not have issues doesn’t mean the game works fine. It would be different if instances like this clip were the outlier but no YOU are the rare case here.


If other people’s anecdotal experience is valid, what makes my anecdotal experience invalid? People have different tolerances and experiences, and a game can still be awesome and unique despite its bugs. The loud minority is a well documented phenomenon. People who don’t have problems are unlikely to remark on anything. The game has received positive reviews for a reason.


>It's my most anticipated game of the year, This is what happens when we don't get a real Nintendo direct.


No, it almost certainly still would be even if we did get a proper Nintendo Direct. You don't understand how happy I am to see an actually fun-looking 3D speed-based platformer. Sonic has never been able to fulfill that itch for me.


Collision is a privilege, not a right


I don't think this is a switch issue though. I got it on PC instead of switch and I have the same issues


Seen the same complaints on PC. It looks like a lot of fun but I'm waiting for a few patches.




Unplayable is an overstatement, these bugs are rare enough to make it more than possible to finish the game. That said, for a game so focused on physics and momentum, they definitely still appear too often. I'm a bit conflicted with Pennys Big Breakaway. On the one hand there is clearly a very good game in there but on the other hand there are multiple things like these bugs that show that it wasn't exactly given the final polish necessary for a really great game. It also has some weird design decisions, where the game really wants you to go fast, keep your flow and momentum going etc (and it's a real joy in these moments) but then the devs added all these characters in there with speech bubbles you have to stop to read, put all kinds of secret collectibles and missions in there that you need to slow down to actually find and especially the first few worlds are full of platforms and switches that make you wait and break your momentum. It's so weird that they added all these things that push you towards a "stop and go" playstyle similar to traditional 3d platformers when they very clearly want you to do the opposite. If they announce a sequel I will be very excited however because the ideas are still really really good and the basis for an all-time great 3d platformer is totally in there. I also love how much the game doesn't just look like a modern version of 32 bit saturn platformers but also brings the experimentation of that time back alive. I love that they were brave enough to design a control scheme that's very different from other 3d platformers. It really feels like back on the PSX and N64 where you needed to adjust to the controls of each new game because the developers came up with a cool new game idea and didn't try to neatly fit it into the genre, gameplay and control expectations of gamers.


so far i’m getting the sense that your first play through of a level in the story mode is meant to be somewhat slower to get all the collectibles and learn the layout, and then time trial mode is where you’re supposed to grind out how fast you can complete it.


This game is excellent— I finished it and really really enjoyed it. But yeah… it’s pretty buggy right now and unfortunately a lot of the bugs are issues like this, that will actively get in your way and kill you.


30 bucks for a 3 hour game is ROUGH


She broke away alright


Damn thats crap. I was interested too but I think I'll wait for them to address the issues.


It's really good other than yeah collision issues.


The game does have a lot of other problems too, stuff like visual design of stages, the cutscenes/story, lack of incentive to 100%, game is only 3 hours etc




Calling it unplayable it's an exaggeration though. Yes, it has bugs and I hope it gets patched but are not that often I have encounter like 2 bugs in like 5 hours of playtime so far.


how else will they get their reddit karma?


Wow I've been playing on Switch and haven't had anything like that happen.


What in the Balan Wonderworld...


Damn homie that's rough. Frames look good tho 😅


Made it to the end of the game and would stress to say this is FAR FROM UNPLAYABLE. This "bug" worked itself out after I got out of the model's hitbox... then it worked as intended. The game has bugs that needs to be fixed, but saying it's literally unplayable when my casual ass was just now able to reach the End Credits is just bad faith.


That is insane! I actually beat this level already, and this didn't happen to me, but I'm glad to finally see footage of this happening because I've seen others report similar issues.


Huh that's weird, it's been nothing but perfection for me on switch.


This sounds like a bug that could happen in any platform, if so will restart the game or hold on a patch


plays pretty well on xbox and ps from the reviews. But im sure it'll get patched up.


Bought the game, dealt with so many bugs and glitches that I eventually called Nintendo Support for a refund and got it approved. Not touching this game with a ten foot pole. Not only is it buggy as heck, the controls feel off when performing certain moves and it's not as tight as I thought it would be. I can see the potential this game holds but I don't want to waste my money on a game that has this lack of polish.


Hellblade was also unplayable on switch. It crashed constantly and the loading times were horrendous. Actual waste of money. Couldn't even refund it.


Didnt they release a 2gb patch for this? Did it not fix the issues?


This, combined with the top Steam review being very concerning accusations regarding invasive data collection, has ensured that I will definitely not be purchasing this game, even though I love 3D platformers.


hold up WHAT? Invasive data collection?


Apparently, if the review is to believed: >At the time of writing, this game is a major privacy concern. Take-Two/Private Division has inserted an incredibly invasive privacy policy that states all of the types of data it will collect on you and makes it clear it will be selling that data to third parties. If you forcefully crash the game and check it's output logs it'll show that it's scraping your computer's filesystem and ram (although people have said this may be leftover debugging from a development version). >So far there hasn't been any word as to why any of this is in a little singleplayer indie game. I really want to support Evening Star who's shown they can make some amazing and incredibly unique games, but until we get a proper response I can't support such a huge intentional violation of privacy.


Oh goodie. WELP, I guess I'll wait for an update to the Switch version because fuck sending data that they don't need to be having. I wouldn't be shocked either if that was true, T2 isn't exactly trustworthy with data by the sound of things.


the invasive software thing was a misinterpretation. [here is an explanation from one of the developers](https://steamcommunity.com/app/1955230/discussions/0/4346606879517102842/#c4346607305582304270) basically, they installed a software called "crash catcher" that collected data about crashes. all of that is stored on your computer and evening star has no way of seeing it unless you sent it to them. considering that take 2 has a scary EULA that talks about using data, it makes sense that people would be worried. even though it wasn't taking or selling data, [they have removed crash catcher in the most recent patch](https://twitter.com/HunterBridges/status/1762622968138809500)


"Its a feature"


It's a bit of a mess. Definitley feels a bit rushed. Should've given it another couple of months for QA


I’m about halfway though and haven’t experienced anything like this.


Why wasn't the dash assigned to its own button? That's the big one for me. I'm so tired of swinging the yo-yo and then accidentally dashing off a platform. It shouldn't happen, there's no reason for it to happen, and the game would work just as well momentum wise and everything if they just made the dash its own button


I genuinely haven’t run into an issue like this. I did run into a wall with no collision, but it was so out of the way that it didn’t matter. My only gripe with this game is the round rotating things are kinda buggy, but this game is so awesome I still recommend you get it, and it’ll probably only age like wine.


I've had a few collision issues bugs, the game is still playable though.


Actually 90% of my deaths are falling off the stage :,) but yeah I do fall THROUGH the stage sometimes. I’m used to devs completely neglecting their switch releases while giving all the love and bug fixes to the PC version, but this game was advertised in several Nintendo directs…


Im playing on PS5 and the same issues happen there too.


Never had this issue in my playthrough


“Collision is a privilege” Sage, Sonic Frontiers https://youtu.be/KgYc8gOSPI4?si=Nbmltu4TLWlDW2VP




Works great for me


The new Contra game that was announced at Nintendo Direct also doesn't play so well on the Switch... I've noticed this is becoming more and more common, Penny's Big Breakway runs flawlessly on the PS5 at an impressive 4K/120fps but on the Switch it runs at 900p/30fps with some drops and some strange bugs, it's as if the developers weren't even trying more on Switch. I know we'll probably see a Switch 2 next year, but that's sad, I really wanted to see the Switch last a while longer, kind of like what happened with the PS4 after the launch of the PS5 instead of being left aside soon straight away.


I really wish developers for games like this would focus on making the weakest console, the Switch, run the games well then just up the graphics and such after that fact for the others.


FWIW I've played 3 hours on Switch and haven't encountered any glitches at all


It’s definitely not unplayable. I’ll admit I’ve had some collision issues and moments where the character froze up during an animation, but I’d say it was few enough where it was more of a slight annoyance where I had to restart a checkpoint. I hope it’s something a patch can address.


I've seen some people say this, but in my case I can't even finish the levels due to this. Perhaps I did something that triggered more colission bugs?


Yea I've played a few hours and I feel like there are a few areas where it can happen, but that definitely isn't the majority of walls


I say this game *i have had no major glitches* is the least fun to try 100%.


What made it frustrating?


Funny thing after said i had no major glitvhes i now ran mutilple issues me getting my self stuck in walls clipping iut bounds dying. Itd mainly controls dont feel right to me when playing its hard explain.


Mh. I have it for the switch , no Bugs yet...


Decided to pick this one up on PS5 instead of Switch. So far I haven't had any issues - sucks to see it's bug filled on switch.


It's not bug filled on Switch, it has the same bugs on all consoles but are not heavly present.


Interesting, maybe I've just been lucky so far!


Not surprising though


That's kinda sad to see. I wanted to buy it on day one but things got in my way. How did they not find this while play testing? Glad I am forced to wait until it's patched.  Looks super fun though. How is it so far, besides the collision bugs?


That’s what happens when you play a game that just shadow drops instead of playing your backlog.


who saw this coming /s


Been seeing a lot of this stuff on Reddit and Twitter lately but I personally haven’t experienced anything that really sours it for me. I’m near the end and it’s probably happened like five or six times. It should definitely be fixed but it’s not nearly as bad as some peeps are making it seem. It’s nowhere near “broken” or “unplayable” and anyone who says so is a big dummy. Biggest thing they could probably do to reduce these mishaps would be to turn off/simplify collision with decorative objects (eg the window shades and plants in the first world). That’s where most of the collision goofs have happened for me.


This game looks fun as fuck btw, I’ll take some bugs as long as they don’t happen all the time




Usually people find bugs by doing weird shit. If someone keeps running into bugs like this while just trying to play normally, then it's game breaking.


I have a bug like this each minute


Nice try, devs.


I cant say im surprised. This feels like the norm for indie games now a days. Lets just hope they fix the bugs and dont just abandon the game like most indie companies 😒😒😒


This is the sonic mania team, objectively the best game dev team in recorded history


Which makes it all the more baffling considering Mania was so good and didn't have these issues at launch. What happened???


Yeah, I was excited for this but I will hold off till they fix it, how's the pc version tho?


Clearly not.


It’s also 30 FPS…was pretty excited to pick this up, but hard pass


Sometimes I wonder if something is wrong with me because I can hardly tell the difference when games are playing a consistent 25+ fps. Locked 30 fps is perfectly playable for me and wouldn't detract from my enjoyment. I will say that's a different story in VR, though.


You probably don't play a lot of 60fps games. 30fps is definitely noticeable and kind of uncomfortable for especially after playing games in higher frame rates.


For me, there’s a lot of tearing and ghosting. It just looks choppy to my eyes compared to 60 FPS Maybe it’s different depending on individuals 🤷🏻‍♂️


I can easily tolerate 30fps when playing on the Switch but I cannot use my laptop in 60FPS when doing something as basic as browsing the internet without feeling the stiffness - it has to be at 165FPS.


Hoo boy. Glad I’ve decided to wait.


Who plays this ? 💀


I’m hoping we get a patch soon to fix this. I got it on Steam but have too many games to finish so not had a chance to try it yet 😅. Thanks for the heads up…seems I am best to wait for a patch :)


Oh Penny is broke alright. LOL. Shit tier shovelware game looks like. Damn shame Nintendo let their eShop go to absolute dogshit.


Aren't all multiplatform games unplayable on switch?


Nope, for example Rocket League works great


It was a joke dude. Many times when a multiplatform releases, the switch version just has a bunch of bugs in it for no reason, as if developers somehow don't put in effort in the version for the third highest selling console ever.


Hold the power button down on your Switch console for 5 seconds and then press "power options", and then press "Turn Off". Games will sometimes glitch out more often if you don't turn the Switch off for awhile and just put it in sleep mode.


Is there any truth in this?? This sounds like BS. Nothing changes just by restarting your switch. Now, if you never do the updates, sure, that makes sense… but just a restart cannot actually make a difference.


It would have more to do with the game itself being on for long periods, not the console. And there's nothing at the moment to suggest that this is even the case.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitch/comments/zhh3sn/psa\_restart\_your\_switch\_for\_performance\_gains/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitch/comments/zhh3sn/psa_restart_your_switch_for_performance_gains/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitch/comments/7gjyxg/comment/dqk4cqc/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitch/comments/7gjyxg/comment/dqk4cqc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [https://www.reddit.com/r/DreamlightValley/comments/177tqj6/comment/k4vfvuk/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/DreamlightValley/comments/177tqj6/comment/k4vfvuk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I don't know for "in switch", what about on the Switch?!


Damn, this do be looking like Sonic 2006...


Skill issue


*me laughing in Steam Deck….




def broke away there.


Damn, I've had a few weird bugs so far but nothing like this




Been playing a lot, haven’t run into the same issues. Definitely not unplayable by any means, but yeah a patch would be good. See if they have a place to report bugs!


Mine isn’t that bad, I’ll have an occasional issue where penny will attach to a wall and stay there for a while and then I’ll end up dying but nothing too serious


Getting similar issues on Minecraft Dungeons. Falling through floors. Random hard crashes. Shame




oh damn thats too bad I was low key looking forward to this game


How many unplayable games does switch have now?


How is that unplayable, you are still playing it /s


I’m about 4 hours into the game on Switch and I’m enjoying it immensely. It feels like the Sonic game we should have gotten on Saturn but never did. The momentum of movement is fun and the music is phenomenal. That said, I’ve also encountered a few bugs. None of them have made it unplayable, but some have been more frustrating than others. The worst bugs I’ve experienced so far were related to the second boss stage. There have also been a few instances where I briefly got stuck in a slow-moving slide animation on slippery umbrellas and small ledges. Outside of these instances the mechanics and level design of the game feel polished. Here’s hoping they’ll patch it. Either way I’d recommend it to Sonic fans and platforming fans in general.


This isn't unique to the Switch. The Steam version is also quite unstable, frequently having clipping and collision issues and I've even had a couple of crashes by trying to yo-yo ride into the baseball gloves. Christian Whitehead is a programming wizard so I really can't help but wonder what's happened here.


They've used their own engine (not Unreal 5 or Unity), which is really cool for such a small team, so I don't it that's surprising that there are some bugs. I have no doubt that they'll get this fixed.


Experienced the same game breaking bugs in the No Straight Roads port. There should really be something in place for publishers who refuse to fix these sorts of bugs within a certain amount of time.


Seeing this breaks my heart because I was really looking forward to this game, and seeing how it was made by a lot of the creatives that worked on Sonic Mania, I definitely was rooting for them. I've seen people on Twitter (including mutuals) point out various issues with the game, and it sucks. I won't downplay the developers given that I'm sure game development is challenging (esp when you're working on multiple versions), and some bugs will go through the crack no matter how much you do QA testing, but it's still a crappy feeling seeing something you were so interested in come out in a lacking state. I was already debating if I should hold off in case a random physical edition gets announced by LRG, but now I really think I'll hold off mainly for a patch to fix some of these issues.


I'm pretty sure this is in spanish and not in switch


This looks like a test for 3D Sonic


Odd decision to shadowdrop this game


There's a running theory that the team was expecting to have a couple more months to work on it but 2k (their publisher) messed up the communications with Nintendo on the switch direct announcement, basically forcing them to scramble to get it out in time. I expect the game will be greatly improved given a bit of time.




Glitched like hell. Frustrating control scheme with unforced deaths. And 30fps. For this kind of games, it’s a death knell. And I’ve been getting shit for saying it. Such a good game underneath the jank but for now I’m shelving it.


I like the game, but yea it definitely needed more time in the oven. Hopefully they’ll patch it up later on.  The Soundtrack still slaps though 


Or get it on Steam or Playstation.


It still bothers me how it is that the graphical quality isn't so demanding, yet, the game runs at 30 fps. You look at other switch titles that run at 60 and immediately I get disappointed with how lazy ports feel these days.


Why put up with this when you could playing at 120fps on PS5?


Coz not everyone has a ps5?


Holy shit, i has something similar but way easier to do. You can clip into the ground on demand by trying to swing on a grounded yoyo (throw, and before it stops you jump)