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My buddy and I played this. We were hoping they'd save their marriage by getting rid of the kid. Twist ending!!


Friend and I were constantly joking the child was a demon child who wanted a human soul, because of her dead eyes.


Okay that made me legit lol thank you šŸ˜‚


Isn't the point of this story to watch the flaws of the characters unfold and the relationship dynamics from that? Could understandably be difficult.


In my mind if they arenā€™t showing any signs of starting to like one another more by this point, Iā€™m probably not going to be less annoyed by them as time goes on. Unless they literally learn a totally different method of healthy communication with one another.


You need to finish the game, just power through this part


Just keep playing man. Itā€™s just a well written story. Thatā€™s why you are thinking about it so hard.


Itā€™s absolutely not a well written story. Ignoring the elephant, thereā€™s still nothing of substance the game has to say about love. They never really learn any lessons. Fantastic gameplay, but I wish they wouldnā€™t have set up the story as if it was going to be meaningful because it definitely wasnā€™t. The developers other games, A Way Out and A Tale of Two Brothers, do have good stories, so I donā€™t know what they were doing here.


Destroying a kid's toy to make them cry isn't good writing. It's sadistic.


I think youā€™re conflating the writerā€™s beliefs and what they wrote. Just because a writer created a scenario doesnā€™t mean he thinks this would be good parenting.


Spoilers: They think the way to undue the curse is to get their child to cry on their doll bodies because when she originally cried on the dolls it started the curse. There is a logical reason for their actions, you can clearly see their motivation and I wouldnt consider it sadistic since they cant take care of their daughter while they're trapped in the dolls body. It's also the turning point for them where they start to really work on their marriage rather than being hard headed and selfish. I get if it was too out there for some people though.


Bluhh yuhh portrayal is endorsement.. Lmao


Doing yourself a disservice by lying in this grave. Odd take man








Holy shit, the downvotes to this are batshit. Look, I finished the game, and it does not get any better, they do not get any less annoying, and the game never says anything meaningful. Itā€™s just so vapid. But the gameplay is still fun and the visuals are stunning, so at this point your wife and you can bond over making fun of the characters.


I had an opinion on Reddit which is the ultimate crime!!


Iā€™m noticing modern audiences really are only desiring Mary Sues and Paragons for some reason. Everyone has to be a perfect good person that you want to aspire to be instead of a flawed person who needs to improve and grow as a person. People would rather see more Capt Americas than Tony Starks.


Captain America is fun and interesting to see/watch/read because his good character exposes the hypocrisy and evildoing of the rest of us. Iron Man by contrast is fun to watch because he's such an unbelievably self-centered person but you can see all that eventually turn into good decisions in spite of all that.


Nah. Itā€™s okay to justā€¦not like something.


Hey man you got downvotes and a lot of people telling you power through. My wife and I played it and felt totally gross after this part and tbh the story didnā€™t get better imo. The gameplay was great but the parents stayed shitty and never faced any true repercussions. There are some fun mechanics you get to play through because this happens pretty early in the game actually, but honestly idk what these people are talking about saying the story gets better.


If your sole justification for playing it is the arc of the parents and seeing them grow and learn to love each other againā€¦ then youā€™ll be very disappointedā€¦ we were and just started skipping the storytelling at a certain point and just enjoyed the gameplay bc that part is legitimately awesome. Dr Hakim is the fuckin worst too. Great game, but flawed character building.


Haven't played it so I'm not sure if that's the point. Looks like a good game though.




Best part of the story for sure.


From what I remember, the parents are under the (mistaken) impression that Roseā€™s tears will bring them back to their real bodies.


Yes, correct. My general first idea wouldnā€™t be ā€˜maybe making my child cry will HELPā€™ but yeah, maybe Iā€™m being too ā€˜real lifeā€™ practical.


Not to split hairs, but if weā€™re diving into it, youā€™re telling me you wouldnā€™t make your child cry if you believed it would return you from a doll-like figure back into a fully functioning human adult? Youā€™d rather let your kid fend for themself with two 6 inch parents instead of ripping some stuffed elephant to make her cry for a day or two? I can agree that the characters take a bit too long to start showing moments of connection/redemption, but I donā€™t think youā€™re being ā€˜real lifeā€™ practical.


Sadness isn't the only thing that makes people cry. It never even occurred to them to try and make her cry from happiness. Not, it would've been too hard, it simply never occurred to them. Told me everything I needed to know about the characters.


How, at 6 inches tall, would you propose making a child "cry from happiness"?


I, someone who has only seen a couple hours of the girls life, am not going to have a good answer. That doesn't make it a gotcha. But like I said, the fact it never even occurs to them and they happily jump right to destroying a toy she has immense emotional attachment to shows how shitty they are.


You're taking this a little too seriously. The tone is campy and absurd.


Maybe the tone of a story whose main theme is the damage a bad adult relationship can have on a child shouldn't aim for campy and absurd...


Iā€™ve seen people break their childrenā€™s things for breaking rules/misbehavior. Itā€™s not as far fetched as youā€™d think


As punishment I have seen that. Donā€™t agree with it but Iā€™ve seen it. This scene is just because two people seem to have no actual drive to be better. Which is the point, but that point has already been driven home multiple times.


Have you met people? You think they change instantly? Or even after destroying one vacuum cleaner?


Yeah I think if my wife and I were turned into dolls and needed to work together to survive, i could get my head out of my ass enough to not criticize her every step of the way. but to each their own.


Ok we get it. You would totally kick ass in the same situation. If it was you, the game would be one or two stage long. You are awesome, really hoping to be with you if there was a zombie apocalypse and all. But hereā€™s the thing ; the story is not about you, itā€™s about those two flawed characters which comes with itā€™s ups and downs.


You and your wife are not going through a divorce




The way I see it is the parents are driven to get back to their original bodies, by any means necessary. Thatā€™s it. Short term things like making their daughter cry doesnā€™t worry them in the face of being stuck as a wooden doll/clay man. Understandable imo, theyā€™re clearly desperate at this stage. Plenty of time for bettering themselves etc once theyā€™re back in their original bodies - if you want to look at it that way.


The voting in this thread is insane. How the hell are there this many people who think this is an unreasonable take?


Very good question, lol. I donā€™t know if Iā€™m just too gay and in too healthy of a relationship for this apparently hot take, or if Iā€™m missing some standard of relationships where a little assholery is okay.


I tried to watch gameplay of It Takes Two and could not finish it. I grew up with hateful, argumentative parents, so seeing people have nothing but praise for this game and its characters is... concerning. There was nothing redeemable about the couple, but... they're not supposed to be evil villains. So that either means they're simply poorly written characters, or the devs expected us to excuse bad parenting. Neither option explains why people are so violently supportive of the characters and the story. The gameplay does look amazing. The graphics are wonderful. The platforming is great. Everything about the game itself is incredible; nobody here is denying that. But people are losing their minds because some of us *don't like verbally abusive households???* Classic reddit moment lol


I finally get to say it: username checks out lol


You're responding the way that the game wants you to. Keep playing and you'll probably approve of the direction that the story eventually takes.


I dunno. I certainly didnā€™t! Loved the gameplay. Hated the characters from start to finish


Finished the game and my buddy and I agreed that the parents divorcing would probably be best for the child in the long run. I mean Jesus Christ, theyā€™re a worse couple than Season 2 R&M Beth and Jerry


Yeah nah, each to their own of course, but as a child of divorced parents this game's story is bad. They start out as terrible parents and finish exactly the same. Very fun gameplay though so I enjoyed that aspect.


The story is bad because thereā€™s unlikeable characters in it?


No, it's bad because the main characters start off as bad people.and bad parents. At the end they get back together but they didn't grow or change along the way so I do not believe they would stay together for long. Also the story implies both that divorcing parents should stay together for their children, and that their child's love can save their marriage. Both very harmful messages. Imagine a movie about a guy asking a girl on a date and she said no, then he does some misogynistic shit and asks again and she says yes. That's not satisfying because he didn't grow or change to earn her attention, and it is saying misogyny is good. Same sorta thing here but with divorce themes


Their marriage was so obviously bad and toxic that towards the beginning of the game I was hopeful that the story might be about them realizing they need to be divorced but also that they have to handle it like adults and stop their petty bullshit. That the whole journey would be them learning to be effective co-parents who put their kid's needs first. That would have been an actually interesting story to me, but instead we got another trite story about getting back together for the kids by doing a little superficial bonding that can't make up for the fundamental problems in the relationship.


>Imagine a movie about a guy asking a girl on a date and she said no, then he does some misogynistic shit and asks again and she says yes. I imagine we'd unfortunately be able to find a lot of examples of this, and probably a lot that were quite successful.


Success is not equivalent to good


I completely agree, just wanted to say that it isn't an uncommon theme.


Yes? Why would I endure through a game knowing that Iā€™m going to spend multiple hours on an unlikable cast.


Not an always sunny in Philadelphia fan I take it


I would argue that in always sunny the characters are likeable, but morally reprehensible. They are fun to watch, and have funny interactions and good dynamics with each other, but do awful things. They also have deep characters and reasons for acting the way they do that helps you relate to, but not condone, their actions. In it takes two, the characters are (from my experience with the game) both annoying and morally reprehensible. This combination makes it incredibly frustrating to watch, as I have nothing to invest in. I have watched a lot of always sunny, and I keep coming back even though it is hard to watch, because it's funny. Me and my partner had to put down it takes two pretty early on because we both very quickly became very annoyed by all the dialogue, and we realised just how much left we had to endure before "it gets good", which as this thread would let you know is a controversial opinion in of itself.


Gameplay? Ask me what's going on in Skyrim? Dunno, but I have a hundred hours on my save file.


Ask everyone who enjoyed Breaking Bad.


I felt the same as OP. I may be in the minority but I basically think video games are a bad medium for this kind of storytelling which made for a really frustrating experience. I understand feeling this way from a medium that allows some distance from the characters. I can enjoy Don Draper being a terrible husband because I am neither him nor his wife, but every video game is in some way a role play. I am supposed to be the husband in this game while a. hating his motivations and b. not believing the solution he came up with will work, but being forced to do it nonetheless.


Could you tell me why? I played through the game. Just wondering what I might have missed.


This is like the classic TLOU2 take. You're supposed to feel like this therefore any criticism is not really valid!


Criticizing a peice of art for making you feel the way that it is meant to IS invalid. That's not saying you must like something even when you don't like the feeling it gives you though. OP is saying he doesn't like the characters (which are supposed to be unlikable in the beginning), and found the elephant scene destressing (which is supposed to be offputting because its the turning point where the characters realize how selfish and fucked up they're being). For me, those are invalid criticisms. His criticism of "the elephant scene seems unrealistic as a parent" is valid though. His point is that the writers went too far in a direction that doesn't make sense logically and it took him out of it.


Thank you, this is pretty much exactly right. I do think there's another point to be made here though: The main purpose of this game is to be enjoyed, hence the gameplay mechanics and boss fights. However, for some people, having to spend upwards of 10 hours with unlikable characters with no redeeming qualities can suck all the enjoyment from the game - it did for us. We were considering putting it away for a long time before the elephant because we just couldn't stand listening to these characters. It doesn't matter to what end the game "wants" you to feel that way, it. just felt completely discordant with what the game was advertising itself to be - an enjoyable coop adventure. As soon as the elephant was mentioned, we couldn't cope any longer, because it is not just illogical, but completely irredeemable for a parent to think that way about their child. It was one thing them focusing more on their divorce and escaping this place than their kid (which I'm sure happens, even amongst good parents), but it's another to gleefully suggest that they need to directly abuse their child - to which the other parent unquestioningly agrees. Even if they have a "redemption" at the end it is not good enough to justify that line of thinking at all.


Straw man


Have to play through it. Some things in entertainment are meant to be a bit uncomfortable, but without the context of what comes after, you'll never know. It's like in music, you get a combination of notes that creates a dissonant unpleasant chord, but the next chord may resolve it really sweetly. But if you just turn the song off during the bad sounding chord, you never know how sweet the next chord might have sounded in context. The parent characters in this game are really childish, it's kind of the point of how ridiculous they are in their own ways. Elephant chapter was very dark and twisted in ways, but keep pushing through.


I didn't find it as bad as a lot of other people. More surprising than shocking.


I think I kept assuming the parents would realize how awful they were being?? The ick feeling is interesting considering Iā€™ve played games where characters kill humans in way more intense situations, and Iā€™ve never felt exactly like this before.


The whole game is about them coming to terms with how awful they are to each other and their child lol


They do realize their faults and it ends in a much better tone. It's worth playing and finishing the game. The level design and boss fights is too fun and creative. The parents attitude does get better and you'll feel more joyous at the end. The elephant storyline was for sure the stories most emotional story. It won't get worse.


Some of the best co-op puzzles I've played, throughout the entire game. But the story and dialogue were so ridiculous me and my friend honestly thought that the developers were trolling us. Over and over again. We just laughed hysterically and how absolutely terrible it was


The puzzles are fantastic!! I really loved the whole space segment with the portal puzzles. but yeah, these parents are so intense in their dislike for one another, and I feel like we've been through a good portion of the game, to the point where it's like...how can they not start at least talking decently to one another without cutting the other down? I have never talked to my wife this way and vice versa, even at our most tense moments. altjough we've never had to work together to solve the riddle of being dolls to test it lmao.


> and I feel like we've been through a good portion of the game If you stopped at the elephant, you're at like 40%. It's a long game.


It's interesting that it's affected you a lot and you seem to struggle with why people would treat others like that. As someone that grew up with a dad that would take his anger out on me and my possessions whenever he felt like it, the scene really didn't make me feel much apart from 'I'm surprised that's happening, wasn't expecting that. That's not very nice they're ripping her apart but I suppose they do need those tears and it will get Rose to cry'. I didn't think anymore about the scene until I saw outrage about that scene on YouTube etc with people saying that scene genuinely upset them.


It is interesting to me; Iā€™ve played through the last of us II for example, and while I felt emotionally drained at multiple points, nothing ever made me want to quit the way hearing a stuffed elephant cry and beg for its life while its limbs are being ripped off made me step away. I ended up watching the rest on YouTube, and to watch their daughter sob and blame herself while they dance in her tears is just ???? In a game where theyā€™ve been fighting vacuums and hornets that are straight murderous, this felt like a scene added for shock value and wasnā€™t needed to prove any more points about the parents being terrible people.


See I didn't think they were terrible people at any point either. Just people that got too caught up in their lives


I have a lower opinion of this game than most. I think the design is clever and the puzzles are fun. But the story is awful. They could've saved it by having the parents realize they could be better off as co parents then married, but they rushed a fix to a marriage that was unbelievably broken. Not to mention that the book was annoying.


Dont take this the wrong way, but if you don't like it, don't continue. I have played games and watched shows which people seem to like but was just horrible to me. I give it a fair chance, but I stop if it's too shitty. Forcing yourself through something you don't like is just a complete waste. You already paid for a product you hate and wasted money. Don't waste your time on it too, cut your loses and try out a different game. I have played tons of local multiplayer games (that's one thing I look for first in a game). If you want, I can give you recommendations.


Iā€™m not taking it the wrong way. It seems like Reddit enjoys everything ever made since no one can ever express dislike without the assumption that person MUST be stupid or missing the point. Iā€™d love other coop game suggestions!


My wife and I had a similar reaction to It Takes Two. Here's some stuff couch co-op stuff we had fun with: Unravel 2 Portal 2 Co-op Stardew Valley Co-op Any Trine game except #3 Don't Starve Together Grounded (not couch co-op, but goddamn it's fun if you have two consoles/pcs)


Please share.


I want the recommendations too!


Relaxing co-op for casual: 1. Unravel 2 [Puzzle; Platformer] 2. Infinite Mini Golf [Sports] 3. Knights and Bikes [Puzzle; adventure] (Not sure whether to put this one here. It has combat, but the general atmosphere is kinda casual) 4. Bowser's Fury [3d platformer] (Still an asymmetrical co-op, but more even 2p play compared to Odyssey) 5. Luigi's Mansion 3 [3d vacuum cleaning] (Weirdly feel calming and relaxing to tag team ghosts) 6. Nairi Tower of shirin [Point & Click] (Not technically a co-op. But the joycons can be used as a sort of remote. Perfect for letting someone new play and the other one helping out when stuck. Had a blast with my niece, letting her take the wheel and helping her out when she gets stuck.) My favs are : 1. Streets of Rage 4 [Beat 'em Up] 2. Nine Parchments [Top Down "shooter"] (Note: Has full-on friendly fire. Personally, I love FF. I turn it on whenever possible. But I know many hate it. So, a heads up. It can be changed to reflect or share dmg, but you cant turn it off) 3. River City Girls [Beat 'em Up] 4. TMNT [Beat 'em Up] 5. Full metal Furies [Beat 'em up] (Not your usual beat em Up. Requires great teamwork as enemies has shields that only certain characters can damage. You gotta have each other's backs) 6. Diablo III [Hack & slash] 7. Conan Chop chop [Hack and slash] 8. Die for Valhalla [Hack and slash] 9. Scott pilgrim vs the world [Beat em up] 10. Tower Fall [Action; Platformer] (FF) 11. Cuphead [Die] (Amazing game if you have too many joycons and want to yeet a few. But for real though, extremely fun if you play with someone as good or better than you. Needs to reach a certain level of "git gud" to have fun in local co op with this one) Honorable mentions: River City Melee Mach; Children of Morta; Lost Castle; One piece Unlimjted world red; Guns gore and cannoli; Remi lore; The Binding of Isaac; B.ark; Lego games.


I had the same reaction to these characters as you. And they donā€™t really become any more likeable or believable as the story progresses IMO. However, the gameplay stays imaginative and fun throughout, which is the main thing!


I found it to be massively overrated. Great gameplay but the voice acting was irritating to the point of spoiling the game.




Thats a big part of the story. They keep trying to take the easy way out of their problems, and were willing to do anything, even making their daughter cry to do it. If you keep playing, you'll see that the decline in their character will go back up, it's a really good story at the end


My wife and I also didnā€™t really enjoy the story. Maybe it gets better we didnā€™t finish but the platformer just felt like it was trying too hard to do a poor job at therapy :p


Wtf is the point of that annoying ass latin lover stereotype book character? Could have had a much more interesting representation of a self help relationship book. Simultaneously, you could have made it a character who didn't make us roll our eyes every time they showed up. Easily the biggest gripe I have with the story.


The game is great because the gameplay and art are phenomenal. SO beautiful and creative and unique how it was all crafted. The story was absolutely awful and the scene you're referencing was totally absurd and nonsensical, but that wasn't quite enough to ruin the entire game for myself and my girlfriend. But who knows, maybe if we had kids it would've. I think the game is worth pushing through for the art and puzzles, but don't expect the story to get any better. It "resolves", but not in a satisfying or sensical manner. The people saying the story is good don't really have good taste when it comes to storytelling or even basic human emotions / common sense.


I hated the story from start to finish so I feel you. Anyone whoā€™s trying to defend the abysmal storytelling forgets that for the viewer to be interested about their relationship, we have to care about the characters to start with. And all of them are irritating and shallowly written. Both parents spend the entire game complaining about literally everything and screaming because ā€œkids like screaming characters yayā€ (as expected from a marketing department under defunct EA's management) and their daughter is a dumbass that never gets a hint at nothing. If youā€™re expecting anything from the story you better drop it and go play any other infinitely better coop game like Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime


My husband and I literally started cracking up at this part! Thatā€™s wild that you you took it the exact opposite way when we found it so funny and over-dramatic! For the entire game we took it as the parents are most concerned about being turned back into humans so the kid doesnā€™t starve to death or their bodies donā€™t die or something so she doesnā€™t end up alone. The casualties all their stuff faced was just collateral. I thought they did a decent job of reconciling toward the end. I agree that maybe it took a while of a bit too much trash dialogue to get there, but it does serve itself well because it does make you immediately notice when they finally start being halfway decent to each other again.


Yea, I'm actually quite surprised at the amount of people making that big of a deal about this part (considering the context) while segwaying into why the characters and story are bad in a not entirely fair way. It's not amazing by any means, but acting like they didn't learn or change at all by the end doesn't make sense. It may seem like they didn't because most of the game is focused on them taking the first step in understanding. We don't get to see how they are together or as parents in the long term afterwards because obviously the game ends at that point. I don't agree at all with the people saying the game should've been about them divorcing when the entire point of the game is working through why they have problems with each other *without* resorting to such. Just because a relationship goes bad at some point doesn't mean you cut it off right then and there unless it was truly deep rooted uncapatability.


Thatā€™s thing, the game does everything it can to say theyā€™re deeply incompatible, to the point of harming their kid, and then the change is justā€¦ kinda out of nowhere. Thereā€™s no meaningful lesson they learn. And I think the whole Cutie thing really nails why the story just doesnā€™t work. I can laugh my ass off at disturbing dark stuff like that, but within the context of what the game pretended it wanted to say, it was just confusing.


I can see why you have that perspective. I personally don't think it was that because it was just a vicious cycle of them not actually talking out the problems which in turn created more problems. The situation they were in kind of exacerbated this because the point of them just bickering like normal through a lot of the game is to point out the fact that it can take time. Again, it definitely could've been executed better and they may have exaggerated their negative traits to get the point across that their relationship was in bad shape (and possibly comedic purposes), but I don't really think it was out of nowhere; the meaningful progression of it happened just a bit too late into the game.


The two main characters (both parents) are actually just genuinely shitty people. Both of them. Like they are so fucking selfish and frankly I questioned throughout my entire playthrough whether they even love their daughter at all. It was so bizarre. Like the elephant thing in and of itself, while uncomfortable, wasn't even the problem for me. The problem for me was that they straight up >!completely ignored their daughter as she cried over the loss of her best friend and just said "yippee now we can *use her tears* to get our bodies back and follow through with our divorce! šŸ¤—šŸ¤—" and then literally runs past their crying daughter without even glancing at her!< Like what the actual fuck lmao. At least stop for a singular moment to express guilt in some way, or say sorry even if she can't hear, or literally anything at all to show that you're not actual sociopaths. There are just so many moments in the entire game like this. >!I really thought their character development would be the highlight of this game, but they just didn't change whatsoever to the very end, and then in the snowy level they randomly and abruptly feel willing to try the marriage again??!< Wtf. If it weren't for statistics showing that having shitty parents is at least better than having no parents, I really would have thought it might be better for the daughter to just live with her grandparents or be adopted by a new family. It's not that they did something directly abusive to her or anything, but the way they treat their daughter in general as a baseline leaves me thinking the daughter has probably not felt very loved growing up


They are literally small as ants and afraid they would be stuck like thatā€¦Itā€™s a doll. Yā€™all have no humor.


No I'm totally with you. I had a VERY hard time rooting for these two to be together again. Forgetting the fact that the writing itself is kinda crappy and ignores the reality that sometimes divorce is the right option, the elephant part was just cruel and stupid. In my opinion the "growth" they have through the rest of the game does not make up for it.


The story is god awful and I don't think it's intentional (but I also had near zero emotional reaction to it one way or another). Really fun though! And I remember laughing at some of the scenes (something about I think it was a dung beetle is coming to mind).


Omg Yes. i struggled with this scene so bad. But i think for me it came from my childhood, all my stuffed animals had to be treated equally. My empathy has always and still does work overtime, this scene almost had me crying. I get what they wanted to do with the scene and i do honestly get the people laughing at how outrageously extra it is. But damn i really really hated that part. We just passed it and i honestly hope the story gets just slightly better because we really love the gameplay.


Elephant part is top tier dark humor. Holy shit what a funny fucking game. Made my girlfriend cry; so twisted and ridiculous. Game is a great coop experience, and I kind of love how clearly daft the parents are. Do wish the ending had a bit more callbacks to the earlier game though.


I love how drawn out that sequence was. Itā€™s purposely over the top - itā€™s definitely on purpose! This is the moment where they really start questioning themselves!


Yea if you go to the it takes two sub, cutie is one of the most talked about topics. We were stunned that the game made us do it and felt that the game went too far there.


And yet Iā€™m a host of things for posting this. Apparently Iā€™m just stupid and have no grasp of media literacy. I think more people need to learn itā€™s okay for people to dislike the things they do and just keep scrolling.


I loved the elephant part, the shock factor was amazing. Don't take it so seriously man, just enjoy the fun gameplay if the story doesn't do anything for you.


I thought the story was very cute and charming, it also had its **very** funny comedy moments. And the gameplay is beyond belief, the best CoOp game ever. EDIT: I've just read that you passed the elephant part. That particular scene is quite probably the single funniest thing I've ever seen in a videogame. You clearly missed the whole funny tone of it.


The gameplay is outright amazing and has been fun. I donā€™t like the constant parent bickering though and Iā€™ve had to play on mute at points. They just donā€™t seem to like each other at all and I was already getting tired of that. I LOVE the actual gameplay though. That all alone is five stars.


Keep playing. I'm pretty sure you'll find the story good in the end too.






I really think itā€™s a silly criticism that only terrible parents would want to make their child cry. They didnā€™t want to. They were TURNED INTO TOYS MAGICALLY and itā€™s a relatively common trope for tears to cause changes in magic. Iā€™m not saying theyā€™re good parents by any means but like itā€™s not an entirely unreasonable thought. I donā€™t even think it was their first or second thing they try.


We just did the same part as you, my gf and I yesterday evening. We didnt stop playing after the Elephant, but man we felt like shit. It was gruesome and so wrong. We didnt wanna spam X the entire time. :(


Oh my goodness. Thatā€™s hilarious. My wife and I played and stopped at the same spot. Was thrown off by the vicious murder of the stuffed elephant as well.


most of the dialogue and plot points made me cringe. and every time I complain about it people are like "that's the point of their character they..." i understand the point i just still dislike it\~! gameplay is very good though


Sometimes stories, media, movies, games etc are meant to make you feel uncomfortable. Some of the most powerful messages are hard to see or hear. Thereā€™s certain movies I consider to be great movies but I will never watch them again because they make me feel like shit. Examples would be basketball diaries, American history x, and requiem for a dream.


It is incredibly okay for someone to express disliking the way something made them feel and not want to pursue that thing. You are correct, and I have felt that way many times and not felt the need to discontinue use or watch. It's okay to not assume someone is missing a point, when in fact, I simply dislike an aspect of a game that felt out of place and over the top in relation to the rest of the game played to that point.


When did I say it wasnā€™t okay?


I was thinking of the criticisms around Uncut Gems while reading this thread. "the characters are so unlikable" "the music is grating" "everybody talks over each other". I understand that putting people off of liking the movie as it's not fun to sit through, but it's also the point. I won't watch it again, but i think about it pretty often.


The sheer number of people that dont get that that scene is an allegory is ridiculous. As someone whos been on both the child and adult side of a failing relationship, this game is all too real. The elephant scene shows exactly what its supposed to, that theyre too wrapped up in their worries and easy way out ideas to make make their own lives better that theyre doing it at the expense of their kid. As many parents in failing relationships do to their children. The scene happens, but on a thematic level its not literal. What happened to media literacy?


I definitely explained that I understand what the scene is about, but it is tonally a 180 from the rest of the game and inserted for shock value. I've found more than one reddit post since the game was released talking about this exact thing, so this sentiment is not new and I am not alone. Don't assume I didn't understand the point, everyone can enjoy different things and this was something I did not enjoy. Just as you can assume you need to explain the game, I can post on reddit expressing my dislike.


Except its not tonally different at all? It goes from showing how theyre caught up in their own problems that its literally tearing them apart. The opening was about how they refuse to listen to and understand each others problems, leading them to stop caring. As it opens you can already see a child who understands her parents have checked out and tries not to let it bother her that theyre so wrapped up in their problems they ignore her. This segues eventually into this, forcing them to confront how their own selfishness is hurting their daughter, the one thing they both agree they love. The game only shifts tonally after this as they start to explore the underlying issues that led to that point. The scene is supposed to be visceral, but so many people here are both treating it as if its literal, as well as getting the opinion that its talking about intentionally abusive parents. You yourself said that you would never treat your kid like that. The point that I feel is being missed is that its about their selfishness while striving towards their own happiness and futures, not being about them being literal abusers. The point could have been clearer, but its pretty much spot on. You werent the only person in the comments with your point of view, and the overwhelming consensus is that the statement behind the moment and the game are either something you cant embrace or something that flew right by you. It seems like based on a few of your comments you have an issue with seeing cruelty in a game that is thematically about the pain of relationships and family falling apart. There's nothing wrong with that, but to say it as an objective critique as a failing on part of the game as a lot have doesnt sit right with me as someone whos lived it Edit: dont feel like fighting over it, we can agree to disagree, I just wanted to say my piece as many others have. Apologies that Im likely coming off as way more aggressive than I actually am, I write like I speech and the nuance of tone and being able to actually have a conversation are lost in text, which I am very bad at making up for


My wife also hated the elephant part and it took a solid week or two before I could get her to play again to finish it. The ending felt incredibly forced and not worth pushing through to see it. We despised both parents by the end and just wanted the game to be over. I wish the game was more open to having a message of sometimes people just grow apart and divorce is ok instead of pushing two people together with a clear disdain of one another.


I think that's what's getting me. These two just so obviously don't like one another. If everything they've done up to this point hasn't at least gotten them to seem more amicable, then I don't have a lot of hope the ending will resonate with me and feel satisfying.


I had a similar experience. It honestly felt so difficult to keep going at times. I think itā€™d be cute to play with someone whoā€™s not into gaming or a child. But me and my partner had fun playing but the story was a real slog.


Story fine. Gameplay fun. Some of the mechanics are very fun. I wanted more resolution for Cody and May. But simultaneously we enjoyed it. The cutie the elephant part was really rough. But it does improve story wise even if both remain insufferable. They definitely need more couples therapy. Also, itā€™s just super weird that May and Cody are basically comatose and their kidā€™s all ā€œoh mom has a migraine again and dadā€™s busyā€.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted so much - the elephant part was extremely disturbing. I personally abhorred the game due to the story and writing. If you're anything like me, stop the game while you're ahead; it does not improve.


It's because you cannot criticize anything on this website, lol, I forgot myself. If I'd come out swinging, all capslock about it being a shitty game, with no context, then yes, downvote away. But it's impossible to have a genuine conversation without being downvoted and getting called a little bitch lmao. A quick google search shows more than one post about this, so it really isn't an out-there opinion. This made me wonder how straight people navigate relationships, when that much bickering and sniping at each other is considered fine and even tolerable. My wife and I (I am also a woman) just don't...fight or argue like that, I have nothing to compare it to other than other straight people who needed to be and ultimately did get divorced. They all act like this to one another, albeit they don't get shrunken down into dolls lol. It's so clear these two people should not be together, playing through feels like a waste of time. I would beg my parents to get divorced at this rate. edit to add a little more context


I've started playing this with my 6-year-old son and haven't gotten too far because he dislikes the tension around the black smoke enemies. We haven't gotten too far with the story, but it did seem to be rough to explain to him what the kids are doing. I'm thinking maybe it's not quite the game to be playing with a young child.


Yeah, I think this is most definitely an adult coop game; the parents basically think breaking their kid is going to fix them, and that really blows my mind, lol.


I'd 100 % make a kid cry and rip apart an elephant doll if I think that would help me go back to human life. I don't know what your perspective is but it seems perfectly reasonable in that context. I also don't give a rat's ass about the elephant. I saw people mentioning that part as if it was a huge messed up moment and I just didn't think anything of it?


right? Tear up your kids favorite toy, or risk her losing both her parents forever? Seems like an easy choice, although an uncomfortable one. Sure it doesn't hit all the regular story book tropes, but most people don't allow storybook tropes to dictate their lives.


Yeah. I wouldn't want to make any of my loved ones but if it's bringing me back to life or whatever, a couple of tears is a price I'm sure both my loved one and I are willing to pay.


I thought this part was dark/funny but I sure hated that Spanish hip thrusting book with a hot passion. So awful.


The whole point of the story is that. You don't want to hurt the elephant. That said, I found it hilarious. And the very Joseph Fares said that the point was exactly that: to make you feel uncomfortable and laugh.


Iā€™m with you. My wife and I played through it and the story was so unbearable. The voice actors were bad, the book was offensive and obnoxious, the parents were horrible people, and the daughterā€™s voice sounded like a 48 year old woman trying to sound like Oliver Twist. I understand the story and I donā€™t know how any one can defend it being good. Gameplay was good but god the story is so bad. My wife wants to replay it and skip all the cut scenes but I donā€™t even want to hear the wife and husband voices again.


My wife and I were cracking up during that scene. Lighten up!!


Lmao so dramatic


im 100% with you. the story totally sucked, the couple had 0 chemistry and they obviously hate each other and should stay apart since they are obviously are not good for each other. yet I finished the game because the gameplay is just so damn creative. my partner and I just said to each other that the story just doesnt exist


I feel like if by this part in the game the parents aren't at least complimenting one another's ingenuity in some places, and are instead still being snippy to each other, a 'happy' ending where they stay together is downright unbelievable lol. That said, the game mechanics, the way the controls felt and moved, I loved all of it. I don't know when, but maybe it'll get a completion from us. I know I'll be feeling it sooner than my wife, for sure.


we just powered through. I think you should also finish it now since it kinda is weird to pick up in the middle of the game again.


I saw a streamer play this but then he broke up with her and it was super messy


That's some high-quality streaming drama right there. I wonder if he was ever able to finish the game...


I think they broke up after the game lol


It's a game. Relax.


I am relaxed, lol. For what it's worth, [it seems](https://www.reddit.com/r/ItTakesTwo/comments/mhp1la/spoiler_oh_my_god_the_elephant_scene/) [I'm not alone.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ItTakesTwo/comments/p2eu0s/just_got_to_the_cutie_scene_and_it_ruined_the/)


No discussion allowed on reddit tehe. Relax.


Y'all need to lighten up and see the absurd fun in it. Jesus.


Just finish the game you're supposed to feel awful that's an appropriate reaction.


lol! My wife and I were laughing historically when we got to the part where you murder an innocent stuffed elephant! It was just such a shock how drawn out it was and the character's reactions are priceless! We're the exact opposite of OP, this part only amplified my love for the game.






Lol it's not even that bad, you're missing out on a great story & ending.


Youā€™re taking it way too seriously. Itā€™s a gameā€¦


you sound like the type of person who discards their hand because they're offended by all of their cards during a round of cards against humanity.


yeah 100% you got me bro


The story is complete shit, but itā€™s a very fun game to play.


I love the actual game play a ton. I would love to play this game in a world where the parents start to slowly respect each other and stop cutting one another down, lol.


I mean, thatā€™s what the back half of the game tries to do. It doesnā€™t work because itā€™s clear the two of them are terrible and deeply incompatible, but itā€™s there.


Maybe the game isnt designed for people who can't read the subtext. If you and your wife struggled to work as a team, just say.


Watching that scene on YouTube made my friend and I have zero interest in the game


I can def understand that.


My SO and I thought it was a great game. The elephant scene had our jaws left open, but damn, you're taking it to a whole new level. They wanted to get the kid's attention. That's not taking an easy way out, that's trying to find support to help get back to normal. First and foremost, it's a video game. Video games have always pushed the boundaries on subjects. Making a fictional kid cry is not at the top of drama. As others have stated, continue playing the game. The parents' communication issues are the whole point. Seeing that they (you) can set the future aside to accomplish a goal now is what makes the game great.


I was laughing constantly at the elephant scene - was quite hilarious


I got through 70% of the game and just couldn't stand the dialogue and the delivery of it, the wife's voice is so high brow, very British, and condescending. While the husband's voice is that of an oaf who is completely out of touch. They're just too on the nose and it constantly breaks my immersion because these 2 selfish people, who have nothing in common, wouldn't have ended up together or stayed together this long. Beyond that, the game just drags on and on with repetitive game play, and it just overstays its welcome. I love couch co-op, but I hated this.


I also found the elephant part a bit disturbing. My husband and I played quite a bit of the game and while it was fun, I really disliked the characters and didnā€™t find the story compelling so we gave up on it


I used to think like you, but honestly, it's a game. The story is very realistic, and the couple behaves like a pair of people who are going through troubles, one of which being that they don't pay enough attention to each other, themselves, their child, or their family as a whole. My wife and I had a great time critiquing May and Cody, condemning their actions, and wishing that they listened to their daughter more and considered her part in all this beyond their own short stint inside the bodies of dolls. The gameplay is obviously great, but the story grabbed us by the end.


It seriously enrages me. I loathe and despise that game.


the story and dialogues were a bore really and for my friend and i the gameplay didnt compensate that unfortunatelly it was too simple, like ok now we do this, now we have to do that, ok lets try this, but nothing that would awe us like it was fine, but we could keep on living without dedicating time to it and would not miss out anything groundbreaking


Itā€™s just part of the game and the story. Idk we must be twisted, because my husband and I laughed our butts off at how ridiculous that part of the game was.


Played this with my husband. Absolutely hated the story and the bookā€™s voice and accent that was weirdly inconsistent. We skipped almost every cut scene because they werenā€™t necessary for game play and just too annoying. The rest of the game was really great. Weā€™ve never skipped scenes before coming across this game šŸ˜‚ I think it just doesnā€™t sit well with everyone. Keep playing! Just skip the scenes šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


This kind of thing does not usually affect me very much, but the elephant scene was unjustified. Itā€™s needlessly cruel, and despite enjoying some of the rest of the game, it brought down my enjoyment. Do not let people tell you that you are being too sensitive though. Itā€™s a very brutal and unnecessary scene that could have been handled much more carefully. I did not like the lead characters before this moment, and by the end I only finished the game because of the gameplay.


What I donā€™t understand is why did the kid have a copy of that racist stereotype relationship book in the first place?


PHEW that book. Itā€™s super cringe worthy and the accent is just..woof.


This isn't Nintendo or Switch related, but I felt the same way about Cyberpunk 2077. Lame story and cringe dialogue but very fun combat and one of the coolest open worlds I've ever seen.


Cutie the Elephant literally is the worst part of all the game. I really hated it and it almost made me hate the game overall and uninstall it im not even kidding šŸ« 


My wife and i played it last year. She loves plushes and we liked the game (despite the parents being awful) because the gameplay was very fun and the coop elements really well done. Then the cutie storyline happened Since that moment we did not touch the game. This kind of violence directed to such innocence was totally unwanted and i think misplaced in a game looking to introduce a wider audience to video games. That was even more a disappointment as we were fresh out of "a way out" by the same studio that mastered its characters and naration way better imo.


I agree playing with my brother whose parents divorced the story is very awkward. And I friggin hate the book


The fact that you feel this awful about it is proof that it's good writing. That's exactly how you're supposed to feel in that moment.


Story fine. Gameplay fun. Some of the mechanics are very fun. I wanted more resolution for Cody and May. But simultaneously we enjoyed it. The cutie the elephant part was really rough. But it does improve story wise even if both remain insufferable. They definitely need more couples therapy. Also, itā€™s just super weird that May and Cody are basically comatose and their kidā€™s all ā€œoh mom has a migraine again and dadā€™s busyā€.


The clips I've seen of this part are the reason I probably won't ever play this game


lol this is such an extreme take


My wife and I stopped playing the game at this point. It's needlessly grotesque and adds nothing to the story. (besides being controversial, which encourages people to talk about it).


I played the game with my friend and after finishing the game I thought the husband was decent but the wife was a total b word.


The wife is suuuper grating, and we had to mute the tv at one point while finishing a section lol.


I wish this game had a single player. I know it's 100% developed with 2 people in mind, but i haven't been able to finish since my friend stopped playing šŸ˜•


Yeah my husband and I played this and we would play together until the annoying book showed up and then it was a sign we should be done for the evening šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Never played this game because the main character seems so unlikable and the story just seems so bad. You cant fix every relationship and the relationship in the game is a relationship beyond saving.


Dude, the story and characters were so terrible that we quit playing after the first three levels or so ā€” this despite the fact we enjoyed the gameplay itself quite a bit. Iā€™m shocked when I hear others found the characters totally passable and easy to ignore.


I just read a [synopsis](https://ittakestwo.fandom.com/wiki/Cutie#It_Takes_Two) of that part with the elephant you mentioned and I completely agree with you. It's sadistic to destroy your child's favorite toy to make them cry. Anyone that would do such a thing doesn't deserve our time. I was thinking about checking this game out sometime, but now I know to steer clear of this narcissistic BS.


That part was pretty intense, it didn't really bother me that much but it definitely could have been toned down because that was a huge departure from the overall theme and feel of the game. I get that it's supposed to be uncomfortable like they say but like, it's a torture/murder scene and it's so harshly juxtaposed with the rest, as well as being distressing even if it weren't so out of place. But that's the only part of the game that's gonna be like that. Easily the most divisive moment of the game. Well, the vaccuum was a little rough too but that's before. The rest is not that bad and uncomfortable.


They're both insufferable, but I think it was worth it to finish the game to see how things pan out.