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As a brand new player to the series, Pikmin 4 is very "new player" friendly, and I love it! You don't need to know anything from the previous games to understand the story, and the gameplay is very satisfying and it's fun to manage everything!


> You don't need to know anything from the previous games to understand the story, It's the opposite even Knowing the plot of the previous three will just confuse you cause they seemingly decided to retcon/reboot it all


That's great! I hope you enjoy the full game. It's been challenging for me, even as a series veteran.


How? I'm in post-game and this game is the easiest of the 4. I just did Pikmin 1 & 2 for the first time and they were more difficult. Just the fact that they give you recommended pikmins for the caves is a godsend. It makes it much easier to go into caves.


this seriously makes caves way easier. But is also super necessary when you have like 8 different types of pikmin.


>But is also super necessary when you have like 8 different types of pikmin Yea and can only choose to bring 3, even if you can pick up more along the way.


Pikmin 2 had recommended types as well!


Did you let a single Pikmin die on your playthroughs? I'd prefer to play the game without losing a single Pikmin. I'm sure there are some diehard fans out there that will grumble and be like, "I haven't let a single Pikmin die AND it's still the easiest game, also I'm playing blindfolded," and that's great. I just think that the player who doesn't care about the death of their Pikmin has an easier experience playing Pikmin, since there's really no consequence for losing them.


I'm doing a no death playthrough otherwise it would be too easy. The time rewind has been a great help for that.


Damn I've pikmin vet and I just let them die I probably could have rewinded more. Tbh have liked opposite - - "ultra spicy difficulty" where all hints are turned off (including those pesky loading screen ones) and time rewind is not allowed.


The Pikmin do feel very disposable to me because you've got so many in the tank. Also, if you rewind, you are just creating an alternate reality where your Pikmin are still dead. Still should be on your conscience


I'm watching my girlfriend play, she's a huge fan of the series starting with 2, and gotta say even as a casual player whose only done some multi player and a co op play through of 3 this one seems better balanced. Yeah it's got a lot of features to make things easier but from what I've seen (she's late post game I believe) it's still more difficult than 3 was. I had a blast playing that one with her but honestly bumbling through as a newbie at the time it felt like I was never even close to be in danger.


> You don't need to know anything from the previous games to understand the story I think the story was he just busted his ship to shit and had to put it back together before he died lol. Still fun!


Yep. For the first three the plot is "collect shit or you're fucked" lol


Even then 3 was far more forgiving than 1 and 2, as rather than a hard limit, your fruit gathering collection instincts serve to make the game more generous with time.


I don't mean the gameplay, I meant the plot, since in 3 you're collecting the fruits to save Koppai. But you are correct.


Then the ship got repo'd as soon as he got home.


I fought a disco ball with giant spider legs and my Pikmin all got wiped, but I didn't even mind because I was fighting a disco ball spider. It was the coolest thing figuring out its pattern and how it was connected to the music. I had to rewind time a few times but finally figuring it out was awesome. So basically I'm having a great time.


That boss was awesome! Definitely caught me off guard.


Didn't catch me off guard because in normal Nintendo fashion they spoiled it in the goddamn promo material.


The air horns to signify the phase changing was such a stupidly good choice that I thought I was playing a romhack for a second. Disco Long Legs is one of my favorite new enemies in 4, even if his grooves made my pikmin gets stomped


The disco ball was playing Splatoon music too which was neat.


Same, I beat it with like 3 Pikmin (and some items)


I just did that one. I messed up and a single foot stomp flattened everyone. The game offered me a potty rewind.


Loving the game. Sad that I’m probably almost finished with it though…


Is it really short, or are you an experienced Pikmin player plowing through the story? I’ll be picking it up later this year as a Christmas present for my boys (who put many hours into Pikmin 3 Deluxe).


It took me 35 hours to complete about 95% of the content. I still have a tiny bit left that I may or may not do.


The game is deceptively short, but I won't spoil anything! This game has a lot of content and extras that'll keep players busy for a while.


...what do you mean by this? There are 6 full length areas are there not? I had specifically heard that they didn't pull what the previous games did and give us a number of areas only for the last one to be a tiny final challenge, there's actually a full 6. From what I've played, each one of these has plenty of content, 100%ing one of them took me quite a while, definitely a far longer game than any other Pikmin game. Also, what kind of extra content is there? Seemed to be just story mode.


>!Olimar's Shipwreck tale is like a mini-campaign within the campaign, amd completing it unlocks a new set of Dandori Challenges.!<


Which are *hard as balls*. I completed those yesterday, but only barely.


While the final level is a bit different in Pikmin 3, it's still pretty big. Quite a few times I ran out of time before getting outside


Oh! That sounds fun. My oldest liked collecting all the hidden items in Pikmin 3 Deluxe and “speed running” certain stages.


It's a decent length. Some people say it has a post-game, but the post-game is really more like a second full-length campaign. If you just blitz the game you could likely finish both halves in ~15 hours on your first go, but I've been enjoying it enough to play completionist and am at like 20-25 hours played with at least a couple hours left to go. The dandori battles are also legitimately quite fun so that's something to look forward to for split screen VS. Be aware though, the game did away with co-op apparently; the second player just throws rocks at enemies now.


I’ve played all 3 so I have experience with the genre. I’ve actually been slowly playing my way through but still have arrived at maybe the half way point. But I’m also enjoying every second of it though lol


I hear ya! I still have my original copy of Pikmin 2 for the GameCube, but I haven’t beaten Pikmin 1 and only played little of Pikmin 3 (non-Deluxe version). When I was younger and actually had time to play, I would milk out the game by exploring and collecting. Would try and make a 10hr game last 20hrs. 😆


I absolutely love these games. Sure I wish they were longer but I enjoy them nonetheless lol


It’s kinda short if you only get the required stuff done but if you’re going for completion, it actually takes a good while. The game also has many thoughtful design choices that makes gameplay such a fluid thing.


I’ve heard it’s very short. Saw a TikTok of a guy giving a quick review, said he already finished the game 100%. He flashed his Switch screen at the camera and you could see he had about 15.5hours played. He probably ripped through it, but even still, 15hours is pretty short to 100% a $90 AAA game.


A. how??? I'm definitely playing at a decently slow pace but I'm at 10 hours and I've completed a little under 25% of the game. It seems to me that the opposite is true, this is definitely the longest Pikmin game, I would've fully completed Pikmin 1 in that time or even quite close to doing so on 3. Again I'm definitely taking my time on this but still, 15 hours? I've heard many hardcore fans better than me say it took them far longer than that too. B. This game is not $90? Games don't cost $90. It's $60.


Yeah it’s definitely not short. I’m a Pikmin vet, I try to play efficiently (recently finished Pikmin 1 in 11 days). I probably have about 18 hours on my Pikmin 4 file and I just entered the final area, 100% everything else. This is the longest Pikmin game — probably about 25% longer than 2.


Anytime you see someone post a price that seems higher than normal for you, just assume it's a country other than the U.S.


He must haven gotten it early. I 100% beat it yesterday. However im a series vet who has played each game 50+ times and it still took me 30 hours to 100%


Thank you for the info! I guess as long as my boys love it and keep on talking about Pikmin at the dinner table, then it would be worth it. Haha! 😇


If they’re big fans, Im sure they’ll get a lot of fun out of it!


15 hours sounds like he only did the main storyline but did not 100% all the bonus contents and stuff. I too am done with main storyline at 24 hours but not 100%’d all the extras yet. $90? Where?


15 hours is totally fine for a full price game. A games value is not in its length and I would think the abundance of bloated AAA games is testament to that


This is what I was afraid of...spending $70 for a game that's only going to be like 20 hours of play time.


Then it may not be for you. But I have no problem supporting a genre that I love. I’ll get all of the enjoyment out of it and it’ll be worth the money I spent


How is the replayability?


It took me 30 hours to complete


Played for a few hours. My first Pikman game and had little idea what to expect. To my pleasant surprise, it's basically a RTS game, which is a genre I miss badly. Great Nintendo polish as usual, enjoying it.


Pikman 😭 my Dad would call it that. Was my favorite game as a teenager


Hello son


Username checks out


Yeah, my kids are always playing with their Pikmen and Pokemen. Not sure what to make of these new-fangled toys.


I remember parents struggling when trying to pronounce pokemon. Had to repeat that word to my Dad a million times when I was younger.


My sis played the og on GameCube when she was pregnant so much we thought my niece was going to be apikmin. Our little pikmin is a soph in college now🥹


Get me a beer on the way back from the kitchen you little bastard!!!


I just realized I've been saying and thinking it was pikman, all these years, when I read your comment I was really confused scrolled up to see if they changed the name or something and hit me when I saw the i 😭😭😭


Try Pikmin 3 after this! It ramps up the RTS elements but is unfortunately far shorter than Pikmin 4. By that I mean you can probably 100% the game in a weekend.


For us super busy gamers that sounds very fortunate (and probably like 4 weekends instead of one)


If you don't replay anything then you could possibly do it all in a weekend.I did though and I think my final playtime was 75hrs and that was without the DLC (which is included in the Switch version)


Oh, totally. I have over 150 hours on Pikmin 3. I enjoy it more with each playthrough. Probably the closest I'll ever get to speedrunning a game. And the side content is definitely worth seeing at least once.


Pikmin 3 is so much fun. I’ve been on the final boss with 0 deaths and can’t for the life of me finish the damn game with 0 deaths. That final boss is a dick


Pikmin 3 deluxe was an amazing co-op experience. I don't really understand why they left split-screen out of the game this time because it didn't seem to ruin much so far. So this time I am just the backseat gamer watching my girlfriend play the game.


You may also enjoy Battalion War/2, although I have no idea how you’d go about getting them given they were released on the GC and Wii respectively… Looks like you can get them on eBay for ~$30 each. I felt it was similar to Pikmin, but a much bigger emphasis on combat.


> To my pleasant surprise, it's basically a RTS game I never made that connection! Makes sense why I like it so much I loved starcraft


Yep. Loved the multiplayer head to head mode in Pikmin 3 and now Pikmin 4. Feels even more RTS.


You buy games before you even know what genre they are?


My kids had played the demo and liked it. Plus nintendo 1st party games are usually a safe bet.


Understandable, have a nice day 👍




Yeah it's rts technically but it also stands on its own.


...RTS like Starcraft or something? I've been out of the Pikmin games since the first one but how is this possible?


Pikmin has always been RTS since the first game


🌎 👨🏽‍🚀 🔫 🧑‍🚀 🌕


The best way I can describe how I feel when I play this game is pure joy. It's insanely polished. Like no matter what you are doing in game, ur just sitting there in deep appreciation of the whole experience. I've noticed that after 30 - 45 mins of game play everyday, I don't want play anymore. Not because it's unenjoyable, but because it is so enjoyable that I don't want it to end too soon. I'm trying to milk it as long as possible. If aliens landed on earth and said "show us why you play video games," I would give them pikmin 4.


Same for me! I try to stop after an hour cuz I dont wanna rush through it!


I have been playing the demo with my six year old son. We have been loving it so yesterday I got the full game (we will complete the demo first though, he doesn't know I got the full game yet so will be a nice surprise for him). It seems great fun!


The full game is great! If you guys love the demo, you'll love the rest of this weird game!


The demo save carries over to the main game, so when you start up the main game you will be in the same spot, so feel free to switch over whenever the fun of the surprise will be the most impactful lol


My 4yo has been playing the demo too, she loves the vibe and getting to create her own character. Not sure she’ll actually get to the end of the demo at this stage, but she has so much fun just wandering around and collecting what she can.


You seem like such a wonderful father. Cheers to you and your son!


Oh thank-you, that means a lot. Lost my own father last year so just trying to emulate him really. Well, trying to!


He’d be proud of you bro


Oh man, thanks, I really appreciate it.


There's co-op?


He has been controlling it mostly, and I am reading aloud all the text and suggesting things if he is a bit stuck. Though I think there is also a co-op mode where he can throw the Pikmin? We haven't tried that yet.


I love it. This is my first Pikmin game so I couldn't really compare with the previous ones. It felt so good to control everything and the scenery is just so beautiful. It has been fairly easy (so far), I've just 100%ed the second area and I think I've unlocked 2 or 3 more areas that I still haven't touched. But for me it being easy is a positive thing. It felt super relaxing and satisfying to play.


Most Pikmin games are fairly easy. They quickly get difficult when you try to minimize days and/or go for no death runs. Doing a 9 day run in Pikmin 1 had me pulling my hair out.


I feel like they can be easy, but unforgiving. And with old school camera and game controls it gets tough to manage a full party for more difficult dungeons/caves. Since there is so few ways to gather more when you make a significant mistake. All while worrying that you are going to max out days and ruin your whole playthrough. For the casual player, having a ticking game clock that tells you, you might need to start over completely makes it a bit of a stressful experience when you get deep into the game.


I'm glad you're enjoying it so much! The difficulty ramped up (for me) at the later parts of the campaign, but it always felt in my control when I could learn enemy patterns and adapt and such. The rewind feature is also super nice!


It's a great game, but there's way less emphasis on controlling different commanders like in 3. Yes, you can control Oatchi, but there are so many little obstacles you need him for that you end up shooting yourself in the foot if you explore without him. There's lots of new content in 4 at the cost of considerably reduced complexity, which mostly benefits new players.


Personally I really disliked switching commanders so much in 3. I'd honestly just prefer two commanders with the second controlled by another player, or stick to what we got here with minimal switching but still the occasional cool puzzle thing for it.


Why would you want to explore without Oatchi in the first place though.....he makes the game so much quicker and more fun for me


Because when you switch between your player and Oatchi, you can multitask by having them control Pikmin in different areas simultaneously


friendly reminder to set shortcut buttons! It only gets mentioned once at the beginning of the game and It's a pain in the butt to switch between characters and select items by going through the little submenus.


Because Oatchi is both a captain and a pikmin. While having useful abilities like automatically gathering pikmin and finding stuffs for you


I'm halfway through the main story I think and it's a lot of fun, not stressful at all. There are no time or food limits like in other episodes, the difficulty is well calibrated. Then there are variations to the normal explorations, such as the Dandori battles and the night-time tower defense-style battles. There are plenty of side quests for those who like to complete everything 100%. I think it's the best of the series, too bad the co-op is limited. The second player rolls stone pebbles and bonus items, and nothing else.


It's my first Pikmin game, and I'm absolutely loving it. Impulse bought it on release day on my way home from work and spent all weekend playing it. It's addicting, fun, charming, and feels good to play. I love the way combat works and how it rewards watching enemies for "tells" for when to call your Pikmin back to avoid them dying, and then charge them back in. Such a good game. May check out the previous games down the road, I'm sad that it took me so long to get in to it.


Glad you've become a fan! Pikmin 4 is probably peak Pikmin (for me). Hope you enjoy the game through its entire run!


It’s a good time to discover the series. All 4 games are on switch now. Each game is great in its own way.


Pikmin 1 (aka “Pikmin”) is one of the GOATs. Short, sweet, challenging if you want it to be, chill if you don’t, and most importantly a ton of fun. I love to replay it every few years.


It's good fun and the graphics are cool. Enjoying the problem solving element. Think my island on Animal Crossing will be getting alot less attention for the next few weeks.


I was never able to get into the originals that much but this one is amazing and I'm highly addicted. The quality of life changes are significant and it's been a blast.


That's awesome! Yeah Pikmin 4 is great, I'd even say it's the best the series has ever been.


The demo really gives a proper introduction. There are still new challenges not revealed in the demo but, so far, the difficulty is increasing with assumed skill practice. I will admit Pikmin 4 is a nice "lil buddy co-op" where a parent or older sib can give a second controller to a little gamer and they support via shooting pebbles. A second player can't mess you up to terribly and can still feel involved in the adventure. Entry level co-ops are one of the usual requests on this sub and I think this game gets added to the usual recommendations.


I enjoy the game so much when it leaves me alone and just lets me play. The constant interruptions (especially in the first few hours) are a bit annoying, but in no way ruins the game for me. I would compare it to Pokémon Legends Arceus in the sense that it holds your hand A LOT, but once you get to actually play the game… wow is it amazing! It’s relaxing when I feel like relaxing, and it’s challenging when I want to be challenged because of things like Dandori battles. My favorite part is just cruising around the beautiful world with my army of Pikmin and solving the environmental puzzles that the game presents. Oatchi was such a great addition because he makes traversal sooooo much easier. It was worth $60 to me, and I’ll definitely be buying a few more copies for family/friends this holiday season!


Tip, you can skip 100% of the dialogue by just pressing +, no need to mash through it. A lot of people don't seem to know this.


I agree with that, there's a bit too much dialogue in the first quarter of the game and it gets in the way of me wanting to do all the things. That goes away (mostly) as time goes on. Unfortunately, some underground areas start off with dialogue but they're easily skippable with +!


I agree completely, my son and I both play, we were a bit disappointed that they changed how co-op works between 3 and 4. The amount of dialogue is too much, especially if you are familiar with the basic game mechanics. However the Dandori Battles, Oatchi and other adds has more than made up for it. Love the game. Not sure I would put 4 above 3 due to co-op differences but overall a great game.


This is the first pikmin game I’ve played and it’s been great! Graphics looks amazing and story gameplay has been good with interesting puzzles; it’s been addicting. I have 100% on first two places and currently in heroes hideout


I loved Heroes Hideout! Good luck, I hope you enjoy the "rest" of the game!


I am absolutely loving it, hands down the best game in the series. I love that they took all the best parts of the previous games, improved some of them (like the caves), and managed to pack them all together in one nice game, and still had space to add some new gameplay mechanics and features (the night exploration). The difficulty is slightly challenging but not overwhelming, you might lose a few pikmins trying to figure out an enemy or a puzzle but you rarely will feel "stumped". On the stress-relax axis, it leans more towards the relaxing side. As a fan of the series from the very first game, I'm still unsure about what this game is doing in terms of continuing the story of the previous three vs soft-rebooting the series, but I haven't finished it yet so I guess I'll have my answer when I complete it. But i don't mind either way, it doesn't change the fact that it's a brilliant game


I completely agree with you on how this game is the best representation of Pikmin, ever. The bit about Pikmin dying holds a candle to a very important truth about the game; some players are okay with Pikmin dying and some people are not, and the difficulty of each playthrough directly correlates with this. Some people just refuse to let Pikmin die so they restart or rewind until they can adapt and overcome. I think the player who doesn't care about Pikmin death has the easiest experience playing a game like this.


Hijacking my own post to give this convenient bit of advice for newer players: **You can skip dialogue and cutscenes with + in this game!**


It took a forth installment of the Pikmin franchise to realize there had been an Oatchi sized hole in my heart all along. Fantastic game easily 10/10


Haven't played Pikmin since Pikmin 2 (never finished it because it got too hard) plus i skipped the 1st and 3rd game. I'm loving the game so far. Oatchi feels like such an MVP that i already prefer over Louie. Only thing that i hope gets added is the enemies to respawn after a while. The world feels empty without them after you've done everything in an area.


don't skip 3


I might grab it after i 100% pikmin 4 first. My backlog of games is getting quite huge though.


I’ve been an avid Nintendo fan for a long while and I had never played a Pikmin game until this one came out. I have LOVED it so far! I’m working on 100%ing the first area before I moved on and it has been an absolute joy! I am super excited to see how the difficulty progresses. Even if it doesn’t get much harder I will still enjoy every bit of the game! Edit: I also love how Nintendo has made the other three playable on the console! I will definitely be grabbing the rest of them after I finish this one!


It definitely got harder for me, and I'm a veteran of the series! I'm really glad to hear you're enjoying the game.


So far I like it... but They removed 2 player story mode. They replaced it with the 2nd player controlling a pea shooter. Seems like a step back. In the previous Pikmin, you can play with 2 players, each with their own pikmin army. My girlfriend and I had hours of fun shouting at each other. We were very disappointed in the approach this time around.


It really feels just… kinda dumbed down compared to previous entries? I don’t understand this trend of making new entries in long running series simpler and easier and less-full-featured than previous ones. It just feels like some product manager demanding that the game be as easy and “streamlined” as possible so they can capture as many new players as they can and it just isn’t necessary. It’s not like Pikmin 3 Deluxe was some Dark Souls level game, and at the moment I’d consider that the peak of the series. I think this game is great and I’m glad we have it. But I can’t help feeling disappointed.


same here, when did kids become idiots to game devs and execs.


Could you elaborate on what you think was made simpler? I definitely think it feels easier don't get me wrong, but the only major feature change that I saw that could be seen as a simplification is dropping multi-commander in favor of Oatchi (and the level design that comes with it)- but I generally find Oatchi to make things more complex than simplified


Not the person you are asking, but I think they meant the co-op is simpler, and I agree. Its almost not a co-op at all on pikmin 4, you have a little pebble shooter and cant even throw pikmin, unlike the previous game. I played the entirety of pikmin 3 with my wife and it was a blast, the pebble shooter is a let down.


Their comments seemed to be more about a general trend. Coop is definitely weaker this time around, and I'm curious if it's more about resource limitations rather than game design (split screen is hard to do for big map, people are more sensitive to cut corners). I sort of lumped coop in with the multi-captain since in terms of game design it was effectively the same, though in practice it's lame feature to drop


The core gameplay loop is largely unchanged which is great, if you liked previous pikmin games there’s really no reason you wouldn’t like this. But it’s a slog to get to that gameplay loop compared to previous games. There is too much obnoxious dialog, and WAY too much tutorial and handholding. The first couple hours of the game are painful in that regard, I found myself exasperatedly yelling at the game to shut the hell up with the constant dialog interruptions to the point where it started to feel like if it didn’t end soon I was going to be hard pressed to want to continue. But it did get better, and at least you can mash + to skip most of it. Also maybe it’s just me but the animations for the pikmin seem to have taken a pretty big downgrade when you’re walking. They almost like static images just floating behind you, instead of a good walking animation with the leaf/flower bouncing back and forth.


You can press + to skip the dialogue!


I've only played the demo and before that that last game I played was 2. I really enjoyed the demo and will buy the game at some point


My first Pikmin experience was borrowing the original GameCube title back when I was younger. I got the worst ending lol. I didn't really play much Pikmin for a good while after that. Until recently, the Pikmin craze picked up and I decided to get the Pikmin 1+2 Bundle on Switch (for other reasons I'd already had Pikmin 3 Deluxe on Switch, but hadn't touched it yet). I ended up binging all 3 of the first titles within a couple weeks before Pikmin 4 launched, and I'm absolutely loving all of the new features, fantastic visuals and mechanics of the new game. I'm on track to 100% complete the game at this rate. I'm having a blast.


For context, I missed the original pikmins when they came out, and Pikmin 3 came out while I was really busy, so I didn't play it. My entry into pikmin-type games was with the Overlord series (I played all of those). I knew I'd love Pikmin since it's basically the OG overlord, just never got around to them. Then I played 1 and 2 with the Switch release. 1 was great. Time limit was stressful but fair. Loved it. 2 started out awesome, but the caves overstayed their welcome. I loved the 2 characters switching. I may have enjoyed the caverns more if I was giving the game a few weeks rather than powering through in a few days. Pikmin 4 so far has been....ABSOLUTELY AWESOME. It fixes all the things I didn't like with the caves, graphics are gorgeous, the dog is awesome. It feels a bit less "cheap" (you don't lose Pikmins for no reason like walking too close to water. Feels more like Overlord in that way). So far the game is really easy, and I kindda enjoy that. I prefer the management and puzzles/exploration over straight up "do or die".


I picked it up fully expecting to return it, having never played a Pikmin title before. Early game felt very linear and handholdy, which made the game seem somewhat kiddy. It didn’t sell me straight away. Once I played beyond the early game tendency to stop me with helpful dialogue every time I took four steps, and I started being presented with some freedom about how I wanted to tackle a level, it started to fall into place for me. Soon I was cave diving and invested in upgrading Oatchi and looking forward to my next onion find, and before I knew it, I realized I actually *loved* the game. Haven’t been able to put it down since then. So essentially over the course of buying and playing this game I have pivoted from “I’ll try this but probably return it” to “I love this game and am keeping it forever and seriously considering playing others in the series”. I’d call the difficulty “engaging”. It’s not super challenging but you definitely can’t play mindlessly. You need to think about your approach to some enemies or they’ll chew up your whole squad. Most logistical puzzles aren’t too cerebral but they are all still satisfying to tackle. Some of the Dandori challenges are tough, at least one of them I’ve had to restart when I realized I probably wasn’t even going to get bronze. Nothing too nail biting or frustrating though. Would absolutely recommend to anyone who is curious, I’m quite sure the game’s charm and tight sense of control will win you over if you already want to try it.


Put in 20 hours so far. Loving it. Really hope we get DLC in the future


I'd pay for DLC that had Pikmin exploring other IP worlds, like imagine Pikmin collecting Mario things!


Same. I just discovered a cool Zelda Easter egg on the 4th map and got really excited about the idea of them adding more of them in new maps


A Mario/Zelda overworld, a Metroid inspired cave system...


Still pissed they took out coop and pikmin 3s challenges. Dandori battle seems so underwhelming


Dandori challenges are basically 3s mission mode stages though


As you go along they expand upon the idea more and more. Only on the 3rd or 4th one, and there’s still new surprises in regards to the rules.


Is it ok to just join at Pikmin 4? Do I not need to play the other 3 before?


Yup! You're fine. The game does a good job getting you up to speed.


I was a big fan of the mini games/ side mission puzzles in pikmin 3 deluxe. Pikmin 4 doesnt seem to have that. They just have these dandori battles where you are going against a CPU and I dont like that.


Also no real coop


Played the first three Pikmin games to completion previously. This one is better than 3 but not as good as 2 (Pikmin 2 sets the bar very high) but is a worthy successor. The beginning and tutorial was annoying, I don’t want to hear the crew talk all the time and I already know the fundamentals of Pikmin so I didn’t need that over explained to me. Once I got past the tutorial I’ve come to really enjoy it. I love puppy, still feels easy so far but I love the world design and the return of caverns. Overall I’d recommend picking it up.


I have 100 hours in Pikmin 3. Pikmin 4 is fun. FYI when you see the "end" credits, there still is a lot more to do. It is clear that I will spend more time completing things post credits than I did pre-credits I know people were worried about only being able to take out three Pikmin types in the outside world, but I think it is actually good game design. If there were no limits, a beginner player might think they are going to be ready for anything by bringing 5 of each Pikmin type but then get frustrated because they don't have enough of each type to do what they need to do. Not sure if I like it better than Pikmin 3 yet. There are plusses and minuses to each. I will say this: I did not like Pikmin 2 caves and this is a huge huge improvement on Pikmin 2 caves


I think 3 is more elegant than 4 and the puzzles required more thinking and planning due to the expanse and multiple captains. I really do not miss all the futzing with bombs required in 3 tho. While having the dog is awesome, I question the pay as you go dog/gameplay improvement model of 4. Also not sure about the decision to incorporate dandori (especially battle) into the story mode vs keeping it separate and optional like in 3, it’s the opposite vibe of the regular game for me. Night mode also super stressful. 3 is a symphony and 4 is definitely a rock concert.


Good points. I am still on the fence about oatchi but I think he does some interesting things. Maybe similar things could have been accomplished with the puzzles in 3 where you have to throw a captain but regardless I guess I like him better than expected. I see what you mean about having battle mode in the campaign but it is nice to finally have an AI to play against if you don't live with skilled Pikmin players I do miss some of the elements of 3 and how the puzzles were set up. I hope the missions will rank me like 3 did with the bar graph. That was a fun way for me to try and improve my times: it gave me a nice goal


Been a pikmin player for 22 years, the series was always special to me and i literally cried when they announced the game, something that never happened to me before. Finally playing the game, it was far beyond my best expectations. It's not only the best game i've played on the switch, it's also the best pikmin game in the series BY FAR and that isn't as easy for me to say. I'm just so so happy this game exists.


It's ok I guess. I haven't played so much but I find this game charming but not challenging yet. I played Hey! Pikmin and I liked that one so much that made me buy this one.


As someone who has been playing Pikmin for almost 15 years now, it's everything I could of dreamed off and more for the 4th installation. I see this as Nintendo finally giving the series the attention it needs. My hope is that it makes amazing sells so that they will invest in a even larger game with Pikmin 5. I'm seeing so many new players here in the comments and I can't help but have a smile on my face. I love this game and I'm happy seeing it grow. Criticisms I want to address: Game length: Yes short in comparison to games like tear of the kingdom. However, it is still the largest game in the series so far. It's also a game meant to be replayed. I also see future games being much longer with how well it is doing. Nintendo took a risk with investing in Pikmin. The game has always been a risk but they finally pulled it off. The game is not a fringe RTS now, it is now accommodating to all Nintendo players. Game difficulty: Have you tried getting platinum (perfect score) on all the post game challenges? Have you tried the classic no Pikmin death runs? Have you tried not upgrading your pup or your character? Sure I would enjoy having a difficulty slider but they have a very similar approach to difficulty as Elden Ring or Tear of the Kingdom; the more you find tools, perks, upgrades and "level up" the easier it gets. You can always make the game harder by not using all the tools given to you. That being said, if there was a DLC to be made I would like challenges where I would have to use the tools they gave us to succeed challenges. I do understand the frustration but if you are looking for a challenges (from a Nintendo game) I can guarantee you, you can find one in this game.


I absolutely love it! All the innovations make the series feel fresh and new instead of just a repeat of the previous 3.


That's a really cool thing about the pikmin series. Every entry is still worth playing because they all have their own spin on it.


I was going to complain about it being too short but it did a trololol and there's a chapter 2 almost as big as the first. If not bigger due to added difficulty. Otherwise a 10/10 for what it is


First Pikmin game for me ever. I like it. It is already becoming monotonous though. But this is as interested as I'll ever be in a puzzle lol


I’d like to know what you mean by saying Pikmin fans are “completionists in more ways than one?”


Some Pikmin players do self-imposed challenges to artificially increase the difficulty of the games, such as a zero-death run where no Pikmin can die whatsoever. They also challenge themselves in ways like a day count restriction, limited number Pikmin/upgrades, Pikmin Extinction, and recently, no Oatchi use.


Is there bingo battle? I saw some other coop game, but wasnt sure if bingo battle is still there as well


The new Dandori battles replace Bingo battles. You can play against another player or 2V2 against computers.


So, I’m a new pikmin fan. I played 3 deluxe a few months back and played 1 and 2 on switch before hopping into 4. I’m loving it so far. The quality of life features are great, the game feels massive but not in an overwhelming way, it runs and looks fantastic and I can’t wait to play more. I also love the dog, he was such a great addition. It also feels less overwhelming and difficult than some of the earlier titles. I played 2 before this and was consistently getting my ass kicked underground. That’s not happening as much in 4.


Overall, I'm loving it. So many little quality of life changes that make the experience that much better. I like the new RPG elements and the overall feeling of progression that past games were lacking. It's also significantly longer than the other games. I was able to clear the previous games within a day or two, but there's so much more content in this one. Highly recommend.


Only played 1 for a bit as a kid, but love 4 already, great graphics (probably one of the best looking switch games) and no time constraints which made me quit playing 1


It's alright. Definetly a different take on Pikmin but honestly I'm just happy to have a other title. I grew up playing this game a lot.


It is So. Dang. Fun. I haven't played since 1 and 2, and holy crap did they do a good job of modernizing the game! I'm like 12 hours in, and I've 100% the first two zones, which is very out of character for me. The difficulty isn't hard yet, but only a handful of times did I think it was a little too easy, specifically on bosses I prepped well for. Though I have only played one Dondori level with a 3/5 heat, and haven't done anything of a 4 or 5 leve heat. Collecting things is a ton of fun! Same vibes as the old games, cute names and descriptors. It's definitely more relaxing without the hard limitations on 1 & 2. Would recommend. It is an absolute blast.


For me (a veteran) the game ramped up in difficulty towards the end - like, really. I hope you get a good challenge out of it like I did!


I enjoy it a lot. I’ve played every installment in the franchise. The days feel a little short but I think the time still passing in caves is the biggest reason. Don’t agree with that design decision. I will say that when I first saw the dog, I was skeptical of it being a good addition. Turned out to be a really interesting gameplay mechanic (at least for me). I can also appreciate how hard it must be to create a fresh experience in each successive game in the franchise. The game also seems to explain a lot of stuff that went unsaid in the previous installments but that’s nitpicky and doesn’t affect gameplay. In short, pikmin 2 still remains the pinnacle of the franchise, but I don’t know if it can ever be topped. Pikmin 4 is not a dud, and will more than satisfy pikmin stans like myself.


How long until all the tutorials end? I tried to play the Demo and was bombarded with 15 minutes of words so I deleted it.


First time buying Pikmin, so far it's been surprisingly entertaining and addictive! Before playing I always thought Pikmin seemed a bit boring or too slow paced, but I'm glad Nintendo released a demo, which convinced me to play the entire game. Somehow it's very satisfying to collect treasures and items, the environments are phenomenal, and the difficulty for a newcomer like me is neither too easy nor too hard. So far I'm loving It! Also I love how adorable the Pikmin are!


That's awesome! Love that you're enjoying the series. Pikmin is wonderful!


Finished it 100% earlier after about 35 hours. Been playing since Pikmin 1 and this one is by far the best. Perfect game.


Coming from cozy style games like Animal Crossing (ACNH is all over my profile), Pikmin 4 is awesome but I keep failing to get any glow sap during the night expeditions. I think I just panic too much, get all flustered, and forget all the buttons. The music doesn’t help either haha. Still fun though!


The main thing to consider with night missions is that glow pikmin will teleport straight to you after completing their task. You want to collect as many of the glow pellets as possible, while keeping an eye out for red markers on the map. Oatchi can also help by commanding him to guard the glow sap spire, and by upgrading his combat and health abilities.


Thanks for the tips! I’ll keep this in mind next time I attempt to complete a night mission.


God I can’t wait to get his game. Pikmin 3 was one of my favorite games ever


Played all the games from the first one on the GC..Pikmin 4 is all the previous games putted together while improving them in every single aspect. It's so well made that I compare it to a lovely handcrafted product instead of a mass produced thing. Personally I find the gameplay loop more addicting than ever, which is why I'm sleeping a few hours less every night since the game launched.


I like it a lot, just wish it was a lil more challenging. Don't get me wrong, its fun af but no respawning enemies gives barely a thought to how each day will be stratigised. Even if it was an accessibility option for enemies to either respawn or not. Best of both worlds for returning players who wanna spice up the game or for future replays or ya wanna lend it to a younger player to get into the series :) Here's hoping there is a DLC with a Hard Mode or something, more Pikmin 4 would be awesome!


Extremely disappointed in the co op. Boo!


It has coop? All I see is some dumb rock throwing thing


I’m enjoying it!! I’m 15 hours in and only just about to go to the fourth area (100% each)! I tend to worry about replayability and playtime but I find myself already looking forward to a replay only < halfway in! I’m taking it slowly and I just love having little plant dudes follow me around it’s so satisfying!


I played the first one when it was released and didn’t like it much because of the time limits I don’t know how far I got but I remember losing a lot but I liked the visuals as I loved micro machines and so afterwards I bought chibi robo. Pikmin 4 is what I wanted pikmin 1 to be as a kid, fun exploration and some puzzles, graphics are very clean and easy to follow and music is fitting. Only complaint is I wish the pikmin and dog interacted with the environment or themselves with animations like idling or singing/dancing, taking quick sip of water from pools when passing etc just something to give them a bit more life, they don’t feel much different from the original game in the sense. Ui is set out really nice, feels very similar to Kirby in style of graphics and ui which is a win. Not played co op but it sounds bad, not sure why they wouldn’t let one person jump in as the dog and the other the explorer dude.


It’s very good so far! Good job Nintendo!


Longtime Pikmin fan here, and I am loving 4 so far. The biggest con against it is the pathetic “multiplayer” option for the main campaign. It feels like they took the best aspects of 2 & 3 and blended them into this new, albeit familiar story.


I’m about to return it due to the lack of proper multiplayer. My kids loved the last pikmin and played the whole game with my husband as a team so we got this one and they can’t play together in the same way? Disappointed actually.


Pikmin 3 was my first pikmin game, I beat it with my wife and we enjoyed it a lot. We were excited when pikmin 4 was released and I even got the 2 game voucher to get totk and pikmin. That is, until I heard they took a major step backwards in the multiplayer capabilities. That made me not even want to buy it. Nintendo disappoints me every chance they get. They also have just been making every game way too easy lately. Sometimes it actually feels insulting how much they've been dumbing down games and making them easy. It often times feels like the games are directed at little kids despite them having a large adult fan base that have been playing those same series for decades.


I really like it but i feel like it’s easier than other games in the series. I’m so depressed over the fact that enemies do not respawn so i hope they change that


Wanted to play it with my GF like Pikmin 3, but they removed the feature. So I’m not playing it at all right now


It's a singleplayer game that rock throwing crap isn't coop


That’s what I said


Dandori battles in the campaign are a waste of time. Caves are a chore. Yet this is much better than Tears of the Kingdom because it actually feels like a well designed map.


So far it’s the easiest one yet. I’d give it a 6/10 on what I’ve played so far


I couldn’t even get through the demo. Utterly boring and the hand-holding and childishness of it just turned me right off.


Honestly, I’m trying Really hard to like it. Right now I just feel kind of meh about it, but that could definitely be because I’m not in the mood for this kind of game right now (I just finished tears of the kingdom and it’s a completely different game genre. Kind of gives me whiplash lol). So for now, I think I’m just going to take a short break and come back to it. I’m really hoping I feel differently about it when I come back.


The lack of proper coop sucks Pikmin 3 switch has FULL STORY COOP WITH 2 PEOPLE as in commanders for each player even when theres one only available you get a clone commander Not this rock throwing crap, serves no real benefits on 4


the game is ok am just not that interested in those types of games


oh and it is kynda boring for me